The Declaration of Political Independence
(I wrote this a few years ago - 2012 - and even though it's been published before, I think it's more pertinent this primary season than it ever has been. apologies for publishing again.)
(My apologies to Thomas Jefferson)
When in the course of human events it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another and to assume among the powers of the citizen long guaranteed by our Constitution, a decent respect to the opinions of humankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to that separation.
We hold these truths to be self evident, that all humans are created equal, and that the People of the United States of America are endowed not only with certain unalienable rights, but also with certain rights and liberties given to them by the Founding Fathers via the Constitution of the country adopted at the birth of these United States, as well as via laws passed throughout the past 239 years. That to secure these rights and liberties, the Government has been instituted among people, deriving their power from the consent of the governed, and that whenever any form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the right of the People to alter or abolish it.
Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shown that humankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Objective evinces a design to reduce the people under absolute Despotism, it is the people’s right, it is the people’s duty, to stand up to their Government and its allies - the Political Parties, and their Corporate, Banking, and Industry bedfellows - and strive to change the course being charted by them. Such has been the patient sufferance of the People of the United States; and such is now the necessity which constrains them to alter the ties that effectively bind them to their political captors. The history of our recent Government of the United States is a history of repeated injuries and usurpations, all having in direct object the establishment of an absolute Tyranny over the People. To prove this, let Facts be submitted to a candid world.
The Government and their allies in the two main political parties, have refused to Assent to Laws, the most wholesome and necessary for the public good.
They have stonewalled and dallied, avoiding passing Laws of immediate and pressing importance, unless watered down in order to please the Corporations, Moneychangers, and Big Industry that line their pockets.
They have bowed to the wants of the Corporations, Moneychangers, and Big Industry, and instead have made laws favorable to them and not the public at large.
They have neglected to truly investigate and prosecute those Corporations, Moneychangers, and Big Industry who have violated the Laws of this Nation and in some cases changed the Laws of this Nation to accommodate said violations.
They have haphazardly and cavalierly engaged in War-making with other countries and have fabricated the justifications for it.
They have persisted in the use of drones on civilians in several other countries with which we are not at War, and are leaving mounting civilian casualties in the wake of this usage of drones.
They have set up a sole arbiter to be able to deprive anyone, including citizens of this Nation, of Life, who makes these decisions in secret and without any checks or balances – no oversight whatsoever.
They have made it common practice to prosecute whistleblowers as opposed to investigating and prosecuting wrongdoers.
Instead of “promoting the general Welfare” as the preamble to the standing Constitution states, they have:
Codified a for-profit system of healthcare, failed to institute any real affordability controls, and guaranteed penalty to those who cannot afford to purchase it.
Deregulated industry in general and delegated remaining regulation to those friendly with the industry they are regulating.
Failed to institute a living wage thereby relegating working people to lives of indentured servitude and others to lives of steady and increasing poverty.
Aided the Corporations, Moneychangers, and Big Industry in outsourcing jobs.
Helped militarize civilian law enforcement and stood by while it was used, sometimes violently, against people simply exercising their rights.
They have effectively undermined the following Amendments in the Bill of Rights:
When journalists are shut up, shut out, arrested, or professionally smeared for doing their jobs, and the people have excessive limitations on the right to assemble in protest, and only those with power and financial means have a platform, the First Amendment is effectively dead.
When people are subject to warrantless wiretaps, data mining without consent, dragnet collection of all of their communications by Government regardless of whether Government is actively listening and reading them or not, and routinely have property seized while not involved in criminal activity, the Fourth Amendment is effectively dead.
When many citizens of countries around the world have been detained under a special designation meant to circumvent long standing laws and held for years without due process or any hope for release, when citizens remaining silent can be used as incriminating evidence against themselves, and anyone can be added to a secret assassination program list that exists without due process or oversight, the Fifth Amendment is dead.
When indefinite detention exists and trials can be held using secret evidence and witnesses not available to the defense, the Sixth Amendment is dead.
When indefinite detention and secret assassination programs exist without oversight or due process, the Eighth Amendment is dead.
In every stage of these Oppressions, we have Petitioned and attempted Assembly requesting Redress in the most humble terms; Our repeated Petitions and attempted Assemblies have been answered only by repeated injury and escalation of Oppression. A Government, whose character is thus marked by every act which may define a Tyranny, is unfit to be a Government of a free people and unfit to be considered a Democracy.
Nor have We been wanting in attentions of our Government, their Parties, and their Corporate, Banking, and Industry bedfellows. We have warned them from time to time of attempts by their branches to extend an unwarrantable jurisdiction over us. We have reminded them of our longstanding laws and traditions; we have appealed to their justice and magnanimity, and We have conjured them by the ties of our common kindred to disavow these usurpations. They too have been deaf to the voice of justice and of consanguinity. We must, therefore, acquiesce in the necessity, which denounces our Separation, and hold them, as we hold the rest of mankind, Enemies in War, in Peace Friends.
We, therefore, the people of the United States of America, generally Assembled, and appealing to the Supreme Judge of the world for the rectitude of our intentions, do, in the Name, and by Authority of the good People of these States, solemnly publish and declare, That these people united in their Voices are, and of Right ought to be Free and Independent, that they are Absolved from all Allegiance to the Political Powers that be, and that all political connection between them, their Parties, and their Representatives, is and ought to be totally dissolved. And for the support of this Declaration, with a firm reliance on the protection of Divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our Voices, our Lives, our Fortunes, and our sacred Honor.

Hey poligirl...
Nice to have you here. That is a great diary. I haven't read it before. Thanks for posting it again.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
i was angry and frustrated when i first wrote it. i still am... we need this revolution...
Ain't that the truth?
Sadly, I cannot get this video to paste
Some thoughts, a question
I posted this on BNR, may get me (finally) banned, but I need to ask this question, and would love to hear if anyone else is as "crazy" ( which is what I'll be called) as I am. Thank you.
Some thoughts: this election is not business as usual. This election is different from all we’ve experienced. What we, and Bernie Sanders, have accomplished in so short a time is almost miraculous! Numbers of people, money, online organization.
More thoughts: Howard Dean, now shilling for the insurance companies, recently said he didn’t feel obligated as a Super Delegate to represent the people of his home state of Vermont, regardless of how they voted. So much for the 50 State Strategy, and We the People, Democracy. He is isn’t accountable to anyone but himself.
SO, with all this focus on “delegates” and of course Super Delegates, why would anyone expect all the hundreds of thousands of people coming out to support Bernie Sanders, switch their support, funding, energy, enthusiasm, commitment to any one but Bernie Sanders. Because of the letter D? I don’t think so. Almost 5,000,000 individual donations averaging $27. each. This activity has nothing to do with the letter D.
It is a commitment to the issues, honesty, integrity, ending dominance of money, super pacs in politics. Bernie Sanders has been prescient in his voting, always, always steadfast in support of social and economic justice, Peace, transparency in government,representing We the People, not for his own personal profit or political viability. Why would we support anything but this.
Options. More thoughts. It’s 2016, is a Write In Campaign organized online feasible. Possible. Was what we’ve accomplished in 9 months possible before we did it? Did the caterpillar know what the butterfly would look like?
It’s Our Turn
President Sanders: an idea whose time has come
only issue with with a write in campaign is...
that not all states let you write in. i used to live in La and there was no write in option. not sure how many states are like that. La prob not a great risk anyway on account that it will go red no matter what...
Add to the fact that elections in the past
have deliberately ignored write in ballots, even when there was a legitimate reason to believe they might win.
Remember the "Ficus" protest vote?
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.
ain't that the truth!
the original is pretty good and a useful template, as you've shown, to address the abuse of power.
thanks! Jefferson did make a great template! :D
I love this declaration
It's a classic and even more relevant then the first time i read it. Strange how when you think it can't get any crazier or more oppressive they turn it up to 11. Great to see you posting here. It's a exodus I find inspiring. So is your great declaration. See you around the inkwell. Glad you up and about.
i find it inspiring too... and thanks...
i think it will be relevant as long as thing remain as they are. sad that...
What will Sandernistas do in July?
this isn't like other election years
I don't see the Democratic Party "breaking" this year like the GOP is likely to.
However, I see 2016 being the first step toward the Dems breaking the party.
I see this as a great catalyst for 3rd party attention.
If Bernie wanted to totally fuck with the party he could turn his candidacy into something great.
He could run as Independent, and demand equal time in the debates based off the percentage of vote he was expected to get.
Invitation to the other third parties would only reinforce this demand, based off the "Will of the People".
Of course the DLC and RNC would collaborate to prevent it. And that collaboration needs to be shouted to the rooftops. It directly eats into their "Other side is complete evil" propaganda.
Course that depends on a free press so that one is a non-starter from the beginning.
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.
Debates: From League of Women Voters to FOX
There's more at that link and worth the read.
Excellent catch
2016: the year when democracy started breaking down in America
This country needs campaign reform...
but on a complete structural level. It's not just about getting the money out of the politics but also changing the entire way we present political arguments.
In essence, we need to make the scales even, and it requires a hell of a lot more work than I can express in one comment.
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.
I think I just figured out how I'm gonna get myself banned
after March 15th.
Warn us so we can
see you off in style. that is of course if any of us are left standing.
Third Way is The Third Party
One might say that The Third Way is the third party. But it's more like the coup that already happened.
Two corporate loyal parties ensure control of the political arena - granted 'our' corporate Loyalists party is still way better than theirs would be the rallying cry.
--That's an interesting Supreme Court you got there. Don't you want someone who will think about you little people?--
The Third way has been the 3rd party endorsement in plain sight the whole time. There may not be an actual fracture, but it's the establishment shift/takeover/crackdown and a push to ensure that the big tent remains whole instead of fractures as they move the party more to the right (again).
True that
but their does seem to be push back from the rabble on both sides of the duopoly. With 43% and climbing registered indies something going to give. You look around the world and the oligarchical collectivists are having to work hard strong arming the common folk to not step out of line. They are going too far like they always do if left unchecked and I have faith in the people globally to remedy the want to rule the world death and misery dealers.
Happy Independent here, since the Clintons took over the DNC/DLC.Third Way.
I would get banned for even thinking this on another website - BUT, it the only way we can wrest the Democratic party from the hands of the Clintons is to elect Donald Trump POTUS - thinking it's worth the risk. He's smart, a clown, crazy like a fox, has the MSM mesmerized, MBA from Wharton if that matters to anyone, a moderate ( has been all his life, which is the best we'd ever get from a Republican, a Jacob Javitts Republican) and phuquing clever to use his Reality TV persona in politics. Less of a narcissist than Bill Clinton. Full disclosure, if someone held a gun to my head, I could vote for Trump before I could vote for Clinton. I live in MA. So my vote doesn't count, and I'll write in Bernie Sanders.
Still want to think Write in Campaign for Bernie Sanders. What could it be?
well, you could consider a vote for Jill Stein
and indeed, the write-in for Sanders is good.
what I'm hoping is that Bernie decides to run as an Indie and I don't discount it. But if the super delegates decide the primary and he does NOT run as Indie then perhaps he isn't brave enough because nothing going forward is going to be clear cut, easy, simple, or known.
no. the presidency of America, after we've destabilized most of the world, will not be for the feint of heart.
“There are moments which are not calculable, and cannot be assessed in words; they live on in the solution of memory… ”
― Lawrence Durrell, "Justine"
I don't think he will
because he knows he still has to go back to work in the Senate with the elites who supported Clinton.
For better or worse, we're stuck with a 2-party system with the occasional Independent (Sanders, plus King up in Maine) making noise; probably the biggest example of how the system is rigged is when Ned Lamont beat Joe Lieberman in the CT primaries, then some Senate Democrats backed Lieberman's indy bid over their own nominee and he got back in the Senate. (Lamont's general election campaign didn't really measure up to his primary campaign either but I digress.)
If you want to change the system, sometimes you have to work within that same system first.
we go protest the convention and then we go into the local...
and state level trenches full force. we need to get enough Berners running for 2018 at the latest...
at least that's what i think would be a good step forward...
we need to keep moving forward, establishment be damned...
I wish I'd read this before I posted
I posted a question above in this same thread.
Don't know how to start a new thread here. Is that possible. Is there a way we could have one place to be asking this kind of question, making suggestions, organizing?
thank you
i think you prob want to post a new essay (diary)...
or make a new comment in one of the open threads...
Thanks, now all I have to do is figure out what an "open thread" is, or how to start a diary for a specific subject.
After today's caucus here in ME
I plan on dropping my registration with the Democratic party. I'll go as an un-enrolled independent. After being a registerd Dem for over 35 years I'm washing my hands of that group. They don' t represent me, if they ever actually did.
Think off-center.
George Carlin
Same for me.
I'll be reregistering as Independent as well. And I'll be writing in Sanders in the general if he loses the nom. I would not vote for Hillary Clinton ever, under any circumstance.
Same length of time for me
I registered as a Republican only once, in my first Presidential election, solely to vote against Ronald Reagan in the primary. (Hey, I tried to warn folks...)
I'll be marking the ballot with Clinton's name though, not so much voting for her as a vote against whoever the GOP puts forward (likely Trump at this point) and the values that the GOP stands for: fear, hatred, obstruction.