Shameless distraction. Finally a CT about LV that makes sense: patsy.
I could rationalize wasting everyone's time with this MSM-fed waste of time; but I won't bother. I confess. I couldn't stay away from so much CT in one place. So, here, direct from MoonOfAlabama is the most intelligent discussion I have seen about this bizarre event.
Missing - A Motive For The Las Vegas Killing Spree
I am weak and guilty of backsliding. Mea Culpa. If you want to not give in to temptation, this is your last chance.
Here's the most succinct statement of the CT I could find among the comments. Remember, this is CT land, with everyone bringing in the craziest coincidences and symbols as "proof".
The hypothesis is that those involved were actually FBI agents who were engaged in a gun running scheme...But obviously things unfortunately didn’t go as planned. Such stings are very often used to draw out buyers who are then arrested.
“Stephen Paddock was, must have been, an undercover FBI agent or more likely a civilian willing participant, more than just an informant, probably was the point man for many stings and he'd done it before. His participation was a perfect cover as a 'high roller', for multiple illegal arms deals in the Las Vegas area in a gun running entrapment scheme very similar to 'Fast and Furious'.
My theory goes Paddock thought he was engaging in another routine arms entrapment, but ISIS operatives who were going to meet him learned, or were tipped off, about the entrapment scheme and Paddock’s true identity.
They instantly killed him in his room and carried out the massacre partly from
His room and a 4th floor room they must have had, and then fled the scene.”It’s entirely possible that this was a gun-running scheme gone wrong because of the sheer quantity of guns found in Paddock's room and home; nearly a hundred.
Of course, this theory has the same gigantic hole as the original: motive. If it was an arms deal gone bad, why perpetrate the biggest massacre in US history, instead of bailing out before the FBI surveillance net came down on Paddock's room like a ton of bricks?
So, I only buy the "arms dealing" part of that CT.
I want to add to that another theory I read elsewhere (more confessing. I have sinned many times.) That theory is that the casinos let him "win" that much money because he was really laundering money. That is, he comes in with $10M of "hot" money; loses $5M, and gets a phony invoice from the casino saying he "won" $5M. Everyone happy. Casino gets $5M for free. Sponsors of laundering get their money laundered. Shooter/patsy gets all or some of the declared $5M.
The laundering theory plays well with the gun-running theory. People want to spend dirty money to buy guns for some terrorists somewhere. What better place to do that than casino town, where gun laws are as lax as they come.
Back to MoA:
Without going to any length in search of information, what is reported generally is enough to leave very simple questions The man had way in excess of necessity in arsenal in his hotel suite. For the purpose of what he is reported to have done the inventory of weapons do not match the supposedly well planned activity. Motive is not the interesting question since they can not be answered by someone who is dead. But his contacts, handlers, employers probably have a very good idea. So someone who is laundering millions and has an inventory of guns (collectors have higher profiles and more variety in their collections and do not lug them around in explosive filled vehicles)is a complete unknown to the state?
Someone a little bit further into CT (completely buys multiple shooters, diversions) says:
What makes most sense to me so far is that Paddock was some kind of deep state asset, involved with gun traffic and money laundering. In this particular situation, it seems, he became basically a patsy for what looks like a large scale attack on the US population, by unknown parties, presumably to include ISIS and the Deep State in some kind of configuration. The Las Vegas massacre looks almost like a military assault, involving multiple shooters, complete with diversions on the side and triangulation on the main site.
To the topic of motivation: I think Paddock's motivations are likely irrelevant as he was probably a bit player in this event. The actual motivations are probably complex and even contradictory. Basically I think the intent behind this massacre has to do with pushing folks towards accepting a deepening police state. Gun control is one goal of that push, as it means disarming the civilian population, but I'd say it is not necessarily even the most important part. Viewed in a larger context, the Las Vegas massacre also feels like a prelude to some even more devastating event, such as a large scale global war.
And this theory, that he was an unsuspecting patsy, doesn't fit with him sending the girlfriend away, gifting her lots of money. It only makes sense if the Deep State had him by the short and curlies, and he knew he was a patsy long before the event; but the alternative to running was worse.
As you can see, all this CT with so little facts is nothing but an endless parlor game of whodunit and why.
Of course, the absolutely minimal amount of video from the massively surveilled Vegas venues, plus the cellphone cameras of 20k attendees is pretty fishy. Sure, video of the shooter from 400 yards away in the dark would be hard to get. (Although, no one on the ground below the window noticed the 10+ minutes the guy was shooting off automatic weapons and took a video?) As for the concert venue, just statistically, someone should have a video of people being hit by highly kinetic rounds - rounds that should have spun them around and/or pulped pieces of their bodies.
The lack of video really bothers me. And, it gives an opening to all the CT nutbags who say the whole event was fake, even the casualties.
Topics I will not discuss: crisis actors, lack of blood, lack of further deaths among hospitalized victims, any resemblance of the scenario to the Boston Marathon CTs.
Anyway, I now have my CT of choice. I can hold up my end of the conversation at innumerable parties. Of course telling this CT to civilians will get me branded as a nutjob. But, most of my friends already know that.
Please, mods, don't ban me for this tripe.

Comments know...
Just a 'nut' with a gun...
Deep state has a history of using real or paper trail fake crazy people. Can you say "plausible deniability"? i met a guy that worked in Libya back in the day. He said he was CIA and crazy (and had the papers to prove it).
I want a Pony!
All I know is that my reality is mediated by the media
I have no way of verifying anything I'm being told by anybody.
All I can do is look at the unverifiable reports and try to figure out who is trying to spin me and what it is they are trying to spin me away from/towards.
It's sort of like what John LeCarre called "taking a backbearing". That is, figuring out what happened by examining what evidence that should be there got "disappeared" because it was incriminating.
So, yeah. It was just some lone nut. There is a lone nut factory, BTW, it has been in operation since the days of Lee Harvey Oswald. Its somewhere inside the CIA's division of dirty tricks.
It was a cover for a multiple hit to be carried out
at the same time in a nearby location. Who's going to notice a few extra bodies arriving in the ER amid the chaos and carnage of a mass shooting such as this. It was a Lone Wolf mad shooter that did it all, no need for any lengthy investigation of the victims. No, the Patsy theory works just fine for an operation such as this.
Would this fit with the bits of information that have been made available, and even more importantly, with the information we don't have?
“The story around the world gives a silent testimony:
— The Beresovka mammoth, frozen in mud, with buttercups in his mouth…..”
The Adam and Eve Story, Chan Thomas 1963
That's an Agatha Christie plot
Kill everyone in the train car to hide the fact your real goal was to kill only one.
I think the high profile of the result is over the top for this being camoflauge killing.
No, not one. Several targets.
A barbarous crime to be sure, one which we don't expect to see here in the land of the free, but not all that different than black ops that have brought down governments around the world. It can happen here. It is a possibility very different from any Agatha Christie novel I ever read.
Remember, if we are afraid we are compliant. That's essential for deep state interests to flourish.
(You did mean this to be a deep dive into the world of unsubstantiated CT, or did I misread your intent?)
“The story around the world gives a silent testimony:
— The Beresovka mammoth, frozen in mud, with buttercups in his mouth…..”
The Adam and Eve Story, Chan Thomas 1963
Oh, CT if fine, as long as its acknowledged as such
CT or not, you need to fill in a few more details. Who or what might these targets be? How would killing them bring down a government? Which government?
I just don't understand what your scenario is, who your victims are.
No simple answers on this.
This CT definitely not ready for prime time, even here. I'll try to put something together in a day or two but it will require some familiarity with Awan spy ring investigations on your part in order to make any sense. Lots of big leaps in it, but at least it does point to a very clear motive, something which the Lone Wolf theory is entirely lacking. PM me if you're interested.
“The story around the world gives a silent testimony:
— The Beresovka mammoth, frozen in mud, with buttercups in his mouth…..”
The Adam and Eve Story, Chan Thomas 1963
There is now a summary series of George Webb's
investigation videos which includes a summary statement and 15 highlighted videos out of the preceding 354 days worth of investigative videos. This should be useful for getting an overview of where the investigation has been and where it's heading. It's a complex and extremely troubling web of corruption that is in the process of being exposed.
“The story around the world gives a silent testimony:
— The Beresovka mammoth, frozen in mud, with buttercups in his mouth…..”
The Adam and Eve Story, Chan Thomas 1963
That happened during/right before Harvey in Houston
Bastard (allegedly) offed his ex-wife. She went missing just hours before the storm hit. If he had been able to do it during the storm, (hell, it lasted damn near a week) he probably would've gotten away with it, especially since it took so long to finally find her.
Which he are you referring to? In any event, it's not ringing any bells for me.
“The story around the world gives a silent testimony:
— The Beresovka mammoth, frozen in mud, with buttercups in his mouth…..”
The Adam and Eve Story, Chan Thomas 1963
Oh, no, not Paddock. Sorry, was referring to . . .
a local Houston man who killed his wife hours before hurricane Harvey, and if he had done it during the storm she likely would have been seen as another of Harvey's victims, not a murderous ex husband's. You referred to the possible cover up of targeted people being included in Paddock's body count.
Hope that makes more sense lol.
Casinos have more cameras than employees
Where is the cam footage showing all these ISIS guys who would have been in the room. Not buying it, but it would make a good movie plot.
Donnie The #ShitHole Douchebag. Fake Friend to the Working Class. Real Asshole.
There is no footage about anything.
That's why there is all this CT. Where is the footage of the perp coming and going with all the guns? Where is the footage of the security guard in the hall getting shot? Where is the footage of the lobby during the shooting? - you might think people would be running around or checking their cell phones or hiding under sofas.
Where is the audio recording of security staff taking 72 minutes to find the guys room?
The lack of surveilance video and audio in one of the most heavily surveiled places on earth is driving the CT - because it smells fishy.
The FBI has all of it.
The sherif who gave an interview about cameras having been setup in the room indicated that the FBI took them all. Presumably the surveillance camera footage is also in their hands. The FBI must have some very compelling reason to need to totally control it. The question remains, what reason would that be?
“The story around the world gives a silent testimony:
— The Beresovka mammoth, frozen in mud, with buttercups in his mouth…..”
The Adam and Eve Story, Chan Thomas 1963
Thanks for that detail.
With modern computer graphics equipment and an unlimited black budget, the doctored videos should be released any day now.
Our thoughts seem to turn in a similar direction.
They may also be waiting to see how much they will need to massage their "official story" once social media sharing of videos, discussions and sound recordings begins to wind down.
“The story around the world gives a silent testimony:
— The Beresovka mammoth, frozen in mud, with buttercups in his mouth…..”
The Adam and Eve Story, Chan Thomas 1963
A bit of a glitch in the police timeline
appeared this morning via the Daily Mail:
"Vegas gunman shot hotel security guard six minutes BEFORE he opened fire on crowd: Police reveal major change to timeline and admit they have no idea why he stopped shooting"
...May or may not be significant
found “some evidence of medications”
Las Vegas gunman shot security guard a full six minutes before opening fire on concertgoers, police reveal
Any evidence of a psychiatrist? That's what I'd like to know.
good luck
Just valium I think
Can't remember where I read it, but it was for anxiety iirc. So don't quote me on that. It was not msm, though.
Sounds common, generic ativan
Now there is another security guard at the hotel
Whose life was saved by the first security guard who got shot at 3-4 times. The story keeps changing and this is why so many people are questioning the whole premise of the shooting.
The biggest story that is easily disproved is that the gun man used tracers to make sure his shots were accurate. There are many videos from people who were at the concert and not one shows that tracers were used.
This website is the one I have been reading for updated reports.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
They're the FBI
they control everything because of who they are. That's the part of the story that's totally believable.
On to Biden since 1973
As gulfgal mentioned
A taxi driver was in front of the hotel and videotaping during the time of the shooting and she showed people who were outside the hotel acting like nothing was happening. They may not have heard the shots because of the noise of Vegas and slot machines.
In this article there is a video that was taken by a person who was at the concert. In it you can hear that guns shots came from different directions., this is why people are saying that this could be a false flag event.
This website has been covering all of the event, but more importantly, the changing story by the authorities.
This is her video:
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
Thanks! It's very obvious that the whole set-up stinks of something - it's just hard to figure out of what exactly, especially with what also seems like confusion strategies being carried out by corporate media and their ever-changing stories.
Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.
A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.
Oh well, I confess that I too
found a lot of stuff about this fascinating. A report on 4chan that predicted something going down that would benefit Chertoff and give him a market for the scanners like they had at the airports that he could see to casinos and even schools. On the right they think it is a false flag to justify taking away their guns. I think this action will only increase sales of guns and increase NRA's reach but I somehow doubt the NRA was behind this. For the simple reason that it would not benefit a LEFT leaning outfit! or ideas.
But there was one excited guy who claimed with some justification the latest video that CNN breathlessly offered also refuted the claim about the shooter in the window in the corner. Several times the hotel came into view - the same hotel and the same area that the windows which were blown out in subssequent films - showed no flashes coming out of the window when the shots are heard and the window looks intact.
I think it's very likely the
I think it's very likely the guy did it alone for his own twisted reasons, period.
They do say they're looking for one possible accomplice in days before the shooting.
Conspiracy theories should be treated seriously, meaning rigorously, and important if they happen.
Treating them as a contest for who can be entertaining and implausible makes any real conspiracy that much less important.
For example, the Kennedy assassination - If Oswald did it he had to have done an impossible shot (i knew a master markswoman who went to the room Oswald used and said the shot was "impossible") with a ridiculous weapon, and was immediately apprehended and himself murdered. Or someone else was the real shooter. KISS.
The LV theory that is easiest is that there was 1 shooter, and he did it because of some sort of personal reason. The only question was how he smuggled like two dozen rifles into a hotel room without being caught. This could be explained by simple incompetence combined with the fundamental uniqueness of the situation. Who - prior to the event - would consider that a mature man (53?) would be hauling a suitcase full of rifles several times over three days? Why would anyone notice that one of hundreds of people would be carrying a large suitcase or similar package, even if he did it again and again? The contradictions in the story could easily be from the unreliability of any story in its early stages, people speculate, people try to make sense out of several partial - and incompetent (I was too busy to count shots, I was looking for a place to hide, not looking for muzzle flashes, etc.) - witness accounts. etc.
I don't like a CT for this one.
On to Biden since 1973
@doh1304 I've looked at the JFK
It's appalling there is so little factual consensus on the basic assassination - number of shots, direction of shots, the windshield, the wounds...
I don't see any difficulty in this guy getting the guns to his room - bring luggage repeated trips in a major hotel.
I'm waiting for more evidence
before I entertain any of these colorful scenarios.
"nearly a hundred guns" - The number seems to be 47 and hasn't changed in a while now, that's nowhere near 100. It sounds more like an out of control hobby rather than a gun running operation.
"do not lug them around in explosive filled vehicles" - The explosive in question is tannerite, which is ammonium nitrate and powdered aluminium. Until the chemicals are mixed they are not dangerous, you can legally ship it through the mail. He had enough to destroy his car and damage surrounding cars (and pedestrians). I'm curious as to whether he had a shot at this car from his room (line of sight), whether he had mixed the chemicals, and where they were stored (he wouldn't have been likely to hit it in the trunk, but maybe it was in the back seat). It could have been a plan that he didn't pursue, it might have been an option if the police rolled in and he wanted a distraction. Again, looking for more information.
The idea of him being a patsy seems plausible, but for what? If others were killed, how did they end up in the emergency room? Not by ambulance or police report, that would flag the location of the murders. False flag for what? All that was accomplished was to occupy the news cycle for a couple of days, seems a bit extreme for that.
Lack of video and lack of released video aren't the same thing. They probably have plenty of stuff they haven't shown us yet.
And, of course, the big thing. I want to know how many spent brass they recovered from the hotel room.
"The greatest shortcoming of the human race is our inability to understand the exponential function." -- Albert Bartlett
"A species that is hurtling toward extinction has no business promoting slow incremental change." -- Caitlin Johnstone
And I want a core of direct affirmative evidence before I will do so, too.
Motive, means, opportunity. The problem here is that means and opportunity are abundant; yet motive remains unknown. And until we unwashed masses are allowed a look at a credible motive, nothing else can be made to make sense.
"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar
"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides
Sorcha Faal if going CT
has interesting takes. First, I do like that their home page links to claims they are: a CIA operation; a KGB (now SVR) Op; a cult of Jewish women going back centuries; a group of Russian nuns on the same timeline. Gotta love them for that.
Anyway, they say Putin made gambling illegal; the Russian mob moved to and took over Vegas (with CIA help); altogether with the shooter they were smuggling weapons to jihadis plus laundering money and then Trump (and Sorcha Faal does like him) had the top mob guys busted. The result was retaliation.
Who knows?
Orwell: Where's the omelette?
Sorcha faal: standard CT patter, but primo content
I hate the style of most CT sites, and the dragging in of everything back to JFK any time anything happens.
Nevertheless, there was some really interesting (or merely crazy, but very entertaining) ideas to be found there regarding the motive for the LV massacre. (NOTE: I either love you or hate you for pointing me at that site. Don't know which yet.
The biggest one being that there is a secret war between the CIA+Russian mob and the FBI/Trump/?Mossad?. I had to laugh out loud at that one. The FBI/CIA feud is immortal and true. But Trump, he couldn't find his ass with both hands. OTOH, he was mentored by Roy Cohn and has ties to the Mafia. Still, the idea of some intelligence agency war is not completely out of the realm of possiblity. But, this massacre was "sending a message"? I would need a bottle of gin to even begin to think that was rational.
The really interesting thing in the S.F. stuff was the idea that Paddock's father was a CIA guy. This is where "going back to JFK" was actually relevant. Apparently, Paddock's dad worked for Sam Giancana of CIA/Judith Exner/JFK infamy. And, P. Sr. avoided an FBI dragnet for ten years. Then got out of jail by paying about $750k to settle some claims or fines. Unbelievable, if it is true. I want to try for some independent confirmation about P. Sr.
The idea that P. Jr. could have also been an operative is not unbelievable. The idea that his jobs at the Post Office and IRS could have been cover is very believable. Where S.F. goes off the rails is to claim he was a gun-running pilot for the CIA in Mexico and Afghanistan. Evidence, please. OTOH, if he was, then his money is perfectly explainable. He is another version of Barry Seal. I'm going to check the Mad Cow website to see if Hopsicker has anything to say about LV.
Certainly the US Intel / Ruling Class have their mortal enmenties among them. If Paddock fits in there someway, I don't know how we peasants would prove it given all the factions disinform.
That he flew.... How often and where?
And most seriously: yes everything goes back to JFK'S murder. That's the point when the Lunatic Secret Agents got to set the rules of the game.
Orwell: Where's the omelette?
Hopsicker is sorta on the Russian Mafia beat
A lot of stories about Paul Manafort's ties to some Mafiosi, some event Trump held with a lot of Russian mobsters.
So, according to Hopsicker, it seems, Trump is WITH the Russian mobsters, while the S.F. theory has him OPPOSED to them.
Ahhh, CT, it is insane.
This article has some good information
This website has been covering the shooting and keeping track of all the different stories from the police.
Remember that we first heard that the shooter had been neutralized, then they said that he killed himself.
The security guard was killed when he went to his room, but apparently got better because then he helped police open his door. I doubt that they would have had a problem with kicking it open.
Next we hear that the shooter didn't have the experience to kill that many people so he used tracers even though no video of the shooting showed them.
The police were told that there was shooting coming from the 4th floor, then the 10th and then the 32nd because the smoke alarm went off, except it was the previously dead security guard that told them what room it was coming from.
Now apparently someone leaked the photos from his room. This is one of the "what's wrong with this picture?" games.
hooting: A Cryptic Note, Impossible Planted Rifle And Swipe Of A Key Card That Doesn’t Add Up
Warning Graphic picture of the shooter after he shot himself.
There is so much wrong with the blood patterns in this picture. It looks like there are two different blood patterns on the rug. The blood on his face makes no sense if he shot himself.
The rest you can read for yourself.
Then I suggest looking at the other articles on this.
One would think that they would get the story straight before it happened instead of all the different story lines.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
@snoopydawg One suggestion - put the
Hmmm ...
"cryptic note" - cryptic, yet it seems to be some calculations on how the bullet drop would work. So, not so cryptic?
"multiple guns, so why not multiple shooters?" - I dunno, maybe because there was nobody else in the room? No other fingerprints (they haven't actually said that)? Where did the other shooters go? The fourth floor theory needs to explain why the windows weren't shot out.
"gun over leg" - seems a little odd. Still, maybe his foot slid to the side as his body relaxed after death.
"no blood on casings" - shoots himself while standing up, blood spray doesn't hit the floor for a few feet behind him. Falls, blood pools out under the casing. Nothing too strange there.
"cell phone charger doesn't match" - and today we had a Huffpost article about him employing a call girl. Maybe the girlfriend's charger? Hooker's charger? It will be interesting to hear who it belongs to.
"receipt for two" - sure. Call girl. Doesn't need to be a spook.
"The greatest shortcoming of the human race is our inability to understand the exponential function." -- Albert Bartlett
"A species that is hurtling toward extinction has no business promoting slow incremental change." -- Caitlin Johnstone
Everything claiming
Orwell: Where's the omelette?
Maybe there's a point to all of the different and ever-changing stories, because then nobody has any idea what seems most probable and there are too many different stories floating around for any likely threads to be followed by most. Confusion strategy, coordinated with the corporate media?
I dunno, but I've got my speculators on and they keep me amused or at least distracted even during the most horrible incidents. Sure beats crying over spilt blood, which I have an annoying tendency to do, and which doesn't help anyone or anything at all. And there are a lot of horrible incidents going on all of the time...
Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.
A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.
Motive is very important. A critical component.
Otherwise, we, the people, might become afraid to gather together.
Who would want that?
Who would benefit from that?
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
waveform audio analysis of the shots
I cannot say what the motive was or even who (multiple) did it. But what I do believe is that there were multiple shooters. The taxi driver's video was the first one for me even though some folks here thought that there were echos. There was at least one echo on her video.
Then I happened on this video which was done by a sound engineer who analyzed the sounds from various videos. This man is not a gun expert, but he is a sound expert and his conclusion was that there was more than one shooter based upon the waveform analysis of the audios.
On a personal note, I have felt from the very beginning that this was a professional operation or a false flag. This was definitely not a lone amateur gunman and probably not even Steve Paddock who did this.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
@gulfgal98 If it wasn't Paddock, it
The group that DID take credit - ISIL - claimed Paddock was their soldier, not framed.
It's also not easy to see why Paddock would do it.
Personally, if I was a multi-millionaire, I'd be enjoying life. (I wouldn't be hanging around in casinos, though.) I certainly wouldn't be planning to shoot myself, never mind randomly and psychotically kill/injure/terrorize a whole bunch of concert goers - unless he really hated country music and couldn't escape it in his room, of course.
The whole thing, as it's presented, seems so pointless and unlike the personality portrayed by those who knew him.
Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.
A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.
The more I think about it,
the more it becomes like a movie. And people like Paddock don't produce movies.
Hunter S. Thompson -Fear and Loathing in LV
"no sympathy for the Devil; keep that in mind. Buy the ticket, take the ride... and if it occasionally gets a little heavier than what you had in mind, well, maybe chalk it up to forced consciousness expansion. Tune in, freak out, get beaten."
Maybe he was just a piece of shit
who thought it would be a real gas to take out a crowd.
I hope we will get to know why but we all know it's our culture that produced this person. I gave up being surprised after Sandy Hook.
The real SparkyGump has passed. It was an honor being your human.
Too many puzzle pieces don't fit for that explanation
Way too many guns in the room for the job he had to do.
Guy's whole profile makes no sense: a massive winning gambler whom the casinos treat like royalty instead of banning (which is normal for professional winners).
It took way too long to find the perp's room - 72 minutes. Just go outside, look for broken window, count floors.
Lack of uncontrolled videos from cellphones surfacing. (FBI confiscated security cams.)
Guy's father is a notorious gangster with deep ties to Giancana crime family (i.e., CIA) and a bizarre story of ten years on the run followed by paying $750k to get charges dropped.
The motivation you give just walks away from all of that and says "shit happens". It is as fatalistic/resigned as "I stopped being surprised".
I guess TPTB have succeeded. By letting outrage after outrage happen without taking corrective action (e.g., gun laws, drone warfare) or punishing perps (e.g., out of control cops, murderous presidents), by letting violence just go uncontrolled, the conditioning of helplessness has succeeded.
"Nothing here to see. Move along."
I understand your feelings. They make me sad.
I was speculating, not explaining.
If Sandy Hook didn't make you numb to the pathetic state of our politics, I guess nothing will. Children executed and nothing was done. That makes me sad.
The real SparkyGump has passed. It was an honor being your human.
Sandy Hook convinced me that we are a sick, violent society
It didn't make me numb, anymore than our killing half a million Iraqi children in the 1990s did, anymore than our destroying Libya did, anymore than running a six year "civil war" in Syria. All those things involved destroying entire countries. So, when only one school in one town is deeply damaged, I think I can face that pain and continue to oppose the senseless violence that has become the face that the future will remember as end-of-empire America.
This violence just makes me angry and motivates me to express that anger in a non-violent way - like writing on boards like this.
I think you should study
this a bit more then you can make up an even better story. Get a whole group of people on it. You might even be able to compete with the manifold narratives around who kill Kennedy.... On second thought maybe not. Heh!
Hey, I said its CT. I know I will never figure it out.
But, I know that the official story is complete BS. Just like the 911 hijackers story - devout Moslems my ass. Just like the JFK story.
Just because I can't figure it out doesn't mean I shouldn't be aware that we are being fed BS 24/7 on ALL topics.
Surrounding ALL those seminal events
there is of course, a fog of uncertainty. The fog has been deliberately created and sustained by TPTB. However there can be no doubt whatsoever that they were all high-level conspiracies. And that extraordinary, illegal efforts have made by powerful government officials and law enforcement agencies to cover them up. And that none of the perpetrators have ever been prosecuted or even investigated for these crimes. That they continue to wield significant power, and influence over the course of national affairs is a near certainty.
PO: Payback Is a Bitch - A Roadmap for Hitting Antifa
So I've been getting some memes crossing my FB feed on the "Civil War" that Antifa is supposed to start on Nov 4.
Try a search of Nov 4 Antifa.
Here's the CT -- LV was a roadmap for gun nutters to sacrifice themselves to protect the Republic from a "communist" takeover.
“Tactics without strategy is the noise before defeat.” ~ Sun Tzu
First I heard of Nov 4
I have written antifa off as a false flag outfit designed to discredit the left.
Clearly, from what I googled based on your suggestion, the loony right is still being led by its rifle/dick on the subject of antifa. The gullibility, it burns.
But, since I am not mentally damaged, I cannot follow the logic of how one white guy shooting up hundreds of conservative white folks is "sacrificing himself to stop a communist takeover".
I don't want to swim in any more toxic website sludge. Could you please explain the "logic" of that?
It's Just an Emotive Blueprint.
Paddock hit the gun nutter's tribe by shooting up a country music event.
It was "obviously" a false flag, and the victims cultural predilections "prove" the perps were Leftist.
"Next time those fuckers (Antifa) get together, we'll show them..." Good for the goose is good for the gander.
Make sense now?
“Tactics without strategy is the noise before defeat.” ~ Sun Tzu
I get it. Makes about as much sense as "neener, neener"...
but that is how they think.
They've been conditioned to recognize "the one enemy" in all its disguises - feminists, blacks, gays, globalists, jews, ... They just have to check in with hate radio to find who is the enemy this week.
So, the CT is that this rich, recluse, professional gambler(with a past that reads more like CIA sheep-dipping than any kind of leftwinger) is really a deep-cover leftwinger? That kind of tribalistic mindset that is impossible to reason with.
Great. TPTB have riled up both sides at once. The neanderthals blame it on the left. The "liberals" see it as another victory for the NRA.
And its on to Nov 4. I'm going to post myself a note not to leave the house.
Thanks for the warning.
The RW Framing of Antifa and Nov 4 Really Kind of Scared Me.
Of course the black bloc types are going to be there, but it's the same set up, physically -- bunch of people in one location milling about, and perhaps being kettled...
The crazytown "Communist" angle really jumped out at me. What do wingers do if commies are going to kill our freedom?
Anyway, probably an overactive imagination and far too many disparate connections made by my crazy mind, but I can't help but see connections like these. Blessing and a curse.
“Tactics without strategy is the noise before defeat.” ~ Sun Tzu
We all have our own filters. The media included.
We used to believe the MSM, but they destroyed that credibility - different people gave up on it at different times in the past 50 years. But, by 2017, no one believes they say anything TPTB have not approved. 40 years ago, William Colby (who died mysteriously in a small fishing boat near his Maryland home) said:
Predictably, as this inflammatory statement (which would have been characteristic of Colby, and which is consistent with the "Mighty Wurlitzer" quote about the CIA) gained circulation, it has been attacked as fabricated. The attack is on the literal statement, not on the sentiment expressed. That's how the disinformation game is played.
So, I feel your confusion when you say:
We are in exactly the box they want us in. Nobody has a strategic view of anything. The "fog of war" has been made the daily experience of every citizen trying to inform himself about the political system he is theoretically in charge of.
All one can do is to go with one's instincts, keeping in mind that one's instincts are the result of judgments we have made throughout our lives. Myself, I trust instincts that were formed BEFORE the complete prostitution of the media, say pre-1985-ish. (The internet PRIOR TO the WWW (Mosaic, 1993) also had some really good information. It was a closed little world of very smart, very secure people that had no commercial considerations at all. I'm not sure how far back in time the "wayback machine" goes, but I will check. I'm pretty sure I can get stuff that I wrote in the late 80s.)
IMHO, if the VWRC screaming about "commies" rings your alarm bell, go with it. Its how you feel. Don't apologize for it.
Nah, The Commie Thing Doesn't Ring My Alarm Bell, It's the
result of my understanding of the Right, their penchant for lashing out, and the mediascape and social situation that we are currently living in. The commie thing is the trigger that's making me think we're going to go there.
It just screams for some fucking gun nutter (or a state actor) to take matters into his or her own hands to "stop them from stealing our freedom".
I'm pretty good at social mapping and interpersonal activity, and this is screaming for some kind of ugly resolution.
Corporate has completely lost the handle on the population, and they responded by sowing confusion (2006ish). That sowing of confusion, not allowing the population to trust anything, is morphing into a "Fog of War", complete with existential threats to the American Way of Life.
We're looking at global war (7 active hot spots, 2 more that are nuclear) AND a civil war, and all we got is pointed confusion.
Hope that makes sense.
“Tactics without strategy is the noise before defeat.” ~ Sun Tzu
No worries. That's what I took your statement to mean.
Yeah, its "stochastic terrorism". Broadcast the trigger phrase, and some segment of the lobotomized followers of Limbaugh/Hannity/{whoever it is today} will explode.
You saw the trigger phrase, and you are waiting for the incoming. Perfectly sensible. The phrase doesn't trigger YOU, it triggers the nutjobs.
And the country music concert was entirely filled with Antifa? Or do they suggest that 'God would have sorted it out' by guiding the bullets to those who 'deserved it', in some theological theory of life-or-death meritocracy? If it's goofy enough to be funny, I might check the site out.
Edit: sorry, misunderstood, make that 'And the country music concert was entirely filled with Commies to slaughter whom a brave multi-millionaire sacrificed himself, or with good upstanding citizens shot by Red!!! Russian!!! Cold War Soviet Union Commies!!!???' who also sacrificed himself to do it?
It makes no sense either way. Any call to attack/kill the 'Commie' Antifa protesters of Nazis sounds like something dreamed up by someone having an interest in 'civil war!!!' claims providing an excuse for martial law to be declared against the American people.
Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.
A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.
Country Music is Closely Affiliated with Conservatives, Not
Protests are affiliated with the Left, and the Antifa Nov 4 protest could be quite large as it's not at all a militant or aggressive protest, at least from what I read from some organizers.
My point was that this "false flag" on "our people" to get "our guns" was "obviously done by a Leftist or the socialist, gun grabbing state".
And there's going to be a "communist revolution" happening that coincides with the anniversary of the Russian Revolution in a month.
Take a look at the ratcheted up rhetoric of the Right:
Or this one:
Feel free to check out some more:
It just hit my radar last week and I was a bit freaked when did an online search.
Are you following me now?
“Tactics without strategy is the noise before defeat.” ~ Sun Tzu
Forensic Accoustic proof of two shooters
Here's an undocumented police radio traffic "timeline"
Isn't police radio completely encrypted these days? Or is it a trivial encryption that a dedicated "scanner" can easily buy equipment to defeat?
This is very interesting
Wish I had a layout, with push-pins at each location they're radioing in about. But it looks like they were reporting different locations. Of course, the injured, and everyone else, had to move (or be moved) from where they were shot, or being shot at, to where they were able to be transported or be able to escape.
I'll keep reading.