Open Thread: Monday, March 7, 2016
Submitted by enhydra lutris on Mon, 03/07/2016 - 7:00am
Happy Liberation of Sulaymaniyah Day |
Today’s number is 7 |
7 is a prime (the 4th prime) |
999,999/7 = 142,857. Any fraction consisting of an integer divided by 7 will have a repeating decimal consisting of those digits in that order starting at a different, determinable digit unless the numerator is an even multiple of 999,999 or 7. For example, 1/7 = 0.142857142857..., 2/7 = 0.285714285714..., 3/7 = 0.42857142857.... |
The short-cut is to multiply 0.142857 by the remainder of the long division, and then repeat that decimal component. Thus, the fractional part of 11/7 is 4/7 = 4 x 0.148257 repeated, generating 0.571428571428571428 etc. |
This arithmetic oddity was something of a pain for accountants in days of yore because the shortest depreciable life to generate the maximum investment tax credit was 7 years. As a result, 7 was a very popular useful life and the computation of 150% and 200% declining balance depreciation would involve using a rate of either 1.5 x 1/7 or 2 x 1/7. |
7 is the most likely result from rolling 2 regular 6 sided dice. |
7 is neutral pH |
7 is Nitrogen |
Old No. 7 is |
There are 7 days in a week, 7 colors in the rainbow, 7 seas, 7 continents, 7 Wonders of the ancient world, 7 Dwarves, Rome's 7 hills, the Plieades, and |
There were Seven Samurai |
and therefore |
And the magnificent Lotus 7 & super 7. |
Seven is and has been a magik and magikal number in a lot of cultures and religions. I'm just going to take a pass on all of it. |
The sole exception is that the Seventh Son is present throughout the US blues and folk genres. |
7 BCE was the Year of the Consulship of Nero and Piso (Tiberius Claudius Nero and Gnaeus Calpurnius Piso) and the death of Emperor Cheng of Han and his royal consort Zhao Hede. |
7 CE was the Year of the Consulship of Metellus and Nerva. Caesar Augustus was emperor and appointed Publius Quinctilius Varus (yep, that Varus) governor of Germania. Varus almost immediately created a lot of dissension among the various and sundry German tribes, just as he had pissed off the residents of Syria and Judea when stationed in those outposts. This would bite him in the ass in 9 CE at the Battle of the Teutoburg Forest where some of said German tribes annihilated him and his 3 legions. The Romans did, much later, recover their 3 "Eagles", but never again had a 17th, 18th or 19th legion. |
On this date in | |
1876 | Alexander Graham Bell got a patent for the telephone |
1900 | The SS Kaiser Wilhelm der Grosse sent the first ever ship-to-shore radio signals |
1965 | 600 civil rights marchers were brutally attacked by cops in Selma, Alabama |
1985 | We Are The World was released |
Born this day in | |
1671 | Rob Roy, a Scottish outlaw/revolutionary & mixed drink |
1792 | John Herschel, a mathematician and astronomer |
1849 | Luther Burbank, a botanist and author who never lived in Burbank, CA but who knew Yogananda |
1872 | Piet Mondrian, a painter |
1875 | Maurice Ravel, a pianist & composer |
1943 | Chris White, a bass player and songwriter (The Zombies) |
1944 | Townes van-Zandt, a guitarist, singer, & songwriter |
1945 | Arthur Lee, a guitarist, singer, songwriter and producer (Love) |
1946 | Matthew Fisher, a singer, songwriter, keyboard player & Producer (Procol Harum) |
1946 | Peter Wolf, a singer & songwriter (The J. Geils Band) |
1951 | Rocco Prestia a base player (Tower of Power) |
1952 | Ernie Isley, a guitarist & songwriter (The Isley Brothers) |
Died this day in | |
1810 | Cuthbert Collingwood, a British admiral, ran with Lord Nelson |
1942 | Lucy Parsons, an activist & wobblie |
1952 | Paramahansa Yogananda, ayogi, guru, philosopher and author (Autobiography of a Yogi). Founded the self-realization fellowship in Encinitas. Knew Luther Burbank. |
1967 | Alicd B. Toklas, a famous dope fiend |
1971 | Harold McNair, a saxophonist & flautist. Donovan session player. |
1988 | Divine, a drag queen, actor, & singer |
1999 | Stanley Kubrick, a guy who made movies |
2006 | Ali Farka Toure, a singer and multi-instrumentalist from Mali, who played great music and played with many other greats |
2007 | Ronnie Wells, jazz singer and instructor |
2012 | Big Walter Price, a blues pianist, singer, & songwriter |
Holidays, Holy Days, Feasts, Observances and such |
Liberation of Sulaymaniyah (Iraqi Kurdistan) |
Ravel |
The Zombies |
Townes van-Zandt |
Love |
Procol Harum |
The J. Geils Band |
Tower of Power |
The Isley Brothers |
Harold McNair |
Devine |
Ali Farka Toure |
Ali Farka Toure & Ry Cooder - Bonde |
Ali Farka Toure- African Blues- Petenere |
Ali Farka Toure- The River- Ai Bine |
Ronnie Wells |
Big Walter Price |
OK, it is an open thread, so go for it

So there is the equivalent of MOT over here
Good morning. Nice number thingies, enhydra lutris.
Suffering a home invasion by deer mice. I have killed three in the last 24 hours. How they get in is a mystery. Superinsulated house and all.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
Deer mice are famous for using tiny teleportation devices.
Solar powered, with really small controls (their whiskers do the fine tuning and programming) they allow deer mice to enter and exit at will. Some alien technology theorists believe that deer mice are simply too backwards to develop teleportation on their own, and therefore, these devices were provided by an alien species. I disagree. Deer mice have a technique called iCheese Computing, akin to cloud computing, in which all those little brains act together and solve incredibly complex math equations. Surely such a force could have developed the Mouse Teleporter.
Had same problem a few years ago
Called pest control and they suggested that the mice didn't get in, but were likely born in the house with the previous generation having been "sealed in"
I have to admit, I like the teleportation idea better, though
I prefer the iMouse idea, too
but if I am incubating generations in the house, they are getting smarter about being undetected. No kitchen signs at all...
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
God morning, thanks for reading. Yes, we have a MOT,
rotating authors. I do Mondays, and sleep in (I'm left coast), so I work off of the date and other things I can do well in advance.
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
Procul Harum vs. Boko Haram.
I know which one I prefer.
Weird think about me iPad this am. It kept switching to other languages (Lithuanian, Japanese, then Spanish) I ended up removing all foreign keyboards. Weird.
Clouds, warmth, then the Lyric's Romeo and Juliet this eve. Ahhh.
Stopped by the old place to see what they've done with the decor. I see no reason to ever go back. Rancid, that is the word. Reminds me of when I returned to my old house on the N side of Chicago, about 5 yrs after I sold it. All the roses, painstakingly grown and fed? Dead. Ivy and wonderful flowing plants in front? Punked. The great Olde English rose by the garage? Ripped out, replaced by sod. The raspberries, blueberries, and perennials in back? I was shocked by their lack. When we moved, it was alive, green, flowery, and beautiful.
Replaced by . . . Grass? Yuck. Reminds me of what Dear Leader and his strum troopers are doing at dk, even before the Ides of March.
logged out, but..
I had to go back for the BNR. It's how I start my days now and I find I'm not really ready to face the next 24 hours without it. I'm really hoping it moves here once the hammer drops on the 15th (assuming it does--I'm kind of pumped over the weekend results). If the BNR keeps posting over there, I'll keep going and reading it, but I really feel like my home is here now. In some ways its hard to let go of the old homestead, but I find the people I read and admire are all rapidly signing up over here, so I suspect I won't miss it for long
If we hit 1K by the Ides of March,
I do believe that will be reaching critical mass.
Already, the tone of that place is really pathetic. I don't Dear Leader cares, so long as he can cash out at the end. Or cash in, should the Inevitable One win. (Pity he is not smart enough that he will never, ever be part of her inner corpse. Those folks have been with her for ages. A newbie like Dear Leader would be laughed at for his high expectorations.
The 2nd word in this Open Thread is "Liberation,"
soon to be added to the banned words list over there.
Hillary Clinton 2016: I'm a proud progmoderate!
Heh. Avanti o popolo!
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
I plan on keeping up with some stuff over there, and maybe
even trying to make better use of Group W to push anti-war stuff. We really need to rekindly the peace movement in this country.
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
Peace movement
I am involved in a local Peace vigil in NC. We are now down to three of us. The group started over 13 years ago with 35 participants but many dropped out once Obama was elected. When I joined nearly five years ago, there were four others. But we are aging out. A little over a year ago, our oldest and most loyal member who was 92 had to drop out because he was not physically able to continue. Then another member left. We are down to three of us, me, who is the youngster and two octagenarians, one of whom is not well. We have tried to recruit people and have had some say they would join us, but it usually only lasts one week. It is a big sacrifice to set aside every Sat. to participate in our Peace vigil and many people would rather do something else.
I am sad to say that I am beginning to think it will take the draft to get the Peace movement back. Most people I talk to have difficultly having an emotional investment in events far off and being fought by people we do not know.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
The last couple of anti-war actions I participated in
were comprised of youngsters and boomers, with most of the age brackets missing. Very sad.
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
Was previously in a town that was Clinton country
If one's coming up in the PDX, I'm there.
Tired of sitting on the sidelines while more people get thrown into the grinder.
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.
we should get together
before they tear the whole city down
I vote Powells for a meet-up
Because if anybody gets bored they can wander off for a bit in the greatest bookstore I've ever had the privilege to be in.
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.
I always wanted to see that bookstore
... may be one day I make it to the West Coast and stay a day to visit it. Interesting to see that you start thinking of meet-ups.
If you meet then say hallo to everybody from a lonely gal at the east coast, impoverished in the richest city, inhabited by the super rich, the super powerful, the super kiss-ass employees and the 99 percent of poorer folks on the east coast.
Bummer, isn't it?
You can't go home again.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
Sounds like a little tune by Barenaked Ladies, "The Old
Apartment". Grass, as a Californian, is an anathema. Our place had grass when we bought it and we've been removing and replacing it since.
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
I really do not like grass. Some bizarre suburban ritual
Instead, I am ever slowly increasing the flower garden in front, my steel statutes all over, and the working garden in back.
Each year we get tons of raspberries, and now Sea buckthorn berries and gooseberries, as well as peaches, pears, plums.
I personally am quite fond of it.
But only Indica. Sativa makes me sleepy or paranoid or both.
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.
Mind blowing Memberlist
I started at the end which happens to be Page 7 today (must be logged in to see it). Great! Working backward the names are familiar no wonder this place seems so very friendly. Thanks good people!
Edit: Hah I learned about parens in links, again.
Natalie Merchant - Kind and Generous
Holy Cow! You're right,
Holy Cow! You're right, including my favorite front pager who joined back in August. And here I thought that it was hyperbole that the only people left at dKos would form a like-minded echo chamber! But judging from that membership list... wow, and most of those on the 5th of March. Holy Cow!
The question to my mind now is, how is this going to affect the dKos brand and, most importantly, revenue?
Someone mentioned that DKos' main income these days
derives from selling email lists, not from page click-driven ad revenue, so any compromise of their bottom line will take a while to become clear.
Hillary Clinton 2016: I'm a proud progmoderate!
So that is why I'm getting
So that is why I'm getting fundraising emails, I was wondering why I was getting Heinrich for senate from Virginia emails. That is also the reason I don't sign petitions, learned that lesson from
I am having so many friends now and they want all
my money and call me by my first name, candidates for something and I have no clue about of who they are. If you think you can ask them politely to please, please unsubscribe me from their email list, they just seem to be tone-deaf. It's a horror to read my inbox subject lines these days.
It started further back with some folks itching for
something less controlled & controlling but kept winding up on suboptimal platforms. Finally Johnny built this.
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
Wonderful, diverse, collection of music!
I don't see Devil Makes Three mentioned often. I used to play in a band in Boulder Creek (north of Santa Cruz), and we played Old Number 7 pretty often, as well as some of their other songs. My favorite was Shades. And I LOVE Ali Farka Toure. He can turn anything into a Kora.
I once owned an Austin 7.
"I’m a human being, first and foremost, and as such I’m for whoever and whatever benefits humanity as a whole.” —Malcolm X
Glad you like the music. Ali Farka Toure is wonderful.
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
Woke up this morning, felt pretty good.
Played a bit of CK2 last night. Which is funny because I can always tell when I'm getting depressed by how long it's been since I exercised my brain. And I find myself obsessed this morning with obscure films that nobody bothered seeing, and glad to see on of my favorites on the open thread.
So with that in mind, here's my favorite Kurosawa...
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.
I saw that, after all, Kurosawa. Not sure that its my fave,
but definitely something I'd watch again.
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
To me it feels like a tighter version of Ran
Same tragedy of hubris, but much shorter and still has the same kind of visual punch.
Course, I am fond of short stories, short films, and anything else that can tell a powerful message in a small space of time.
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.
Some extra tunes on the 7 theme from the 12/7 version of this
extra tunes:
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
One more, If it's all the same yeah
The Stills-Young Band - 12/8 blues
Of course, pile it on. This is, after all,
the home of Joe Shikspack's Evening Blues and music aficionados of all stripes.
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
Good morning! Turn your back for a minute...
and there are 717 members of C99. Probably a few more now, since I'm not the fastest typist in the world.
Hillary Clinton 2016: I'm a proud progmoderate!
isn't that, Progmodervative?
In reality of course, but not in her own self-description...
not yet...
not until Clinton needs to pander for Thug votes for TPP or the next war. Then she'll always have been a passionate committed conservative.
Hillary Clinton 2016: I'm a proud progmoderate!
you are making again
the brain-hurting fractions.

Brian Aldiss says the great achievement of 2001 is that, unlike most practitioners of science fiction, including himself, Kubrick believed the future to be unknowable, and presented it as such.
It is far too early in the day for epistemology, but I cannot
resist asking if the present itself if "knowable". Mine is a construct, but even so, I'm not sure that I really know it.
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
the present is not knowable, either. Kubrick dealt with that in The Shining and Eyes Wide Shut.
Fractions, of course, are completely unknowable.
One can, of course, conjure up a Heisenbergian
variant of one of Zeno's paradoxes. Imagine an infinitely sharp cleaver halving any solid object. At some point it will come upon a fundamental particle and push it to one side or the other (or will it, and how will we know). This imparts a change of momentum to that particle, rendering its position uncertain and making steering the blade a matter of guesswork from there on out.
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
the primary paradox
of Zeno is that none of his works survive, so we really don't know what he said.
If I am not careful when using my infinitely sharp Global knives, they will halve my fingers, including fundamental particles like the bones.
Meanwhile, a solar eclipse shall end the day before it begins.
So much for "time." ; )
Morning EL, good people~
It's been hard to get by in the mornings lately, but I have a doctor's appointment soon so, ha ha! here I am. Great debate last night, so happy that Bernie was so blunt about the fracking--I loved that. I think many of us feel the same, no, I don't support fracking either. So there.
I shave my legs with Occam's Razor~
Morning, Triv, thanks for reading.
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
You and money are the only ones who have ever
made numbers attractive to me, el~~
I shave my legs with Occam's Razor~
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
Bernie must have done better in that debate
all they can talk about is how he told her to shush. Which, apparently, isn't even what happened. That's their characterization. And it's ok if she interrupted him because that's standard procedure but it was sexist of him to notice.
And because they're focusing on "civility" it means Bernie was superior on the issues and they know it.
As for that "civility", that's a Republican Peggy Noonan-style trick. It's a last resort kind of thing.
Reminds me of the old truism
If your issues are stronger, argue the issues.
If your likability is higher, appeal to the judges
If neither are higher, call your opponent names.
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.
I didn't listen to the debate, but read about those at the gos
who fought over there about the "interrupting, talking over and hushing stuff". I have not yet decided to search for a complete file of the debate to see for myself, but from what I read, it seems that Hillary used the same "tactics" as Marsha Blackburn and Michele Bachmann have perfected, just that Hillary is smarter than they are. I looks they are all trained by the same coach in the same techniques of how to debate and deal with journalists.
Repeat the same answers after each follow-up and ignore the questions, continue talking when others should have the right to respond, pointing fingers, raising their voices and talking over the opponents or journalists or walking off.
erased double post, sorry /nt
Good morning el and c99ers.
We are creeping toward 70 degrees for Wednesday - woohoo! I am so keeping my fingers crossed that Michigan shows Hillary and bubba the door.
I am logged out at dk. I like it that way. It keeps me from getting involved. I do go back for BNR and to check the rec. list for news of interest. No tips, no comments, just lurking with the fewest number of clicks possible. I think the few remaining Bernie people are being lulled into a sense of security and will get hammered on 3/15.
Over 700 registrations you say? Holy cow! How is everyone doing?
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
Good morning, dkmich. Still raining here.
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
I went away for three days and this place exploded!
I am so happy to see so many contributing members here. Welcome everyone!
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
I just dropped the following comment in one of the posts
over at Daily Kos, and decided to crosspost it here, because it is one of my more succinct versions of it.
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
What's really sad to me is that I can already see...
and am willing to lay bets on the response that you'll get over there.
Willing to bet the word "Privilege" shows up in one of the first ones.
But you're dead right on peace. We can't rebuild here while we're ripping the rest of the world apart a piece at a time.
Edited because I linked the wrong video... just some mood music.
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.
Seven is also one of my favorite movies of all time.
Progressive to the bone.
thanks, el, for the OT, I hope you are doing fine and that
the rain will pass. I always wonder how I would handle your climate over there. Rain, clouds, not too hot (I assume). The only thing I really like here on the East Coast in the DC area are the many days that have a bright blue sky, sunshine and are not yet too humid and hot. I just love those. I am grown up near Hamburg, Germany, and there it's like London, lots of grey, lots of rainy muddy weather, but then, if it clears up .... aaahhh just gorgeous.
Have a good day, all.
Which will destroy Iraq first?
What "fighting terror at home" means
Western World’s Most Stunning Accounting Disaster
oh yes, you can say that again:
Millennials Are Paying for ‘the Western World’s Most Stunning Accounting Disaster to Date’
Revealed: the 30-year economic betrayal dragging down Generation Y’s income
oh well, too depressing, but worth following the upcoming series and reading the article.
What I've read so far jibes
with how I've seen things happen. Even I, who graduated h.s. in 1979, just in time for Reaganomics, am not in the same position my parents were. Some of that is my fault for making some bad choices, but I have worked my whole life and contributed. I could not afford to send my son, born in 1982, to college. He's doing okay for himself, but not working at where his talents lie. My younger son is in college now, but only because his father is 100% disabled from the military so they pay for his classes and scholarships.
Thanks for the link. Look forward to reading the whole series.
We are not embracing a politics of envy if we reverse a politics of greed. - Joseph Stiglitz
I feel like that applies to those born in the 70s too
My sister and I are not going to have nearly the level of security and accomplishment that my parents had. Its simply not possible, there are no lifetime pensions anymore, so lifetime healthcare plans. We've done okay - we are certainly not among those suffering most - but we haven't come close to managing on a college education and a masters degree what my parents did with high school educations.
The Boomers (as a group, not individuals) sold us all out...