Basic Rules for Fascist Governance (And Fuck Nazis, the KKK and the McResistance)
Dear Alt-Right and Toxic IdPol kids,
Please kindly shut the fuck up and realize you're all being fuckin' duped by the bourgeoisie.
Don't get the wrong idea here: If I were able I'd probably punch out a few Nazi skinheads and KKK members myself if the opportunity were there. It's what they deserve considering they push an ideology that advocates for mass murder based on skin color, ethnicity and disability (I belong to the disability category).
But I'd also like to slap these stupid kids defending this kind of shit on the internet with lame ass excuses such as: "But teh EssJayDubya PC weetawds make them do it derpderpderp!!!!11!" because like the groups mentioned above, they don't see the real problems here. So to that end, let me explain some basic rules for fascist governance, as explained in a comment from a previous diary.
1. Keep them stupid: Education costs are astronomical, and this is no accident. This is done in large part to keep people from getting an education in the first place, and, even if they do, they spend a life time paying off the debt in order to do so if they're even able to find work in their field. But there are other parts to this.
For instance, the bourgeoisie are going out of their way to destroy public grade school education from state to state. Again, no accident. Forced curricula based on little more than rote memorization, demonization of teachers and teacher unions for things that are actually the fault of shitty administration and bad governance (Don't even get me started on the exorbitant pay for coaches and administrators), privatization scams pressed upon districts by the very companies who write and publish curricula to maximize profit at the expense of both teachers and students, the list goes on.
Yet, to hear the STEM Lords tell it, things like 'gender studies' and other soft sciences are the problem. Of course, anyone who doesn't learn from history is doomed to repeat it and will likely never grow as a person. Why else do you think Ben Carson made that stupid comment about the pyramids of Egypt as grain silos even when we have mountains of evidence to tell us othrwise? Devaluing the soft sciences is an oft-repeated tactic of fascist governments. Moving on....
2. Keep them scared: We're either bombing or occupying more countries than I can count. Yet the world is no safer for it and we all seem to be more afraid than ever. But that isn't the only thing we're afraid of.
"Look at those black and brown people over there! They're stealing your jobs!" Or, "Those people over there only talk about 15 dollars an hour to distract from our rights!" We heard this kind of crap from the ClinTrump campaign last year to no end any time anyone tried to talk about anything. It's why I've mostly disengaged from social media to begin with.
People are so heavily propagandized on all sides that conversation is impossible. Even when there is decent conversation to be had, the trolls far outnumber everyone else. Thus can be seen everywhere from youtube to facebook to OrangeState. Because of that, no one can talk to anyone without accusations of 'working for the other side'.
3. Keep them sick: Single Payer would have been law of the land years ago had it not been for insurance company sabotage and the Repig and Dem sychophants who take their bribes. Initiatives for Single Payer have been killed from state to state using lame ass excuses that don't even try to hide the fact that these assholes are taking bribes. Evidently they'd rather we were sucking dick for insurance companies than receiving real, actual care. Fuck 'em.
But hey, at least there's an over-abundance of fuckin' opioids made with the resources we're taking while occupying Afghanistan. Those opioids have added quite a lot to the capitalist body count. Meanwhile, the assholes will put you in jail for life if you even so much as SNIFF a fucking marijuana joint, let alone possess one, which even the fucking cops are selling and have been for decades.
4. Keep them tired: People are too busy working themselves to death and puking to really give a shit about much else, and that's how the so-called elites like it.
Wages are so low these days that most people are working between 2 and four jobs to stay afloat. Any attempt to change this is met with immediate punching down by bourgeoisie and proletarian alike. You can't really blame the proletariat though. Most are too scared to see just how badly they're getting fucked and fight back in a meaningful way.
Oh sure, we've seen a few astroturf protests like the Teabaggers, the McResistance and Richard Spencer and his idiotic Khaki Nazi Brigade whining about being tear-gassed or pepper sprayed because that kind of crap is supposed to happen to lefties and black and brown people, but no one is REALLY resisting any damn thing.
THIS is what I think of the McResistance and the fuckin' Khaki Nazis:
So to the McResistance and the Khaki Nazis: Shut the fuck up. You aren't doing anything to better the country as a whole and you sure as shit aren't being edgy. Between the Nazis piss poor attempt to resurrect a dead ideology that called for the extermination of anyone who didn't have white skin or who was Jewish (Or the KKK, who wanna bring back god damned lynchings) and a group whose anger is so misguided they alienate even those who agree with them, how the fuck are we supposed to get a word in?
As much as I'd love to punch a few Nazis or KKK, I'd rather do this to them instead:
As for the McResistance, perhaps we should remind them of what folks like Martin Luther King actually said and did. Those assholes sure could use a real lesson in Social Justice and need to give up this Injustice Collecting crap.
See ya around,
Don't forget that the last real resistance we had....
was Occupy Wall Street. And they were punched down and smeared faster than anyone could say the word Occupy.
Modern education is little more than toeing the line for the capitalist pigs.
Guerrilla Liberalism won't liberate the US or the world from the iron fist of capital.
yep. Mostly becuz someone
thought "mic check!" was a great way to share leadership. Or sumpthin'.
the little things you can do are more valuable than the giant things you can't! - @thanatokephaloides. On Twitter @wink1radio. (-2.1) All about building progressive media.
@The Aspie Corner There was Occupy Wall
Street and it got stamped out, then there was Bernie and he got cheated. Occupy didn't die, it led to Bernie's rise. What happened with Bernie isn't gone either. There's going to be a next thing. And a next one and a next one. This revolution is coming. Too many people in too much pain for too long.
Bingo on all 4 points.
That's exactly the way they want it. All of them, every last grifter from government to corporate.
Only a fool lets someone else tell him who his enemy is. Assata Shakur
I still say Mel Brooks had the right idea.
I mean, really, these guys are freaking idiots, and are good for a few laughs.
When did it become not OK to mock horrible people?
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.
I'd assume at the same time empthy was declared...
And for the record, Blazing Saddles was fuckin' great.
Modern education is little more than toeing the line for the capitalist pigs.
Guerrilla Liberalism won't liberate the US or the world from the iron fist of capital.