War On Christmas Going Very Badly

When on Thursday Marine General Robert Neller told his serial killers assembled to prepare for a “big-ass fight,” as “there’s a war coming,” most of the Americans assumed he was referring to North Korea, or some Mideast country where the mud people have oil, or “AIDS huts” in Haiti or Nigeria, or maybe even California, a Hairball-Free Zone where the legislature is infested with Mexicans and homos, who recurrently demand The Hairball “publicly apologize to all Americans for his racist and bigoted behavior,” even as the governor gets a hand-cramp signing pardons for Cambodian criminals so The Hairball can’t deport them.

But no. In truth, Neller was referring to the coming War On Christmas.

Because The Hairball, he is determined to take out Santa Claus.

As can be apprehended in the video embedded below, filmed at a raucous Hairball beer-hall rally, Hairball primate Oberfuhrer Stefan Müller has identified Santa Claus as “the head of the snake” of “the great globalist conspiracy.”


“This creature travels all the globe, without regard for borders, language, culture, providing precious goods, for free, to those who have not worked for, or otherwise earned them, and without regard for whether the recipients have been naughty (Mean to Hairball) or nice (fellated Hairball),” Müller fumes. “He is against all that is Hairball—is vermin, that must be exterminated!”

“This syphilitic Sorosian infection is everywhere feted by the enemies of the people in the lugenpresse as a good and generous man,” Müller further foams, “when in fact he is a fifth-column Rothschilder stabbing in the back the very heart of Christmas—which is about spending all of your money on MAGA hats to reward The Hairball as Jesus’ representative on Earth!”

The Hairball’s chief intelligence analyst, Mike Cernovich, warns that members of the conch-shell community have recently “flooded the tubes with open-air instructions to the Oswald Band to give The Hairball a Kennedy-head. I am in possession of documents indicating that these outrageous orders originated with Santa Claus himself. We must strike him first, before we ourselves are stricken!”

However, a top-secret intelligence assessment concludes that if the US were to wage a War on Christmas, it would most probably be The Loser.

Santa’s best defense is that the North Pole is—spoiler—really cold. The US Navy doesn’t have any icebreakers, and the Coast Guard only has two, both of which are research vessels.

There’s nothing to stop the United States from sending a few Predator drones over the North Pole and targeting Claus’ infrastructure—the workshop, the reindeer runway, the gingerbread valley. But that would trigger an international incident with Russia, which in 2007 claimed the pole falls on its continental shelf and is therefore sovereign territory. Canada recently made the same claim (invoking Santa in the process), although the evidence was dubious.

The assessment notes that the diplomatic situation is further ivanka-trump-justin-trudeau-thirsty.jpgcomplicated by the fact Lolita Hairball is a lover of Justin Trudeau, the prime minister of Canada, while The Hairball is a lover of Russian president Vlad The Impaler.

Hairball court historian Sebastian “Like My Nazi Medal?” Gorka dismisses such concerns, noting that “history is replete with examples of leaders fucking each other even as their nations are at war.

"The Duke Of Buckingham," he pointed out, "bounced the bedsprings with the Queen of France, though Britain and France were at daggers drawn. And Eleanor of Aquitaine was married first to the king of France, and then to the king of England; soldiers of both countries all the while bleeding each other every five minutes. Our own George Washington—until The Hairball, the nation’s greatest president—during the Rich Property-Owning White American Colonists vs. The British War, he famously killed English troops by day, while fucking an English spy by night.

“Anyway,” Gorka stressed, “just because you’re fucking somebody, that doesn’t mean you can’t also kill them. Look at Richard Speck!”

The intelligence assessment continues:

Targeting Santa while he’s on his rounds sounds good in theory. But the United States has never successfully shot down a ballistic missile, which doesn’t inspire confidence in its chances at taking down Santa, whose packed schedule requires him to travel at a pace somewhere between ridiculous and ludicrous speed. Norwegian physicist Knut Jørgen Røed Oedegaar argues that Claus is equipped with an ion shield, which prevents him from being torn apart by gravitational forces and protects him from being incinerated (by fireplaces, atmospheric reentry, or missiles). Also, he travels between dimensions.

Defense Secretary Stain Mattress, one of 8,948,566,276,647 neocons in the Hairball administration, admits the US has a poor record of keeping up with aerial phenomena that is not really there. Nonetheless, he says, he is eager to engage in the War On Christmas, “to prove conclusively that the United States cannot defeat in war even a figment—shit just made up.

“The US hasn’t won a war since it was nearly shoved into the sea off Grenada by a handful of Cuban engineers; before that, there was Japan, where after many years the US managed to defeat a country the size of my car,” says Mattress.

“The Hairball is an emanation of pure Thanatos,” Mattress explains, “as are all who sail with him. And the important thing in Thanatos is the Killing, not whether you actually win anything.”

More from the assessment:

Nor is Santa himself a pushover. Some images of the old man depict him with a Kalashnikov. Elsewhere, he’s armed with a machine-gun-santa.jpgsword. Futurama‘s Robot Santa has some sort of laser blaster. In Scrooged, Santa is able to repel a terrorist attack with an M16A2; his elves carry M60 machine guns. Oh, and about those elves: According to NorthPole.com, “There are an unlimited number of elves because it takes a lot of help to keep the northpole maintained and the presents made every year.” Even if an expeditionary force succeeds in taking the workshop, the elves’ sheer numbers make the possibility of a post-invasion insurgency likely. And then there’s Santa’s sidekick Krampus, a massive goat-demon who according to Germanic legend, captures his enemies in a bathtub, eats them, and transports them to hell.

Müller sneers at the assessment as “the work of cosmopolitans, and other people who can read and write. Such Deep State defeatists have no place in the Hairball administration.”

He said the assessment ”fails to account for the fuhrer’s wonder weapons. For instance, we will be deploying giant catapults, to hurl flaming Mexicans directly into the Claus compound. Also, Muslims will be greased up with pig fat, set ablaze, and then shoved out of helicopters, directly onto the enemy’s fortifications. It will make the firebombing of Tokyo look like the flame from a Sterno can!

“Fire beats snow, like rock beats paper—everyone knows that,” Müller said.

The assessment further glums:

And unlike the Russians and the Finns, the United States doesn’t have any ground units specifically trained to handle polar climates.

“I cannot think of too many worse environments to infiltrate and then exfiltrate from than the North Pole,” says Andrew Exum, a former special adviser for Middle East policy at the Department of Defense who fought in Iraq and Afghanistan. “I have no idea how many elves would remain loyal to Santa Claus, but given the open terrain, you would probably want to surround Santa’s workshop with at least a company of Army Rangers before sending in a team from one of our special missions units to capture or kill Santa himself. That’s 150 to 200 men right there that would have to make their way to one of the most remote locations on Earth, carry out a very difficult mission in low visibility and freezing temperatures, and then march back out. As much as I love and admire our special operations forces, that’s a huge ask.”

“No ask is too huge for The Hairball!” Müller shrieked. “They will die with their boots on! And then Lolita Hairball will send to the families coupons for ten percent off, on selected items from her corpse-themed fashion line. Also a free MAGA hat—so long as it is promised the corpse will be buried wearing it.”

Müller said the Americans will be “softened up” to accept veritable Titanics filled with dead American bodies, by ceaselessly repeating on state media—Fox, Breitbart, Stormfront, Sputnik—bloodchilling confessions of Santa Claus that, in the current climate, will have the Americans clamoring to clap him into the penis prison. Such as the below-embedded boast that Santa boldly swaggers, in broad daylight, into the homes, there bribes the kiddies, and then proceeds to Weinstein the wimmins.


Some in the assessment suggest the US play a long game, hoping those oppressed will rise up against Claus—but that too, is ultimately rejected as dicey.

Santa’s workshop is a political powder keg just waiting for a spark. With only reindeer milk, fish, and the odd seal readily available in the harsh Arctic landscape, the North Pole has to import eggs, dairy, and sprinkles to sustain its inhabitants’ principal diet of Christmas cookies. Elves also consume enormous quantities of maple syrup, which must be imported from the United States or Canada by way of a cartel. All that makes the North Pole uniquely vulnerable to tough international sanctions and a coordinated push for regime change—by aiding militant factions if necessary.

Under the brutal Claus regime, which exiles its radicals to the Island of Misfit Toys, the elite few have grown fat on the labor of the many. How long can Santa’s elves endure such pressures before they begin to question the leader they’ve followed blindly for so long? How long before the workers seize the means of production?

The problem with waiting for an elvish uprising, Exum says, is that it might take a while—even if they get assistance from the Green Berets. “I have no idea how combat-ready these elves are. They could be like the elves in the Lord of the Rings, in which case they shouldn’t need much training, or they could be like those Keebler elves, in which case I can’t imagine they have any military training or experience.”

The final decision as to whether to launch the War on Christmas was delayed until Christmas morning. This because The Hairball had conceived a delusion that, for Christmas, Robert Mueller would present him with a special official Paper that says he is not a Rooski.

The Hairball is boasting to friends and advisers that he expects Mueller to clear him of wrongdoing in the coming weeks. The Resident seems so convinced of his impending exoneration that he is telling associates Mueller will soon write a letter clearing him that The Hairball can brandish to Washington and the world in a bid to finally emerge from the cloud of suspicion that has loomed over the first chapter of his presidency.

The Sane people in the fuhrerbunker, over this they are having the hand-wringing:

"The Resident's mantra is 'All this Russia stuff, it's all going to wrap up soon.' He repeats it as fact," said one source. "Part of me is like—'Are you serious? You believe this?'" 
Three sources familiar with the Resident's recent conversations about the investigation said The Hairball has become convinced that he will receive a letter of exoneration. One source worried he would have a "meltdown" if that doesn't happen.
"He'll try and fire Mueller and then be impeached," this person predicted.

Not even his chief mouthpiece, Corn Cobb, knows out of what lunatic orifice The Hairball pulled this letter nutness:

Cobb declined to speculate on how the Resident would be publicly exonerated. He said he and the Resident had never discussed a letter of exoneration and said he had "no idea" where The Hairball got the idea.

It is expected that, in the hours before dawn, The Hairball will awaken. And then, as every morning, he will smoke a big bowl of meth, as daugher Lolita dutifully ministers to his micromember. He will prepare to go to the twitlers, as he does every morning, but then he will remember it is Christmas! So he will lumber excitedly down the stairs, and there thrash, expectantly, all around the tree, searching for the Special Paper, from Mueller, confirming that he is not a Rooski.

But he will not find it.

And then he will be like a kid who expected for Christmas a bicycle, but got only socks.

And so, enraged, he will give the “go” order. And the War on Christmas, it will be On.

More’s the pity. Because just as Exum, there in the assessment, feared, Santa's elves, they are not Keebler crackers, but Rings beings.


And the war on the idea that Santa represents—one world, indivisible; magical; loving, giving—it is long lost.

The Hairball, he is just another thanaton Ozymandias. While the Eros of Gaia: she not fade away.


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Unabashed Liberal's picture

that you would drop back in, when I saw that you dropped by to honor, and say goodbye to Native.

You probably wouldn't remember, but I was planning to post several screenshots/photos of Nelle (Harper) Lee in your OT. Perhaps I'll still do that in one of your essays [this Spring]--if that's okay with you.


Have a wonderful holiday!


"Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength, while loving someone deeply gives you courage."--Lao Tzu
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Everyone thinks they have the best dog, and none of them are wrong.

hecate's picture

@Unabashed Liberal Mollie. Would love to see some Nell, anywhere, anytime.

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Alligator Ed's picture

The Alligator University theology department has carefully reviewed your article. It is their conclusion that on Christmas, some day named after the other celestial being (not the hairball), miracles happen in just the twinkle of an eye. The physicists at the AU Department of Astrophysics have recalculated the need for an ion dispersing shield, by measuring the thermal resistance of reindeer when compared to atmospheric speed, arguing that the accompanying candy canes will provide further protection for colliding electrons, protons, and the great Trumpian gas cloud, recently found hiding behind the Hillary nebulosity.

What we need is Obama to come back and draw a red line on the ice, so that Santa doesn't interfere with capitalistic consumption. Direct invasion would not be necessary. Just confuse the reindeer by listening to Trump versus Hillary debates: the right ear phone blasting Trumpism and the rectal phone blasting Hillaryism.

Again, congratulations on a job well done!

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hecate's picture

@Alligator Ed can't listen to The Hairball: it makes me go to the Hospital. I can't look at him, either. Reading him in print is the only way I can Survive.

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mimi's picture

back and make this German all ready to go to war. War against Santa? What? No way.

The war against Santa going badly? Good. I am all for it going badly, it means war is going to be over soon and we can all get a break.

Neller? What was he thinking? Santa being a North Korean? I think he needs to get fired. War on Santa means war against Germany. And hell, yes, I think it's coming. And you will lose this time around. (I mean it - seriously of course /s - jeez I have to be careful what I am saying...)

Sigh. How on Earth can you write this stuff? It's fantastically horrible and awful.

I guess Santa just missed your chimney and you are miffed not to get a present. I am honestly not happy that Santa missed your house. Because you gave us a present here and that's just terrific, so Santa made a juuuge mistake.

Amen. No more wars. Please. I still have left-overs from Christmas dinner and could fedex it to you if that helps. I do everything for peace.
Give rose

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hecate's picture

@mimi indicate that elves have taken the field in Toyota trucks surplused from ISIL.

It doesn't look good for the Americans.

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mimi's picture

US aerial attacks are crushing terror, say Afghan lawmakers ... no sthing as terror over there. May be the elves use the wrong trucks. They should try Ford pick-up trucks. Better for business.

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riverlover's picture

I am S of the Great White North Line, but it's snowing sideways and my harbor bell is clanging. A sleigh full of gifts awaits my disorganized attention today; Christmas elf (USPS)deliveries will have to wait until I can find them. By then, Santa will be back in his bunker, sleeping a well-earned rest.

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Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.

hecate's picture

@riverlover don't get to have snow here, because The Hairball deported it. It arrived without papers, and so had to go back.

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too many literal LOLs. Great to have you back weaving the words h.

Something must be done about this Sorosian plot to implant the socialist infection onto the brains of the childrens. Mayhaps repeal all the childrens labor laws and make them work for their presents handouts. Little commies.

Nah, how about a war on war, starve the MIC Krampus and the Thanatons of the world.

Thanks h, some good stuff that, gave me many laugh out louds on my Christmas morn.

Peace to you and the world.

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hecate's picture

@JtC the classified intelligence assessment, and The Hairball's rejection of it, fell into my hands, I felt it my Duty, to Warn the People.

Since The Hairball can't possibly be Real, I suppose it is natural that he would war on people, places, and things as unreal as he.

The true name of that com-symp gift-strewer is Soros Claus.

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Socialprogressive's picture

The side of war the MSM never talks about, the inhumane treatment of the POW's.


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We come from dust. We will return to dust.
That's why I don't dust. It my be someone I know.


Ghastly! And I suppose those lumpy sacks are only taken off their heads for news photos, to try to hide some of the abuses...

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Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.

A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.

hecate's picture

@Socialprogressive are melting in Guantanamo.

It is a war crime!

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Anja Geitz's picture

That socialist agitator might give the great unwashed too many ideas of their own. Sure, it's candy and presents for all the children in the world now? But what's next? A good education and well paying jobs?


Thanks for the essay, Hecate. Acerbically witty and pitch perfect.

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There is always Music amongst the trees in the Garden, but our hearts must be very quiet to hear it. ~ Minnie Aumonier

QMS's picture

“The US hasn’t won a war since it was nearly shoved into the sea off Grenada by a handful of Cuban engineers; before that, there was Japan, where after many years the US managed to defeat a country the size of my car,” says Mattress.

tanks for the streaming tears of laughter!

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Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare

hecate's picture

it's good he was at least honest about it. ; )

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shaharazade's picture

a present all wrapped up as a hilarious Hecate essay. Welcome back Hecate. I've been a stranger here at caucus99 for months? years? Time has lost it. I came back Friday? What a long strange trip. Have a happy, jolly, Christmas. Your essay is the best coverage yet of the latest installment of The Hairball and co.'s escapades. All the 'news' not fit to print. See you around, I hope. So happy to read you again.

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hecate's picture

@shaharazade @shaharazade have been in another universe: this one is just too weird. The Hairball is like a reality show gone really wrong. In my universe, he is married to Kim Kardashian, and they live quietly in Idaho, where they farm rutabagas. No one knows them but their neighbors. Willie Nelson is the president, but he mostly just sits on the porch and plays music for whoever happens to wander by. The vice-president is a tree. There is one gun in the country; it is in a museum: people come by and look at it, and wonder what were they thinking? There is no military, as the Americans are at peace with their neighbors, Canada and Mexico. There are tubes, but people mostly like to communicate in person. The tubes are controlled by squirrels, and if you say something Bad and Wrong on the tubes, squirrels come to your house, and stand on the doorstep, and chatter crossly, until you Stop, and say you're Sorry. Then you have to give them some nuts.

Good to see you too, shaharazade. ; )

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Shahryar's picture

I must be Mr. Jones because I don't know what it is. Or maybe it's more of a Stills thing where at least I can recognize that, for some reason, we're re-gathering.

Being an optimist I'll say it's a good thing and not some community premonition that the strangely shaped asteroid approaching Earth is really an interstellar freighter, loaded with killer germs.

In other words, good to see you and EK and JVolvo. Even shaharazade is here.

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hecate's picture

@Shahryar everywhere describe that asteroid as "cigar-shaped," but we know what it really looks like. It is my theory that this 1-discoveryofc.jpgasteroid is why so many of the men are going into the penis prison: the closer it approached Earth, the more it activated the glands, and so the men went wild, with the groping and the grabbing and the growling and whatnot. As the asteroid recedes back into space, hopefully the men will return to their regular barely-tolerable but not outright-criminal state.

I missed the Mersey Beat. Have you seen any about?

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Shahryar's picture


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shaharazade's picture

I dusted off my picture file and am attempting to post subversive picture of the enemy in the war on Christmas. 25532028_2162221533791596_3188945625796444037_o Sumit of Santas_0.jpg

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hecate's picture

@shaharazade them. The Soros Claus brain trust. Globalist swine!

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Shahryar's picture


Billy Gibbons (ZZ Top), Shiva (famous deity), Dusty Hill (also ZZ Top), Cher (part of a 60s duo), Santa Claus, Bjorn Ulvaeus (ABBA)

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The earth is a multibillion-year-old sphere.
The Nazis killed millions of Jews.
On 9/11/01 a Boeing 757 (AA77) flew into the Pentagon.
AGCC is happening.
If you cannot accept these facts, I cannot fake an interest in any of your opinions.

hecate's picture

@UntimelyRippd cannot have the eggnog, because there is alcohol in it. And if you drink spirits, in a universe where The Hairball is resident in the Whiter House, you will go to an Asylum.

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earthling1's picture

Come back to uncork the hilarity bottle and unleashed laughter and mirth from all the denizens of "Here". How dare you (don't stop don't stop).
Missed you much.

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Neither Russia nor China is our enemy.
Neither Iran nor Venezuela are threatening America.
Cuba is a dead horse, stop beating it.

smiley7's picture

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Wink's picture

this xmas was a sandwich pocket bag thingy in which you insert two slices of bread and a slice or two of cheese, then insert the pocket bag into your toaster. Three short mins. later you have yourself a grilled cheese sammitch. grilled cheese thingy.

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the little things you can do are more valuable than the giant things you can't! - @thanatokephaloides. On Twitter @wink1radio. (-2.1) All about building progressive media.

Mark from Queens's picture

Great to see you back.

Just put the kids to bed here and kept hearing "shush..." from my partner, as I let out about a dozen howls. Wow! Brilliant. Needed that too.

Real tour de force, man. Ranks with some HST pieces, was thinking of "John Wayne Is A Hammerhead Shark."

Like others have said, it's one of the best thing I've read here in a long time.

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"If I should ever die, God forbid, let this be my epitaph:


- Kurt Vonnegut

hecate's picture

@Mark from Queens
for the Hammerhead story. I had not read that in a long while.

I achieved a new wrinkle in the section of the cerebral cortex devoted to John Wayne when I read a few years back that Marion Mitchell Morrison was a great admirer of Noel Coward, and wanted badly to appear in his works. But he could not. Because he had become "John Wayne."

It never got past the thought stage. I guess they figured that maybe spurs and Blithe Spirit wouldn’t go together. Can’t you see the critics? “Wayne should go back to killing Indians, not Noel Coward.”

Similarly, we learn in the documentary The Natural: The Best There Ever Was that Charles Redford Jr. is to this day sad and wistful, because what he really wanted to be was a professional baseball player. But instead he became "Robert Redford." And so had to settle for pretending to be a baseball man in a movie.

Sarah Silverman remains in rage because she aspired to be a film ingénue, but learned that in Hollywood the Hebrews are not permitted to be ingénues. So instead she makes jokes about pubes and Jews.

No one gets what they want. And if they do, they enter ennui, and go off and write Ecclesiastes.

Then there is The Hairball. He is, at root, Sad. We know this from his micropenis, and from the fact that, 25 years on, he still cannot get over the fact that effete East Coast cosmopolitan foreigner Graydon Carter wrote, correctly, in the long-defunct Spy magazine, that The Hairball is “a short-fingered vulgarian.”

To this day, I receive the occasional envelope from Trump. There is always a photo of him—generally a tear sheet from a magazine. On all of them he has circled his hand in gold Sharpie in a valiant effort to highlight the length of his fingers. I almost feel sorry for the poor fellow because, to me, the fingers still look abnormally stubby. The most recent offering arrived earlier this year, before his decision to go after the Republican presidential nomination. Like the other packages, this one included a circled hand and the words, also written in gold Sharpie: “See, not so short!” I sent the picture back by return mail with a note attached, saying, “Actually, quite short.”

This is pathetic, and also deeply Disturbed. The Hairball, like Private Pyle in Full Metal Jacket, suffers from a “major malfunction.” And, like Pyle, he should not be allowed anywhere near weaponry. Way back in his past, something scarred him badly, and he has not been able to recover. He remains a poor, lonely child. Like Ebenezer Scrooge, in the true-life documentary film Mr. Magoo’s Christmas Carol.


The Hairball received no attention or affection at all from his parents, who couldn't wait to get rid of him, physically out of the house and out of their sight. Dad was busy with the Klan, and keeping the mud people out of his buildings, while mom regarded him as some sort of alien creepazoid that had somehow emerged from her body: "What kind of son have I created?" The Hairball is forever seeking the love and affirmation he never got from his parents, but it is never going to happen, and he is never going to be satisfied. No amount of approval will ever be enough, and even the slightest of criticisms will burn like fire. He is broken, and he cannot be fixed. The Hairball, he Hurts, and so, he lashes out, and Hurts in return.


Everybody thinks Citizen Kane is about William Randoph Hearst, but they are Wrong. It is actually about The Hairball. Orson Welles, like all the greatest artists, was a time traveler: he came, he saw, he went back, he Warned. The reason why that film has been consistently considered the best film of all time is because all of the humans have a little pre-cog in them, and so they sensed that Kane was telling them of What Was To Come—harbinging The Hairball.

(That in the last couple years Citizen Kane has been supplanted on the top-film lists by Vertigo probably signals that the humans are starting to understand that they are repeatedly flailing about, ignorantly, dangerously, in sick-fuck "it is happening again" eternal-recurrence loops.)

The night after the Piltdown Men streamed out of every haint and holler to elevate The Hairball to the residency, I found myself watching Patton, for no reason that seemed at first to make any sense at all. I knew The Hairball liked to talk a lot about Patton; this is fitting, because, like The Hairball, Patton was a psychotic mutant, frothing with hatred, for any peoples not like him. But, unlike The Hairball, who cannot even write his name, Patton also wrote poetry. And when came the last lines of the unnamed-2.jpgfilm, I realized why I was watching it. When were recited these lines from Patton's pen:

Roman conquerors returning from the wars enjoyed the honor of triumph, a tumultuous parade.

In the procession came trumpeteers, musicians, and strange animals from conquered territories, together with carts laden with treasure and captured armaments. The conquerors rode in a triumphal chariot, the dazed prisoners walking in chains before him. Sometimes his children, robed in white, stood with him in the chariot, or rode the trace horses.

A slave stood behind the conqueror, holding a golden crown, and whispering in his ear a warning: that all glory, is fleeting.

The moment he learned he had become the resident, that was it for The Hairball. It will never go any higher for him. It is all downhill from there. The Hairball, he is Over. It doesn't matter whether he ever goes into any actual, physical, jail. Because he will die in prison.

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QMS's picture

@hecate @hecate of course, of course. It's the answer which you'll endorse. They're always on a steady course, watch them all implode. h/t mr. ed

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Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare

janis b's picture

Really, the conch-shell solution was considered impractical? Sounds to me like a perfectly sane consideration of an insane government.

I was happy to read that there is a solution, according to physics, that can successfully prevent Santa from vaporising on his meteoric night of delivery.

Thanks hecate.

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hecate's picture

@janis b
conch shell solution pri_63526390.jpgwould require that he go diving.

Can you image him doing that?

The man cannot even drink water. How is he going to immerse himself in it?

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janis b's picture


the lure for trump could be an enticing vision of a beautiful selkie spotted off the side of one of his yachts. He'd probably jump at it and drown.

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Lookout's picture

and caught your essay. So nice to read your work and laugh. I've been missing you and wondering if you were doing well.

It appears you've weathered the year in good humor. Thanks so much for sharing a little with us!

Here's T-rump undercover being pulled by two asses....

santa trump.jpg

....and a sick shot with Lolita too -
Trump and lolita.jpg

hope to "see" you more often. All the best!

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“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

hecate's picture

@Lookout @Lookout
has been an interesting year. They say that Diogenes of Sinope wandered Greece with a lantern, looking for an honest man. I wander my house with a flashlight, looking, in the hours that are dark, which are most of the hours this time of year, not to step on any Slit-Scan.jpgcats who are sprawled in front of the gas heater.

It is claimed that Diogenes was from the Sinope that is today a city in Turkey, but that is fake news. He was actually from the Sinope that is a moon of Jupiter. He hatched there via the stargate that floats around in those parts, as depicted in the true-life documentary film 2001: A Space Odyssey. The reason why "nothing is known of his early life" is because he was then on Sinope. He eventually hitched a ride to Earth on the penis asteroid. When it got close enough, he parachuted to the planet's surface. As he floated down, he passed Daedalus and Icarus, flying up. Icarus affixed his wings with wax, rather than super glue, which is donald-trump-creep-800.jpgwhy he Fell Down.

I like the photo of The Hairball with his reindeer Mondo Boobio and Zed Crud. The photo of him with his rape victim remains extremely creepy. There are a number of photos extant of The Hairball with his rape victims. Here is another one.

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QMS's picture

@hecate that's where it came from. Good news. I also found out where my slide rule went...


"Buzz" got it.

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Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare