No one knows her name or age
because her family was killed in an airstrike in Yemen by the "Saudi led coalition." What countries are in the Saudi led ocalition?
Morocco, Egypt, Jordan, Kuwait, Bahrain, Qatar, Sudan, UAE , Pakistan and Somalia have voiced support for the war against Yemen.
The United States and Canada are also involved.
Obama authorized logistical and intelligence support for the strikes, but that the U.S. is not joining with direct military action
Canadian vehicle sales to Saudi Arabia make it the world’s second-biggest arms dealer to the Middle East
The Saudi government swears these vehicles will not be used against civilians.
Source for the photograph
Young Yemeni Girl Is Sole Survivor After Airstrike Topples Her Home
Peace everyone, it begins with peace in our hearts.

Medea on Yemen
Interesting interview from the other day (video or text)
It saddens me to be a citizen of a country that inflicts itself in these sorts of ways...repeatedly...and world wide.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Oh, the heart understands but the mind
can't get a handle around why--after all these years--the killing fields continue. What are we? A civilization, hardly, not with these outcomes.
Even in Texas, this morning's big news was the NG was on the way with video of trucks on interstate heading for Houston. Damn it, they've known for a week and i'm going to have to tune out of twitter because people are tweeting their addresses in dire straits, needing help immediately, too late in many ways, our government.
Thanks, Marilyn, for this diary, we need to know!
War is a business, ya know.
To the victors go the spoils, and this little girl gets everything else.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
the little girl gets.....
The term you're looking for is: "the shaft"!
Just like us Serfs in the USA.
"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar
"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides
"War is a business, ya know."
And as we all know, business is good. Very good.
the little things you can do are more valuable than the giant things you can't! - @thanatokephaloides. On Twitter @wink1radio. (-2.1) All about building progressive media.
Thanks for the replies
I was overcome by this photograph, broken-hearted by the story and sharing it with you has really helped.
To thine own self be true.
Though I feel the honesty in your feeling about this photo
I can't help but warn people to not recognize when "heartbreaking images" are published with intention to stage follow-up reactions and use them for political purposes. This can be for a good cause or the opposite.
Were you as broken-hearted when you heard about the incubator babies ripped out of incubators in Kuweit?
How CNN helped spread a hoax about Syrian babies dying in incubators
May be I mix up things here, but the saying that "a picture is worth a thousand words"
is in my opinion not valid anymore. The thousand words it could have stood for, could all have been lies and so can an image that replaces the thousand words.
I can't stand it anymore, if people use "heart-breaking" images to "win my heart and mind". The first question i have looking at a still photo, is, what was the intention of the publisher. And I don't trust their intentions anymore. Sorry to say.
When this happened, I didn't know about it. Found out about it only years later and saw some footage in the archives of my own employer about it.
No, I did not believe the propaganda about Kuwait
way back then.
Today: What good would fake news of the civilian deaths in Yemen do for any country, what could they gain by faking the photographs of a devastated landscape and a wounded child?
It is not propaganda this time, check al jazeera and Real News Network if you don't believe the links I have provided.
al jazeera
Inside Story - Who can protect Yemen's civilians?
Real News Network
UN Report: Saudi Coalition Massacred Hundreds of Children in Yemen
To thine own self be true.
ouch - failure in communicating well
Sorry, you didn't get what I meant. I read TRN, Truthdig and Aljazeera quite often. I didn't mean to say I did not believe your links.
I just tried to say that the NYT posting that image doesn't make up for honest reporting you get often at Truthdig and TRN.
Forget about it. I shot myself in the foot and shot you as well, which I really didn't intend at all.
Sorry. I messed up.
I come to my sensitivities of how videos are cut and images posted by sitting behind ARD German TV Correspondents with their video editors and following how they choose images and sequences of video material to 'make a good news story'. I remember also vividly discussions in the studio comparing
US News studios video editing styles with German ones. After a while I got sick and tired of "the best image to jerk some tears out of the eyes of some viewers". Sorry for that. I guess I got sensitized and have allergic reactions. I really like boring factual images. That's just me.
My apologies for not better communicating what I actually wanted to say.
mimi, sometimes, i think
it's best to look beyond the veil in front.
@smiley7 - I just looked beyond the veil too often and too
much for my own sanity. See my response above to MarilynW.
Again, this didn't go well. I am sorry.
Oh, Canada....
Canadian vehicle sales to Saudi Arabia make it the world’s second-biggest arms dealer to the Middle East
The Saudi government swears these vehicles will not be used against civilians."
I really do get tired of Canadians and their American groupies always affecting a tone of total moral superiority vis-a-vis the US. They do some things very well, yes, but they're certainly not pure as the driven snow.
The Canadian PM Trudeau is a disappointment
I don't know any of these people you mention. We just survived a decade of right-wing rule. Where I live we just elected a left-wing (sort of) government and we have a lot of hope about undoing what we can of the right-wing damage.
We can only claim an edge over the US because of our excellent medicare and the way our government treats immigrants and refugees. Other than that, our Prime Minister is a disappointment. Full of promise (like Obama) until he took office.
To thine own self be true.
I would like to say: Koch brothers and others in Alberta for 50 years; Alberta oil-boy psychopathic Harper installed as Prime Minister with help which Harper begged from US business interests with a promise to drain more out of Canada and Canadians than anyone else would consider - importing electoral cheating - and Trudeau evidently as a placeholder for that corporate favorite in the face of country-wide strategic voting to get the Cons out.
However, Harper would not have gone to the trouble of passing a 'law'!!!??? gagging Elections Canada from mentioning electoral fraud just before the election (with some rather suspicious results) unless this was planned... thus Canada is ever more a Mini-Me America, complete with a race for matching industrial disease rates within her population, thanks also to NAFTA and 'harmonization' with deadly and appalling American standards.
Canada is no longer anything for her citizens to be proud of, and hasn't been for some time, so those holier-than-thou-er of which you speak quite likely may be part of the army of originally Harper-hired propagandists infesting the internet.
Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.
A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.
War planes and munitions are the big ticket
Items for corporate America.
I'm tired of this back-slapping "Isn't humanity neat?" bullshit. We're a virus with shoes, okay? That's all we are. - Bill Hicks
Politics is the entertainment branch of industry. - Frank Zappa
Your tax dollars at work n/t
"Obama promised transparency, but Assange is the one who brought it."