Maybe We're Just Screwed, Simple as That
In the last installment of "Big Al's Written Record for the CIA, NSA and FBI", I proposed a national referendum against oligarchy and plutocracy and for democracy and freedom.
That was two days ago. I had done some reading about the vote for independence in Catalonia and became inspired to publicly voice the proposal. I was like, "ya baby, let's have us a referendum! Let's go get us some FREEDOM!! Yippie Kay Yay MFers!"
Today I read more articles on the situation in Spain and have a different inspiration.
Maybe we can't do shit about anything.
Don't mistake that for giving up. That's not an option when you consider the stakes. It would be like watching a rape across the street and not calling 911. Or like leaving the scene of a horrifying accident because you're late for work. You might not stop the rape or save anyone at the accident but you have to try. Most people anyway. Not all, that's for sure.
When you consider the stakes. Does anyone consider the stakes anymore?
I read about the Spanish government crackdown on the Catalonians trying to exercise their human right to vote, to have a voice in how they live, how their lives are governed. I read about how the independence movement is primarily an attempt by the Catalan bourgeoisie to carve out an independent capitalist nation-state that would immediately seek membership in the European Union and NATO. I read about how the repression in Spain is part of an accelerating turn to authoritarian forms of rule throughout Europe. I read about past revolutions and how the rich always end up back in power, somehow, some way. I think about Trump and this country. I think about the ignorance, the propaganda, the apathy, the divisions, the differences.
I think about our political system. The one where we elect 537 people to make the decisions for this country and call that democracy. The one that is completely controlled by the rich and powerful, the corporations and banks, the One Percenters who own nearly everything. The one that gave us the choice between Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton as president. The one that requires us to have a president. We must have a president, that's how humans roll, there is no other way.
Maybe we're doomed to a sort of Groundhog's Day existence where every two to four years some of us, those that still believe, go vote for politicians to make our decisions for us. Maybe that's all there is to life. Keep electing millionaires and billionaires, who knows, maybe someday we'll be lucky enough to have a trillionaire for president, pending verification by their tax returns of course. Maybe that's what most people want, therefore it will be. We wouldn't want a trillionaire president without verification, that would be like, cheap, un-American.
Maybe there's nothing we can do about it. We're all humans destined to be ruled by the rich, controlled by the cream of the crop, the sociopathic and psychopathic among us who covet all the power, gold and riches the world can produce. Just like always and forever and ever amen. Maybe we who live in this 21st century after a dude named Jesus chastised the money changers are lucky we have twitter and facebook and ESPN to keep our minds off the inevitable. Because the money changers are still at it and we still can't stop them.
What a difference a day makes.

George always was my favorite Beatle.
I'm coming to the realization that I can only live my life the best I can for myself and my neighbors. I might not like them, but it's far better to concentrate on the petty politics and annoyances where I can make a difference. This is of course a stoned opinion, and I am totally PUI right now.
Thinking about maybe getting involved with the Portland Tenant's Union. Rents are going up way too fast, and soon those of us on housing assistance won't be able to stay in our current places. (And I need 3 bedrooms. I'm not going to try to sleep with my significant other on a couch thankyouverymuch...)
I'm not going to play the Democrat or Republican game. I'm going to stay who I am, and if a party tries to claim me, I'll tell them to go fuck themselves. I don't do American politics. Oregon politics, sure, but I won't participate in the Empire's business.
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.
We all do the best we can.
I'm not sure about the bliss part of ignorance
One of the reasons I liked the referendum idea is that people would see how many others think as they do. I thought that would be a step in the right direction, giving courage for some action(s).
I suppose that's why alot of people just don't want to know.
Good to see you Granma.
I'm still on the referendum bandwagon
myself. It's a start and will establish a baseline.
"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11
Al, I didn't respond in your referendums post because I didn't want to be Dance-y Downer. The hurdles to introducing referendums are great and differ from state to state. Nowhere to my knowledge does a referendum do more than signal a preference by a populace; nowhere does it actually change the law right then and there, does it?
But as a signal, and as a chance for voters to see they are not alone, it could have a significant impact and deserves more consideration and planning.
Occupy didn't change any laws, or the system it protested, but it did get everyone to suddenly see themselves not as random particles in a political and economic universe but as members of either the 1% or the 99%. Prior to that, I may have been 42%, and my neighbor maybe 36% and on the other side of me maybe 27%, and we all wanted to get to better numbers individually, but Occupy showed us that was not the reality -- the reality was we were all in the 99% and we'd never in a million years be admitted to the 1%, who were the 1% by keeping us much lower. That was a pretty damned big revelation for many. And referendums would have that same potential to open eyes to new perspectives, new ways to look at the universe in which your particular particle might be caroming about.
I still think the actual change in the system will come about only with [a] a violent revolt, or [b] simple dissolution of an unsustainable system (and this is what general strikes would accelerate). Within the US it could come from [c] the rest of the world saying it's done with us and shutting us off to devolve as we please, but that would still leave the system in place in Europe and elsewhere with the same oligarch problem that would just come back to stop any betterment we'd be able to manage in isolation. The path to achieve real change would probably be rather ugly.
But referendums could fertilize the public imagination with the idea that there are real identifiable things -- not just some "well, that's the way it is" fog -- that we need to change.
This is a way out there idea, but
I'm on the run, will check back this evening to read criticisms.
My first reaction is . . .
"Way out there" is the way to go. You need visibility to spark a conversation among more than just your friends. Way out there => visibility => talking => "What the hell, I'm in, where do I vote?" And when enough people vote, someone is gonna notice. Even if TPTB and the media try to throw a blanket over it, people will notice. They noticed Occupy.
OWS not only opened my eyes to the injustice of
bailing out the banks after they committed massive fraud that effected so many people all over the world, it opened my eyes to who Obama was and how he felt about the people who elected him.
Just like the only person who went to prison for torture was the person who told us about it, the only people who were arrested for massive economic fraud were the people who were protesting against it and their monetary reward for committing it.
This was wrong on so many levels. While millions of people continued to lose their homes, the banks got trillions more than just the $700 billion we were told about and that came from our money. In what world does giving the banks $20 trillion, while the people's lives barely recovered?
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
It takes both kinds of people
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
Agree gg.
I stay out of local politics.
A county judge whom the ptb warned not to even run, was mysteriously covered up with porn on his county lap top computer 6 months into his term, removed from office, died before his case came to trial. I received multiple death threats for representing him.
A deputy constable ran for constable against his boss. His home was burned to the ground. He left the area.
A candidate for justice of the peace received multiple death threats. Another candidate in that precinct got enough dead animals in his mail box and front porch that he withdrew his name from the ballot.
The sitting county judge is not who the ptb wanted. His home was recently burned to the ground, he has been pulled over by department of public safety offices at least 6 times, and is constantly facing threats of removal from office, his office in the courthouse was taken from him, he is under felony investigation, etc...He and his staff carry weapons to work.
My office has been burglarized, I have received death threats, just for representing a constable, 2 judges, a county commissioner, and a district attorney that, locally, the ptb didn't like.
Oh. And I had that warning shot fired over my head while I was in my front yard. The guy screamed, "I will burn your house down and your family's house, too!" (They lived next door to me at the time.)
A former district attorney received death threats. A former county commissioner receive death threats. A lawyer running for judge had his law office flooded, ransacked, and I could go on at length.
So, no. No local anything for me. No sign, no financial support, no talk on the street, no nothing.
I had a bullet whizz over my head that would have killed me, but for the fact I bent down to hug my hound dog.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
leave the area
emphasis mine
Maybe you ought to consider this advice:
"Go and do likewise!"
Christian Scriptures, Luke 10:37
"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar
"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides
That sounds really good.
The other lawyers around here are in the same boat.
We work for charities and churches and keep our mouths shut.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
That is seriously fucked up...
Course in my home town we knew who the mayor was going to be when he was in grade school. Old Man Packard's Grandkid. Wants to be a Congressman, and thinks that Sam Farr will give him the seat after his time is up. Pretty much an open secret.
Don't know what the dynamic is here in Portland. I think the housing issue isn't gonna go away, and it's something I can at least work on. There are a lot of local landowners selling right now, and a lot of rental corporations buying up houses because they know they can drive up the rents.
Rent control would shut that shit down fast. As would some serious public housing projects. Low income, fuck the profit, no new luxury houses until every person has a place to sleep.
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.
Yes, totally F'ed up.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
This was another side benefit from the economic crash
People's homes were fraudulently foreclosed on and instead of doing a few things that would have allowed them to stay in them, such as actually making the mortgage companies refinance their homes, if they were foreclosed on, let them have first dibs on buying them back for what they were selling for, etc.
instead, huge financial institutions bought those homes for pennies on the dollar and then they rent them out for high rental prices, and they became absent slum landlords. There aren't enough affordable homes for sale because they aren't on the market. This is because they were bought up. Home ownership is at the lowest it's been for a very long time.
This too is part of Obama's legacy.
I have written these words so many times that my iPad has them already written. This too should be part of Obama's legacy. He taught computers what people want to write.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
Florida is just as bad in this regard.
Modern education is little more than toeing the line for the capitalist pigs.
Guerrilla Liberalism won't liberate the US or the world from the iron fist of capital.
I doubt that anything is going to happen to them
not with DWS' brother is in charge of prosecuting them. This seems to be a big conflict of interest, but what do I know
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
Definitely certain parts of Florida
What I find more frightening is that the gross corruption and organized crime seems to be spreading to smaller cities and communities where you would not expect to find it.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
@on the cusp
What happens when psychopaths achieve absolute control over an area... so sorry that such a state exists and that you - or anyone - is stuck in it!
Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.
A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.
In the end, local is all there is
We the people have no inroads to power in DC. We have no way to influence what is going on there, not directly. My thinking is that DC is corrupt because our society is corrupt. I also think that's why we have the problems with violence that we do. We have so many mass-shootings because our culture is violent and bloody. That fact is written large when one looks at our external actions. Why would it be different internally?
So for me, I just try to talk to people around me and see if I can nudge them towards some key ideas:
In short, I try to get them to see the problem space similarly to the way I do. From there, we have mutual ground to talk about solutions.
A lot of wanderers in the U.S. political desert recognize that all the duopoly has to offer is a choice of mirages. Come, let us trudge towards empty expanse of sand #1, littered with the bleached bones of Deaniacs and Hope and Changers.
-- lotlizard
Kill your TV is usually a good one.
For now at least, and that leads me directly into my net neutrality speech...
and then on to my Disney copyright vs public domain speech...
I should probably write these all down sometime.
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.
We killed ours eight years ago
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
I agree but tough sell
One of the things that happened to us when we decided to stop paying for cable and let all our subscriptions lapse is that we were no longer inundated with propaganda. That includes political propaganda but also cultural and economic. It's amazing how much less STUFF we want to buy simply because we aren't exposed to advertising regularly. Cutting ties to MSM saves money in more ways than the immediate savings.
As a handy side-benefit, it also frees up your mind to think since nobody is stuffing pre-thought thoughts into your head.
A lot of wanderers in the U.S. political desert recognize that all the duopoly has to offer is a choice of mirages. Come, let us trudge towards empty expanse of sand #1, littered with the bleached bones of Deaniacs and Hope and Changers.
-- lotlizard
framed and hanging in my house - still.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
G.H. sort of looks like Albus Dumbledore might have looked
before the latter’s hair and beard turned white.
Over at Truth-out there is an essay about what the author calls
Con-Con 2.0. He warns of Republicans finally being able to hold a Constitutional Convention to make their right wing agenda part of the Constitution. Some progressives have called for the same but considering the lock the Repigs have on state and federal governments, nothing good can come of it, IMO.
The essay also mentions “draining the swamp,” but so far we are still up to our asses in alligators, with apologies to Alligator Ed who is an excellent reptile. Our overlords seem to want to ensure that they can continue to prey on the 99% without interference.
"The object of persecution is persecution. The object of torture is torture. The object of power is power. Now do you begin to understand me?" ~Orwell, "1984"
I am still wondering why this was allowed to happen?
In too many races at all levels of government, republicans were allowed to run unopposed by any democratic candidates. And this is still happening, or the dem candidate is so far from being a democrat that people don't want them to win. This happened in just 8 years. Has this Big of
This is why they lost 1,000 seats at the federal level as well as governorships and 2/3rds of state levels. Democrats had to know about the danger that this would create, yet here we are. Just short of republicans being able to modify the constitution. We the people should have been made aware of this and maybe there was/is a chance to stop it from happening.
Is this another way for the PTB to further screw us? How badly can this be for our country and our lives?
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
I don’t think Dems were at all worried about losing
power for themselves as the power behind both parties is the same. They let it happen and then blamed it on Republicans be just too, too powerful. Then they asked us for more money so that we couldn’t use it to the detriment of TPTB. Also Dems like money for themselves and their family and friends.
So TPTB are in the final stages of killing any chance for democracy with the help of their Democrat and Republican handmaidens.
"The object of persecution is persecution. The object of torture is torture. The object of power is power. Now do you begin to understand me?" ~Orwell, "1984"
@Lily O Lady I think that's a huge
But for example, while neither party jailed bankers, Elizabeth Warren isn't going to be in the Republican Party, and the consumer bureau was created by Democrats, While Republicans attack it.
both parties
With all due respect to you, today's Democrats are Republicans.
The "Democrats" you apparently believe in, the kind that would have been recognized as Democrats in continuously-loyal States in 1975, are an extinct species. Hillary Clinton's politics of action are the same ones as she maintained as a Goldwater Girl. (I put no stock in her words, but determine by her actions.)
And "the interests that corrupt both" now call all the shots in both parties.
Why not? It's where she came from to begin with......
"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar
"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides
You do see the parties as different as did I once. However
the losing streak the Dems have been on makes them appear ineffectual at best or intentionally weak at worst. The things they do accomplish like the ACA are actual Republican policies (Romneycare). Dems couldn’t accomplish gun control after Sandy Hook in spite of overwhelming support by the American people. But zdems don’t work for the American people. They work for the 1%. The NRA pays Congress critters to do their bidding. Mere salaries paid by taxpayers pale in comparison.
This last election disabused me of any lofty notions of what the Democratic Party stands for. I kept waiting for Dems to stand up for themselves and for us, but instead they renounced Democratic ideals. No less a person than John Lewis said Democrats didn’t want “free stuff,” dismissing Bernie’s idea of free college. I realized that it was no longer my party.
"The object of persecution is persecution. The object of torture is torture. The object of power is power. Now do you begin to understand me?" ~Orwell, "1984"
@Lily O Lady My view is that
John Lewis did support Hillary, joining the 'wrong side' of the party. Yet Bernie - not even technically a Democrat - got 46% of the party's vote as an almost unknown figure.
That's a party needing people to help the progressive wing take over the party, not to kill the party off and hand the country to the Republicans.
How about killing off BOTH parties?
Seems to me they're both doing a pretty good job of committing hara-kiri while the rest of the world watches and mocks them.
Anybody got plans for filling the void? Because TPTB surely do!
There is no justice. There can be no peace.
@TheOtherMaven Well, I see
And if we did, as you suggest, I see the same pressures causing problems now getting even worse.
Thing is, they're killing *themselves*
The Democratic Party more openly and publicly than the Republican Party, which seems to think that playing musical chairs (and leaving Trump standing) will solve their problems. It won't.
There is no justice. There can be no peace.
The 46% you refer to are being played by the wealthy,
powerful minority (think superdelegates and Clintons) who really run things. If you recall, after the primary was called for Clinton, Bernie supporters were told both to get in line and that we weren’t needed. I’m not going to go into the death by a thousand cuts that the party put Berniecrats through. All I’ll say is that it worked! The Democrat Party (Democratic no longer, IMO) is Dead to Me. I won’t let Lucy hold the football for me yet again. You are welcome to try and kick it, however, and good luck with that.
"The object of persecution is persecution. The object of torture is torture. The object of power is power. Now do you begin to understand me?" ~Orwell, "1984"
@Lily O Lady Well, the
That way lies far worse than the worst Democrats.
Keep your disgust for the bad things in the Democratic Party, but recognize what it is as well - the only feasible vehicle, just a name, for progressives to have a chance by taking it over.
Republicans LOVE for people to abandon Democrats from the left and splinter their opposition.
Just knock it off
This is NOT a Democratic Party site. Our goals do NOT necessarily include saving the Democratic Party from itself - quite a number of us, having been badly burned by it, are only too happy to watch it set fire to itself and burn.
(The Republican Party, meanwhile, is splashing gasoline all over itself and juggling torches at the same time - they're next on the self-destruct list.)
Trying to scare us with boogeymen didn't work in 2016, doesn't work in 2017, and won't work in 2018, 2019, 2020....
There is no justice. There can be no peace.
You seem to keep putting your opinions over others
everyone here is entitled to their opinion, just like you are entitled to yours without being told that you are wrong.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
@snoopydawg I agree everyone
Just to mention:
Psychopathic birds of a feather, flock to feather their nests together.
Her record as Secretary of State speaks for itself in her share of the damage done in America and around the world to those dispossessed, drained and poisoned, to further enrich and empower those already having most, at their cost and that of environmental health. And that's what used to identify the Republican Party from the Dems, thought to be different and more democratically inclined, as they seemed to be.
This isn't actually about political party labelling, since both brands of the Two-Party Trade-Off to which Americans have been restricted demonstrably stand for corporate/billionaire hegemony and neither one for the people their public office exists to represent the interests of.
Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.
A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.
@Ellen North Those are some of
You put up a long list - a similar one could be made of issues showing that despite all those flaws, the Republicans were still a lot worse.
And as long as people continue to encourage evil by voting for it, the evils will continue to trade off endlessly between one party and another and continue to worsen.
There has to be a better way than asking for evil of any kind in 'democratic (s)elections' over and over again, like some mass cloning of Homer Simpsons repeatedly re-bumping their heads against some hard object while trying to rise - without ever changing a thing to avoid immediate future injury.
Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.
A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.
I oscillate between hope (your suggestion for a national referendum) and cynical nihilism (everything captured in this essay). And to think I used to be an optimist.
Even the politics here in Burlington, Vermont are tainted. You'd think it wouldn't be the case, but true progressives are consistently drowned out by corporatist cronyism. ::cough:: Miro Weinberger ::cough::
Can't we all find an undiscovered island somewhere and quietly start a commune? (Preferably outside the hurricane zone and the Ring of Fire?)
[RIP Mr. Petty]
heh, Freedom ! - Uncle Sam and Uncle Bismark, brothers in arms?
So, now I looked up where Uncle Sam came from:
oops, not this one of course:
and now Uncle Bismark, who my brother mistook as God as a five year old when strolling by the statue in Hamburg, Germany, with my mom....
So, no peace and unity without an "Iron Fist Chancellor", but heh, not too much freedom as well.
Uncle Sam though promises you freedom and patriotism and loves to make a buck, I guess, but I guess the buck goes to the PTB, the government, ie the oligarchs and plutocrats these days.
So, what is it now?
I am for a new party, the Jeffersonian Party against unrestricted Corporations and Monopolies.
When you need to restrict, you won't have freedom. Something has to give and it's a matter of balance of power to keep for the good of the people and for peace. What's more important, restrictions for unity in peace or freedom for unrestricted diversity?
Can't figure it out. You tell me. What do I not get? Sure we are screwed. Always. What else is new?
what else isn't new?
Or, as they said it 3000 years ago:
-- Jewish Scriptures, Ecclesiastes 1:2-10 (KJV) source
"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar
"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides
thank you helps in a way, but ...
Oh Al you killed me with this!
Please don't let it be the the last finger in the eye of those pricks!
I am cautiously optimist in the WI gerrymandering case that the Supreme Court will rule in favor of the voters. That would put some fairness back into elections here.
Sad that both George and Tom are gone now.
O.k. When is the next meeting for the revolution?
-FuturePassed on Sunday, November 25, 2018 10:22 p.m.
We're in the matrix. n/t
the little things you can do are more valuable than the giant things you can't! - @thanatokephaloides. On Twitter @wink1radio. (-2.1) All about building progressive media.
Self-determination is the most important human right
…in the opinion of many. Without that, there are no other human rights. When a distinct historical population wants autonomy and new government, who has the authority to say "No." their culture will appreciate. It is a great mistake to repress a culture under a government they don't want.
In the backstory, the right-wing Spanish Fascists under Franco seized the Autonomous community of Catalonia in 1939. It was an independent territory with its own culture and language; it had a successful economy. Catalonia is ready to return to its historic independence, and make sovereign the territory the Fascists stole from them. They want self determination over their culture and future. The Spanish are saying, "We won your civilization fair and square; you were outgunned. Too bad."
I believe in the fullness of time, that homeland returns to the cultures that are bound to it by evolution. I believe this is inevitable and that the struggle never ends until the past is set right. I believe that the Palestinians will get their country back. I feel certain the Catalonians will reclaim their principality. I imagine that the Native Americans might even get their continent back, one day. The occupiers may remain, but only as guests.
I'm not so sure we are destined to be ruled by the oligarchs, al. They have these massive injustices to atone for, internationally — these things just don't go away. They aren't going to be allowed to sit like fat spiders in their webs after what they have done to the world. It took 15 years of careful planning and structuring for the world to neutralize the weaponized US Dollar and end Dollar hegemony. The time is coming when US will no longer be able to pay its trade imbalances by printing money out of thin air, a privilege that a Reserve Currency has and the US abused. The Dollar will lack liquidity as OPEC discovers there are more lucrative currencies for foreign exchange. Marginalizing the Dollar will definitely stop the aggressive wars the US uses to execute Israel's foreign policy. Foreign military bases will close.
I think the American people will have greater political options going forward. Certainly, better leaders will rise up. The cycle will be broken.
Thanks Pluto.
I agree, Pluto.
This will come to pass.
"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11
@Raggedy Ann Or, the opposite will
Until the idea of 'better leaderhip' and escaping the plutocracy will be as far off as the North Korean people's having freedom soon.
One problem is that we simply cannot get the American people at all united on this. The election of Republicans shows how far off we are.
I prefer to remain positive.
Positive vibes are better for humanity and the planet than negativity, imo.
"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11
this is my hope
I think it is the only way out for we the people. Sadly it will come with some great hardship, but perhaps it will be worth it in the end.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
"We stole it fair and square" is more like it!
The parallels between Spain's treatment of the Native Americans and of today's Catalans are eerie and frightening!
And, as I've pointed out before, Spain followed the Turkish example and put that word indivisible in their constitution, and now whine about how the Catalans are "violating the law" by reclaiming their rightful sovereignty.
As far as the Americas go, I don't think we will ever revert to indigenous rule. There will always be a majority of non-indigenous people living here; that particular toothpaste is never going back into the tube. However, the North American denouement will take another form. As our 99% realize that we have everything in common with our indigenous brothers and sisters, and nothing in common with the fuckers who rip us all off alike, solidarity is forming and growing, as well it should. As the 99% come to realize this, the indigenous Peoples' fight for their needs is receiving strong alliances from other 99%ers. (The anti-DAPL fight is a prime example of this.) In short, we 99%ers are figuring out that we all are in the same boat as the indigenous folks, and we're learning to act like it. In the end, this will have the same happy result for all of us, no matter where our DNA originally hails from.
Likewise, I don't see Catalunya expelling ethnic Spaniards who want to live as Catalans.
Palestine? The first thing everybody there needs to figure out is that the vast majority of original Israelites are the Palestinians today. They are kin -- cousins -- to any and all Jews with actual Israelite blood in their veins, which means damn near all the Jews in the world and especially all the Jews in Palestine/Israel. As soon as they figure out that they're all family, the family can figure out how to live in peace on the old family hacienda. Unless and until that happens, there's no hope at all for peace there. Nina Paley got it right:
(A chart showing just who was killing who, when, can be found on Nina's site here.)
EDIT: Yanked that spurious "0" from the word "have".
"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar
"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides
All interesting and wise points.
Thanks for the links and your views.
Capitalism and the US government are Zombies
Our economy and system of government has proven to, on purpose, not work for the average American. Also, the psychopathic/sociopathic elite and their boot lickers don't follow the rule of law. It's time we stopped too.
The solution to our problems is at the local level. By pushing forward a Cooperative Democracy we could enact lasting change.