My state of awareness hurts

Those of you who have read my writings know that I do not write for effect. I write to put down thoughts that have become "ripe" and need to be exposed. I also write to expose my thoughts to others in order that I do not stray too far from reality.

I have been writing less and less since Trump was elected. That is partly because I have a mixed set of reactions and don't want to sound too incoherent. Politics in this country is theater and bad theater at best.

Let me just let some thoughts hang out here for reaction from others. I read a lot and know my own view is an isolated one. A main theoretical thread for me comes from a maverick version of systems theory arising out of complex systems theory, for whatever that's worth.

Here's where I'm at.

The American empire seems to be being dismantled. That is good. The clumsiness and lack of vision surround these events is distressing at best.

Here in the US another collection of corrupt aspects of the empire's hold on the people is being dismantled with a misguided hope that private interests will oppress the people in a better way.

The willingness of so many politicians to play the corruption game has institutionalized the corruption and oppression. The idea that new people entering the corrupt system can change the system is laughable.

In order for real change to happen the system has to be brought down. Somewhere in the thoughts of Trump's favorite, Bannon, this has been expressed. There is no way a Nazi is capable of creating a sane system out of the rubble.

What is going to happen is totally unpredictable since it depends mostly on factors we do not understand. Our lack of understanding is a result of our having a world view shaped by the now collapsing system's illusions.

Hovering over all of this is the impending devastation which will result from unchecked Global Warming. The failure of science to see how rapidly this would accelerate is tightly coupled to the failure of reductionist thinking to deal with complex systems. This is the same thinking that made us blind to systems forces in politics.

I guess I have a special kind of arrogance to be so sure about these things but if you have read my book with Jim Coffman you will see how it al hangs together.

I have a special kind of madness living with what I have learned over my 81 years. Sorry if sharing it with you disturbs you.

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when reading your posts. And I don't think you're so arrogant either, I think you know your stuff, so to speak. I know not much about complex systems really, but I will offer up that when I read "Silent Spring" by Rachel Carson, the one thing that keeps going through my head is the interconnections and unintended consequences and how that relates to all of it, all things really - climate change, debt peonage, killing, and the deeply imbedded corruption that keeps it all in place. And I think you're right that our ability to predict what will happen is woefully inadequate.

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Only a fool lets someone else tell him who his enemy is. Assata Shakur

@lizzyh7 ,

if it exists (which I doubt) is not the problem.

The problem is The Powers That Be (although I like Ellen North's use of "The Psychopaths That Be") and their arrogance, which has been in abundant display throughout the last election and before, to keener observers than myself.

But my response is to lizzy because she knows the laws of unintended consequences are the origins of hubris, and that the sad fact is that their hubris will be our undoing.

I understand NOAA is now being required to sign non-disclosure agreements to prevent whistle-blowing. WTF? Well, it's part of the arrogance. TPTB seem to think they can engineer their way out of climate change and because the own the government, NOAA is their personal experimental station.

Personally, I think the 1% has been inbreeding.

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Raggedy Ann's picture

The system must be brought down. Big Al espouses this point, as well. I was on this bandwagon during dubya's reign. Obama sealed the deal for me. The idea of America is alive, but America, in this form, no longer exists.

edited for infernal typos

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"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11

Pricknick's picture

one who was disturbed long ago.
I'm an ender. I've made no effort to hide that. There is no hovering of global warming or climate change.
To think that political will would change the devastation that is coming was a hope of mine. Let's say my hope died in 2008.
I put full faith in change. I actually hoped.
I don't waste my time anymore.
Many would say you're lucky. You won't be around to witness the truly remarkable ability of this blue marble.
I refrain from using scripture but this one is owned by the human race and good riddance I say.

"They that sow the wind, shall reap the whirlwind".
Book of Hosea

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Regardless of the path in life I chose, I realize it's always forward, never straight.

but to seize power by dint of democracy? Right now, due to the 1%s agitprop media, the words 'conservative' and 'liberal' refer to cartoons: one side dismissing the other as if not-really-real. Divide and conquer works at home just as well as in imperial enterprises.

The real dangers threaten all alike. What's needed is a cease-fire and a combined, full-political-spectrum effort to force media to highlight, and every day, and for hours, the fact of the massive corruption, incompetence, and indifference toward the citizenry that is the very essence of both parties and Corporate Media.

There's a large number of things Americans want -- need! -- in common. None of them are going to happen unless we first force the common wisdom into the commonly-held narrative making space: mass-reach media.

Tell me we can't force the reality of the failure of both parties to be on the TV, in the papers and on the radio and I'll tell you "Say that after a month where every talking head/editor gets a million contacts a day demanding they deal with the bankruptcy and non-representation of Dem and Repub alike."

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Orwell: Where's the omelette?

gulfgal98's picture

is not disturbing. What you write is the truth. It is the truth that is disturbing and many of us here saw that a long time ago. It is frustrating and upsetting to see just powerless we are in this horrible theater in which we are unwilling participants.

In a way, I guess I am glad that I am 70 years old and have no children of my own. But in another way, all the children in this world are my children and there seems to be nothing that I can do to save their future.

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Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?

“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy


Somehow, your posts always reach my heart. I am usually more cerebral, and can get angry when I see injustice, I can dig when something needs further investigation. But just this little example, that all the children of the world are all our children - touches me.

You remind me that we need everyone, from the technicians, to the analysts, to the investigators, et al. But it is also always important that we keep in touch with our hearts, and you help us do that, GG, and that is just the topping on your acute analytical and investigative skills.

So, thanks!

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gulfgal98's picture

@gustogirl I really appreciate that. Smile

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Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?

“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy

mimi's picture

your comments. Just saying. May be I don't sound like that, but I feel like that.

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Anja Geitz's picture

In so many ways. I went off the media grid after Trumps inauguration because I couldn't have "normal" conversations with anyone in my real life.

I only just started lurking back here a couple of weeks ago. I'm still sorting out how I feel about our present situation and when I do, I hope to share what I've done the last few months without TV or social media. It's been an interesting journey.

Hang in there and thanks for sharing.

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There is always Music amongst the trees in the Garden, but our hearts must be very quiet to hear it. ~ Minnie Aumonier

@Anja Geitz
our nation as a whole has kind of shrunk in upon itself. Perhaps that is good. Reflection has been sorely wanting in our society for a long time.

I see it in my "conservative" friends, too. We talk less of politics as a whole. But at a ladies lunch last week, I threw in the bit about Bezos getting a $4 million contract with the CIA for "cloud storage" and his buying WaPo a few months later for $2 million.

"I can't trust that source anymore," I said, "but I don't trust any of them anymore anyway." There was resounding agreement. Two of the four of us are definite wall building trumpites - the other is (I'm guessing) a hillary MSM dupe.

Don't laugh at me, but I think that is an indication of progress.

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LeChienHarry's picture

@gustogirl I am so glad to still have elders. Wisdom is gained. So is perspective.

About the last comment: I think one of our problems is that we have been too insular for too long. We have, it seems to me, often been very self reliant and 'if it wasn't found, discovered or made here' it isn't good enough. For example: medications and other kinds of treatments for diseases or conditions - isn't the research or study of a medication from Europe good enough? We have a seven year wait iirc for some new meds that would really help people.

The western Europeans want a rapprochement between US and Russia. Bombs may be flying over our heads. Reading other countries' literature; understanding different ways to regulate, run a country, approaches to medicine, science, education, equalizing income and assets, and so many other things, wouldn't it be good to send ambassadors and learners out across the planet to get the best and most successful ideas?

How about abandoning fossil fuels? There are so many ideas working, not just theoretically, we would gain so much benefit by studying and applying.

I really wish we would go look around.

Thanks again for everyone's thoughts and ideas.

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You may choose to look the other way, but you can never say again you did not know. ~ William Wiberforce

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gulfgal98's picture

@gustogirl @gustogirl Real world day to day experience can help us build bridges between one another, human being to human being. This was something I learned from doing the Peace vigil for four + years. If we actually can engage in conversations with those with whom we think we disagree, we can find some common ground and that makes for a starting point to expand upon.

We are human beings fighting against a common enemy (the oligarchy) that neither cares for us nor wants to improve our lives. Once more and more people understand that, our power increases.

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Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?

“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy

QMS's picture

Yeah, it takes a uniquely twisted state of mind to accommodate the madness of our imperial times. Thanks for having the courage to keep the stronger thoughts alive my friend.

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Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare

Wink's picture

we've been waiting for. We may not know what to do, but there is little time to figure it out. We're going to need C-99 and other sites like this one if we are to hang on, avoid being swallowed by the Oligarchy.

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the little things you can do are more valuable than the giant things you can't! - @thanatokephaloides. On Twitter @wink1radio. (-2.1) All about building progressive media.

mhagle's picture

I appreciate your insight. Having followed climate change closely I know about the shit coming down. But at 60 having teenagers, I have to find the hope in everything.

Your writings are an important counterpoint.

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"Make dirt, not war." eyo

Wink's picture

grow a garden. Maybe shoot a deer. Very likely the most useful skills they'll need. Unless someone is pursuing a tech field job, or doctor, lawyer, white college pursuit, there's no sense spending $20,000 a year (or more) for college just to end up flipping burgers at McDonalds. If McDonalds is still around.

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the little things you can do are more valuable than the giant things you can't! - @thanatokephaloides. On Twitter @wink1radio. (-2.1) All about building progressive media.

mhagle's picture


Yes . . . we are growing gardens and hopefully shooting deer in season. And we are absolutely staying away from college debt.

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"Make dirt, not war." eyo

exclude myself from this side-effect.
A distraction to allow the corporate pillaging and polluting of the planet to continue unabated.

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Creosote.'s picture

and wish they were longer and more frequent.

The only promising sign I saw recently was the "Oh, Jeremy Corbin" chant someone kindly posted here not long ago. Something about the somber melody of it made me think it drew on an older English source.
Then I looked it up and found that in its original form, from a U.S. group called The White Stripes, there were in fact no words: the riff that became "Oh Jer-e-my" was instead what separated and linked portions of lyric.
First, here's a link to the lyrics:
Then, following other links, I found that the song seemed to be universally known, especially by people who follow sports by the millions, both in Europe and here, because it's played at countless events -- as a fighting song.
That was the power of what was behind the "Oh Jeremny Corbin" chant.
I am a 1937 person with no interest in sports, but felt that the Corbyn chant was an important window on a profound and widely shared feeling from a direction I could never have anticipated.
Have wanted to write about this for days but have been snowed in deadlines.
I hope other posters here at C99, and you, DM, may have more to say about new forces, even if they are all we have.

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orlbucfan's picture

Arrogance? Where? All I see/read is a very thoughtful, reflective, mature and beautifully written essay, Mr. don. I definitely agree with others on here that we want to see more from you, not less! Ending note: Rec'd X 1000!! Smile

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Inner and Outer Space: the Final Frontiers.

First, many congrats on being cancer free. Second, you are one of the best read people I know. I appreciate you sharing your thoughts with us.

I agree that we can't know what will replace what we must break. We can't go up until we hit bottom. I do disagree with the statement below.

Here in the US another collection of corrupt aspects of the empire's hold on the people is being dismantled with a misguided hope that private interests will oppress the people in a better way.

There is no hope that private can do better than public. It is plain ol' fucking greed. They don't care about who can do what better. All they care about is increasing profits and redistribution of the money up.

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"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon


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observation. Post on, Don!

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studentofearth's picture

The American empire seems to be being dismantled.

China's decline from a great nation to with a trade surplus, corporate profit created by the opium (drugs legal & illegal) trade and being carved up by European states after war.

C99 is a life raft. It is uncomfortable to hear certain truths, but in-order to navigate a way forward there needs reminders of different non-obvious dangers, failed paths and possibilities may be complex.

Thanks for writing

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Still yourself, deep water can absorb many disturbances with minimal reaction.
--When the opening appears release yourself.

Lenzabi's picture

with what others have said, I would prefer to see you scream it out more often Don as people need to be reminded what a mess we really are in. I have been laying low a lot lately, needed to take a break from politics of late for keeping my blood pressure down, but my knowledge and awareness means it scratches at the back of my brain all the time. (I think Don knows that feeling), and even news online from sources like Jimmy Dore and the like wake that up all over again. Keep shouting till you can't shout anymore Don!

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So long, and thanks for all the fish

Thank you so much for this essay, for your (too-infrequent) presence and for your thoughts and writing, Don; the facts must be repeated often enough to counter the endlessly repeated Big Lies, to keep the most absolute essentials on the top of the overload which all of the aware must bear, and you do this so very well.

Knowledge is power, and in confusion, a chance may shuffle through and be found.

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Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.

A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.