Balls of yarn and suits of armor: things fall apart
Contemplation of current events. Two classes thereof. One class is the very slow, but accelerating revelation of pedophiles and other sexual criminals. Class two is the Clinton invisible suit of armor.
Consider for a moment the sexual escapades and crimes now coming to light. A couple of years ago, Bill Cosby got caught with pants down and a Rufie for his female "guests". Yes, he did wake them when it was over. Not much action until Harvey Weinstein got caught with his pants down too many times. Now, Kevin Spacey is accused of attempted forcible seduction of a young male. If the complainant, a young actor had been a female, members of the feminine gender would rightfully call this attempted rape. Even if the advance is foiled or repulsed, it is still attempted rape. Now, so too with legalization of gay relationships, especially marriage, this is attempted man rape. In ain't pretty no matter how it is described. Now the rumor mills are roiling with further innuendos of powerful Hollywood predators soon to fall. Corey Feldman, child star of the 80's claims he, and others he knew were sexually molested by multiple "big names" in the entertainment industry. For a mere $10,000,000 he will produce a feature length dramatization of what he knows, names of predators specifically identified. I am skeptical that this movie project is going to be funded, but this rather brash announcement is throwing publicity on the sexual dysfunctions of Hollywood--and most likely NYC also.
So, why now? What's going on here? Is this a political maneuver to cripple Democratic politicians and fund-raising in general, perhaps cleverly initiated by Trump and company? If so, it comes at a politically opportune time. One Florida congressperson just got herself arrested for campaign finance fraud (although just a tiny fraction of what Clinton Crime Syndicate has amassed) Democrat, need I say? Too bad, DWS, another one of your cronies bites the political dust.
Next on the docket, Robert Menendez of Jersey, soon to join Wilson of FL in a conviction for...guess what? Yes, campaign finance fraud. And strong breezes are wafting over Terry McAuliffe for...guess what? Yes, campaign finance fraud. This seems to be Democratic disease. The Republicans are more covert in their thievery. Democrats are too stupid and/or arrogant to well-disguise their crimes.
Well, whether Trump has anything to do with this or not, the abuses are so flagrant that a federal judicial officer would indeed look like an Emmett Kelley-class buffoon for failing to act on these outrages. Or, maybe not. Remember James the weasel Comey? He performed a fined job of such buffoonery and was stupid (arrogant) enough to admit his no-prosecution decision for Saint Hillary was written before the sham investigations into email occurred.
But their really are two significant personnel developments in the Evil Queen inner circle showing that circle is no longer unbroken. Tony Pedestal is now attempting to slither away from a federal criminal charge for being an improperly registered or simply just an unregistered lobbyist for a foreign government (several: Canada [Uranium One] and Ukraine [Orange Revolution]). Magnanimously he claims his Podesta group from a criminal prosecution. Oh, Tony, you forgot about Brother John who is still plundering the Podesta bribery and money laundering group.
Suddenly, a dearth of income is reported as foreign companies and countries have cancelled contracts or letters of intent to do so, wary of getting involved in the forthcoming firestorm. So now John the Austere is weakened as a criminal probe (at least one) is coming his way. He has now contracted political rabies.
But the big news is really problematic. Deceptive Donna (Brazile) a Hillary henchman from way back, has turned on her former crime companion by admitting the Clintons rigged the entire presidential primary even before any candidates were announced (including HRC). Not that this is a huge surprise to anyone following the relevant information (e.g., Wikileaks, alternative media). But why did Presumed Innocent Deceitful Donna do this now? Et tu, Brute? Some of us may remember one famous Hillary explosion after losing a primary to Bernie, in which Hillary, in her inimitable fashion, screamed out in mixed company that she (the EQ) was sick to look at D.B., calling her "a buffalo".
Now Donna, a bold-faced liar has pretty thick skin. More is going on here than we know. Yet the obvious conclusion must be apparent: Hillary supporters have begun a great journey, trying to distance themselves from EQ--hey, HillBots, that ain't gonna work. Having a case of Hillaryitis is like having TB, once you got, you got it for life.
So, the old order is now peeling away due to, at a minimum, disruption of deep state/Democratic party funders and also hard core Clintonites. I don't know why, but H.A. Goodman may be correct: expect Hillary indictment(s) soon.
Bannon v establishment?
How isnt the FBI at the minimum Comey at the max not under
some scrutiny?
Shouldn't her heinous hubby behind her be wearing orange?
This all has to be tptb fighting it out, maybe the Koch's
are going after their creation "Third Way D's", it would be
quite fitting, IMO
I never knew that the term "Never Again" only pertained to
those born Jewish
"Antisemite used to be someone who didn't like Jews
now it's someone who Jews don't like"
Heard from Margaret Kimberley
The Congresswoman from Florida who was arrested and convicted of campaign fraud was Corinne Brown, not Frederica Wilson. Brown had a long history of shady dealings and a reputation for being corrupt so it was not a surprise to anyone in Florida. Her district was in the northeastern part of the state. Frederica Wilson represents a district in the southeastern part of Florida. As far as I know Wilson has not yet been involved in campaign fraud. I really do not know much about her except that she is known for her hats and has been in public dispute with Trump COS Kelly.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
Thank you, gulfgal. Its takes a local
They can all kiss my increaslingly fat ass.
If there were any real justice in this shit country, they'd all be in jail, including admitted serial abuser Dipshit Trump and his handler, Billary. Perhaps they can share a cell with Manafort and company.
P.S.: H.A. Goodman is little more than clickbait.
Modern education is little more than toeing the line for the capitalist pigs.
Guerrilla Liberalism won't liberate the US or the world from the iron fist of capital.
Noted. Like a stopped clock, even H.A. is right