George Lakoff Nails it on Trump
I have been a student (and colleague) of George Lakoff for some time and have used his ideas extensively. In particular, my latest coauthored book relies heavily on his research and ideas.
Here is the link:
His explanation for Trump's popularity is the best I have seen. here's a taste:
Donald Trump is winning Republican presidential primaries at such a great rate that he seems likely to become the next Republican presidential nominee and perhaps the next president. Democrats have little understanding of why he is winning — and winning handily, and even many Republicans don't see him as a Republican and are trying to stop him, but don't know how. There are various theories: People are angry and he speaks to their anger. People don't think much of Congress and want a non-politician. Both may be true. But why? What are the details? And Why Trump?
Many people are mystified. He seems to have come out of nowhere. His positions on issues don't fit a common mold.
He likes Planned Parenthood, Social Security, and Medicare, which are not standard Republican positions. Republicans hate eminent domain (the taking of private property by the government) and love the Trans-Pacific Partnership (the TPP trade deal), but he has the opposite views on both. He is not religious and scorns religious practices, yet the Evangelicals (that is, the white Evangelicals) love him. He thinks health insurance and pharmaceutical companies, as well as military contractors, are making too much profit and wants to change that. He insults major voting groups, e.g., Latinos, when most Republicans are trying to court them. He wants to deport 11 million immigrants without papers and thinks he can. He wants to stop all Muslims from entering the country. What is going on?
The answer requires a bit of background not discussed in the media to date.
The last statement is an understatement if I ever saw one.
I'll skip over his family model for American politics but if you are unfamiliar with it please read about it in the link.
The analysis of causation is crucial:
Direct vs. Systemic Causation
Direct causation is dealing with a problem via direct action. Systemic causation recognizes that many problems arise from the system they are in and must be dealt with via systemic causation. Systemic causation has four versions: A chain of direct causes. Interacting direct causes (or chains of direct causes). Feedback loops. And probabilistic causes. Systemic causation in global warming explains why global warming over the Pacific can produce huge snowstorms in Washington DC: masses of highly energized water molecules evaporate over the Pacific, blow to the Northeast and over the North Pole and come down in winter over the East coast and parts of the Midwest as masses of snow. Systemic causation has chains of direct causes, interacting causes, feedback loops, and probabilistic causes — often combined.
Direct causation is easy to understand, and appears to be represented in the grammars of all languages around the world. Systemic causation is more complex and is not represented in the grammar of any language. It just has to be learned.
Empirical research has shown that conservatives tend to reason with direct causation and that progressives have a much easier time reasoning with systemic causation. The reason is thought to be that, in the strict father model, the father expects the child or spouse to respond directly to an order and that refusal should be punished as swiftly and directly as possible.
Many of Trump’s policy proposals are framed in terms of direct causation.
Conservatives are not the only ones who are confused about causal relations in the real world. There are plenty on the left who are also. My diaries on Kos exposed a lot of that.
The punch line is beautiful:
There is no middle in American politics. There are moderates, but there is no ideology of the moderate, no single ideology that all moderates agree on. A moderate conservative has some progressive positions on issues, though they vary from person to person. Similarly, a moderate progressive has some conservative positions on issues, again varying from person to person. In short, moderates have both political moral worldviews, but mostly use one of them. Those two moral worldviews in general contradict each other. How can they reside in the same brain at the same time?
Both are characterized in the brain by neural circuitry. They are linked by a commonplace circuit: mutual inhibition. When one is turned on the other is turned off; when one is strengthened, the other is weakened. What turns them on or off? Language that fits that worldview activates that worldview, strengthening it, while turning off the other worldview and weakening it. The more Trump’s views are discussed in the media, the more they are activated and the stronger they get, both in the minds of hardcore conservatives and in the minds of moderate progressives.
This is true even if you are attacking Trump’s views. The reason is that negating a frame activates that frame, as I pointed out in the book Don’t Think of an Elephant! It doesn't matter if you are promoting Trump or attacking Trump, you are helping Trump.
A good example of Trump winning with progressive biconceptuals includes certain unionized workers. Many union members are strict fathers at home or in their private life. They believe in “traditional family values” — a conservative code word — and they may identify with winners.
Why Has Trump Been Winning in the Republican Primaries?
Look at all the conservatives groups he appeals to!
The Democratic Party has not been taking seriously many of the reasons for Trump’s support and the range of that support. And the media has not been discussing many of the reasons for Trump’s support. That needs to change.
By the way. From Lakoff's approach Bernie is right on the mark and that is why he does so well.

Trump is a true conman. I think if you
look at some of the things he says, like his initial statements about torture, his statements about Muslims and Hispanics, it shows that he is fully on board with the false narratives and lies the rest of the ruling class lays on us. In other words, he's the same thing only different. The dude is a billionaire, you don't get to be a billionaire without sociopathic tendencies because billionaires are not good for society. He will continue the same ruling class trajectory that Obama assumed from Bush that was assumed from Clinton and Reagan. In other words, no matter what he says, we the people, the Serfs, will not be the beneficiaries of a Trump presidency no matter what some think. That's not how it works, particularly not now.
One thing we need to remember is Trump's popularity is built on about 15% of the population at most, that's it. The primary turnouts have been historically low in many places, and his share of that meager turnout is around 15% of the total voting population, if that. People say Trump is dangerous to the neocons and whatnot, but look how the media treats him. This is all a fucking game and we're being punked.
Lakoff and systemic causation
Why didn't you say so?
There are known knowns; there are things we know we know. We also know there are known unknowns; that is to say we know there are some things we do not know. But there are also unknown unknowns – the ones we don't know we don't know.
So how is Trump to be countered?
I read the interesting piece over, but it says that attacking Trump only strengthens him.
So what to do? Mock? Ignore?
Seriously, analyzing phenomena correctly should yield us an ability to manipulate them. I just don't see how this accomplishes that.
what Bernie is doing is the
what Bernie is doing is the stick to your values and avoid even mentioning the others
An idea is not responsible for who happens to be carrying it at the time. It stands or it falls on its own merits.
Ignoring Trump for now is fine
I do think Bernie ignoring Trump for the most part at this point, and concentrating on his own message is absolutely the right thing to do -- primarily though because he's not running against Trump, and his message is new. It's the same reason the Republicans are ignoring Bernie right now, and are only making occasional, opportunistic shots (emails!) at Hillary (whom they expect will win the nomination). Everyone is busy with their primary.
If Bernie wins the nomination, ignoring Trump will no longer be an option (if he also wins). Concentrating on him would be wrong, absolutely, but letting him completely slide would look weak (and Trump would cast it like that as well). So, no big speeches on Trump's points, but an occasional off-hand counter.
I think mild ridicule, not taking him seriously, and pointing out his hypocrisy would work best. When Rubio finally tackled him, you could see that landed. People annoyed by Trump want to see other people land some punches. But you can't get too childish about it either. I am not sure Bernie can pull that off; he's very earnest, and I think earnest discussion of Trump's points would give them too much weight. Short, snappy counters.
The answer to trump is in the values Bernie puts forth
They are powerful and they will prevail
An idea is not responsible for who happens to be carrying it at the time. It stands or it falls on its own merits.
So how is Trump to be countered?
I read the interesting piece over, but it says that attacking Trump only strengthens him.
So what to do? Mock? Ignore?
Seriously, analyzing phenomena correctly should yield us an ability to manipulate them. I just don't see how this accomplishes that.
For now I'd say the best
to counter Trump is to vote and support Bernie. If the Hairball wins and Killary wins who knows? Won't be much of a choice and i'll be to busy attacking Killary to deal with The hairball. So be it. If the by-partasn powers that be limit our choice to the Hairball and Killary who really gives a rats ass. Two frightening lunatics don't scare me into giving my consent and radifying them with my precious vote. Fuck that shit I'll write in Bernie or vote for the loser with less then 1% Jill Stein. Think if it comes down to this I will write in Bernie and vote for every socialist down ticket on my ballot. The Democratic Party needs to busty up or ? Like their going to suddenly start being democratic or even Democratic. Perhaps the Dems. are done and we should just stick a fork in them and declare them uneatable.
Obama started using right wing language as soon as he was in
I remember saying on DK that it was a mistake, and being attacked for it. He knew what he was doing, you know. Actually, I guess he did.
Just reinforces my theory on Political Force...
F = md Force equals Message times Distribution.
You can have the crappiest message in the world, but if it's on TV 24/7, it gains incredible power.
Bernie's message has incredible strength, and would be doing far better (Than it's already doing) if it had any kind of visibility to people.
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.
Was it Goebbels who talked about the big lie?
Yup. Repeat it often enough
and the masses will believe it.
Goering had one on the people of country never WANTING to go to war, which is why it's always essential to cloak it in the country being attacked, and those who disagree are weak.
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.
Celebrity culture & reality TV
Don't disagree with anything said, but believe two aspects of Trump success missing: celebrity culture of USA, & reality TV.
Celebrity culture has consumed all the MSM. Eaten it up alive willingly consumed because it brings money to the corporations which own the media. All the media, yes, now we have proof if we needed it, GOS too.
So the dumbing down of the culture, politics is captured, literally by the master manipulator/clown/narcissist. Whatever else he is, Trump ain't dumb. Not just the Wharton MBA, how he's manipulated to get his wealth, and/or appearance of wealth, getting what he wants. From the setting of his announcement, descending on an escalator, to the variation of his truly over the top ( made jumping the shark look like hopscotch!) comments, he has played to an audience which he knows well, as he's been playing to it on reality tv for years. Speaking from Mar-a-Lago, showing the world his gold covered life. Trump knows exactly what he's doing, expect only thing which could stop him is a brokered convention which goes with Mittens/Fiorina. How's that for a terrifying thought. Don't think they'd ever allow Rubio or Cruz to get it. However it's manipulated, if it isn't Trump, really think the positioning now is to bring Mittens into play, and Fiorina as his VP. ( Won't need the binders full of women's names)
Makes me sick to think of it. Makes me sicker of thinking of the Clintons keeping control of what's left of the Democratic party for 4 to 8 years more.
If I prayed, Id pray for Bernie Sanders and us.
President Sanders: an idea whose time has come
MSM are effing car dealers.
Thanks to the monopoly of the FCC, they're EXACTLY like a car dealer. Total control of a region's airwaves, shared between a few licenses, and enforced by the government. (Cable, same thing, just with the people licensed to provide the cables)
They're so effing quick to jump on the idea of the marketplace of ideas proving what people WANT to watch, and then making sure all the stalls stock the same fucking crap.
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.
during a recent foray into a reich wing site (No, not DK)
I read that some of the top leaders in the GOP actually discussed how Trump would be more sane and more amiable to their control and suggestions than Cruz. Everyone there agreed that Cruz is quite possibly insane, and incapable of playing nice, especially when he has a bug up his ass. Which is 24/7.
But, the idea that these inside the Bloatway GOP movers and shakers could possibly think that they could control Trump? Wow. Talk about wishful thinking, willful ignorance, and ineffable stupidity.
I then reminded of a history of the USSR I read a year ago. It was insightful, if only because there were no real discussions about the USSR during my schooling. In my yute, the equation was simple: USSR = Evil Empire. Period.
It talked about how the tope polit-burros were big enough asses to think that they could control Joe Stalin if they put him in charge. When most of them were later marched blind-folded up to a concrete wall and shot, I think they realized that they made a slight error in judgment.
The same applies to the GOP. He owes them nothing, and he is just a mean and vengeful asshole to take steps if elected. Their (the GOP leadership) perceived and actual slights are things that he will never forget. And he will have his own form of justice.
Trump the Pugilist
The other day in the context of Chris Cristie endorsing Trump, Cenk Uygur described Christie as "kiss up, punch down", which is a pretty good T-shirt description of an authoritarian. Trump is the authoritarian candidate of choice in this election.
I don't claim to know the social dynamics of the richest 10,000 people in the world. Maybe Trump has people above him he needs to kiss up to, maybe he is at the top of his little pyramid and only punches. Doesn't matter. He comes across as a pugilist.
Look at the way he speaks at his rallies. He famously does not prepare his remarks, just speaks off the cuff. It's conversational and friendly. He is conveying to his audience that they are his peers. He isn't punching them, so they feel they have been invited to the reception at the top of the pyramid. "So, Donald, who are we going to punch?". "Well", he says, "we're going to punch all the people you don't like! Mexicans - punch! Chinese - punch! ISIS - punch! Blacks - punch!". And the crowd goes wild. Nothing makes an authoritarian follower happier than to be raised up a level and get to punch people he doesn't like. "Remember that loser Mitt Romney? The one the establishment forced on you? I tell you he was down on his knees begging for my support - punch!". "We're going to build up our military until we can punch anyone we want!".
"Look", says DT, "there's some black people in the crowd right now. How about a little punch practice?". If protesters didn't show up on their own he would have to hire actors. Maybe he already has.
Why doesn't he get called out on his positions, his flip flops? Why doesn't he prepare remarks? Why is he a Teflon candidate? Because none of his supporters give a rip about positions or policies or plans. They just want to punch someone, and they will follow the guy who enables them.
"The greatest shortcoming of the human race is our inability to understand the exponential function." -- Albert Bartlett
"A species that is hurtling toward extinction has no business promoting slow incremental change." -- Caitlin Johnstone
I like "kiss up, punch down".
I like "kiss up, punch down". I've basically seen him as the top star wrestler in his own reality show, complete with the Big Mouth that eviscerates the opponents with total hyperbole -- but pugilist works maybe even better.
His fans also dream of being just like him, with the billions and the bling and the beautiful wife (traded in for a new model when she shows wrinkles). These are the same people who buy lotto tickets, who believe that they could easily be billionaires too, if they only weren't held back by circumstances.