The Evening Blues - 10-17-24


The day's news roundup + tonight's musical feature: Kid Thomas

Hey! Good Evening!

This evening's music features blues harmonica player Kid Thomas. Enjoy!

Kid Thomas - Rockin' this Joint Tonight

"Human history becomes more and more a race between education and catastrophe."

-- H. G. Wells

News and Opinion

Worth a click and a full read:

Censorship, War Propaganda and Fascism

The F-word of the moment is fascism. Establishment pundits, Democratic Party politicians, and corporate media are of one accord and agree that a Donald Trump presidency will bring fascism to the United States. All of them ignore the authoritarian nature of the state that already exists and the actions taken to date which can accurately be described as fascistic.

On October 13, the same day that the Israel Defense Force (IDF) bombed refugees at the Al-Aqsa Hospital and burned patients alive, the U.S. announced it was sending troops to Israel to man the THAAD missile system which will be used in the imminent attack on Iran. Congress has not approved such a deployment. Most citizens of the U.S. are unaware that their government has chosen to fulfill Israel’s long held fantasy of attacking Iran with U.S. help or that the repercussions could lead to a wider regional war with other nations.

Only avid social media users who know good sources of information were aware that the IDF incinerated sick refugees, including 19-year-old Sha'ban al-Dalou and his mother. Only defeated and soon-to-be former Congresswoman Cori Bush dared to say plainly what Israel had done, setting fire to people in hospital beds. ...

The giant elephant in the room is Palestine and now Lebanon and the bipartisan determination to support the zionist project after nearly 200,000 people have been killed by bombs, starvation, and illness in Palestine alone. ... The outcome of the presidential election hinges on whether or not Biden and Harris have the courage to even pretend that they will enforce a ceasefire or an arms embargo. Thousands of people, enough to change the outcome in battleground swing states, have vowed not to vote for Harris unless the killing stops. So far, she can only muster meaningless entreaties : “The UN reports that no food has entered northern Gaza in nearly 2 weeks. Israel must urgently do more to facilitate the flow of aid to those in need.” Israel is deliberately withholding food. Starvation is a weapon of war. For now, the Biden administration has given Israel 30 days to increase humanitarian aid with "... an implicit warning that the United States could curtail or halt those shipments." Of course, the deadline date is after the presidential election, which means the two countries are colluding, as Israel wants to use the time before Election Day to kill more people. Biden knows this and presents a ruse as some sort of breakthrough.

No one has to anticipate fascism should Trump win the election. It is the Democratic Party that has carried out a genocide, censored information about it, pressured the International Criminal Court and International Court of Justice to ignore obvious war crimes, and indulged in pretense about ending the carnage. It is Joe Biden who is about to embroil the U.S. in a war with Iran and its allies. Biden has prevented U.S. citizens from accessing the information they choose to seek out, the way that dictatorships do. No one has to look abroad or wait for Trump to see an authoritarian state. It is staring us in the face and will continue regardless of who is the next president of this country unless the people stop them.

Ex-State Dept. Official: Israel Is Starving Gaza Now. We Can't Wait Another 30 Days to Take Action

Matt Hoh : How to Stop the Slaughter

You’re Not Crazy. This Genocidal Dystopia Is Crazy.

You’re not crazy. They are crazy. The ones who are going around acting like everything’s fine. The ones dismissing the Gaza genocide as a “single issue”. The ones who don’t like it when you talk about this stuff because it bums them out. They are the crazy ones.

I say this because living in the west during a western-backed genocide can make you feel like you’re going insane. Like maybe there’s something wrong with you for not being able to go along as though your government isn’t helping Israel burn people alive, shoot kids in the head, deliberately destroy Gaza’s healthcare system, and target civilian populations with deadly siege warfare in order to annex Palestinian territory. Like maybe you’re defective if you can’t be as chill about all this as everyone else is being.

But there’s nothing wrong with you, and you are not defective. There is something very wrong with a civilization that could go along with all this. It is our genocidal dystopia that is defective.

History is rife with examples of horrific mass atrocities to which the majority of the population did not respond with the appropriate revulsion and urgency at the time. Slavery. The Holocaust. The systematic extermination of other indigenous populations in other settler-colonialist projects. Most of the people who now look back and judge those evils correctly in hindsight are sleepwalking right through their present-day reiteration in Palestine.

Those who stood against the mass atrocities of history tended to be in the minority, because if opposing them was conventional wisdom they wouldn’t have happened in the first place. This shows us that there is no correlation between conventional wisdom and real moral clarity. We cannot look to others to evaluate whether our position on an issue is the correct one, because history tells us that the majority is very often wrong on the most important issues in the present moment when it matters.

And the majority is wrong now. The ones flagrantly supporting Israel’s abuses are wrong. The ones who try not to think too much about what’s being done in Gaza and Lebanon are wrong. The ones who say it’s all so tragic and heartbreaking but it’s oh so very complicated and Israel has a right to defend itself are wrong. The ones who don’t oppose Israel’s atrocities but only oppose their own country sending boots on the ground or spending their tax dollars on it are wrong. The ones who know a genocide is happening but avoid making too much noise about it because they want to make sure the Democrats win the election are wrong. The ones who know it’s a genocide but don’t respond to this reality with the appropriate level of urgency, forcefulness and focus are wrong.

All around us we are bombarded with messages trying to gaslight into believing that we are the ones who aren’t perceiving reality correctly. These messages can be overt, like the propaganda of the mass media and the talking points of the Israel apologists we run into online. They can also be subtle, like the unspoken messages we get when nobody around us is talking about Gaza and how people grow uncomfortable when we do.

But those messages are lying to us. We absolutely are the ones who are seeing things correctly. We absolutely are the ones who are responding to this nightmare appropriately. They are the ones acting like a bunch of lunatics casually strolling around in the middle of a house fire.

Don’t look to others to evaluate your own level of clarity. In a civilization that has gone insane, you have to sort out what sanity looks like for yourself. When our leaders are throwing their support behind an active genocide in a society that is awash with propaganda-induced delusions, we’ve all got to be brave enough to stand on our own two feet.

US sudden ‘concern in Gaza is deflection and deception as it prepares for war: Marwan Bishara

Spanish MP Compares Israel Tactics To N@zi Tactics!

US demands proof that Israel does not have starvation policy in northern Gaza

The US has demanded proof on the ground that Israel does not have a policy of starvation in northern Gaza as it turned up the pressure on the Netanyahu government to allow more aid into the territory. The US ambassador to the UN, Linda Thomas-Greenfield, told the security council on Wednesday at a meeting convened by France UK and Algeria that such a policy “would not just be horrific and unacceptable” but also had “implications under international and US law”.

“The government of Israel has said that this is not their policy, that food and other essential supplies will not be cut off, and we will be watching to see that Israel’s actions on the ground match this statement,” she added. Her warning came after a US government letter sent to Israel privately on Sunday, warning it would partly cut off arms supplies unless the supply of aid was permanently transformed within 30 days.

The sudden surge in pressure is in part a response to growing fears that Israel may be trying to force Palestinians to leave northern Gaza using starvation, but also reflects a new assertive line being pushed by the US vice-president, Kamala Harris, worried her election prospects will be damaged if the administration is seen to have presided over an enforced mass exodus. Thomas-Greenfield also warned that civilians must not be declared combatants by Israel if they fail to obey instructions to leave northern Gaza.

Israel’s UN ambassador, Danny Danon, said Israel “remains committed to working with our international partners to ensure aid reaches those who need it” in Gaza. He denied there was a shortage of aid in Gaza and said the “problem is Hamas, which hijacks the aid – stealing, storing and selling it to feed their terror machine”.

UN statistics show the number of convoys crossing into Gaza collapsed in October.

"Itching for a War": Biden Deploys U.S. Troops to Israel as Netanyahu Threatens Escalation with Iran

Israeli strike kills Lebanese mayor at meeting to coordinate aid deliveries

The mayor of one of the largest cities in southern Lebanon has been killed in an Israeli airstrike that hit the city’s municipal headquarters during a meeting to coordinate aid deliveries to residents and those displaced by war. The strike, one of a series on Nabatieh on Wednesday morning, killed 16 people and wounded 52, the Lebanese health ministry said. Howaida Turk, the governor of Nabatieh province, said members of the provincial capital’s crisis committee were meeting at the time.

It was the most significant Israeli hit yet on a Lebanese state institution since fighting between Israel and the Lebanese Shia militia Hezbollah broke out a year ago, and followed a week of intensifying aerial bombardment across Lebanon. Efforts to rescue people stuck under the rubble stretched into the afternoon.

A government civil defence centre in Nabatieh was also hit by an Israeli airstrike, killing 50-year-old Naji Fahs, who had worked as a member of the emergency response force since 2002. Later in the afternoon, the Lebanese Red Cross said two of its paramedics were lightly injured after Israel struck a site in Joya, south Lebanon, where first responders were trying to rescue people injured in a previous attack.

Lebanon’s caretaker prime minister, Najib Mikati, condemned the attack, saying Israel had intentionally targeted municipal employees while they were meeting to discuss humanitarian aid efforts.

Late on Wednesday, UN peacekeepers again accused Israeli forces of firing on their position in a “direct and apparently deliberate” attack.

Israel Bombs & Invades Lebanon While US Pushes Regime Change & Civil War. Will it Work?

UN Peacekeepers in Lebanon Say Israeli Forces Fired on Them Again

The United Nations peacekeeping force in Lebanon announced Wednesday that Israel Defense Forces troops fired on one of its positions in the southern part of the country in the latest of a string of attacks that the mission said have injured five of its personnel.

"This morning, peacekeepers at a position near Kafer Kela observed an IDF Merkava tank firing at their watchtower. Two cameras were destroyed, and the tower was damaged," the U.N. Interim Force in Lebanon (UNIFIL) said in a statement. "Yet again we see direct and apparently deliberate fire on a UNIFIL position."

"We remind the IDF and all actors of their obligations to ensure the safety and security of U.N. personnel and property and to respect the inviolability of U.N. premises at all times," the mission added.

The IDF said Wednesday that "UNIFIL infrastructure sites and forces are not a target."

Wednesday's reported incident follows other attacks by IDF troops on UNIFIL positions in southern Lebanon. Last week, two Indonesian peacekeepers were injured when an IDF tank fired on an observation tower at UNIFIL's headquarters in Naquora. U.N. Secretary-General António Guterres condemned the incident as "intolerable" and said that it "cannot be repeated."

On Sunday, two IDF tanks forced their way into a UNIFIL post in Ramyah to request personnel to turn off their lights. IDF troops reportedly remained there for 45 minutes and set off smoke bombs, sickening numerous peacekeepers. The IDF admitted to these actions, claiming they occurred during an attempt to rescue wounded Israeli soldiers under fire.

That same day, Israel asked UNIFIL to withdraw its troops from Lebanon's border with Israel in order to keep them "out of harm's way."

Stephane Dujarric, a spokesperson for Guterres, replied that "peacekeepers remain in all positions and the U.N. flag continues to fly."

Djuarric noted that UNIFIL positions have been adversely affected 20 times by Israeli forces since the start of the IDF invasion of Lebanon earlier this month.

"Five peacekeepers have been injured during these incidents, including one peacekeeper who sustained a bullet wound," he said.

Israel Claims Hamas's Sinwar DEAD: Will War END OR EXPAND?

Israeli Soldiers Say Ethnic Cleansing Plan in North Gaza Is Underway

Three Israeli reserve soldiers have told Haaretz that they believe an ethnic cleansing plan is already underway in northern Gaza, where the Israeli military is trying to forcibly displace hundreds of thousands of civilians. ...

“The commanders say openly that the Eiland plan is being promoted by the IDF,” an Israeli soldier in the IDF’s 162nd Division told Haaretz.

Another soldier who is stationed at the Netzarim Corridor said, “The goal is to give the residents who live north of the Netzarim area a deadline to move to the south of the Strip. After this date, whoever will remain in the north will be considered an enemy and will be killed.”

The soldier added, “It doesn’t conform to any standard of international law. People sat and wrote a systematic order with charts and an operational concept, at the end of which you shoot whoever isn’t willing to leave. The very existence of this idea is unfathomable.”

Mohammad Marandi | Iran's WARNING to Israel: Preparing for the Ultimate Showdown!

US Politicians Are Pressuring Ukraine to Lower Draft Age to 18

A Ukrainian official said Tuesday that American politicians are pressuring Ukraine to lower the minimum age of conscription from 25 to 18 to make more young men available for combat.

“If this information has surfaced, I can confirm it: American politicians from both parties are putting pressure on President Zelensky to explain why there is no mobilization of those aged 18 to 25 in Ukraine. The argument of our partners is that when the US fought in Vietnam, people were drafted from the age of 19,” Serhiy Leshchenko, an advisor to President Volodymyr Zelensky’s chief of staff, wrote on Telegram.

Back in April, Zelensky signed a bill that lowered the minimum conscription age in Ukraine from 27 to 25. Leshchenko said that Zelensky is resisting the pressure to start conscripting 18-year-olds.

US cancels Ramstein, Zelensky in trouble

Guess Where Biden Is Sending EVEN MORE Of Your Money!

Florida sued over attempts to shut down TV ad in favor of abortion rights

The coalition behind a Florida ballot measure to enshrine abortion rights into the state constitution sued the state’s health department on Wednesday over its attempts to shut down an television advertisement supporting the measure.

The lawsuit is the latest volley in an escalating war between the coalition, Floridians Protecting Freedom, and Florida’s rightwing government, which has alarmed civil rights groups, fair elections organizations and even the Federal Communications Commission over its tactics to undermine the ballot initiative, which will appear before voters in November.

Earlier this month, the Florida health department sent cease-and-desist letters to local news stations over an ad featuring a woman, identified as Caroline from Tampa, Florida, who speaks about being diagnosed with brain cancer while pregnant. “The doctors knew if I did not end my pregnancy, I would lose my baby, I would lose my life, and my daughter would lose her mom,” Caroline says in the ad. “Florida has now banned abortion even in cases like mine.”

The letters, which were signed by John Wilson, Florida health department general counsel, said the claim that women can’t get life-saving abortions in Florida was “categorically false” and the state had the authority to criminally prosecute media outlets that continued to run Caroline’s ad. (Wilson left that job days after sending those letters.) At least one TV station stopped airing it, according to the lawsuit filed by Floridians Protecting Freedom.

Although Florida’s six-week abortion ban permits the procedure in medical emergencies, doctors across the country say such exceptions are worded so vaguely that they force doctors to deny patients abortions or wait until they get sick enough to treat them legally. A New York doctor recently told the Guardian that she had treated a woman with an ectopic pregnancy – which is nonviable and potentially life-threatening if left untreated – who had been turned away from a Florida hospital. ...

In its Wednesday lawsuit, which was filed in the US district court for the northern district of Florida in Tallahassee, Floridians Protecting Freedom asks the court to declare the cease-and-desist letters to be “unconstitutional coercion and viewpoint discrimination” and to block Florida’s government from following through on their threats of prosecution of media outlets.“Opponents of the measure are, of course, free to engage in their own oppositional speech,” the lawsuit reads, “but the state cannot use its coercive powers as the state to attempt to chill or suppress the speech of FPF or others who would speak in support of the amendment or facilitate that speech”. The lawsuit names Wilson as a defendant in his individual capacity, as well as the Florida surgeon general, Joseph Ladapo.

Footage of Arizona police punching and tasering deaf Black man sparks outcry

Phoenix police are facing widespread criticism following the release of body camera footage that showed two white officers violently using a stun gun on and punching a deaf Black man with cerebral palsy. On Monday, attorneys for 34-year-old Tyron McAlpin, who has been charged with resisting arrest and two counts of aggravated assault on a police officer, released body camera footage of McAlpin’s arrest on 19 August outside a Circle K convenience store in Phoenix, Arizona.

According to a police incident report, officers responded to a call about a fight in the store. ABC15 reports that the 911 caller said a white man was causing a disturbance in the store. The police officers, Benjamin Harris and Kyle Sue, approached the man who claimed that he was assaulted while trying to stop someone from stealing a bike. The man proceeded to point to McAlpin, who was walking nearby, as the aggressor.

Body camera footage showed the officers approaching McAlpin in a parking lot where they ordered him to lie on the ground. In the police incident report, Harris wrote: “His hands raised to deliver targeted punches at my face/head, and multiple swings with closed fists at my head.” Harris also claimed that McAlpin had a “fighting stance with his legs planted for stability and force delivery” and that McAlpin “made it clear to me in the moment that he was not simply assaulting me in order to get away but engaging in assaults to cause me harm and injury”.

However, the body camera footage as well as additional surveillance camera footage showed Harris lunging out of his car first and charging towards McAlpin, who initially had his arms by his side. The body camera footage proceeds to show one of the officers saying “tase him”, and while McAlpin is pinned to the ground, the officers stun him four times. The body camera footage also showed the officers punching McAlpin at least 10 times on the head and back.

At one point, a woman who identified herself as McAlpin’s wife arrived on scene and told the officers that her husband is disabled, according to body camera footage. “He’s deaf and he’s got cerebral palsy. And I’ve been on the phone with him since Circle K,” the woman, who was later identified in the police incident report as Jessica Ulaszek, said. “I’ve been on the phone with him the whole time. He didn’t assault nobody,” she added. ...

In response to the body camera footage, Andre Miller, vice-president of the Arizona chapter of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, said: “This brutal assault was due to the false claims of a white citizen, reminiscent of many falsehoods like Emmett Till that have claimed the lives of black citizens in America … Tyron was not a suspect in an actual crime, he had not done anything wrong, and he also has communication challenges,” NBC24 reports.

Even the military wants to get in on the action...

Pentagon’s New Plans To Use Lethal Force Against Americans!

the horse race

So, Killer Kamala is going to distinguish herself from Biden by being more business friendly and Republican than Biden. Yeah, that's what America needs. An empty pantsuit to replace an empty suit.

Kamala Harris pledges break from Biden presidency in testy Fox News interview

Kamala Harris said her presidency “would not be a continuation of Joe Biden’s presidency” in a testy interview with the rightwing Fox News channel on Wednesday night as she criticized Donald Trump over his continuing threats against “the enemy within”. The 25-minute interview, conducted after Harris held a rally with more than 100 Republican officials in Pennsylvania, was the first time Harris had sat for a conversation with Fox News, which has been a consistent supporter of Trump. ...

Harris was asked if there was anything she “would do differently” from Joe Biden, as Baier played a clip of the vice-president, in a previous interview, saying there is “not a thing that comes to mind” that she would have changed. That response has become an attack point among Republicans as they seek to tie Harris to the unpopular Biden administration.

“Let me be very clear. My presidency will not be a continuation of Joe Biden’s presidency, and like every new president that comes into office, I will bring my life experiences, my professional experiences, and fresh new ideas. I represent a new generation of leadership,” Harris said. “For example, as someone who has not spent the majority of my career in Washington DC, I invite ideas: whether it be from the Republicans who are supporting me, who were just on stage with me minutes ago, and the business sector and others, who can contribute to the decisions that I make.”

Jill Stein CALLS OUT DNC’s ATTACK Ads, Says Kamala Harris Is DANGEROUS

the evening greens

Global water crisis leaves half of world food production at risk in next 25 years

More than half the world’s food production will be at risk of failure within the next 25 years as a rapidly accelerating water crisis grips the planet, unless urgent action is taken to conserve water resources and end the destruction of the ecosystems on which our fresh water depends, experts have warned in a landmark review. Half the world’s population already faces water scarcity, and that number is set to rise as the climate crisis worsens, according to a report from the Global Commission on the Economics of Water published on Thursday.

Demand for fresh water will outstrip supply by 40% by the end of the decade, because the world’s water systems are being put under “unprecedented stress”, the report found. The commission found that governments and experts have vastly underestimated the amount of water needed for people to have decent lives. While 50 to 100 litres a day are required for each person’s health and hygiene, in fact people require about 4,000 litres a day in order to have adequate nutrition and a dignified life. For most regions, that volume cannot be achieved locally, so people are dependent on trade – in food, clothing and consumer goods – to meet their needs.

Some countries benefit more than others from “green water”, which is soil moisture that is necessary for food production, as opposed to “blue water” from rivers and lakes. The report found that water moves around the world in “atmospheric rivers” which transport moisture from one region to another. About half the world’s rainfall over land comes from healthy vegetation in ecosystems that transpires water back into the atmosphere and generates clouds that then move downwind. China and Russia are the main beneficiaries of these “atmospheric river” systems, while India and Brazil are the major exporters, as their landmass supports the flow of green water to other regions. Between 40% and 60% of the source of fresh water rainfall is generated from neighbouring land use.

“The Chinese economy depends on sustainable forest management in Ukraine, Kazakhstan and the Baltic region,” said Prof Johan Rockström, the director of the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research and one of the co-chairs of the commission. “You can make the same case for Brazil supplying fresh water to Argentina. This interconnectedness just shows that we have to place fresh water in the global economy as a global common good.”

Tharman Shanmugaratnam, the president of Singapore and a co-chair of the commission, said countries must start cooperating on the management of water resources before it was too late.

Microplastics found in dolphin breath for first time

Microplastics have been found in dolphin breath for the first time, according to a study that suggests the marine mammals are inhaling the potentially harmful contaminants when they come up for air.

The US research team, whose preliminary findings are published in the journal, Plos One, are concerned about the potential impact of inhaled plastics on the animals’ lungs.

The scientists collected samples of exhaled air from bottlenose dolphins in two sites: Sarasota Bay, Florida, an urban estuary, and Barataria Bay, Louisiana, a rural site. They found microplastics in the exhaled breath from all 11 bottlenose dolphins sampled, leading them to believe the inhaled plastics were airborne. ...

Many of the microplastics found in the dolphin breath samples were polyester, a common polymer used to make clothes, which shed huge amounts of particles when washed, especially in hot cycles.

Leslie Hart, co-author and public health expert at the College of Charleston university in South Carolina, said: “Microplastic inhalation in humans is a budding field, but there have been few studies in wildlife. The fact that dolphins have a much larger lung capacity and are taking deep breaths may mean they are exposed to higher doses of microplastics than humans.”

US supreme court declines to pause new federal power plant emissions rule

The US supreme court declined on Wednesday to put on hold a new federal rule targeting carbon pollution from coal- and gas-fired power plants at the request of numerous states and industry groups in another major challenge to Joe Biden’s efforts to combat the climate crisis.

The justices denied emergency requests by West Virginia, Indiana and 25 other states – most of them Republican-led – as well as power companies and industry associations, to halt the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) rule while litigation continues in a lower court. The regulation, aimed at cutting greenhouse gas emissions that drive the climate crisis, took effect on 8 July. The rule would require existing coal- and new natural gas-fired plants eventually to reduce emissions including by capturing and storing carbon dioxide.

The EPA’s new rule, issued under the landmark Clean Air Act anti-pollution law, was issued two years after a major ruling by the supreme court in 2022 undercutting the agency’s power to issue sweeping regulations to force an electric-generation shift from coal to cleaner energy sources.

The EPA has said efforts to address the climate crisis and its impacts such as extreme weather and rising sea levels must include the power sector because fossil fuel-fired plants make up 25% of overall domestic greenhouse gas emissions.

Notably, the rule mandates that coal plants operating past 2038 and certain new gas plants reduce emissions by 90% by 2032 including by using carbon capture and storage systems that extract carbon dioxide from plant exhaust and sequester it underground.

Also of Interest

Here are some articles of interest, some which defied fair-use abstraction.

‘Blood on Biden’s hands’: family of US citizen killed by IDF demand justice

Biden and Netanyahu’s endless war for US-Israeli supremacy

Will the Conflicts in the Middle East Spill Over Into the Caucasus?

Harris Is Making The Same Mistake Clinton Did When She Lost To Trump

‘Access to food is not the problem’: new orca study deepens mystery behind endangerment

Lula and Petro have the chance of a lifetime to save the Amazon. Can they unite idealism and realpolitik to pull it off?

"The Gaza Playbook": Israel Brings Displacement, Death and Destruction to Lebanon

RFK JR CRITICIZES Israel for DETAINING Journalist Jeremy Loffredo

Former IDF General: Israel Societal Collapse Imminent

NYT, WaPo front page dodgy Israeli documents

IRAN diplomacy in preparation for WAR

A Little Night Music

Kid Thomas - You Heard What I Said

Kid Thomas - The Wolf Pack

Kid Thomas - Come Here Woman

Kid Thomas aka Tommy Louis - The Hurt Is On

Kid Thomas - Willowbrook

Kid Thomas - Beaulah Come Back

Kid Thomas - Lookie There

Kid Thomas - The Spell

Kid Thomas - Wail, Baby, Wail

3 users have voted.


snoopydawg's picture


and give this piece of shyte a piece of their mind…or something else.

3 users have voted.

“When out of fear you twist the lesser evil into the lie that it is something good, you eventually rob people of the capacity to distinguish between good and evil.”
~ Hannah Arendt

snoopydawg's picture

Imagine if you were sitting in your home and hadn’t threatened anyone and then boom you’re dead because another country decided to wipe your city off the map. Obama and Blinken have said that no country should tolerate bombs dropping on you from another country.

This is my preferred outcome of the election too, but then we get Trump.

Out of 300,000 people we get these 2?

1 user has voted.

“When out of fear you twist the lesser evil into the lie that it is something good, you eventually rob people of the capacity to distinguish between good and evil.”
~ Hannah Arendt

about the Hamas leader being killed by some IDF trainees? He was located by drones. I think he was then shot. Anyway, Bibi is really pumped up and hugely encouraged.
It must have been this morning when it happened. And no, there were no Israeli hostages used as human shields.

1 user has voted.

"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981

snoopydawg's picture

@on the cusp

Blinken’s mouth said that Sinwar was holding up the ceasefire after he told the ***** that he accepted the deal in July. Biden/Kam are saying that now he’s gone the deal can go through. I’m sure Netanyahu will jump at the chance….pffft.

Israel has to attack soon because the ships will have to leave because they are out of supplies and bombs. Gotta wonder if they have solved their fuel problems yet?

From Aaron:

According to the Times, one current US official “said it was easier for Israel to go on offense when it knows that ‘Big Brother’ is nearby.” Or as Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin has reportedly described it, Israel is “playing with house money.” What Austin means, the Washington Post explains, is that Israel is “taking big shots at its adversaries, knowing that the United States, as Israel’s chief ally, would throw its military and diplomatic weight behind it.”

You ******! It’s not house money. It’s our money that should be spent here at home and on the American people. Why aren’t more people upset about how the military industrial complex has stolen trillions from us?

0 users have voted.

“When out of fear you twist the lesser evil into the lie that it is something good, you eventually rob people of the capacity to distinguish between good and evil.”
~ Hannah Arendt