Using Particle Physics to Elect Bernie Sanders
Brothers, Sisters and Fellow Herbalists,
I have this theory about how we can get Bernie to win the primaries ...
Einstein says that our perception of time is an illusion.
Time ... what is the smallest bit of time? We think in terms of days, hours, minutes, seconds ... we usually don't delve after that in our daily lives. We are conditioned to believe that we have no use for measuring time in any smaller increments. What could we possibly do in less than a second?
Exactly. What could we do?
The smallest amount of time, this is mathematically predicted, not observed, would be Planck time, or the time it takes a photon to travel one Planck length. That's a teeny tiny amount of time, isn't it? For perspective: A nanosecond is one-billionth of a second. Here, let finish this for me:
Dividing the second still further, and by three orders of magnitude each time, the divisions are attoseconds, zeptoseconds and yoctoseconds; the last of these is 0.000,000,000,000,000,000,000,001 second. According to Wikipedia, the shortest theoretical increment of time is the Planck time. This is the time taken for a photon, traveling at the speed of light, to cross a Planck distance. This upper limit is 10^-43 second.
Now you get the idea of the scale of tiny ... (infinite = infinitesimal)
You are aware when a moment passes, and you have a pretty good idea of being aware of how long it takes for a half a minute, or even a few seconds to pass, right? I imagine it wouldn't be too difficult to train one's self to experience awareness of the "passage" of time in ever smaller increments ...
How low can we go?
What if I told you I went there, right to a Planck frame? Would you believe me?
But I did, it was the weirdest most life changing thing after becoming a mom that ever happened to me. My first thought was not so bold though, I thought I was having a stroke or an aneurysm. I felt -- not disconnected from reality, but as though I had just entered an expanded reality -- it was that strange, I experienced reality, and the "passage" of time, at the Planck frame level. Not only that, but I experienced matter right down to the energetic wave and its dual form, the particle. And the best part: I was conscious of consciousness, of a greater, all encompassing consciousness that connects us all at the quantum level of existence. It was oneness with the universe, feeling connected to everything and every one right down to the essence of our being.
Or maybe I was just pretty, pretty, pretty stoned that night! Yes?
Either way, it really got me thinking. I mean, WTF was that, anyway?
* * *
Particles have a dual nature -- they behave as waves, but when observed, they become "particles," What is this observance? What is the nature of the observance that excites particles out of their wave form and into "matter?"
Time is not linear, each moment in time exists throughout eternity. And by moment, I mean a "Planck frame," let's say a certain arrangement of particles that exist for all time. Think of each of these Planck frames like an image emanating from a wave projected onto a glass slide in the form of particles. The next slide will contain the next iteration of particles. Many astrophysicists believe in parallel realities (think of Wharf in the TNG episode "Parallels"). Each Planck frame contains an infinite number of potential iterations depending on what directions the particles move into the next Planck frame.
As our consciousness rides along these waves, we "observe" their patterns as projected on to the glass, or that Plank frame of time, of reality.
If we were more aware of our reality beyond our usual third-dimensional experience of it, i.e., if we were aware of ourselves (not aware as in having read it in a book, but existentially aware) as four-dimensional beings (and beyond, but let's start with four), perhaps we could direct our consciousness through these Planck frames with intention we could nudge our particles to move in the direction we want, so that we can create, so that we can co-create, our reality. As the Deepak would say: Attention + Intention = Manifestation
My uncle, who is a physicist, writes on his blog, Nature's Ultimate Joke:
Modern physics finds that mass itself is an emergent property [see the blog entry, Emergent Properties and Physics], all the fundamental particles of physics having emerged from the Big Bang with no mass, as streaming radiation. That means that there could be no objects at rest from which to be able define a standard of length. And without a standard of length, no standard of time could be defined. The implication of modern physical theories is that mass, length and time are not at all fundamental properties, relative to which we can define fundamental units of measure. Mass, length and time are emergent properties that developed rapidly after the Big Bang as a result of physical processes. For this reason, the ultimate laws of physics may be so remote from us, that we may never be able to formulate them. And the idea of defining fundamental units prove to be vanity.
So far science has defeated religion and philosophy when challenged on its own turf of observations and measurements. People viewing this long history of consistent victory, since Galileo, have therefore embraced the methodology of science as the only way that leads to ultimate truth, i.e., scientism. The mistakes made by theologians and philosophers in this struggle with science is to narrow their focus to the material world and the evidence of the senses. The thoughts that they deal with are transcendental (beyond our space and time world). The reason that humans can soar into these realms is because the mind also extends into and is a part of this transcendental realm. The big mistake was not the choice of turf, but the going to war of these branches of human thought.
The ultimate irony is that the development of physics supports the truth of the above. Quantum Physics was made possible by recognizing the necessity of human consciousness in projecting events in space and time out of the elementary potentials that exist in our world as wavelike propagations. Without the presence of human consciousness nothing really happens on the level of elementary particles. And human consciousness itself relies on the action of synapses that tap into the quantum level. Historically, the role of human consciousness has been to project possibilities perceptible only on the level of human thought into the physical world, and thereby make human life much easier. Quantum physics suggests that there is a nebulous realm of possibilities that exist in a realm beyond the physical world, but which can become manifest in the physical world. This makes invention and human material progress possible.
Peace and infinite love to you dear brothers and sisters of the cosmos! xoxoxo

Gosh but it's late!
I don't know what got into me. Oh yeah, a magickal brownie! Heh, heh. Actually, I think about this stuff non-stop, in between eking out an existence as a temp / contract paralegal (but looking for permanent), and yet having grand aspirations to run for city council next year (I'm doing it, just you watch!), and a big storm woke me up at 4:00 this morning, then I watched some physics videos (hahahaha), took a nap at 6:00 for 45 minutes, went to my temp job (great place, I have my own office and can listen to jazz all day and there's a stand up desk, lots of good coffee and snacks), grocery shopping, home to make dinner for my niece and I, then ran an errand, entertained a friend, wrote this essay and there's still the dishes to put away and the rest of the guacamole to snarf real quick.
Thanks for reading my ramblings, 99%ers.
Been to Planck once,
…and for a time, I could return. I called it the "thick." Another story for another time.
Just wanted to mention that user Lotlizard dropped a link here that may be of interest:
Manifesto for a Post-Materialist Science
Thanks, Pluto. Reading it
Thanks, Pluto. Reading it now ... so far, yes! I love this manifesto, and how it presents materialism as a tyoe of conditioning, dogma. Part of my process is shedding myself of these belief systems or programming. Even the big bang sounds fantastical to me, but it does bring a new perspective to "In the beginning was the word.".
Pluto, I want to know more
about this thick of which you write.
Had my first experiences age 3,
(per Piaget, the development stage where kids have spontaneous spiritual experiences). Had the first because I asked myself the koan, 'what is the face I had before I was born?'.
The Consciousness I encountered then and in later events seemed both multiplex and singular, and showed up to teach me something when I had a particular question or dilemma, so I began calling he/she/it/they ' the Teachers'. Later, when I began hearing people talk about God, I figured that was what they were talking about.
Best literary depiction of the 'expanded moment' is in Charles William' s novel, The Place of The Lion'. Going up stairs, Protagonist lifts one foot to step up, then goes into three pages of altered time space, learning huge amounts about his current moment, before his foot hits the upper step, bringing him back to ordinary time. (My first experience took place in the space of one step, too.)
Hey there CW
It's been awhile since we've interacted! Thanks for commenting. I know what you mean about the mutliplex and singular nature of consciousness ... perhaps consciousness, too, has a dual nature, like particles. If we are all localized expressions of a singular consciousness, and we become aware of ourselves as such, if we could "observe" our local expression from the singular vantage point, we "excite" ourselves into existence.
It's difficult to conceive of reality as being absolutely NOTHING like what we are taught to believe ... matix, hologram, computer program, dream ... there are a lot of different ways of looking at it, I suppose.
But there is one thing of which I am certain, each moment (or rather, particle iteration or Planck frame) contains an infinite number of possibilities, and each of those possibilities exist simultaneously throughout time, and it is simply a matter of where we "direct" our consciousness from a higher dimension to experience what we need to be experiencing in this one. I like to think my director knows what it's doing, but it's up to me of course, having free will an all, to place my INTENTION along the "right" energy path. If that makes sense. I feel the more I try to explain it, the more confusing it gets, lol.
Mythology is another great framing for this experience, as are a lot of current "new age" theories, like ascension.
I think I may need a brownie
to fully grasp that essay
Awful deep musings for 7:30 in the morning on my first cup of coffee. I may have to go back and read it again when I'm fully awake..although I fear it'll be harder for me understand then. Nice ideas and fun concepts. Now I have to figure out how to slow time down for Bernie (and me, I've got a computer simulation to finish by Monday and its freaking me out).
Happy Friday!
Thanks consciousness it's Friday!
I'm urging my particles to phonebank and facebank this weekend. Also, tomorrow I am privileged to be a bailiff at mock trial competition. I get to keep time to make sure the students don't take too long in their statements, direct and cross exams. Whee!
Imagine something with an indeterminate boundary
pulsing and shifting like an amoeba on speed. Imagine that it's very center is also vibrating like a tuning fork. Speed up the rate of vibration and the rate of pulsation every faster and faster and there comes a point where it cannot go faster. Because frequency is inversely proportional to displacement (wavelength), at its fastest speed it isn't moving, its displacement has vanished and, at that point, time stops.
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
Well, TM teachers say that meditation affects the world
And they use physics concepts to discuss it. That was kind of long and hairy, but you probably have something there, considering chaos theory and all. Modern physics is pretty wild. Not sure if the application is clear, unless it's that we should all take a little regular time to meditate. Meditation is good stuff, in any case.
Hairy, heh
I'm still struggling with the language. At the time of that first particularly particley moment, I didn't know from Planck. I still don't, really. Others discuss similar ideas with a more spiritual language, or framing, but science works better for me since I'm stubbornly wed to materialism, despite my cosmic inclinations. Heavy programming.
Sorry it took me so long to getting around to reading this!
I think I may have passed out about the time you tweeted me about it, Sorry!
Reminds me of a math theory I remember from Pre-Calculus. Essentially at a certain point, you can compound interest only so often before it becomes essentially meaningless to do it any further. Of course, this kind of math was considered forbidden by the Romans because it was incredibly unfair to the person loaned money to...
Funny how at the smallest units of time, the rules get a little... strange.
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.
I did soon thereafter!
I did soon thereafter!
The state you experienced
is the goal of all spiritual practices called 'contrmplation' or 'meditation'. Lovely, ain't it?
And the two qualities of time are called 'Chonos' and ' Kairos' (from the Greek; I learned these terms from a Catholic priest, maybe terms developed by Teilhard de Chardin?).
You've introduced some very interesting things here today.
I thought perhaps you were going to suggest that we
collectively work our will to elect Bernie through spooky action at a distance where we simply start visualizing people coloring in the dot by Bernie's name and that the voters in various states as a result find themselves strangely compelled to fulfill our vision because we have communicated with them at some sub-atomic level. No? Alright, forget that then.
I love posts like yours. I went through a long physics for liberal arts type of period a while ago where I was reading every book I could that focused more on concept than actual mathematical constructs - every once in a while I could almost hear a couple of my synapses making pinging noises when I stretched them just a little too far. Have you ever read The House On The Borderland by Hodgeson? It was published in 1908 and it has a mind-blowing description of time travel in it.
" “Human kindness has never weakened the stamina or softened the fiber of a free people. A nation does not have to be cruel to be tough.” FDR "
Hey Phoebe!
Well, actually, visualizing certainly can't hurt. Someone at DK, a Bernie supporter even, once called me a "True Believer" when I wrote a diary in which I was simply certain Bernie would win! I maintain that certainty although admittedly, I did falter at one point and thought about signing up to work on Jill Stein's campaign if he didn't make it. Then I told myself: PERISH THE THOUGHT. Dr. Stein would be wonderful, of course, but even I know it's a long shot ...
But I digress. I stopped second guessing my mom, who says Bernie is going to win, so we just gotta believe. Dig it?
And I have not read The House on the Borderland, but will check it out! Time travel, eh? I think 1908 was even before entanglement (spooky action at a distance), if I recall correctly.
I'm not spiritual, by nature. I was an atheist although now I realize that the word atheist is a paradox ... one cannot set one's self apart from something that doesn't exist.
In consciousness, every possible belief systems and concepts, known and unknown, exist and it is up to us to make the discoveries, depending on which waves of energy upon which our consciousness decides to surf.
Thanks for commenting!
Hey Phoebe!
Well, actually, visualizing certainly can't hurt. Someone at DK, a Bernie supporter even, once called me a "True Believer" when I wrote a diary in which I was simply certain Bernie would win! I maintain that certainty although admittedly, I did falter at one point and thought about signing up to work on Jill Stein's campaign if he didn't make it. Then I told myself: PERISH THE THOUGHT. Dr. Stein would be wonderful, of course, but even I know it's a long shot ...
But I digress. I stopped second guessing my mom, who says Bernie is going to win, so we just gotta believe. Dig it?
And I have not read The House on the Borderland, but will check it out! Time travel, eh? I think 1908 was even before entanglement (spooky action at a distance), if I recall correctly.
I'm not spiritual, by nature. I was an atheist although now I realize that the word atheist is a paradox ... one cannot set one's self apart from something that doesn't exist.
In consciousness, every possible belief systems and concepts, known and unknown, exist and it is up to us to make the discoveries, depending on which waves of energy upon which our consciousness decides to surf.
Thanks for commenting!