Another Middle Finger from the DNC and a Rant About the Subminimum Wage
The Democratic Party sure does know how to pick 'em, don't they? I'm sure he and Zane Tankel of Applebees would get on famously.
I'd also like to point out that tipped workers aren't the only folks paid sub-minimum wages. People with disabilities are as well. In fact, that's what outfits such as Goodwill are known for. Meanwhile, executive compensation is as exorbitant as one would expect. From a HuffPo article in 2013:
More than 100 Goodwill entities employ workers through the Special Wage Certificate program, a Depression-era loophole in federal labor law that allows organizations to pay subminimum wages to people with disabilities. According to Goodwill, 7,300 of its 105,000 employees are subject to the minimum wage exemption that affects 300,000 workers nationwide. My investigation revealed that these same Goodwill entities that use the special wage program simultaneously spent $53.7 million in total executive compensation. Here are some more highlights:
Goodwill of Southern California paid more than $1.1 million in total compensation to its then-CEO, making him the highest paid Goodwill executive in the country.
A husband-wife Goodwill executive team in North Carolina collected a combined $795,372 in total compensation.
Seventeen Goodwill entities reported executive compensation in excess of $1 million per year.
Goodwill entities spent more than $39.1 million in travel-related expenses.
The Goodwill of the Columbia Willamette is a great example of Goodwill’s wage disparity. In 2011, the lowest paid worker earned just $1.40 per hour. Michael Miller, the president and CEO, earned $742,875 in total compensation. His pay has actually gone down in the past decade. Matthew Kish, a reporter with the Portland Business Journal, wrote in 2011 that, at one time, Miller’s compensation package topped out at $831,508.
The National Federation of the Blind has been campaigning for years to end the deplorable subminimum wage policy. “People with disabilities have the right and ability to work in the same jobs earning the same wages as nondisabled workers,” the group argues on its website.
The only thing more pathetic than this is the assanine defense of the practice by so-called 'advocacy groups'. Florida's Association for Rehabilitation Facilities' defense is particularly laughable:
Why support continuation of 14(c) wage certificates?
Simply stated, eliminating or repealing Section 14(c) provisions would deny work opportunities for individuals with the most significant disabilities who cannot meet established productivity standards established by the nondisabled workforce unless employer subsidies are provided to bridge the gap between wages paid and productive output generated. While such subsidies routinely occurred in the past, they rarely exist today.
It also doesn't help that Florida's corrupt to the core government has been steadily slashing disability services since Rick Scott took office in 2011.
The permission slip for employers to exploit disabled workers otherwise known as 14(c) wage certificats goes back to 1938 with the passage of the original Fair Labor Standards Act. The Obama Administration passed, at best, token legislation with regards to this.
Of course, I fully expect Dipshit Trump and his gaggle of corporate goons to roll even that back, if they haven't done so already. And I doubt most albe-bodied folks would give two fucks if he did. We are the most ignored demographic behind the elderly, after all, unless RepigDems need props for a video or photo op. Yeah, let's see those assholes try to find employment through Voc Rehab. They wouldn't last a day.
America needs a real, all-inclusive Labor Party because the tranquilizing drug of gradualism doesn't fuckin' work anymore.
See ya around,
Now there's some food for thought
In a previous life I was a corporate worker and my corporation used PRIDE employees. Many of the ones I saw had fairly serious disabilities and clearly would not qualify for a regular job nor would they be worth the wage of someone without those same disabilities. My observation was that they did their job well enough but took more than normal amounts of supervision and management. I always thought of that as a good thing rather than exploitative. Rather naively, I assumed that the wages they were making were supplemental to some sort of social benefit (yeah, I know), and that the primary benefit was more social.
You've made me ponder that more... in two different ways.
First, where should the floor of wages be? If it takes XXX to support oneself in an area, should that be the floor and that's where [some] disabled workers would sit. More fully capable workers would automatically float above that?
Second, I hadn't considered the potentials for exploitation. Even if I decide that the disabled workers I'm remembering (usually developmentally disabled) were legitimately helped by this program because they were seriously impaired... what about lesser impairments.
Do you have any thoughts Aspie?
A lot of wanderers in the U.S. political desert recognize that all the duopoly has to offer is a choice of mirages. Come, let us trudge towards empty expanse of sand #1, littered with the bleached bones of Deaniacs and Hope and Changers.
-- lotlizard
This is a conversation the country likely will never have.
Even with 'lesser' impairments, I don't think most able-bodied folks ever take into account the amount of medical care people with disabilities might need. For instance, in my case, I get meds through a prescreption program because I'd never be able to afford the insane cost for a single month (Trintellix runs about 1000 dollars a month).
Another thing I think I need to bring up is Supported Employment. Usually what's supposed to happen there is a Voc Rehab client gets a position with an employer that leads to full placement. I went through this twice and both times it never led to anything permanent even when they said this should lead to permanent placement. Not to mention both places I worked at wanted a drivers' license.
Even with those pittances, the able-bodied assholes who claim to govern us, along with their idiot supporters, insist on tearing us down at every last turn.
Modern education is little more than toeing the line for the capitalist pigs.
Guerrilla Liberalism won't liberate the US or the world from the iron fist of capital.
Did either job require driving?
I don't mean getting to the jobs, but actually performing the duties of the jobs?
I think I know the answer, and if I'm right, it sounds like a scam.
What do they gain 1) by participating in the program and 2) does that gain cease if you had been hired permanently?
Something certainly stinks!
The Jobs I held didn't.
As for what employers gain by doing this? Free labor. Voc Rehab covered training and wages.
Modern education is little more than toeing the line for the capitalist pigs.
Guerrilla Liberalism won't liberate the US or the world from the iron fist of capital.
Damn! Greedy bastards
I thought they'd get a tax break, but free labor explains it all. They'd have to pay you, so they went grasping at straws and found one with the license bullshit.
I just experieced something similar. Fire me for not representing their products positively, but I not only consistently earned sales commission (and I'm not even in sales), but also a performance bonus immediately before being fired.
Bottom line - they didn't want us around, but yours is more blatant.
They may get tax breaks also.
Modern education is little more than toeing the line for the capitalist pigs.
Guerrilla Liberalism won't liberate the US or the world from the iron fist of capital.
90% Tax On All CEO Salaries
No more non-taxable welfare for fat cats. Tax all personal income from all sources. No more free rides for preachers or charitable scam artists like United Way and Goodwill.
"They'll say we're disturbing the peace, but there is no peace. What really bothers them is that we are disturbing the war." Howard Zinn
Sick bastards
but Typical of them.
"You can't just leave those who created the problem in charge of the solution."---Tyree Scott
Thank you so much for this informative essay.
I had no idea.