I would imagine it would take a lot of people and a lot of money. But why can't it be done? Or can it be done? Is it possible to have that much faith in the human race? That would be the only reason to do it.
@Big Al
Maybe it's better we just stick to electing politicians and see how that works out.
I would imagine it would take a lot of people and a lot of money. But why can't it be done? Or can it be done? Is it possible to have that much faith in the human race? That would be the only reason to do it.
Actually, the solutions are pretty simple, but how to enact them are the seemingly impossible tasks. Especially now, the wealth inequality is so extreme without any end in sight and the accumulation of that wealth in the top 1% families is something we haven't even seen the tip of the iceberg yet. Fighting that does seem impossible within the next 20-30 years in which it will only get worse.
@Big Al
plus burned all the bridges. And made sure to follow that with laws specifically designed for their enrichment and protection. How to make their lives more uncomfortable for them?
I can't see a non-violent way out. Not enough imagination. Poison all the fish eggs they eat?
# Actually, the solutions are pretty simple, but how to enact them are the seemingly impossible tasks. Especially now, the wealth inequality is so extreme without any end in sight and the accumulation of that wealth in the top 1% families is something we haven't even seen the tip of the iceberg yet. Fighting that does seem impossible within the next 20-30 years in which it will only get worse.
0 users have voted.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
They might be doing that themselves. Have you heard about the new fad of rich yuppies buying "raw" (untreated) water and eating spoiled meat?? They must think our water in the US is special and magical. Hey, I got some pond water I can sell! Boy, rich people are stupid.
# plus burned all the bridges. And made sure to follow that with laws specifically designed for their enrichment and protection. How to make their lives more uncomfortable for them?
I can't see a non-violent way out. Not enough imagination. Poison all the fish eggs they eat?
No change in the structure of society can by itself effect a real improvement. Socialism used to be defined as “common ownership of the means of production,” but it is now seen that if common ownership means no more than centralised control, it merely paves the way for a new form of oligarchy. Centralised control is a necessary pre-condition of Socialism, but it no more produces Socialism than my typewriter would of itself produce this article I am writing. Throughout history, one revolution after another—although usually producing a temporary relief, such as a sick man gets by turning over in bed—has simply led to a change of masters, because no serious effort has been made to eliminate the power instinct: or if such an effort has been made, it has been made only by the saint, the Yogi, the man who saves his own soul at the expense of ignoring the community. In the minds of active revolutionaries, at any rate the ones who “got there,” the longing for a just society has always been fatally mixed up with the intention to secure power for themselves.
Koestler says that we must learn once again the technique of contemplation, which “remains the only source of guidance in ethical dilemmas where the rule-of-thumb criteria of social utility fail.” By “contemplation” he means “the will not to will,” the conquest of the desire for power. The practical men have led us to the edge of the abyss, and the intellectuals in whom acceptance of power politics has killed first the moral sense, and then the sense of reality, are urging us to march rapidly forward without changing direction. Koestler maintains that history is not at all moments predetermined, but that there are turning-points at which humanity is free to choose the better or worse road. Koestler calls for “a new fraternity in a new spiritual climate, whose leaders are tied by a vow of poverty to share the life of the masses, and debarred by the laws of the fraternity from attaining unchecked power.” He adds: “if this seems Utopian, then Socialism is a Utopia.” It may not even be a Utopia—its very name may in a couple of generations have ceased to be a memory—unless we can escape from the folly of “realism.” But that will not happen without a change in the individual heart.
I would imagine it would take a lot of people and a lot of money. But why can't it be done? Or can it be done? Is it possible to have that much faith in the human race? That would be the only reason to do it.
No change in the structure of society can by itself effect a real improvement. Socialism used to be defined as “common ownership of the means of production,” but it is now seen that if common ownership means no more than centralised control, it merely paves the way for a new form of oligarchy. Centralised control is a necessary pre-condition of Socialism, but it no more produces Socialism than my typewriter would of itself produce this article I am writing. Throughout history, one revolution after another—although usually producing a temporary relief, such as a sick man gets by turning over in bed—has simply led to a change of masters, because no serious effort has been made to eliminate the power instinct: or if such an effort has been made, it has been made only by the saint, the Yogi, the man who saves his own soul at the expense of ignoring the community. In the minds of active revolutionaries, at any rate the ones who “got there,” the longing for a just society has always been fatally mixed up with the intention to secure power for themselves.
Koestler says that we must learn once again the technique of contemplation, which “remains the only source of guidance in ethical dilemmas where the rule-of-thumb criteria of social utility fail.” By “contemplation” he means “the will not to will,” the conquest of the desire for power. The practical men have led us to the edge of the abyss, and the intellectuals in whom acceptance of power politics has killed first the moral sense, and then the sense of reality, are urging us to march rapidly forward without changing direction. Koestler maintains that history is not at all moments predetermined, but that there are turning-points at which humanity is free to choose the better or worse road. Koestler calls for “a new fraternity in a new spiritual climate, whose leaders are tied by a vow of poverty to share the life of the masses, and debarred by the laws of the fraternity from attaining unchecked power.” He adds: “if this seems Utopian, then Socialism is a Utopia.” It may not even be a Utopia—its very name may in a couple of generations have ceased to be a memory—unless we can escape from the folly of “realism.” But that will not happen without a change in the individual heart.
@Big Al
are not predictable. "It steam engines when it comes steam engine time." So I think you should keep asking the questions, raising the Reality. Someday, it will Be. And you will have contributed to it.
#1.2 Dude was something else. If we're not at that turning point, we're pretty darn close.
No change in the structure of society can by itself effect a real improvement. Socialism used to be defined as “common ownership of the means of production,” but it is now seen that if common ownership means no more than centralised control, it merely paves the way for a new form of oligarchy. Centralised control is a necessary pre-condition of Socialism, but it no more produces Socialism than my typewriter would of itself produce this article I am writing. Throughout history, one revolution after another—although usually producing a temporary relief, such as a sick man gets by turning over in bed—has simply led to a change of masters, because no serious effort has been made to eliminate the power instinct: or if such an effort has been made, it has been made only by the saint, the Yogi, the man who saves his own soul at the expense of ignoring the community. In the minds of active revolutionaries, at any rate the ones who “got there,” the longing for a just society has always been fatally mixed up with the intention to secure power for themselves.
Koestler says that we must learn once again the technique of contemplation, which “remains the only source of guidance in ethical dilemmas where the rule-of-thumb criteria of social utility fail.” By “contemplation” he means “the will not to will,” the conquest of the desire for power. The practical men have led us to the edge of the abyss, and the intellectuals in whom acceptance of power politics has killed first the moral sense, and then the sense of reality, are urging us to march rapidly forward without changing direction. Koestler maintains that history is not at all moments predetermined, but that there are turning-points at which humanity is free to choose the better or worse road. Koestler calls for “a new fraternity in a new spiritual climate, whose leaders are tied by a vow of poverty to share the life of the masses, and debarred by the laws of the fraternity from attaining unchecked power.” He adds: “if this seems Utopian, then Socialism is a Utopia.” It may not even be a Utopia—its very name may in a couple of generations have ceased to be a memory—unless we can escape from the folly of “realism.” But that will not happen without a change in the individual heart.
0 users have voted.
"They'll say we're disturbing the peace, but there is no peace. What really bothers them is that we are disturbing the war." Howard Zinn
in the country's 200 largest cities, @Big Al
, thinking it would trickle down from there. I got a few bites on FB, but since "nobody big" is proposing it...
My comeback was, "if we wait for 'somebody big' to propose such we'll all be dead." Or wish we were. I got tired of waiting for "somebody big." OWS was started by two somebodies small. They didn't wait for somebody big. I know everyone feels like Jerry Garcia, not believing it's up to us. Jerry certainly couldn't believe it either. But it is. Believe it or not, sad as it might be, we're it.
I would imagine it would take a lot of people and a lot of money. But why can't it be done? Or can it be done? Is it possible to have that much faith in the human race? That would be the only reason to do it.
0 users have voted.
the little things you can do are more valuable than the giant things you can't! - @thanatokephaloides. On Twitter @wink1radio. (-2.1) All about building progressive media.
as the rest of us put together have. Just Fucking insane! And they will get to keep even more because of congress. Both parties were involved in writing the bill. I wish I had an idea for how to fight back against what they are doing to us. Which president said that "when the government stops representing us is the time for us to remove them." ?
Yes we are there, BA. We have been living in Orwell's world for quite some time. Basically I think that we can admit that we're experiencing fascism according to the definition of it:
Supremacy of the military Controlled mass media Obsession with national security Corporate power protected Labor suppressed Obsession of crime and punishment Rampant cronyism and corruption Fraudulent elections Wars of aggression
0 users have voted.
If ICE were hunting down Trump’s critics, that would be bad but would make sense.
But ICE is hunting down Israel’s critics.
The San Diego/Tijuana border is eye-opening. Then seeing Chihuahua and its cardboard houses and the mirror-shade sunglasses of the border guards makes you think you're in a scary movie. Juarez looks like that congested town. I wonder if that's what the photo is.
Anyway it's crazy to see the haves vs have not so graphically.
for him and his buddies, with a wind chill of -15
he had his lynch mob remove the homeless from under
a viaduct, worse yet was the manner in which they did
it, they took everything the homeless owned and chucked
it into the garbage trucks with out any regard for them.
a 10-12 year old kid in the meantime was handing out
backpacks with stuff needed at the same time, they had
him on camera saying how the fuck(that adj is on me) do
people do this to other people?
our society has simply broken down, different rules for
the rulers, everyone else, gfy (go fuck yourself)
0 users have voted.
I never knew that the term "Never Again" only pertained to
those born Jewish
"Antisemite used to be someone who didn't like Jews
now it's someone who Jews don't like"
If I believed in capital-H Hell, I would wish for Rahm to go straight to it.
Just another sociopath.
for him and his buddies, with a wind chill of -15
he had his lynch mob remove the homeless from under
a viaduct, worse yet was the manner in which they did
it, they took everything the homeless owned and chucked
it into the garbage trucks with out any regard for them.
a 10-12 year old kid in the meantime was handing out
backpacks with stuff needed at the same time, they had
him on camera saying how the fuck(that adj is on me) do
people do this to other people?
our society has simply broken down, different rules for
the rulers, everyone else, gfy (go fuck yourself)
for him and his buddies, with a wind chill of -15
he had his lynch mob remove the homeless from under
a viaduct, worse yet was the manner in which they did
it, they took everything the homeless owned and chucked
it into the garbage trucks with out any regard for them.
a 10-12 year old kid in the meantime was handing out
backpacks with stuff needed at the same time, they had
him on camera saying how the fuck(that adj is on me) do
people do this to other people?
our society has simply broken down, different rules for
the rulers, everyone else, gfy (go fuck yourself)
Equality is not achieved by meritocracy and social mobility, but by sharing the wealth, anti-discrimination and democracy all the way down. New piece I wrote for @GdnInequality@guardianhttps://t.co/LW8VzLLrie
I've lived in trailers my whole life. Started in a single wide trailer, later my family moved.... into a double-wide trailer. There's America's social mobility.
I traveled to Nicaragua volunteering in clinics and going to the rural villages was difficult. It was a truly different world.
“Normal” had already-historic levels of wealth inequality, an epidemic of police brutality, extrajudicial killings by drone, and was making no attempts to even address these issues. We’re not going back, we’re aiming to do better. https://t.co/6JiBZ87HYK
I guess they mean the kind of trickle down austerity pushing, warmonger, misogynistic, sexual predator that gives people that "kooky uncle" vibe like W. Bush had? Aside from Trump giving people the willies rather than the warm fuzzies, what's the diff?
“Normal” had already-historic levels of wealth inequality, an epidemic of police brutality, extrajudicial killings by drone, and was making no attempts to even address these issues. We’re not going back, we’re aiming to do better. https://t.co/6JiBZ87HYK
@Dr. John Carpenter
pushback from DSA with that tweet. Joe is a war criminal. Period.
#10#10 I guess they mean the kind of trickle down austerity pushing, warmonger, misogynistic, sexual predator that gives people that "kooky uncle" vibe like W. Bush had? Aside from Trump giving people the willies rather than the warm fuzzies, what's the diff?
0 users have voted.
A truth of the nuclear age/climate change: we can no longer have endless war and survive on this planet. Oh sh*t.
“Normal” had already-historic levels of wealth inequality, an epidemic of police brutality, extrajudicial killings by drone, and was making no attempts to even address these issues. We’re not going back, we’re aiming to do better. https://t.co/6JiBZ87HYK
the little things you can do are more valuable than the giant things you can't! - @thanatokephaloides. On Twitter @wink1radio. (-2.1) All about building progressive media.
#10#10 I guess they mean the kind of trickle down austerity pushing, warmonger, misogynistic, sexual predator that gives people that "kooky uncle" vibe like W. Bush had? Aside from Trump giving people the willies rather than the warm fuzzies, what's the diff?
0 users have voted.
A truth of the nuclear age/climate change: we can no longer have endless war and survive on this planet. Oh sh*t.
These are who the centrists think would be great presidents. How did their type of policies become acceptable for people who used to be much more left?
“Normal” had already-historic levels of wealth inequality, an epidemic of police brutality, extrajudicial killings by drone, and was making no attempts to even address these issues. We’re not going back, we’re aiming to do better. https://t.co/6JiBZ87HYK
How does one organize a global people's revolution?
I would imagine it would take a lot of people and a lot of money. But why can't it be done? Or can it be done? Is it possible to have that much faith in the human race? That would be the only reason to do it.
Well I don't know Big Al.
That just sounds so absurd to me now.
There will be no evolution.
Revolution likely.
Resolution doubtful.
Regardless of the path in life I chose, I realize it's always forward, never straight.
Difficult problem to solve.
The wealthy seemed to have pulled up all the ladders
I can't see a non-violent way out. Not enough imagination. Poison all the fish eggs they eat?
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
This shit is bananas.
Electing politicians
Count me in for the global people's revolution. I'm already armed ... with my giant Sharpie.
the americans
aren't interested. They voted for this picture. That's what they want.
Thanks for the quote.
turning points
are not predictable. "It steam engines when it comes steam engine time." So I think you should keep asking the questions, raising the Reality. Someday, it will Be. And you will have contributed to it.
Outstanding Orwell Link Hecate
I was astounded at the statement on p. 27 that "legions of Christian Reformists compared Hitler to Christ".
I must have skipped class the day that was covered in the history of WWII class. Damn! Same as it ever was
"They'll say we're disturbing the peace, but there is no peace. What really bothers them is that we are disturbing the war." Howard Zinn
Well, I proposed OWS 2.0
in the country's 200 largest cities,
, thinking it would trickle down from there. I got a few bites on FB, but since "nobody big" is proposing it...My comeback was, "if we wait for 'somebody big' to propose such we'll all be dead." Or wish we were. I got tired of waiting for "somebody big." OWS was started by two somebodies small. They didn't wait for somebody big. I know everyone feels like Jerry Garcia, not believing it's up to us. Jerry certainly couldn't believe it either. But it is. Believe it or not, sad as it might be, we're it.
the little things you can do are more valuable than the giant things you can't! - @thanatokephaloides. On Twitter @wink1radio. (-2.1) All about building progressive media.
It's insane that 3 people have as much money
as the rest of us put together have. Just Fucking insane! And they will get to keep even more because of congress. Both parties were involved in writing the bill. I wish I had an idea for how to fight back against what they are doing to us. Which president said that "when the government stops representing us is the time for us to remove them." ?
Yes we are there, BA. We have been living in Orwell's world for quite some time. Basically I think that we can admit that we're experiencing fascism according to the definition of it:
Supremacy of the military
Controlled mass media
Obsession with national security
Corporate power protected
Labor suppressed
Obsession of crime and punishment
Rampant cronyism and corruption
Fraudulent elections
Wars of aggression
If ICE were hunting down Trump’s critics, that would be bad but would make sense.
But ICE is hunting down Israel’s critics.
Those photos remind me of a trip we took
The San Diego/Tijuana border is eye-opening. Then seeing Chihuahua and its cardboard houses and the mirror-shade sunglasses of the border guards makes you think you're in a scary movie. Juarez looks like that congested town. I wonder if that's what the photo is.
Anyway it's crazy to see the haves vs have not so graphically.
Here in chitown, Rahm's playground
for him and his buddies, with a wind chill of -15
he had his lynch mob remove the homeless from under
a viaduct, worse yet was the manner in which they did
it, they took everything the homeless owned and chucked
it into the garbage trucks with out any regard for them.
a 10-12 year old kid in the meantime was handing out
backpacks with stuff needed at the same time, they had
him on camera saying how the fuck(that adj is on me) do
people do this to other people?
our society has simply broken down, different rules for
the rulers, everyone else, gfy (go fuck yourself)
I never knew that the term "Never Again" only pertained to
those born Jewish
"Antisemite used to be someone who didn't like Jews
now it's someone who Jews don't like"
Heard from Margaret Kimberley
This is heartbreaking.
Just another sociopath.
Evil is everywhere
I never knew that the term "Never Again" only pertained to
those born Jewish
"Antisemite used to be someone who didn't like Jews
now it's someone who Jews don't like"
Heard from Margaret Kimberley
even KIDS know this shit be fucked...
This shit is bananas.
This shit is bananas.
there's a new Poor people's campaign
Thought I would post a detailed story on MLK weekend, but in the meantime, here is a preliminary study that is worth the read (or at least a scan)
Click on the link at the bottom for the 30 page report.
Pictures tell powerful stories...

Why don't we address the problem? Our resources go elsewhere...

...cause it fills the pockets of the elite...

Not a very pretty picture.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Litter claims 2017 we got good at describing and exposing
.... inequality. Now what?
A truth of the nuclear age/climate change: we can no longer have endless war and survive on this planet. Oh sh*t.
I've lived in trailers my
I've lived in trailers my whole life. Started in a single wide trailer, later my family moved.... into a double-wide trailer. There's America's social mobility.
I traveled to Nicaragua volunteering in clinics and going to the rural villages was difficult. It was a truly different world.
"Some people think that's just the way it is"
That's just the way it is
Some things'll never change
That's just the way it is
Ha, but don't you believe them
No pictures of people at the rich houses
Where are all the servants?
Beware the bullshit factories.
This shit is bananas.
Podcast looking at real estate pages in America.
A truth of the nuclear age/climate change: we can no longer have endless war and survive on this planet. Oh sh*t.
Idolizing a politician is like believing the stripper really likes you.
Whoever wrote that for Newsweek got some good
A truth of the nuclear age/climate change: we can no longer have endless war and survive on this planet. Oh sh*t.
That boat has left
the dock,
.the little things you can do are more valuable than the giant things you can't! - @thanatokephaloides. On Twitter @wink1radio. (-2.1) All about building progressive media.
Yep, that’s what DSA said, and I agree.
A truth of the nuclear age/climate change: we can no longer have endless war and survive on this planet. Oh sh*t.
Good for Boston DSA
for posting that tweet. I looked at the thread and saw this tweet.
These are who the centrists think would be great presidents. How did their type of policies become acceptable for people who used to be much more left?
If ICE were hunting down Trump’s critics, that would be bad but would make sense.
But ICE is hunting down Israel’s critics.
They might have loadsa money
but given the photos, the super rich lack any sense of aesthetic nous.
Chateaux of the Loire they are not.
from a reasonably stable genius.