Politico's Russia Derangement Syndrome

Once upon a time, there were journalists. But Satan appeared in his red cloak and horns, casting a curse upon almost all of them. Henceforward, they would become his slaves. No, they did not receive their official set of red cloak and horns, but they were rewarded with sizable paychecks. But with the riches came madness, one in which we alligators and neurosturgeons have labelled RDS. No, it's not RSD (really stupid Dimocrats). This syndrome of slack-mindedness will be listed in the upcoming DSM-6. (Please do check out DSM-5 from AU Press, $250, or DSM-4 for $58.75. AU promises swift delivery).

Oh, end of commercial interruption. (But please call now 1-888-allig8r within the next 30 minutes of reading and we will double the offer). RDS, for those lacking adequate psychiatric knowledge is of course the dreaded Russia Derangement Syndrome. Doctors at Alligator University Medical School (and schools of better repute) have confirmed that this malady first evolved from a form of Pox Virus, Calamitas Clintonensis, in late 2015 or early 2016. It has thus infested much of the United States but strangely has penetrated remarkably little beyond our borders. Perhaps, foreigners posses some sort of immunity (something like Comey-granted immunity) from such contagion.

We (meaning my medical colleagues and I) have discovered that the virus is very persistent, and is not curable by sunshine or oxygen. No vaccines are available. Symptoms of RDS include:

babbling at the mouth, sometimes with foam
loss of reasoning ability
shaking and/or paralysis
finally leading to brain liquefaction.

The course of the illness is unknown due to its short duration since discovery. We suspect that many of the afflicted will carry disease until they fall over, dead. Now this definition of death precludes brain death as the criteria (since brain liquefaction prevents cognitive activity), but is determined by loss of heart function. Some of the more empathetic of my fellow alligators and doctors say that people with RDS are genetically susceptible to this malady due genetic predisposition called Tim Woodsman syndrome.

My contention is that the Tin Woodsman syndrome is actually a precursor to the PTB disease. But we shall dispense with debate about the genetics of RDS, instead discuss a case study of RDS for its heuristic value.

Originally I stumbled across this while searching the inter tubes looking for some good good breakfast hash, by my clumsy claws typed in "hashtag" instead. Thus I came up with this:
Russia pushes more deep state hashtags

The Hamilton 68 dashboard launched in August to track activity in a network of 600 Twitter accounts identified as being Russian-influenced. Some of those accounts are official Russian state propaganda, like RT or Sputnik; others are bots; and still others are independent voices consistently sympathetic to the Kremlin. While these 600 accounts represent just a fraction of Russian-influenced activity on Twitter, the idea is that they can provide insight into larger Kremlin efforts...

Hamilton 68 was designed to track Russian-influenced accounts, but Morgan said that it would be a mistake to assume that all online disinformation campaigns — including all the activity around #ReleaseTheMemo — are the work of the Kremlin...

Going forward, Morgan said he would be particularly watching the #qanon hashtag, also called “The Storm,” which refers to a wild “deep state” conspiracy theory that has grown popular in the far reaches of 4chan’s message boards. The theory, apparently originally posted by an anonymous commenter called “Q,” is a reference to an October 2017 reference Trump made about the “calm before the storm,” and posits, among other things, that the president has set in motion a plan designed to take out the deep state forces currently arrayed against him and arrest Obama, former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and Sen. John McCain.

For those of you unaware of the third paragraph's meaning, I shall be posting further information, with the assistance of AU's IT School.

It should be apparent that the regurgitators and eviscerators reporters and editors at Politico have been stricken with the dread RDS, a bad case it seems.

I humbly request that those who read this, suggest a cure to mitigate (or fumigate) these afflicted Politicos, alleviating their suffering (and ours). Should they succumb to the treatment, they will be transported to dwell with their Master.

In the meantime, as a measure of my reptilian humanity*, I shall offer a paean (rhymes with pee-on) to those followers of the Red Cloaked Horned One attesting to my wishes for their future.

*If you doubt "reptilian humanity" exists, I suggest you read about national politicians and their embryonic scions. For further information about this topic, search for "megadonors" and "lobbyists".


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snoopydawg's picture

I looked at the Hamilton 68 website and I found it lacking any evidence of anything. This group is going on the false pretense of the intelligence agencies have concluded that Russia blah, blah, blah. I have posted the video of Clapper admitting that the intelligence agencies Did Not find anything evidence of Russian interference.

Hamilton says that they were monitoring certain hashtags such as fisagate, obamadeepstate and deepstatecoup. . What did they find?

None of these have taken hold
, but the flurry of new efforts indicated to Bret Schafer, an analyst for the Alliance for Security Democracy, which runs Hamilton 68, that the Russians would continue to push issues related to the “deep state.”

So Hamilton 68 hasn't found any evidence of Russia playing on Twitter, but what did Twitter find when they looked at the request of DiFi and Schiff? Let's see ...

Twitter declined comment for this story, but in a letter responding to a request from Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.) and Rep. Adam Schiff (D-Calif.) to investigate Russian activity related to #ReleaseTheMemo, the company’s general counsel said, “We performed a preliminary analysis of available geographic data for Tweets with the hashtag #ReleaseTheMemo. Our initial inquiry, based on available data, has not identified any significant activity connected to Russia with respect to Tweets posting original content to this hashtag.”

So Twitter hasn't any evidence to back up Politico's fear mongering either? Then what's the point of writing the article? Other than that continuing to push the Russian propaganda that seems to be filtering out?

As for a cure for RDS Alligator, I suggest a hard slap to the head and if that doesn't work then admit people to a psychiatric facility for a duration of time for people to take the cure of Wake the Hell up! You are being brainwashed and given a huge dose of Propaganda.

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“When out of fear you twist the lesser evil into the lie that it is something good, you eventually rob people of the capacity to distinguish between good and evil.”
~ Hannah Arendt

Alligator Ed's picture


So Twitter hasn't any evidence to back up Politico's fear mongering either? Then what's the point of writing the article? Other than that continuing to push the Russian propaganda that seems to be filtering out?

I may have to cut you in on some of my DSM profits--wanna buy a copy now? 10% off.

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snoopydawg's picture

@Alligator Ed

Why give a good scaremongering tactic that works? They now know that we have glomed on to their scare tactics like WMDs and other scary issues regarding needed military intervention so they decided to switch tactics and go for a softer target which will get them the same result.

Blaring headline this morning of Tillerson warning us that Russia is already interfering with the midterm election and so far there is nothing we can do to stop them. Besides giving them a warning that is that if they don't cease then they are risking further consequences.

I thought people would see through this finally. I mean come on, we are the strongest nation on earth right? There has to be something we can do to stop them?? Nope, we are willfully unprepared to do so.

Surfing ToP this morn I see there is a diary up on this. Sigh. I guess we're going to have to go with my option 2. No other choice. The disease has rotted through people's brain stems and only drastic measure will help.

Thanks for your generous offer. I'll take 2 at that price.

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“When out of fear you twist the lesser evil into the lie that it is something good, you eventually rob people of the capacity to distinguish between good and evil.”
~ Hannah Arendt

mimi's picture

as a consistently confused and dumbfounded clean-up lady of video material dropped into the 'basement dumpster' of what our 'embarrassed' hypocritical bureau chief (overseeing all US related news production of the studio for the German TV audience) claimed were our local archives, a gentle correspondent, who was a bit miffed and sometimes drank the 'hot-aid' medicine to calm her fears, told me that 'I don't have to follow and read twitter'. So, I saved myself the troubles doing it ... for a while. Then I started reading and following a couple 'truth teller's' tweets. Then I got miffed about this statistic taken from the Wikipedia page for Twitter

Content of tweets according to Pear Analytics
News (3.6%)
Spam (3.8%)
Self-promotion (5.9%)
Pointless babble (40.1%)
Conversational (37.6%)
Pass-along value (8.7%)

... and dropped reading tweets ... more or less ...

So, what's the whole thing about? How many people of the bottom 60% of the world's population read tweets of the 'truth tellers'?

In the end the sanity of poor people will correct the insanity of the rich people by the law of inertia.

Thank God for our own laziness.

PS: Then I remember some producer telling me, I should read Real Clear Politics instead of Politico. I was too lazy to find out who of the two is more biased to which direction and why. At that time, I think, I quit reading TOP amd started reading the EB. But I may mix that all up.

Today I am surrounded by people, who don't have a computer or don't know how to use them and don't do anything else with their smart phones than makeing some personal telephone calls, or are so unfortunate to have to use those damn phones and their apps to stay in contact with their loved ones and hate that they have no other choices.

Oh well, I am longing for their blissful ignorance and stop reading at all.

Damn virus makes me still addicted. So, Dr. Alligator Ed, how do you cure my addiction?

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Amanda Matthews's picture

@snoopydawg @snoopydawg @snoopydawg

in the bag!!

Page isn’t half as bright as Trump even. Picture that. Someone who can’t control their brain or mouth any better than Chitler.

EFIT: that’s pronounced Cheet-ler

EDIT: never mind.

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I'm tired of this back-slapping "Isn't humanity neat?" bullshit. We're a virus with shoes, okay? That's all we are. - Bill Hicks

Politics is the entertainment branch of industry. - Frank Zappa

Or is Putin your master?

Reptilian Taylor Swift Slit Eyes HD

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Alligator Ed's picture


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Lol, tried watching for a bit, but think I'll wait until they can produce footage of nictating membranes. And maybe some freaking lasers, to show us the shape-changing Shark People..

Being a 'Lizard Person' comes from the deficient human brain and heart, after all, even if they do tend to care only about 'the optics' where 'we, the victims' are concerned...

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Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.

A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.

Alligator Ed, and I too am fascinated by how this has happened, how so many intelligent people seem to have been automatized into believing a concoction. Maybe it's true that a lie repeated often enough will be believed as the truth. But the members of Congress who keep repeating the Russia falsehood just seem odd somehow. They're accustomed to lies. They're comfortable with lying. But I've never seen such lock step desperation to promote and prolong a falsehood. Clearly there is something to hide. And clearly it is something bad enough to generate this kind of nutty behavior.

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@Linda Wood The narrative keeps growing and growing with more and more accusations. It is not just one accusation anymore (Russians helped Trump), but now it infects the media and democratic party activists. Now Putin supports both BLM and the NRA and environmentalists opposed to fracking. One can see this in the conspiracy diaries on TOP from both front pagers and others. The comments slowly spin down the drain until the most bizzare and fantasitic fantasies are created and accepted.

But what may keep us out of war is that the Russian hysteria has not gotten hold among Americans the way Saddam did after 9-11. People don't see Russia in their daily lives. This may save us:

The Nunes memo made this congressman a national name. But his California district cares about water, not Russia

From the article: and this is true even in "liberal districts" as per Murphy (who seems to have punished for his remarks that people didn't care about Russiagate)

Here, some business owners and workers said they still believe Nunes can deliver on jobs. Farmers and growers tend to know him for water, not Russia.

"It's fake — the whole Russia deal," said John Cairns, a fifth-generation farmer who attended Cal Poly San Luis Obispo with Nunes and was in his same fraternity. "Washington is a totally different ballgame from what we are dealing with out here. We are going to support a candidate that delivers water to local farmers."

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EdMass's picture

Remembering the future.

Childhood's End.

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Prof: Nancy! I’m going to Greece!
Nancy: And swim the English Channel?
Prof: No. No. To ancient Greece where burning Sapho stood beside the wine dark sea. Wa de do da! Nancy, I’ve invented a time machine!

Firesign Theater

Stop the War!

TheOtherMaven's picture

Owd Bob wasn't that imaginative.

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There is no justice. There can be no peace.

Amanda Matthews's picture


Carter Page confirms he called himself an ‘informal advisor’ to Russia’s government — but let him explain

Page sat with Laura Ingraham on Monday night for his first interview since the release of the Nunes memo, and Ingraham pressed him on a Time magazine story over the weekend about how he had claimed in 2013 to be an “informal advisor” to the Russian government. In the 2013 letter to an academic press, Page wrote: “Over the past half year, I have had the privilege to serve as an informal advisor to the staff of the Kremlin in preparation for their Presidency of the G-20 Summit next month, where energy issues will be a prominent point on the agenda.”


It's totally taken out of context,” Page assured. “President Trump was at the G-20 last summer.... It’s a collection of countries from around the world.”

Ingraham cut in, trying to keep Page on-topic: “Yes, we all know that. But why would you write that?”



Ok. Does that do it for you? Are you convinced the Russians are running our government and we’re all victims of mind control? Or Russian stooges? (Choose the description that best fits you).Are you ready for three years of Xtian Fundy Fuckwittery? Do you think the impeachment hearings will be X Rated and will they be available on cd?

Between my own opinion that Page is basically a mediocre intellect brown-nosing opportunist with big dreams, I also wonder where the information leveymg providef the other day fits in;

WSJ confirms Carter Page was cooperating with FBI before he entered campaign


Having cooperated with the FBI in a counter-intelligence operation and later as a witness in the 2015 trial of a Russian intelligence officer, it seems implausible that Page could have been a willing secret agent of the Russians at any point thereafter. More likely, he was playing out a role assigned to him, perhaps under duress, by the FBI. Page was apparently sufficiently trusted by the FBI that he was allowed to travel to Russia several times before and after the Bureau busted the Podobnny cell in September 2014. [See FBI Affidavit for the Prosecution,
It should be pointed out that Page was never charged as an accomplice


So, do they finally have his hide nailed to the barn door? I can’t see what the connection is unless we are changing out legal system retroactively and making what was not criminal then criminal now. Of course he’s a Russian Stooge. So are Hillbillary. They not only swung that Uranium 1 deal, Bill got $500,000 in chump chamge. The family slush fund got $146 million.

Oh yeah. Can you podsibly forgive me for using a Faux video as backup? Oh wait, so did the Washington Post. Go figure.

EDIT - a bunch of typos
EDIT EDIT - freaking autocorrect

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I'm tired of this back-slapping "Isn't humanity neat?" bullshit. We're a virus with shoes, okay? That's all we are. - Bill Hicks

Politics is the entertainment branch of industry. - Frank Zappa

Alligator Ed's picture

@Amanda Matthews the Christian Science Monitor article presents the naivety of a school child when it states

In addition, the Senate Judiciary Committee has launched an investigation into the case, after The Hill published stories about Russian nuclear officials engaging in fraudulent behavior in the US around 2009.

According to The Hill, the FBI did not inform the Committee on Foreign Investments of its scrutiny of this behavior prior to the Uranium One decision. Right now there’s no evidence it was linked to the Rosatom deal, however. And perpetrators have already been prosecuted: in 2015, the Russian nuclear industry’s point man in the US, a director of a subsidiary of Russia’s State Atomic Energy Corporation named Vadim Mikerin, was sentenced to 48 months in prison for money laundering.

Yeah, like Bill and Hillary never talked about the Tenam and Rosatom "donations" and speaker fees. Yeah--not a quid pro quo izzit? I guess the devout Christians at the CSM believe heartily in the hear-no-evil, see-no-evil speak-no-evil doctrine. If Billary didn't get recorded saying "I'm granting you a license in exchange for the nice things you gave us" then there can be no collusion--right? Wink, wink, nudge, nudge.

I do use Faux spews for information from time to time. Example, the MSM never once mentioned the DNC Fraud Lawsuit on air while it was still pending. I have intelligent friends who do not avail themselves of alternative media, who knew absolutely nothing about this--and many other things due to the loyal MSM.

It is dangerous to deprive oneself of a possible news source which may have legitimate factual news just because of the underlying ideology of the presenters. One exception: the current Democratic party.

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snoopydawg's picture

@Alligator Ed

shenanigans and their bogus foundation. They believe that the money she got donated to her foundation during her tenure was actually going to be used for Providing AIDS drugs to people in Africa.

I haven't seen one person who defends her grafting state one other thing that her foundation helps. Do they really believe that the Saudis give a shit about people who have AIDS?

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“When out of fear you twist the lesser evil into the lie that it is something good, you eventually rob people of the capacity to distinguish between good and evil.”
~ Hannah Arendt

Alligator Ed's picture

@snoopydawg The first Mrs. Gator, despite having a masters degree from Northwestern University, still fails to see a chink in the Clintons' actions--like giving denatured AIDS drugs to Africa while pocketing millions in left over funds that would have paid for the real full potency drugs.


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snoopydawg's picture

@Alligator Ed

they will find a way to ignore it. Every now and then I still play with people on DK and give them my opinion on what they're talking about. I will provide links to reputable websites and they will still say that I'm wrong. It's just so unbelievable how people can have such blind loyalty to someone who doesn't give a rat's ass about them when they get into office isn't it? Sorry to hear about your wife.

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“When out of fear you twist the lesser evil into the lie that it is something good, you eventually rob people of the capacity to distinguish between good and evil.”
~ Hannah Arendt

snoopydawg's picture

@Amanda Matthews

I can’t see what the connection is unless we are changing out legal system retroactively and making what was not criminal then criminal now.

They are taking anything from the past and connecting it to the Russian actions during the election. I've seen so many people saying that this is the smoking gun that will get them to impeach Trump.
As I said in my first comment, the PTB know that people are on to them pushing propaganda in order to sell their wars they went in a different direction and are using political stuff instead. It's beyond belief how many people are buying this. Again.

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“When out of fear you twist the lesser evil into the lie that it is something good, you eventually rob people of the capacity to distinguish between good and evil.”
~ Hannah Arendt

@Amanda Matthews

I think you're right, it seems unlikely that they'd sacrifice Page to having known/worked with RUSSIANS!!! and even THE RUSSIAN GOVERNMENT!!! in the past under an FBI OK and will probably let him off, like Hillary Clinton, because of self-claimed incompetence and having made 'mistakes', unlike Trump, who 'colluded' (probably by having RUSSIAN!!! hookers pee on a bed, RUSSIAN!!! pee being the Very Worst Kind,) with RUSSIAN!!! FB puppy pic advertisers.

P.S., it's pretty much all faux news these days on the corporate media, isn't it? Only sometimes, some fraction of truth gets mixed in with the propaganda, perhaps just to torture us with hope that some accountability will one day be exerted over any degree of evil. Any port in a storm, though it is scary when 'right-wing' corporate news has moments when it becomes seemingly somewhat more reliable than the high spin of the 'centrist' corporate centrifuge.

Speaking of mind control - and a large segment of a population seemingly very readily convinced of very implausible and 'expedient' propaganda, with even what are described as typically better-informed and intelligent people reportedly becoming impervious to all fact in these specific areas, try including the 'MUST ATTACK RUSSIA!!!' agenda in the subject matter discussed in the following, especially more toward the end of the video. 'We have the technology'.


How to Fake an Alien Invasion


Published on 8 Feb 2015

SHOW NOTES AND MP3: https://www.corbettreport.com/?p=13551

We all know about the crude pie-plate-on-string UFO hoaxes that have been perpetrated in the past. But what if I were to tell you the greatest UFO hoax of all time is being prepared right now, and it has Rockefeller backing and UN/Vatican/presidential support? Join us this week as we peek under the bluebeam curtain at the great alien invasion false flag.

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Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.

A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.