The next war in Syria might be Israel v. Iran
I mentioned the other day how Israel opposed the ceasefire in southern Syria.
However, the statements of Netanyahu this week clarify the situation.
Speaking to the leaders of Hungary, the Czech Republic, Poland and Slovakia, Netanyahu said Israel had specifically targeted Iranian weapons shipments to the Lebanese militia Hezbollah in Syria, where Hezbollah is helping bolster Syrian President Bashar al-Assad's forces in the ongoing civil war.
“We blocked the border not only in Egypt but in the Golan Heights,” he said, according to an account from Haaretz newspaper. “We built the wall because there was a problem with ISIS and Iran trying to build a terror front there. I told [Russian President Vladimir] Putin, when we see them transferring weapons to Hezbollah, we will hurt them. We did it dozens of times.” ISIS is an alternative acronym for the Islamic State militant group.
It's not a secret that Israel has bombed Syria, but the number of times is surprising.
Influential former Maj. Gen. Yaakov Amidror has said about Iran leasing bases in Syria, that Israel "Israel should prevent it whatever will be the price.”
The warhawkish NY Post spells out what a lot of people are thinking.
According to a Fox News report, Trump is quietly organizing a regional conference, inviting Sunni allies and perhaps even Israel. If so, good — but administration officials will surely hear a lot about the need for America to take a clear stand against Iran’s expansion.
The region is on edge. A victory over ISIS seems close now, but if Iran emerges on top, a wider and more vicious war may ensue, with dire consequences for everyone, including America.
Iran has already come out on top in both Syria and Iraq, because they were willing to step up and make sure the head-chopping jihadists didn't take over these nations. They paid with thousands of lives to do this.
Now we are being told that we are looking at a much larger and bloodier war is to happen to put Iran back in it's place.
Will Israel be able to suck the United States into this madness?

gawd, let's hope not!
Inner and Outer Space: the Final Frontiers.
If they do, then they bet pony up their own troops and money
Why should our troops have to risk their lives for what Israel wants? And they need to start using their own money instead of ours and the other countries that are fighting their wars?
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or the dedicated communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and fiction, true and false, no longer exists.
~Hannah Arendt
Will Israel be able to suck the United States into this madness?
It was 1973. I was in the US Army, stationed at Fort Gordon, GA. My Signal Corps unit was put on alert and buses were ready to take us to the airfield for deployment to Israel if things went south in the Arab-Israeli war. The US would be fighting on the side of Israel, of course, because even way back then we were in their pocket.
So will Israel be able to suck us into this madness? As the Magic 8 Ball says, all Signs Point To Yes.
Able? They're already working on it.
Just this week, my rep is bragging on FB about talking to "faith groups", gathering support for Israel.
Funny thing: she never asks me...
“We may not be able to change the system, but we can make the system irrelevant in our lives and in the lives of those around us.”—John Beckett
A wall at Golan Heights border
I wonder how long before it goes all the way around, making it too, an open-air prison similar to Gaza without the aide of the sea.
Pence probably has to hide his Armageddon boner when he thinks about it all. Ugh
"Let's you and him fight"
is a fairly accurate depiction of their whole foreign policy lately. One possible exception may be another invasion of Lebanon, but when it comes to Syria, they'll need American casualties.
"Obama promised transparency, but Assange is the one who brought it."