Things That Would Have Happened No Matter Who Won in 2016
There are some out there who say we'd be better off with a Billary presidency. I would like to compile a list of things that would have gone to shit regardless of who was president:
1. Net Neutrality Repeal
Some people don't think this would have happened under Billary, but considering Comcast and Verizon were among her largest bribe bundlers, they would have expected a huge return on investment had her pied-piper strategy played out as intended.
It's also worth pointing out that Idiot Pie was appointed to the FCC by Obama before PresiDunce put him on as the FCC head.
Besides, even if it hadn't happened immediately, we would have had this fight every 2 years because no one has the balls to make this permanent, let alone allow for municipal broadband on a national scale better than anything greedy telecoms will ever roll out.
2. Imperialist Escalation
This would have actually been worse under Billary. As anyone who has paid attention knows, she never met a war she didn't like. Hell, when PresiDunce Dipshit bombed the Syrian airfield, she said he should have bombed them MORE.
3. Calls for Impeachment/Actual Impeachment Proceedings
Republicans would have called for impeachment of Billary on the day she took office just like MSDNC and friends are doing now with the Pied Piper.
After all, the Repigs had prepared for 25 years to take her down and they did exactly that thanks in part to their Democratic allies cheating Sanders in the primary. Too bad the Hillbots can't seem to wrap their head around that even after the fact.
4. Massive Handjobs for Wall Street
Democrats have been in the pocket of Wall Street since they fucked over George McGovern. Clinton I and Obama both gave Wall Street massive handjobs and fucked over the working and middle classes in the process with stagnant or falling wages, and ever rising cost of living.
5. ACA Implosion
Let's face it: This Republican bill was designed to fail from the very beginning. From taking the public option off the table to the Teabagger kneecapping of the Medicaid expansion via the Supreme Court to the unaffordable premiums even for bronze plans, this piece of shit was going to fail anyway.
6. Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid Cuts
Democrats and Republicans alike have had their hands in this cookie jar for decades. From so-called welfare reform to the continued raising of the retirement age, both parties have done their part to make sure almost no one can actually collect on the benefits they paid into. And don't forget about the Simpson Bowles Catfood Commission. Say what you want about the current tax scam, but for the Dems, cuts to these three have always been on the table and will be into the forseeable future.
Feel free to add to this list in the comments.
See ya around,

More erosion of 4th amendment rights
The Gestapo of Homeland Security will introduce more and more unreasonable searches and seizures on the grounds that we should be very very frightened of the terrorists.
"Please clap." -- Jeb Bush
We never had privacy rights anyway.
Modern education is little more than toeing the line for the capitalist pigs.
Guerrilla Liberalism won't liberate the US or the world from the iron fist of capital.
it's always J6P, never tptb
I never knew that the term "Never Again" only pertained to
those born Jewish
"Antisemite used to be someone who didn't like Jews
now it's someone who Jews don't like"
Heard from Margaret Kimberley
The Democrats are unprincipled
always giving in to the wealthy, the corporations and the MIC. The Republicans do it with principle.
Her was an unstoppable force, the power and momentum were beyond anything that I have ever seen in politics. But she didn't count on the fact that the power and glory of end century Capitalism was out of favor with the people. Trump ran as a populist, although a really weird one, really more of an eccentric Real Estate Developer/Capitalist. But he talked to the people and told them that they were being screwed, which they already knew. Problem was that his types were doing the screwing. But Her could not make that case, because she was sleeping with the Corporations/Wealthy/MIC. In retrospect, Her support was so deep with the establishment primarily because Her proved Herself as a really reliable tool, who despised the common people.
You could not write a story with this plot line, because no one would believe it. Anyway, Trump seems to be a milder version of Her with a few extreme oddities and a Deep State riding his ass so that he will behave just like Her. I think that President Vladimir Putin has already expressed this observation, that it doesn't really matter who is president of the US, they all behave the same.
Capitalism has always been the rule of the people by the oligarchs. You only have two choices, eliminate them or restrict their power.
More greenhouse gas pollution
Trump withdrew from the woefully inadequate Paris climate pact. As Secretary of State, Clinton went ‘round the world advocating for more fracking.
"Please clap." -- Jeb Bush
More wage erosion and fewer, weaker unions.
Never have I been so sorry to be vindicated. What was I vindicated about? I was vindicated over saying "Clinton is Trump; Trump is Clinton!"
But I have, in fact, been vindicated here. Alas.
"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar
"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides
Back in the 90s
Union activists told me that Clinton's NLRB was more hostile to workers than Reagan's.
And 1 minor disagreement: imperialism would not have gotten worse, at least not after the nukes started dropping. Hillary would not have waited 6 months.
On to Biden since 1973
Back in the 90s
Union activists told me that Clinton's NLRB was more hostile to workers than Reagan's.
And 1 minor disagreement: imperialism would not have gotten worse, at least not after the nukes started dropping. Hillary would not have waited 6 months.
On to Biden since 1973
Even if HER didn't completely
kill net neutrality she'd be pushing for outright censorship, as her minions are doing with all that fake news shit.
And you are so right, Impeachment would have immediately been on the table for HER from day one. And maybe the only way she'd escape that fate is yes, start another big old hot war somewhere and screech how all must be "unified" behind American interests. She'd have had Obummer behind her publicly on that too as well as every single Democrat. She also would have still had a Repugnant House and Senate, which we all should know by now she was totally on board with and would indeed "work with" to "get things done."
She might ONLY have been able to make up better excuses than the idiot Rump, who really gives everyone so damned much ammunition to ridicule him one almost wonders if that isn't part of their plan too. She openly pretty much said "entitlements" must be "reformed" and also said universal healthcare will NEVER, EVER happen, and she was quite clear in her statement there. She told us what she was right there.
And we should really, really NEVER forget that this woman is openly calling for a war with Russia and has used her loss to push for one. How anyone can think she would save us from the ravages of this shitty ass system she helped put in place still blows my mind. I get wanting to believe it, as the alternative is so hard and ugly to see, but it's true - they're all in on it, they're in that club and they do not give a fuck about any of us or this country either. We should see that by now in all it's repulsive truth.
Only a fool lets someone else tell him who his enemy is. Assata Shakur
Absolutely. That’s why when my grandson
starts badgering me because of something Trump has done I tell him she would have been no different, she would just have done things in a different order than he is. And starting with Iran and RUSSIA! RUSSIA! RUSSIA! on her second day on the job. (On her first she would have the Former Prez Perv looking into who might need some favors/speeches/armaments in exchange for a donation to the family slush fund.,
(Where is all that money btw? And where’s it going now?)
I'm tired of this back-slapping "Isn't humanity neat?" bullshit. We're a virus with shoes, okay? That's all we are. - Bill Hicks
Politics is the entertainment branch of industry. - Frank Zappa
Ah yes, that reminds me....
With Nomiki Konst and others exposing that Clinton controlled the DNC before a single primary even took place, and the fact that the Democratic Party was little more than a slush fund for Billary herself, state parties were left bankrupt or damn close to it.
Worse still was the fact that hundreds of millions of dollars went to FIVE CONSULTANTS.
At this point, you might as well have Mitt Romney and Bain Capital sell off the Democratic Party piece by piece and make off with whatever profits they get. At least then we'd be an actual one party state rather than one party masquerading as two.
Modern education is little more than toeing the line for the capitalist pigs.
Guerrilla Liberalism won't liberate the US or the world from the iron fist of capital.
Links to DNC budget shit?
I've seen the video of Nomiki blasting DNC budget problems at last week's "Unity" meetings: $700m+ to 5 consultants and shitty conflicts of interest and NO transparency re DNC budget. Does anyone have links to documentation or more reporting? She also mentioned seeing Florida Dem party was still paying Hillary's Victory Fund in 2017 - WHAT THE FUCKITY FUCK?!?
Does anyone have links? I've fumbled around with FEC site but can't find - for example - any relevant FL Dem Party filings showing HVFund payments in 2017.
I found this Nomiki article from Feb 2017
but that's Feb. Note she reports then that DWSchultz was paid until Dec 2016 even though she resigned in July.
#FuckCorruptDems #JVolvosPissed
D Exec Comm FL to HVF July, 2017 = $54,000 › Campaign finance data › Advanced data › Disbursements
here be the transaction
Yeah I don't know, hopefully the linky works and someone can 'splain it away. idk
Obama appointed Ajit but he also appointed Tom Wheeler
as chairman of the FCC and who is a strong advocate of net neutrality and a main reason why the rules were even there to begin with. I'm not going along with the false equivalence here on something as monumentally important to me as this. Hillary is not that politically stupid and she had a lot of support from Silicon Valley companies that knew they wouldn't be there if not for the entrepreneurial and innovative spirit of the internet that Ajit and the other REPUBLICAN sycophants are killing.
Beware the bullshit factories.
False Equivalence?
Oh, puhleez. You can't be naive enough to think that Hillary wouldn't have governed exactly the way her hedge fund and private equity sponsors wanted her to, can you? She did NOT have your best interests at heart.
Sorry I'm not going to automatically assume the worst
about something unknowable just because people like Robert Mercer are spending hundreds of millions of dollars to write algorithms that make people believe shit like pizzagate and whatever else to keep people in a constant state of agitation and irrationality. Enjoy Wikipedia while it lasts in it's current non-sellout form because that may be one of the first victims of this new "deregulation" brought to us by REPUBLIKLAN sycophants of the worst oligarchs and maybe Putin too.
Beware the bullshit factories.
Putin, too? Sheesh. n/t
Russia Russia Russia
Just because it's convenient for Hillary to use as a false excuse for losing doesn't mean there's no truth in there being unsavory shit coming from Russia.
Beware the bullshit factories.
Two way street.
Russia's not doing anything the US isn't doing to them. The only difference is they're probably doing much less of it.
Oh no man, Putin has NOTHING
And really, the internet helped destroy Hillary Fucking Clinton, and she damned well knows it. I was betting on how long it would take her and her Corporate minions to do it, but now they have Repugnant cover, isn't that nice? We can all blame that Orange idiot in the White Hut while corporate America skims us to death, slowly, in increments, the Democratic way.
I work for telecomm, and I see what they hope to accomplish. To think Facebook, Twitter, Google and all the rest aren't happy with a monetized internet is simply naïve anymore. It just is, I'm sorry as hell to say, really.
Only a fool lets someone else tell him who his enemy is. Assata Shakur
Don't assume anything. Look at fucking results.
Stop using RW bullshit to "elevate" our side. Mercer, breitbart and Fox are *their* propaganda pushers. We can only tend to our own. Did Obama appoint Ajit Pai to FCC - Yes or No?
The answer is Yes. Pai is on FCC because Obama put him there. Republiklan bullshit will always be present because greed is always present. When corrupt Corporate Dems help advance greed and abuse we are truly fucked. Playing partisan "Dems are better" games does not help anyone.
Not to mention all those Senators
Only a fool lets someone else tell him who his enemy is. Assata Shakur
You hit that nail on its head. This country runs on a big
Ponzi scheme. Every year on April 15th we are expected to happily pay our taxes so that our government can continue to operate ‘for our benefit’. But it doesn’t operate for the benefit of 99% of us. Instead it is diverted to benefit a very small group of privileged people who don’t pay their fair share. Or don’t fight in our wars. Or give a fat rat’s ass about the ‘quality’ of our lives or the future of our children or grandchildren.
Just like Social Security and Medicare. That money is taken from us while we are WORKING and is supposed to be put aside to help us as we age. Instead the sticky fingered cretins in DC have used OUR money to fund wars and cover budget shortfalls that are a direct result of their sleazy incompetence, dishonesty, and greed. But the boys and girls we elect to ‘represent’ us will come out fine. They get a cut of the grift in the form of ‘donations’ and ‘favors’ from our Overlords who run this crooked operation.
Now Trump is kicking it up a notch or ten. Those that have the most and pay the least (in money and blood) will now pay even less and reap even more benefit from the sweat and labor of the rest of us. It’s not just Trump either. It’s the supposed ‘good guys’ like Bezos and Gates and Soros, along with their newly rich friends the Clintons and Obamas who will cash in on the massive theft of the American public’s wages and resources. There are NO good guys here.
I'm tired of this back-slapping "Isn't humanity neat?" bullshit. We're a virus with shoes, okay? That's all we are. - Bill Hicks
Politics is the entertainment branch of industry. - Frank Zappa
@Timmethy2.0 Obama appointed Wheeler
Wheeler was appointed in 2013.
Prior to his appointment, Wheeler had zero public record on NN. Zero. His only 'record' was a 30-year career as an industry lobbyist getting things done quietly. Obama assumed he'd do the same in the FCC: crap all over NN ... but quietly, in true Obama style.
Obama got bit, and we got lucky, because that quietude was actually hiding a pro-NN stance.
So spare us any "Oh but Obama was pro-NN". He wasn't. If Obama had his way, NN would have been dead in 2014.
Does the threat of nuclear war count as part of
imperialist escalation? Guess it does.
Regardless, we would have had that either way.
"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha
"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver
Right you are , it is
A truth of the nuclear age/climate change: we can no longer have endless war and survive on this planet. Oh sh*t.
Ajit got his job via a good word from McConnell?
I hope you find that article. That makes this situation even uglier than I thought it is. And it goes a long way toward showing how duplicitous Obama realy is.
President Hopey-Changey Transformatioal Peace Prize was/IS a complete fraud.
I'm tired of this back-slapping "Isn't humanity neat?" bullshit. We're a virus with shoes, okay? That's all we are. - Bill Hicks
Politics is the entertainment branch of industry. - Frank Zappa
This is bullshit
The FCC can not have more than 3 commissioners from the same party. Obama appointed the very good Tom Wheeler to be FCC chairman and he saw the very good net neutrality rules passed. Then Trump appointed Ajit FCC chairman and he saw those rules destroyed and put the internet in peril. Wake the fuck up.
Beware the bullshit factories.
Love to have a link so I could
A truth of the nuclear age/climate change: we can no longer have endless war and survive on this planet. Oh sh*t.
@divineorder Here. It's unfortunate
She doesn't outright threaten, but it's plenty bad enough. I'm always shocked when I share this video with somebody else who was born into and grew up during the Cold War, and it has little impact. She says we should treat cyberattacks the same as any other attack. In other words, hacking a database and dropping a bomb on Detroit should elicit the same responses from the U.S. government. The kind of "cyberattacks" she describes, using the DNC "hack" as an example, are the finding and retrieving of private information without consent, not shutting down a power grid or something more like sabotage. That kind of hacking is obviously what espionage has become in the 21st century. They used to do it with infiltrators and microfilm. It's just gone digital.If we had had the kind of foreign policy she describes during the Cold War--treating espionage the same way we'd treat someone attacking one of our cities--you and I probably wouldn't be having this conversation.
The idea that we would respond to espionage with military action is mind-blowing.
"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha
"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver
Thanks for unpacking Hillary’s war threat so clearly+ succinctly
Especially coming from one of the countries who regularly spring things like the Stuxnet virus on the world, it really is an outrageous position to take.
@lotlizard It scared me so bad
It frankly scares me, in retrospect, that she was SoS for four years.
"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha
"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver