
[Hello, all. I've finally made the jump to join this community, and am very happy to see it prospering with so many wonderful folks. I'd like to republish my last post on DK, in case I'm banned and it becomes inaccessible. It was originally posted on January 31st. Something tells me it might be worth reconsulting at some point. A few minor edits are included.]

On January 30, 2016 Daily Kos user Dartagnan wrote an important diary featuring a post by Simon Head in the New York Review of Books blog section, entitled “The Clinton System.” In this post, Head pulls together many threads of reporting on Bill and Hillary Clinton’s relationship with donor networks and big corporations, to paint a bigger picture of how they became so wealthy, how much money has sluiced into their campaign war chests, how the donors to campaigns and the Clinton foundation seem to have an inexhaustible appetite for hearing the Clintons speak, and how important favors seem to magically appear around these donors. Dartagnan’s diary does an excellent job of reviewing this post, and I will not discuss it in detail today. The larger issue the post raises is today’s topic.

The Clinton Family Business

Hillary Clinton told Diane Sawyer in a 2014 interview that she and Bill left the White House “dead broke:”

You have no reason to remember, but we came out of the White House not only dead broke, but in debt," Clinton said. "We had no money when we got there, and we struggled to piece together the resources for mortgages for houses, for Chelsea's education. It was not easy. Bill has worked really hard. And it's been amazing to me. He's worked very hard.

Bill did indeed work very hard. So did Hillary. While Clinton’s laughable assertion that she and her husband were “dead broke” may not have been strictly true, it is undeniable that both have become fabulously wealthy in the fifteen years since they left the White House. The most recent reports have the two of them worth $111 million. Where did this fortune come from?

Neither Clinton has won the Powerball jackpot. Nor have they invented a killer app. Instead, as the Simon Head piece shows, both Clintons have worked very hard at the family business of industrial scale graft and influence peddling. Big corporations pay both of them lots of money in "speaking fees,” but anybody with three brain cells to rub together knows that when a politician is accepting a six figure check from a big bank or corporation, they’re not being paid to speak. They're being paid to listen. The results of that remunerative practice are well illustrated by Head.

The Clinton foundation has many of the same big corporate and financial donors as the Clinton campaigns and super PACs as well. The opacity of its finances were a significant issue in the 2008 campaign, and opening the books to some degree was a condition of Clinton being named Secretary of State in 2009. This reluctantly bestowed peek inside its finances did not prevent at least the appearance of conflict of interest, however, as Head’s piece also illustrates.

The success of the Clintons' business model is dependent on maintaining power to wield and influence to peddle. After Bill’s second term ended, it fell to Hillary to perform this task. A house in Westchester County was procured by the “dead broke” couple. A path magically appeared for Hillary to step into a Senate seat from New York (a state no doubt chosen entirely at random). Loud chatter about Hillary as a probable future presidential candidate soon started, and has never let up since. She thought she had the Oval Office in sight in 2008, with plenty of Wall Street’s money — excuse me, her constituents’ money — behind her, but she failed when it turned out Wall Street had more than one donkey in the race. But Hillary, never one to give up, landed the Secretary of State position. After leaving that sinecure to top up the family’s flagging fortune, she assumed the role of Future President in Waiting, to the full blare of trumpets heralding her inevitability. In this way, she has been able to maintain the power and influence the family business requires. And Bill has taken full advantage of it. Hillary Clinton’s ongoing quest for the Presidency is central to this business model. Her candidacy is in this sense their livelihood.

America, Inc.

Bill and Hillary Clinton are not unique to the world of corruption, of course. The American Republic has been awash in corruption since the Constitution first permitted only white men of property the franchise. Corruption has been the default state of our governing system, and the inventors of our republic recognized the reality and the danger going forward (while themselves benefiting from it, of course.) Today we are functionally an oligarchy, with the Democratic and Republican parties acting as divisions in the Governmental Affairs Department of America, Inc.

Corruption has been reduced and partially beaten back in our history from time to time. The Progressive movement of the last century was in large part a reaction to the shameless corruption of the post-Civil War political world. Both Roosevelt presidencies worked in many ways to reduce this corruption. Nowadays, though, the New Deal Democratic party is as dead as the Whigs. Our latter-day version is one more vehicle of corporate influence: the Goldman Division, as it were. We are locked in phony battle with the Koch Division for spectacles of Potemkin democracy, which offer choices that cost the owners of this country nothing and usually improve their quarterly numbers. Nothing can be done anymore that doesn't pay off billionaire sponsors first and last. Social wedge issues are used by both parties to keep their partisans cheering, but these issues have negligible cost to the sponsors of the contest.

A corrupt political system is of the money, by the money, and for the money. It necessarily disenfranchises average voters who cannot write big checks and fund shadowy election buying rackets. The poor voter turnout and widespread cynicism about politics this country experiences are a symptom of this systematic disenfranchisement. People are not as stupid as political “experts” think, although many of them are plenty stupid nonetheless. It is the job of the court stenographers in the media to keep them that way.

In this system the Clintons are enthusiastic and talented participants, but not originators. The Republican party has long been nothing but a vehicle for the wielding of billionaire power, to the extent that they’re no longer embarrassed by it. The Koch brothers can hold what amounts to a slave auction of Presidential aspirants in their “secret” Palm Springs konclaves, where the eager participants jump and dance and show their teeth to the appreciative gaze of the prospective buyers. The Clintons’ main contribution to the system has been, as founders of the DLC, to help complete the not-so-hostile takeover of the Democratic party by its current owners.


So we arrive at the present. Hillary Clinton is ready to assume the throne, having proclaimed to all that she is the favorite of all the quality sort; that the party’s owners, uh, big donors are all behind her; and that the hoi polloi will enjoy the bread and circuses she will provide. The courtiers in the media sing her praises and scramble for favor. The chamberlains and viziers and chancellors have been carefully chosen to ensure that the reign will smile on those footing the bill for the coronation. All the well-heeled residents of the imperial capital agree that it must be so. How can it be otherwise?

We are told by all the Very Serious People that this is the way things must be done. We must accept the owners’ largesse with gratitude and loyalty, lest the Bad People and their owners (often the same owners, of course) usurp the throne and cast us into the pit of eternal fire. What choice do we have? It’s the system, and we can’t change it. Resistance is futile.

Oddly, though, the hoi polloi are restless. Bread is harder to come by, and the circuses no longer entertain. The solemn incantations of party orthodoxy no longer serve to keep the masses docile and quiet, as heresies abound and apostates multiply. Why won’t people just shut up and cheer, and let their betters handle things? It is very perplexing.

The most important lesson the 2016 campaign teaches so far is that people are fed up with the status quo, and are no longer willing to listen to the establishment’s opinion shapers telling them the way things are supposed to be. They are increasingly believing their lying eyes. Republican voters are growing tired of the slave auction acquisitions leading them around by the nose. Democratic voters are less worldly wise, so far. But the plurality of voters, who choose to associate with neither party and are sick to death of the show, they are in large part more aware than either. People in general are increasingly unwilling to accept the arguments for the status quo, the preemptive capitulation to the power of money, the reality of oligarchy.

Both Donald Trump and Bernie Sanders derive much of the power driving their candidacies from this rebellious mood. They speak different languages to different audiences, but the subtext of their appeal is similar in this respect. Throw the Bums Out is a much more potent argument this year than More of the Same. And people are increasingly wise to the game power plays, in which bums are thrown out to be replaced by more bums. The crowd response to the traditional argument “You have to fight fire with fire” is “Fuck that shit!”

Hillary Clinton and her backers explicitly believe that in this Citizens United world, the best way to fight corrupt money in politics on the Republican side is with more corrupt money on the Democratic side. How else can we win? Actually, fighting fire with fire only creates a lot more ashes. The best way to fight fire is with water. The best way to fight corrupt money in politics is not more corrupt money in politics. The best way is to make corrupt money poison to any politician accepting it. That means weaponizing corruption as a political issue, and taking advantage of the anger in the country at politics.

This seemingly obvious point has been ignored because of the fact that in order to wield the weapon of corruption as an issue, you have to be perceived as not tainted by it yourself. This requirement has left it unused in our political culture. Bernie Sanders is one of the very few politicians in national politics who has not been generally corrupted by Washington. Just like Andy Dufresne in The Shawshank Redemption, he swam through a river of shit and came out clean. Bernie can wield the weapon of corruption, and has been doing so to increasing effect. Even Donald Trump has been able to swing it a few times, despite his obvious deep involvement. Apparently to Republican voters, it’s better to be a buyer than a seller at the politician market. Nobody else in the race has a chance of using corruption to their advantage as an issue.

Hillary Clinton’s long record (the downside of “experience” is that it leaves a record) leaves her defenseless against the weapon of the corruption issue. And Republicans know it. Donald Trump has already fired a shot across her bow by mentioning her association with him. It is not unlikely that one of the reasons the Republican establishment has begun cozying up to the Donald is that they see a possibility he can beat Hillary. If they’re right, corruption will no doubt be the main feature of their general election campaign. Another endless round of accusations and scandals surrounding a Clinton, this time with a lot more evidence than was available to those pushing the Vince Foster conspiracy nonsense. Should Clinton win, the drumbeat would continue as long as she maintained office. Anybody who remembers the Nineties should be tingling in anticipation of that prospect.

We cannot roll back the corruption of our political system with more corruption. The Democratic party can only win a corrupt contest by trying to be just as corrupt as the Republicans, but they have more billionaires than we do. The only way to win is with asymmetric warfare, by not playing according to their rules. Hillary Clinton cannot do this. Bernie Sanders can. The American people have had enough with the corrupt status quo. Anyone who calls him or herself a Progressive should not tolerate it, for historical reasons if nothing else. Who will fight this corruption if we don’t?

Bernie Sanders will be attacked as a socialist, and a Red Commie, and a Godless atheist, and who knows what the fuck else. But Bernie Sanders is a moral man who has spent his life working for and fighting for the people. He also has Kryptonite against the Republican smears: the awesome, shameless, historic corruption of today’s Republican party. He can parry their thrusts with the Koch brothers and climate change denialism and Social Security privatization and tax cuts for billionaires and the Iraq war debacle. He knows how to stay on message and present a vision to the American people through all the fog and distractions of the media courtiers. And even the country’s owners should listen to him, because Soak the Rich is better than Eat the Rich. His governing philosophy is simple: the Golden Rule.

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Lovely site you all have! I hope you don't mind the repost, but if you haven't seen it maybe you'll enjoy it.

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for joining and posting here. Remember about a year and a half ago, SouthernLiberalinMD (BB) started her Google Group (The Lifeboat), that then morphed into a phpBB forum? This is the final result of SLiMD's vision. We, who started this site, are the core group from the Lifeboat.

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And it's wonderful to see the site looking and functioning so well! I hope all the new traffic doesn't put too many ripples in the pond....

How do we donate to meet expenses?

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up within a few days, after the dust settles a bit.

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dance you monster's picture

I'm pretty sure I recall you were a member in one of the earlier manifestations of this site. I was glad to see your name atop the Memberlist this evening.

Oh, and re-posts are always welcome. A number of people are going to be archiving their GOS diaries in calmer waters. I remember this one from its first posting. Good to read it again.

Make yourself comfortable. You're family.

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and am glad to see it re-posted here. Wonderful that DallasDoc and so many of the top thinkers/writers from GOS are here, and at the Kossaks for Sanders reddit sub. that has a slightly different look/feel but I think both venues are complimentary and essential.

Still treasure a Kosmail from SLinMD that invited me to the baby C99%. I signed up right away but didn't participate much, just lurked. Thank you to all who did the heavy lifting, you are an inspiration!

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Shaylors Provence

Happy to see you here Doc. Always enjoyed you posts at that other place...

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Feels like a homecoming already.

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gulfgal98's picture

I am sooooo glad you will be spending more time here. Your presence is always welcome, either as a diarist or a commenter. Your posts are very insightful.

As for cross posting, in the past, we here at CC99 have always encouraged cross posting with other sites.

Good to see you again, my friend. Smile

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Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?

“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy

Haikukitty's picture

I sincerely hope the country really is ready and willing to push for change, because change is going to come, one way or another, and being proactive about it will make it less painful in the long run.

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gulfgal98's picture

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Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?

“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy

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Link just worked for me... and thanks for posting that, as well!

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Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.

A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.

And I've got no objection to reading it again!

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I've seen this diary before, was happy to read it again and am glad it's been rescued.

I was wondering how many Clinton-related diaries might softly and silently vanish away, with all snark-hunting fruitless...

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Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.

A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.

The furnishings will take a little getting used to, and they don't have my favorite beer in the fridge, but good to see so many familiar faces.

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The company is quite enough!

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And I'll cheerfully "thumbs up" this diary here, just as I did at DK. It's a fine, incisive piece of work, as yours always is. And yes, one way or another, I would expect it to become inaccessible on the orange site after March 15. The world over there goes dark on that date.

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Twain Disciple

I didn't want to lose it, so I hope people forgive the repost.

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Cant Stop the Macedonian Signal's picture

I have a couple diaries over at GOS that I'm kind of attached to. But I really don't want to go back over there or give Markos my eyeballs anymore. Also, the all-important diary disproving the zombie meme (liberals caused the failure of the 2010 election by sulkily picking up their marbles and going home) is over there.

Damn it. Gonna have to go back over there. Eew.

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"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha

"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver

You don't have to deal with the bullshit over there. Just go to your stories page and cut and paste. Links and formatting take a bit of time, but even a Luddite like me can do it.

I may repost one or two others, but only for archiving purposes. Now that I know it's OK, anyway.

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and now I may read a bit but won't log in. I'd be too tempted to comment and I don't want Kos getting any click revenue from me.

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Only a fool lets someone else tell him who his enemy is. Assata Shakur

and may go back, even if it's just for a bit of schadenfreude if Clinton blows the general election or drags us into war somewhere.

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gulfgal98's picture

I also rec folks whom I believe deserve it like Liepar Destin.

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Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?

“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy

enhydra lutris's picture

Group W once the election shit is down, and because of the nature and enviro stuff.

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That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --

Just so liberals and progressives feel a little solidarity, and maybe point them over here.

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gulfgal98's picture

Reposts and cross posts are welcome. We want people to read and comment and have a good discussion of the issues. Good

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Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?

“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy

CS in AZ's picture

so that I can still read and share it, without going back to DKos which I am trying to avoid. This is one of the best analyses of the Clintons I've ever read, spot on! Thank you for posting it here and to all for being here and letting me join you. It's a huge relief to have someplace to go.

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triv33's picture

I'd like your post, but my votes aren't sticking. Damn glad you made it!

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I shave my legs with Occam's Razor~

So wonderful to see you online again! Hope all's well?

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triv33's picture

coming up on a year in April. I come by a couple times a week, at least to Joe's evening Blues if I can't make the morning open thread. So many good people here, and now so many more, very gratifying to see~

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I shave my legs with Occam's Razor~

I'm looking forward to seeing a lot more of you here. Not to mention so many other old friends.

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My upvotes seem to be vanishing now, too... I wonder if it's a just-joined thing?

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Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.

A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.

Unabashed Liberal's picture

it happens to me, and I just give it a second or third try.

It usually works, then.

If you continue to have a problem with this, you can let Admin know by using the 'contact us' form at the top right side of the web page.

Good luck.

A hearty welcome to you, Ellen!


"If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die I want to go where they went."--Will Rogers
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Everyone thinks they have the best dog, and none of them are wrong.

detroitmechworks's picture

It's nice to read the best over here.

Glad to have you!

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I do not pretend I know what I do not know.

I'll share my reaction when the Great and Mighty Kos declared the date of Schism on his site:

No one believes more firmly than Comrade [Kos] that all animals are equal. He would be only too happy to let you make your decisions for yourselves. But sometimes you might make the wrong decisions, comrades, and then where should we be?

-— Apologies to George Orwell

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snoopydawg's picture

It's great to see you here.
I've been here for a year and love this site and the people on it. No one comes in to diaries just to take a dump in them like they do over at the GOS.

The Clintons like to say that they were broke after leaving the White House, but if so how could they afford to buy a $2 million dollar house? One reason is explained in this article where it states that the banks gave them a $2 million loan for it. Another reason is that there mortgage was $10 thousand a month. How could they pay that if they were broke? Easy. It had a cottage on the property to house the secret service and they charge us tax payers $10 thousand a month for them to live there.
And as this article explains, Bill started giving them speeches that they paid for.
I posted this link on Kos and was accused of it being a right wing talking points article that the author just picked and chose the bad parts. Sigh!
The article explains all of the favors that the Clintons did for the banks and the corporations.
From welfare reform, the crime bill, NAFTA and the cherry on top, deregulating the banks and financial institutions.
It's a great read. I think I posted it in one of my replies to a comment you made. You said you would read it, but if you didn't yet, here it is again.


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The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

and hope you and yours are well.

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detroitmechworks's picture

Housed, fed, educated, and therapied.

Enough so that I'm once again climbing the hierarchy of needs. Smile

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I do not pretend I know what I do not know.

shaharazade's picture

I feel like I'm having a good dream these last three days, all my favorite posters here on caucus99percent. You are the cherry on the top of this amazing sundae. Like your dairy and I hope you come around more often. It's a much better place for smart, liberal, humanist's to hang out. Thanks for posting your much appreciated around here.

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It's great to be here, and join this wonderful community. Please excuse my tardiness. Old habits die hard. Thanks for the welcome!

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gulfgal98's picture

and I agree completely.

You are the cherry on the top of this amazing sundae.

I went out of town for three days with no internet and came back to see this amazing group of people who have decided to join our little site. When I saw Doc was here and participating, I could not be happier than I am today.

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Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?

“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy

And that's a beautiful picture of you!

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Well hello guys!

The air feels a lot calmer and clearer here.

Thanks for the diary, DD. An excellent summary and reminder of the broader picture of what is going on, as we hyper focus on this state or that state. The stakes that we are playing for are truly epoch. It is so clear that someone 'of the system' is incapable from so many pov's of reforming that system.


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Sea Turtle

Especially since you're the reason I wrote this in the first place.
It already feels like a place to stretch out and relax. Looking forward to not keeping eyes in the back of my head peeled in the jungle.

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GreyWolf's picture

Glad to have you here among the great unwashed, huddled masses yearning to breathe free

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I breathe free always, and refuse to huddle. There's been a good deal of yearning in this primary season. And I do wash now and again.
Thanks for the welcome!

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I was hoping you would show up here. I always enjoy your comments and posts. I don't think Hillary can beat Trump but even if she could.....she is just not someone that I can vote for. She and Bill are corrupt. I have no doubt that she sold out her position at State to enrich the Clinton Foundation and the Clinton bank account.

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Corruption has always been my number one issue, and I never thought I would see it rise to real prominence given the thoroughly corrupted system we have. But corruption won't start to be controlled until politicians fear taking billionaire money more than they fear losing it. That will require some very familiar heads being placed on pikes. I have a funny feeling Hillary's might be the first. We can only hope it's Bernie who puts it there, and not Trump.

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I am also an FDR Democrat which makes me an Independent Socialist(as the Democratic Party stands today) and Bernie is my candidate.

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snoopydawg's picture

First Bill would get paid to give a speech to the governments and then Hillary would swoop in and sell them weapons. Then the Clinton foundation would receive millions.
I've asked her supporters if it was a republican SOS that did that would they still say it was acceptable?
Not one person answered me.
They both did so much damage not only to the people in this country after NAFTA was passed, but to the farmers in Mexico.
Then there is welfare reform, the crime bill and the deregulation of the financial institutions that teed the ball up for Bush and millions of people lost their houses and pensions.
Plus look at the damage they did to the Democratic Party. Instead of it being a party that represented we the people, they climbed into bed with the same corrupt industries that the GOP were in bed with.
God, now I can't get the image of a congressional orgy out of my mind.
I don't want either of them back in the White House.

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The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

Big Al's picture

Mickey Mouse in the House. It's long been that way anyway, we might as well make it official.

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stevej's picture

This place just keeps on getting better

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“To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize.” -Voltaire

thrownstone's picture

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“Those who can make you believe absurdities, can make you commit atrocities.” Voltaire

Missed it the first time around over at DLC Kos

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And even more glad to see you here!

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Glad to see you here too. Look forward to reading your stuff.

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darkmatter's picture

Hi Dallasdoc,

I read this diary when you originally posted it, and just in case your account becomes inaccessible, I'm glad you preserved it here.

What I keep wondering about lately is how corruption works subjectively--psychologically. There are, of course, plenty of truly amoral people who will openly, crudely, and simply sell out. Boss Tweed types. But then there are those who rationalize and lie to themselves that they aren't really corrupt, aren't really part of the problem, but "practical," "pragmatic," or "realistic." And in my experience, once people have successfully lied to themselves, they become truly dangerous.

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I think the key to corruption succeeding in a society is when it becomes normative behavior. "It's how things are done." "You just don't understand how the world works." "How else can we win?" These are the justifications people use to sleep at night when they're up to their necks in graft and are fucking over their constituents on a daily basis.

The way to change that, I think, is to keep calling out corruption for what it is, no matter who we're talking about. It's not OK if a Clinton does it. It's not OK if a Cruz or a Trump does it either. We have to remind average voters that this is truly, deeply fucked up, and that the system disenfranchises them. People are already mad at politics. Let's show them why they should be mad, and use that anger to start reimposing some minimum moral standards.

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gulfgal98's picture

Is just one example of why I have been such a Dallasdoc fan for years. Great comment, particularly this.

I think the key to corruption succeeding in a society is when it becomes normative behavior. "It's how things are done." "You just don't understand how the world works." "How else can we win?"

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Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?

“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy

Just a little compromise just this once, then a little more because it will really help right now and it isn't any big deal, then maybe they're so compromised that pressure can be brought ...

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Martha Pearce-Smith's picture

You had me right through to the end with that! Well done!
And welcome to 99%... Smile

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Please help the Resilience Resource Library grow by adding your links.

First Nations News

Glad you enjoyed it. And I appreciate the warm welcome!

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You can sit down, put your feet up, and relax indeed. No more need to stand with your back to a wall.

I read Bernie is drawing huge crowds and doing well in Me. He is also drawing huge crowds in MI, but the polls are not in his favor. We are a seriously depressed, exploited, and bullied people so I have serious concern for his ability to win Michigan. Being a liberal and living in red state is sort of like being a Bernie supporter and blogging on dailykos.

The Clintons are corrupt. Every time the powers that be haul him into MI to rally the voters, all i can is NAFTA.

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"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon

Yes, I fear MI will be controlled by union bosses and party bosses. I've always looked at Bernie's campaign as the opening battle in a long war, but at least we're assembling the troops and starting to fight. It's been a long time. I'll keep doing everything I can to help, and I won't stop. Even if HRC gets the nomination, we will win if we keep together and keep fighting.

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Enough Indeed.

Good to see yet another familiar "Face" here at C99%.

Thanks for this great "Thread/Diary".

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I'm in it all the way to the convention! #Bernie16

Hopefully Slinkerwink is on her way.

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This is a really great crew! It'll be so nice to have a place to chat without getting feces flung at us from Conservadems.

I'll send Slink a kosmail inviting her, before they enforce the purge.

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So good to see you here and on Reddit! Smile Hee hee. I remember being completely blown away the first time I read this diary, Doc. I really wish you would write more diaries, because you are so good at it (!), but I know you probably won't. Oh, well.

I'm glad to be here, too! I joined in March on '15, I think -- one of my "I don't think I can take all the bullshit on Dkos anymore" episodes, of which there have been many over the years -- and got sucked back into Dkos, as usual. I'm trying to break that pattern by keeping up with news here and on Reddit. Between the two, I think we really can bridge the gap left over by Dkos without having to go back to that horrid place. I really can't stand it anymore.

Someone told me this recently (I looked it up and it's true): did you know that kos is a fellow at the New Politics Institute, part of the New Democrat Network, with the goal of both being to help elect "centrist" candidates? Yes, really. Ahem.

That's pretty much all we need to know now, isn't it? I stayed around that place for far too long. I saw the writing on the wall six goddamned years ago.

Anyway, enough of that bullshit. Welcome, and glad to see everybody. Smile Please know that, just like on Dkos, you can also write fun diaries and stuff. JtC has done a great job of making a good and supportive community here. (Thanks, man!)

Love to all! Go Bernie! (He's kicking Hillary's ass in the debate right now, ha ha!)

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I miss Colorado.

It's wonderful to see you here and on Reddit too. You've long been one of my favorite writers, since you have such a distinctive, original voice.

I know just what you mean about DK, but after 11 years there I've become inured to the bullshit. I didn't want to cede the place to the dumbing-down of the partisans. But now that the proprietor has decided to hand the place to them, it's probably not worth it anymore. Hope Markos enjoys his own little People's View. Anyway, I hope to spend time with the good folks here, and not waste too much of it bitching about Over There.

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once a day for the next week or so, as we get more refugees so we can get everything out of our system then get back to work.

And I must admit that blue is a bit more calming than orange.

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They have frequent Open Threads here (a few everyday, I believe), so you can bitch all you want. Smile

Also too, you can write a diary bitching about something personal, if you want. Community involvement is kind of Dkos-ish here; post about pets (many people do) or whatever, it's all good. That's actually why JtC made a separate "Community Content" from the "Front Page", see.

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I miss Colorado.

What with the Grand Edict and everything else going on around here, Friday was a pretty shitty birthday. But since I'm still above ground it can't be all bad, right?

Hope you and your beloved are well.

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..rather have good Roosevelt Type Dems.

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thanatokephaloides's picture

Oh, you must mean thirty pieces of silver.....


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"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar

"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides

detroitmechworks's picture

I honestly am not sure on how Hillary rewards those she sees as her inferiors. I know how she tries to punish them, however.

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I do not pretend I know what I do not know.

I enjoyed rereading your excellent post!

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josb's picture

Thanks fort reposting a great article. I always enjoy your insightful comments. Glad you are here!

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Mark from Queens's picture

One of the top attractions for me over the years at DK has been dallasdoc's consistently incisive, righteous, clear-eyed and brilliant ability for cogent summation of anything being discussed. Yours is the kind of intellect, backbone, and integrity that gives such necessary inspiration as this nascent truly progressive movement is now on the verge of coalescing in a big way. I thank you again for that, comrade.

"Enough" was a great, resounding piece, that if I remember right, had close to 1000 recommends. It's obvious yours is the kind of leading voice people need to hear more from.

So good to see you here, friend. Hope to see you next time you make it to NYC!

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"If I should ever die, God forbid, let this be my epitaph:


- Kurt Vonnegut

Thank you for that humbling praise. I can only hope to live up to it. I also hope we'll get to see each other when I'm in New York. Not sure when my next trip will be, but I'll let the folks here know.

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shaharazade's picture

"We cannot roll back the corruption of our political system with more corruption" Fighting corruption with more corruption seems to be the justification used by the hyper-partisan Dem. centrist's. Every damn thing is taken off the table in the name of victories for compromise. It's an illogical loop that basically says our brand of corruption is worth fighting to keep in place. At least were not overt fascist's but embrace the suck cause it's reality and there is nothing you can do Fabulous diary that I missed in the melee over there. Lot's of the best of dkos slips right down the cracks of contention or gets run off. so glad to read your dulcet tones here.

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hester's picture

Great post. Nice to see you here.

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Don't believe everything you think.

ppnortney's picture

and I hope that you'll write often. I've always enjoyed your comments and the handful of your diaries that I came across. I share your sentiments exactly but could never have expressed them so clearly and eloquently.

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The smaller the mind the greater the conceit. --Aesop

It's odd. I have always thought that I just wrote what seemed obvious to everybody. Everybody except those who refused to see. It's never seemed that complicated. But I thank you for appreciating it anyway.

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Dallasdoc. Might have known. You will never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy.

TMC says hi. Right now she's busy with the final episode of Downton Abbey.

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Mr. Dallasdoc too.

I once had a nice evangelist lady point a long red fingernail at my gay self and announce, "YOU are going to Hell!" in her best Southern accent.

I replied, "Well, at least there'll be people there worth hanging out with."

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I always say:

"If you and Jerry Falwell are going to be in heaven, then I'll take my chances in hell with the cool people"

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"You should never want to join a club that would accept you as a member."

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