Full Meltdown ON--DNC Lawsuit Dismissed
In his ruling, Judge Zloch wrote that the plaintiffs had failed to prove their injury, calling it “too diffuse” for Federal court. Despite the dismissal, Zloch did state that the court assumed the basic claim made by the plaintiffs to have been true; that the DNC acted against Bernie Sanders and in favor of Hillary Clinton despite outward claims of neutrality.
This judge basically threw his hands up in the air and said "I can't find the class definition, so I have to toss this case out". Which he could perfectly legally do--and it's actually a good thing he did, because scuttlebutt now is that there WILL BE a refiling of this matter in that court as....something that answers to that dilemma (more on that in a bit).
There had better be. Because if there is not a court in the United States that can look at this travesty and see that a private corporation has no damned business governing and dominating the American public's voting process, we are well and truly fucked as a democratic republic. A private company does what it wants ONLY for itself and its shareholders. Why the hell is a private company running public elections??? Particularly when it's also been made obvious, in a multitude of ways, how this private company--the Democratic National Committee--flat-out manipulated the various processes of our public elections to the point where a lot of questionable or obviously criminal activity was documented to have taken place.
If that all stands unchallenged in a legal sense, what other remedy is there? None? If there is none, folks, I would submit to all of us that everything we were ever taught about American History is wrong. I don't know about anybody else, but I am livid right now.
Hopefully, the way Judge Zloch wrote this opinion, there's some kind of opening to be exploited, where the case can be properly filed with a defined class or actual people showing harm in need of remedy:
In evaluating Plaintiffs' claims at this stage, the Court assumes their allegations to be true-that the DNC and Wasserman-Schultz held a palpable bias in favor of Clinton, and sought to propel her ahead of her Democratic opponents.
However, he also goes on to say, in the very next sentence:
Plaintiffs assert several fraud-type claims. But they do not allege they ever heard or acted upon the DNC's claims of neutraility.
Now you tell me--what in the almighty fuck were people supposed to do to "act upon the DNC claims of neutrality? That's in a BYLAW. The DNC doesn't go around saying they're "fair and impartial" because THEY ARE NOT. Thanks a lot, Your Judgeship.
SO. Here we are. Has it been ever thus--old rich white guys in suits, smoking cigars and choosing our betters for us? Yes, it has. But the last time this kind of thing came to a real boil, it was 1968 in Chicago, where all hell broke loose when "guys with cigars in the back room" decided some stuff and Hubert Humphrey ended up the candidate for President on the Democratic side (and not the Not-Corporate Guys, George McGovern & Eugene McCarthy). In the context of the times--then, as now--this was a major sticking point for any American voter considering themselves to the 'left' of the political spectrum. It was said then, as now, that if there is not a fair impartial process for selecting candidates for a runoff to select the party candidate for the general election, then to say we are a "democratic republic, with each person given one voice in government" is complete bullshit. And in case anyone to the right of the spectrum is reading this? The RNC just got handed license to do the same damn thing to you. Not that it wasn't already. If you think Donald Trump ran for POTUS out of the goodness of his patriotic heart, please, think again.
Sigh. Will we ever learn? There's a great history timeline of the DNC, circa 1968 here. To give context here, it was after THAT convention--where people got beat up, tear-gassed, and all kinds of other state-sanctioned fun--the DNC wrote the bylaw in question in this case--the one dismissed Friday.
This shit wasn't SUPPOSED to happen again.
And yet, here we are. Cait Johnstone, as usual, nails it with her own scathing reply. But her editor can have that tombstone. Those fuckers can stay dead, and rot in Hell. I wouldn't piss on them if they were on fire...

What remedies are you referring to here?
@lunachickie I used "tools" in the
I used the email/server issue as an example in the next sentence there. He shoved that under the rug (saying he doesn't give a damn about the emails), and what happened during the primary/general election? Drip drip drip of emails of various kinds (from her own and then the Wikileaks one). That was a big issue currently in the news and in the minds of people and he let it slide by.
He should have hammered, I mean hammered, her warmongering aspect. Things like Iraq, Libya, Syria, especially Syria. All this bloodlust and frenzy over wanting a potential war with Russia by shooting down planes in Syria.
Even with single payer. Chelsea Clinton went around telling people that Sanders was going to get rid of the ACA and ruin healthcare.
There were so many angles to attack her on. And not like mudslinging or making stuff up. Legitimate things of her history that showed how terrible she was. Even with Wall Street, Sanders would merely sidestep around the gravity of it. He brought up speeches but it was minimal.
There is so much he could have brought up during the debates but didn't. I mean if I was debating her I would have used quite a lot against her. That's what I mean when if he was really trying to win, it seemed lackluster. There were so many angles of attacks to use against her and he didn't really do it.
I mean where were lines like this:
"Hillary Clinton cares more about corporate profits than human lives."
"1 million Iraqi citizens are dead due to the imperialist, warmongers such as Hillary Clinton."
"If Clinton is elected, we could very well see the extinction of the human race. Her psychopathic warmongering with Russia could incite a nuclear war that could destroy all life on this planet."
"Climate change is wreaking havoc on our planet and Clinton will continue to frack away because corporate profits are more important to her than the survival of our planet."
And how long do you think
it would have taken CNN to have "technical difficulties",
?Look, if things are as vile and crooked as we think, the formal way of "working from within" has a zero chance of working. And that includes trying to interject reality to this extent during the debates while he was on TV. It had zero chance of airing intact, without being pushed back on, as, for example, "the ravings of an old man".
If you're going to labor under the paradigm of "Sanders sold out" or "He had a chance and didn't use it", then you can never believe he was ever threatened with bodily harm or worse. At any time. And that's just obviously ludicrous, given that we know of at least two people who lost their lives last year over these primaries.
Anyone who thinks that isn't possible is just not thinking this through. I don't like that he didn't say anything either, but you have to allow for the possibility that he absolutely could not do that, upon pain of himself or his loved ones being caused grievous harm resulting. And nobody wants to do that. It's not pleasant. But it's most certainly possible and I tire of that being overlooked because it's easier to say he sold out or chickened out. What flapdoodle.
At the end of the day, the man is more useful to everybody if he's A) breathing and B) still in the Senate.
We need to think just a wee bit deeper before we just throw our hands up and decide he blew it or he sold out.
@lunachickie This continues the
What does he tell us to do? Vote Democrat and "hold their feet to the fire".
What's the point of following Sanders right now then if he ever gets close to any power, he will be threatened and back down?
He had a chance to change American politics and he refused to use it.
Hopefully, the DNC lawsuit gets refiled
@Strife Delivery
We are not casting votes "now". You don't have to listen to the man and you don't have to follow him. The point does stand, whether you agree or not, that he had no way to effectively use that platform he had, once he'd been threatened. There was no way he could have done anything under such a circumstance.
In fact, I don't even think he'll run again, myself, but that's just IMO.
What you may want to do, instead of being all resigned to "nothing we can do about it and Bernie berned ME" it to take the argument about "private companies are running public elections" to everyone you know, any time you have a chance. Doing nothing will avail you exactly that--nothing. We have to get that changed, and get the DNC (and the RNC, for that matter) out of our elections. That may be easier than getting money out.
Why? What I'm suggesting is a start. We have to START. Somewhere. We can't sit around and wait for someone to come save us.
@Strife Delivery
If Bernie had not said - not that he, himself, but that 'we' - that the public, was sick of hearing about about Hillary's emails rather than solutions to the desperate issues literally killing the American public, the entire debate would have been nothing but personal attacks, scripted banter intended to distract the public from these and from what their options were, (if fair elections were possible,) among the candidates.
Bernie has always addressed the issues and stuck to them like glue, which was the only reason that they were not buried and forgotten in the 'nomination' campaign - just as the access he gained to the corporate-media restricted Americans by 'going underground' and using the system while 'campaigning for Hillary/Dems' kept the concepts of government working for the public interest - rather than 'pragmatically' draining and dispossessing the public of money, property and power for the top fraction of the 1% to literally 'have it all' - alive in the public mind. Essential issues that would never again have been publicly mentioned otherwise, if not for Bernie taking this last desperate route - and which showed the corruption of the corporate politicians by providing a never-before-seen contrast.
THAT is how a resistance in an occupied country works.
Not by spitting futile defiance unheard by a public instead treated to another bout of 'we'll now bring you Boyz To Men' or whatever, while Bernie's mike dies onstage and likely Bernie himself later, wasting his contribution and our last chance at species survival, but by using strategy to bring awareness and prospectively help to initiate a real population resistance movement among a public which freaking well has to work to save themselves because no single person can wave a magic wand and make all of the corruption go away.
As Bernie has always said, change must come from the bottom up - because the top is solidified mafia crushing/poisoning the rest of us - including life on the planet forming the life support system - literally to death.
We have to recognize what we're dealing with as a deadly threat and stop pretending within ourselves that this is merely some problem with venial politicians who are nonetheless connected to reality and capable of survival sense. They are not sane and they have no humanity. They are lawless, pathologically greedy and psychopathic and will not respond like normal human beings because they lack the capacity.
Years back, Holocaust survivors were touring, attempting to bring awareness that the signs of fascism they'd been seeing since Bush 2 were those they had witnessed before.
America already is freaking Nazi Germany all over again, but the change has been so incremental and heavily propagandized that many of the frogs have not noticed the water reaching the boil - exactly as happened with the more comfortably-situated 'good Germans' of the time, and more easily done because this time, nobody heading any of the previous 'Allies' is fighting against the bad guys economically or militarily attacking/invading/taking over everybody else's countries, as well as their own.
The American industrial Nazi-supporters of the time and others of their ilk - fascists now in power - learnt from previous mistakes and spent decades taking over media, government and all else, in their own and other people's countries.
We know all this, as documented history - and if , we, the people of the rapidly-being-murdered planet don't work out some way of taking our countries and world back for democracy, who will?
Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.
A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.
Here's the blurb about dismantling Medicare, etc.--
Excerpt from Senator Sanders "American Health Security Act of 2013."
At one point, the language reads "Medicare-For-All type." Which makes sense, since this Bill would dismantle the current Medicare program. In my opinion, this might be a point of consideration--especially, for the almost 60 million folks who are currently enrolled in either Traditional/Original Medicare, or Medicare Advantage.
"Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength, while loving someone deeply gives you courage."--Lao Tzu
"I think dogs are the most amazing creatures--they give unconditional love. For me, they are the role model for being alive."--Gilda Radner
Excerpt - Senator Sanders' American Health Security Act of 2013.
Everyone thinks they have the best dog, and none of them are wrong.
Cam I ask how
this is relevant to the DNC lawsuit being dismissed,
?Sure, you can ask. It was relevant to SD's statement that,
Sorry that I divided my answer up into two comments. But, as I stated in my initial reply to SD,
Which is what I did when I got back--in my second comment. IOW, the second comment was more time-consuming, since it was contained much deeper in the 189-page text of the Bill; therefore, I tackled it when I returned.
Actually, considering the fact that Strife Delivery in a comment to you was also under the impression that what Chelsea said was not factual, I'm sorta glad that I took the time.
If you notice, I posted the clarification for SD (snoopydawg) at 7:20 pm, which is exactly the same time that Strife Delivery posted the comment that he believed that Bernie's bill did not dismantle our existing public health care programs.
Anyhoo, now that both SD's are aware that Bernie's proposed 2013 Bill would have dismantled the programs, with the exception of the VA System, and the Indian Health Service (IHS)--but, would have been replaced with a single-payer system--I have no more to add to the topic. Just trying to provide clarification regarding a point that I've often seen misquoted.
"Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength, while loving someone deeply gives you courage."--Lao Tzu
"I think dogs are the most amazing creatures--they give unconditional love. For me, they are the role model for being alive."--Gilda Radner
Everyone thinks they have the best dog, and none of them are wrong.
@Unabashed LiberalActually, considering
The issue that Chelsea went on was more about Sanders getting rid of things without actually replacing things.
That's the thing. It wasn't about dismantling or rolling over or anything else, it was more she made it seem that people would just lose out and have nothing kind of thing.
Either way DNC looks BAD
When I first read the reporting of this case that somebody on this site posted here..."sorry cant give props to who posted it cuz i dont remember",I was completely blown away by the level of corruption in the DNC.The more I read the madder I got,ALL my instincts about the the CLINTONS were correct they were and are miserable excuses for human beings,total shitbag liars everything they touch becomes corrupted.Turns out I was completely convinced I had done the right thing by DEMEXISTING in April 2016 after reading the article.I will NEVER AGAIN vote for a Democrat just because they are Democrats.I am now a INDEPENDENT and I will NEVER call myself a Democrat again.So even though the lawsuit was dismissed and it seems like a loss it really isnt because the corruption of the DNC was shown to the world by the reporting of a young lady at a Florida newspaper.This lawsuit has hurt the DNC and will for years to come.
Welcome to the club
I've been an Independent since at least 1996, in a state that does not coerce a choice of party at any time or for any reason. I used to ally with the Democrats most of the time, but those days are gone. (Maybe that's why I never quite felt at home at That Other Place - blind worship of the Democratic Party became compulsory.)
The upcoming 2017 elections are looking very unpromising, and I'm considering sitting this one out.
There is no justice. There can be no peace.
Yup. Total bottom line--a private company is running public
. That is where the corruption begins--and ends.And this:
Absolutely. And this isn't over yet. Count on it.
Hi, Strife D--think we're on the same page
regarding Chelsea's remarks, i.e., that her remarks were intended to make folks think that they would be thrown off their current health insurance plan without a replacement.
But, I think that Chelsea went further than that, in that she pointed out to folks who don't follow politics particularly closely that Bernie's legislation created an entirely 'new' system. Sometimes, the term 'Medicare For All' muddles this reality. And that is a difference with a distinction, IMO.
Frankly, considering the fact that the ACA was a disaster for tens of millions of folks enrolled in employer-sponsored insurance plans--due to the toxic Family Glitch, and the Cadillac Tax which has been delayed, but achieved its intended effect of implementing a massive cost shifting onto the beneficiary/employee, away from the employer, etc.--I plan to be more vocal than ever in getting out any and all details of future proposals, so as to avoid another health care 'fix' like the ACA. Including shouting the proposals from my rooftop, if necessary!
Hey, generally agree with your comments, and definitely appreciate your contribution. Have a good one!
"Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength, while loving someone deeply gives you courage."--Lao Tzu
"I think dogs are the most amazing creatures--they give unconditional love. For me, they are the role model for being alive."--Gilda Radner
Everyone thinks they have the best dog, and none of them are wrong.
Reading this brought this
Reading this brought this video about an insane woman bizarrely abusing her BF to mind:
But I suspect (still) that the plan is to ensure that the Republicans have the numbers required to rewrite the US Constitution to corporate/billionaire specifications. Why else would they be this blatantly and publicly corrupt and contemptuous of their defrauded members when they habitually and continually lie?
And because, like horses running back into their burning barn, people keep running back to the programmed 'need' to vote for one of the two corporate parties permitted them by TPTB and because (s)elections (including voter registrations) are now capable of being rigged to TPTB's specifications more thoroughly - and more unverifiably, under Top Secret Homeland Security's total control - than ever, I figure America and the world are totally fucked. Because we're all obviously just going to let the lunatics burn down the asylum with every one of us inside and no 'there' out there to go to...
Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.
A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.