The Democrats Heist Movie

Democrats are greedy bastards.

To be frankly honest, they couldn't give a shit about the poor, minorities, or anything else, it's all about the MONEY that those groups can give. As those groups have gotten poorer and poorer, the amount of money that they can squeeze out of their traditional groups has gotten smaller and smaller.

A KSA CT that is worth considering

The comments at Moon of Alabama are of uniformly high quality, seemingly written by people in the know. Often, they contain absolute gold. Here is one of them that just blew my socks off:

I posted a TL:DR rant on SouthFront comment, but I'll summarize here for comment:

1. Salman purge is, in reality, fake; meant to explain his (temporary) reign.

Shameless distraction. Finally a CT about LV that makes sense: patsy.

I could rationalize wasting everyone's time with this MSM-fed waste of time; but I won't bother. I confess. I couldn't stay away from so much CT in one place. So, here, direct from MoonOfAlabama is the most intelligent discussion I have seen about this bizarre event.

Missing - A Motive For The Las Vegas Killing Spree