Here Her comes to save the day! Again! What a gal!

From one of dkmich's posts, I learned this morning that Hillary Rodham Clinton is trying to figure out Her role in the 2018 midterms.

O cursèd spite! I lagged tragically behind yet again: Last I knew before this, Secretary Clinton, with President Obama, was to oversee "re-building" the Democratic Party and Hillary was also to lead a "resistance." Is she such an über pol that she can rebuild the Party that some might say the Clintons and Obama destroyed (though, in fairness, they had plenty of help) and lead a resistance while also playing a significant role in the midterms? If so, why could she not get a single bill that she wrote passed into law, other than a scant handful of bills about things like remembering the Revolution, recognizing the long dead (and therefore relatively uncontroversial) Harriet Tubman or re-naming a post office (while Difi's husband was buying up the rest of them)? Hmmmmm?

Taxpayers, for the money Hills cost them, got bills that died young and bloviating on the floor of the Senate about things like the urgent need to give Bush an AUMF to use in his sole discretion and her view of marriage as between a woman standing by her man (while trying to destroy his mistresses and/or victims). Yes, Hillary, like Tammy Wynette--and then some, because Tammy did D*I*V*O*R*C*E (or A*N*N*U*L) five times. Obviously, if Hillary chose to remain with Bill and hatchet job the women, it follows, as night follows day, that marriage is a sacred bond that should be withheld from same gender couples, doesn't it? If you can't follow that logic, you just don't deserve to vote for any Clinton. Ever. Then again, no one deserves to vote for any Clinton. Ever.

Yes, boys and girls, Hillary is exactly the hero Democrats need to repair the Democratic Party. Right along with the guy who gave us the written-to-fail ACA and oversaw the fastest transfer of wealth to the very wealthy in all of known history. Perhaps they will even be joined by Bubba, who gave us DOMA, DADT, NAFTA, the Telecommunications Act, the 2008 economic collapse of several nations, the first re-election "War Room" in the White House and making the Lincoln Bedroom available to big campaign donors (all at taxpayer expense). You know, those Democratic values that we have been hearing so much about of late.

I can't say whether or not Hillary is also the one to lead the resistance because I don't know what that is all about: Last I knew, the "Mission" button on Her "resistance" website did not work; only the donation button did. That's our gal all over, isn't it just? As for Her role the midterms, based on the outcomes of the 2008 primary and the 2016 general, followed by the reaction of Democrats' to her whining victim tour, I would recommend the role of absentee. That is, I would recommend that if I cared about Demlicans or Republicrats. As it is, my only comment about our hero's role in the midterms is "Not my circus; not my monkeys.







And, for those great feminists, Albright , Clinton and Steinem....


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Fionnsboy's picture

@TB mare You're too kind! It may even get higher accolades than that, and be quoted on TOP with gasps, groans, the flaring of nostrils, and heaps and heaps (and heaps!) of calumny, as an example of our wickedness. One can only hope! They suffer from their own CDS (Clinton Derangement Syndrome) in that no deed HER can do is subject to scrutiny, let alone disapproval. A cult of personality if ever there was one. It is they who caused Trump's victory, refusing to see the only one who could lose to him was HER. We tried to tell them....if they had re-education camps in this country, and some of the more virulent of these people were running things, the half of us would be in 'em now, forsooth!!!!

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Semper ubi sub ubi

Anja Geitz's picture


I remember on election night when the TOP sycophants referred to HRC as their "beloved" Hillary. I can't imagine coming up with a more ludicrous adjective to describe any politician, much less the head honcho of the Clinton & Co. Cabal.

(Btw, what does your Latin sig line mean? It sounds familiar but I can't quite place it. )

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There is always Music amongst the trees in the Garden, but our hearts must be very quiet to hear it. ~ Minnie Aumonier

Fionnsboy's picture

@Anja Geitz It's an old pun from Latin class, literally Always Where Under Where. Yes, beloved-- good grief. I would even go spelunking into those 'safe spaces' on TOP post-election, where the Hillbots rattled their bones and begged each other for $ for their cats needing surgeries...unable to connect the dots between their own financial difficulties and the financial difficulties of so many other Americans because of their Heroine and those of her Neoliberal ilk. My Dad was a disabled WW II veteran who worked as a janitor; my Mom worked part-time as a 'check out girl' at the A & P. Yet they were able to move out of the projects when we were young and buy a lovely house in the suburbs for themselves and their five children. How much house do you think a janitor and part-time check out clerk could buy today? The answer to that question tells you all you need to know about America over the last 50 years, and the vast screwing we have received so that the rich might grow richer.

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Semper ubi sub ubi

Anja Geitz's picture


Replicating your parents success story in today's economy reminds me of a speech Jimmy Stewart's fictional character gave in "It's a Wonderful Life" in response to the suggestion made by old man Potter that people should "save" their money to buy a house.

I can't decide if the willful loyalty blindness on the part of people who are struggling economically is driven by their fear that to abandon what they "believe" is true (that their "team" really does want to help them) is worse than admitting the truth.

Semper ubi sub ubi ~ I remember now why it sounded familiar. It was from the show Frasier. "Niles Crane" scribbled it onto the fireplace in the family cabin when he was a boy. Lol.

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There is always Music amongst the trees in the Garden, but our hearts must be very quiet to hear it. ~ Minnie Aumonier

@Anja Geitz Aw, man! Great comments. Upward mobility is dead in the water. I make way more money than my WWII vet Dad. Oh, I have much better credit. Oh, and I have a doctorate degree. And a high tax rate. And I am self-employed, dependent upon anybody being able to pay me.
And he had a pension and VA healthcare.
I have Social Security that I will start drawing at age 70(hopefully)and will work until I die.

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"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981

Anja Geitz's picture

@on the cusp

Moved here from post war Germany where they grew up because the choices for employment were slim to none. My Father worked as a cook here in California and was finally able to buy a modest house in the 1970's and lived a comfortable life.

Most of my peers rent. Of the few that are home owners, it comes at a great sacrifice that is keenly felt with each passing year.

This ain't our Parents American Dream any more.

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There is always Music amongst the trees in the Garden, but our hearts must be very quiet to hear it. ~ Minnie Aumonier

thanatokephaloides's picture


How much house do you think a janitor and part-time check out clerk could buy today? The answer to that question tells you all you need to know about America over the last 50 years, and the vast screwing we have received so that the rich might grow richer.


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"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar

"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides

thanatokephaloides's picture


My Dad was a disabled WW II veteran who worked as a janitor; my Mom worked part-time as a 'check out girl' at the A & P. Yet they were able to move out of the projects when we were young and buy a lovely house in the suburbs for themselves and their five children. How much house do you think a janitor and part-time check out clerk could buy today? The answer to that question tells you all you need to know about America over the last 50 years, and the vast screwing we have received so that the rich might grow richer.

Compare these facts with an excerpt from this Counterpunch article:

Wait, you might say, what about those sweet post-WWII growth years brought about by the New Deal? The sad truth is those years were only materially beneficial to white, middle-class men, who were highly sexist, racist, and complicit in incubating today’s consumer-driven Empty Society.

The post-WWII era was an aberration in our history and the result of having more jobs available than people, but as the country rapidly exploited its natural resources and reached the limits of linear growth while the population exploded the leverage that allowed people to have higher wages receded. Even though efficiency increased enormously, the people lost leverage to demand higher wages.

Come to think of it, you are actually in substantive agreement with that article!


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"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar

"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides


by the fat cats all over the world of populism as racist and misogynist.

The insinuation in the demonizing is that the only way to include people of color and white women was to recut the poor people's piece of the pie. This is a lie. The whole pie needs to be recut. The piece of the pie held by the fat cats is way too big and getting bigger faster than ever. They're the ones keeping people of color and white women and white men down and always have been.

It wasn't the little white guy without two cents pence to rub who started the US slave trade or provided crappy wages, dangerous working conditions, etc. As they have since the Ice Age, they are setting one kind of poor person against the other while they take themselves out of the line of fire and scoop up what little wealth that they haven't already scooped up. And strategists and p.r. people and Vichy media help them.

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thanatokephaloides's picture


All part of the demonizing by the fat cats all over the world of populism as racist and misogynist.
The insinuation in the demonizing is that the only way to include people of color and white women was to recut the poor people's piece of the pie. This is a lie. The whole pie needs to be recut. The piece of the pie held by the fat cats is way too big and getting bigger faster than ever. They're the ones keeping people of color and white women and white men down and always have been.

There's an irony in this: the Counterpunch article is entitled: "Lies That Capitalists Tell Us"; yet you caught them in telling one of those self-same lies!

Great catch!

Give rose

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"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar

"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides


another board. Made a similar post there when I saw the Third Way propaganda being catapulted. (Don't you love it when Dummy Bush says something worth paraphrasing? It probably was not original with him, but, heck, I can throw him this one bone.

The rich demonized and subjugated the poor for millennia, while enriching themselves with the labor of the poor and what should have been the common. The minute the poor finally, finally said "Hey, wait a minute....," the rich started braying about class warfare!

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thanatokephaloides's picture


The rich demonized and subjugated the poor for millennia, while enriching themselves with the labor of the poor and what should have been the common. The minute the poor finally, finally said "Hey, wait a minute....," the rich started braying about class warfare.

To which I answer:

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"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar

"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides


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@Fionnsboy I did labor jobs--cleaning ovens, hauling bricks, etc. The job paid enough for a high school drop out to live decently. And this wasn't the skilled positions like machinist, etc. Those required apprentice-ship programs with plenty of night school. And this was all because there was a strong steel workers union. The children of workers got preference for summer jobs which paid enough to pay a large part of college costs.

As I understand, mills moved south or into more rural areas with no unions and wages that in terms of buying power could match those of unskilled labor in previous generation. I haven't followed except to not that the Germans and Chinese are dumping steel in markets all over the world.

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It is a slur on honest sex workers who don't dese4rve to be compared to her.

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I've seen lots of changes. What doesn't change is people. Same old hairless apes.

snoopydawg's picture

@Fionnsboy how indeed.


Their answer

It's what they offered.

Which was a total lie.

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“When out of fear you twist the lesser evil into the lie that it is something good, you eventually rob people of the capacity to distinguish between good and evil.”
~ Hannah Arendt


I've finished in a few minutes, get much more attention here than essays I've painstakinly researched, written and edited. I am not sure that is a good thing. But, it is so.

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Fionnsboy's picture

@HenryAWallace I have no doubt of that. I post political screeds on Facebook, and get two likes; I post pics of my two dogs and get 100 likes.

The thing is, HER is a perfect (alas, too perfect) Hollywood casting dream of everything wrong with Democrats since Reagan, and for those of us who remember those Dems who made us dream dreams, be better citizens, and aspire, who fought for better wages and stronger unions, she is of course a lodestone, a lightning rod, of richly-deserved outrage and calumny at what she and her ilk have done to the world. For example, there are still 22 veterans a day that take their own lives, the balance of them from Operation Iraqi Freedom (gag!) and (not having even bothered to read the debriefing report) her support for Bush et al's war (which support she later admitted was done for political expediency-- not that there was ever any doubt of that) should have automatically, eternally, and irrevocably removed her from public life forever to say nothing of tossing that whole cabal (Bush, Cheney, Feith, Wolfowitz, Abrahms, Libnby, Perle, Rice, etc) into jail.

But the larger issue in some respects is her utter lack of compassion, remorse, and sorrow for the murderous havoc she helped create, havoc that goes on to this day, untold and inexpressible, and not just among our veterans-- but in countries all over the world. That all of this unimaginable pain and suffering she brought into being is viewed by her (as it obviously is) as nothing more than an obstacle to get what she wanted (higher office); and then if you couple that with the continued thirst for aggression and regime change (and there is no better demonstration of that than her cackling over Qaddafi, and her calling for a no-fly zone in Syria during the last debate) how can anyone not conclude that what we have here is not just a sociopath, but a psychopath?

Admittedly Type A personalities, where their own ends always justify the means, people never troubled by what we call a conscience, have always plagued humanity; what troubles me is that seemingly, at this late stage, we, like HER, have learned absolutely nothing from experience. Therefore I see my repeated expression of the utter revulsion I have for HER and her ilk as a necessary shouting from the rooftops-- it is every citizens duty to kick these people to the curb, as loudly and as often as we can.

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Semper ubi sub ubi


a major cause. And not only New Democrats. Inasmuch as you read here often, you may have seen me post this a dozen times.

In 1998, with First Lady Hillary Clinton, From began a dialogue with British Prime Minister Tony Blair and other world leaders, and the DLC brand – known as The Third Way – became a model for resurgent liberal governments around the globe.[18]

And as corrupt, self-serving and deceit-filled as they come. I wish her a long and happy life out of power and out of the spotlight.

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snoopydawg's picture

@Fionnsboy she shows absolutely no remorse for the amount of suffering she has caused in the countries in the Middle East.
Her cackling with glee after watching Gaddafi's brutal death should have disqualified her from holding any office in the future.
As you mentioned, she was running on creating a no fly zone over Syria, just like the ones she supported in Iraq during her husband's tenure and Libya which was done on false pretenses.

Because of her votes and actions, hundreds of millions are dead and many hundreds of millions more are homeless and living is squalid refugee camps.

When we brought these things up to her supporters, they flagged us for writing right wing talking points.
Their refusal to see her for her warmongering ways means that they were fine with the numbers of deaths that she causes.
And this goes for everyone who thinks that Obama was the greatest president since FDR.

What the real truth is about the Obama presidency is this.
During his tenure the democrats lost control of both house of congress after losing 1,000 seats because of his betrayal of what he campaigned on.

The republicans are now in a position to dismantle almost every regulation that was put in place since the FDR administration. If these regulations are rolled back, then Americans are going to die. It is that simple.
Because of the incompetence of both Obama and the democrats, the states have shifted more dangerously to the right, and the Koch brothers are getting their agendas done left and right.
Things like rolling back the minimum wage, laws that protect minorities and LGBT persons.

The republicans are very close to having enough seats in congress and state governorships that they can do a constitutional convention.
Gee, I wonder what their agendas will be if that happens?

Each day I wake up to more news about what state governors are trying to do to their constituents, and it is very frighting. Of course the mainstream media isn't covering any of this and so people do not know how much crap is possibly coming their way.

Clinton started this betrayal of democratic values and Obama finished it. Now both of them are off playing in the sunset and making tons of money as a reward for their service.

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“When out of fear you twist the lesser evil into the lie that it is something good, you eventually rob people of the capacity to distinguish between good and evil.”
~ Hannah Arendt

Fionnsboy's picture

@snoopydawg Well said, sad to say. Yes, I remember those flags well-- and at first there were more Bernie supporters at TOP then otherwise-- one wonders now how many of those flaggers were the Brock hires; and yet again, that her campaign would hire that slime ball tells us (yet again!) everything people should have been able to see clearly about the type of candidate/person HER is. I have no doubt kos was promised some kind of position in HER's shining new assemblage of 1%, Wall Streeters, sycophants, and "policy wanks" (ughhh) in return for purging that site of any legitimate debate, and the many fine, fine voices that took up the banner for, not so much Bernie, but his platform.

I truly believe the next wave, fueled by more millennials and less boomers, will be the one.

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Semper ubi sub ubi

snoopydawg's picture

@Fionnsboy he had already been working in some type of think tank or it might have been whatever the doc became.
The sellout of the people on his site was a blatant attempt to see that Hillary won the primary.
This happened before most of the country had even voted yet.
Let's not forget that he used to be a republican and worked with the CIA.

How else to explain how he went from stating that Hillary was the worst candidate in 2006 to the one who should win the primary? He wrote a diary on Hillary saying that she was too much of a Clinton Democrat and shouldn't be allowed to be president. Everything he wrote in his first book, he went back on.

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“When out of fear you twist the lesser evil into the lie that it is something good, you eventually rob people of the capacity to distinguish between good and evil.”
~ Hannah Arendt

Fionnsboy's picture

@Fionnsboy And one more thing! "As above, so below--" I can remember debating on TOP with one of HER's "beloveds" about why wouldn't said HRC supporter want health care for their fellow citizens? Jobs? Infrastructure? Education? Very few answers, and usually the tired old pragmatism and "she knows how to get things done incrementally rather than pie in the sky" (except when it comes to regime change, war, fucking over working and Middle Class Americans, etc...) HER's appalling lack of empathy and compassion was reflected and mirrored by these supporters, whose obsession with HER was more important than getting health care, education, jobs, etc, to their fellow citizens, most of whom desperately needed it. As above so below indeed. Which is why I've always said backing HER was the ultimate white privilege.

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Semper ubi sub ubi

snoopydawg's picture

This is so true about many of her supporters. They supported a person who told them that universal health care will never ever happen in the United States.
They belittled Bernie for his ideas on what he campaigned on and said that they were pie in the sky dreams and he never explained how he would pay for them. Even though it was all written down on his website.

Now these people have taken a break from reality and are so focused on everything Trump does, or they believe what the intelligence agencies are telling them. Clapper is the front man on this.
There used to be a time on that site when people knew that they lied to us.

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“When out of fear you twist the lesser evil into the lie that it is something good, you eventually rob people of the capacity to distinguish between good and evil.”
~ Hannah Arendt


I've noticed that essays I post about Hillary, some of which
I've finished in a few minutes, get much more attention here than essays I've painstakinly researched, written and edited. I am not sure that is a good thing. But, it is so.

Generally, I personally think, for such reasons as that, in the latter case you've likely so thoroughly covered the points that it may seem to many of us that it's all been said, or have been covering issues which some of us many not feel qualified to comment on (lol, doesn't stop me often enough, though,) or lack time/energy to search for examples of related points which may occur to various of us while reading. And with the high quality of essays here, one doesn't want to endlessly fill the comment threads with expressions of appreciation, as could too easily occur.

As to the former, Hillary being the long-running face of evil, of whom virtually anyone at all informed can speak endless evil, there being far too much committed/supported by Her for any mere dozen or so posts to cover, there's always a reaction from those aware.

And it rather oddly appears that people need constant reminding that the whole world was lucky that Her didn't get in to drag us all on a better, faster nuke-ride to hell on Earth and that the horror of Trump so far seems to be somewhat less immediately fatal than Her seems likely to have been.

I'm continually shocked by people feeling guilty over The Mad Bomber not getting into the hot seat and starting immediate Mutual Assured Destruction with multiple other people's countries... do they really think that just because the corporate media and corporate politicians would have kept quiet, that Her would not be committing the same sort of destructive acts as Trump, if Armageddon had not already occurred by this point, as seems appallingly likely?

Speaking of Hillary, I wonder if this, which came up in a mix as I wrote, may be her perennial electoral theme song:

The Pretty Reckless - The Devil's back

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Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.

A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.

@Ellen North

I love the open threads. Each one has its own personality, and they are all most welcome. Of course, Joe Shikspack and gjohnsit are prolific phenoms. I can only gape in awe.

Yours is the second fitting anthem suggested for Hillary on this thread. Perhaps we should create a song book to present to Her next challenger(s)?

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smiley7's picture


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I read the title as: 'Here Her comes to save the day! Again! What gall!' and am wondering why that wasn't the actual title, lol.

Her Persistently Resists reality and that whole unpragmatic concept of democracy; Americans are Withered enough already...

Great essay, as always, btw. That's pretty much a given regarding so many essays and writers here that I usually don't mention but probably should, at least once in a while, when I think of it. Even if I am only the peanut gallery applauding brilliance, lol.

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Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.

A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.

@Ellen North

Because I am a sarcastic so and so?

Thanks for the kind words. And you are far from peanut gallery. Your comments are always great.

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The real question she's pondering is not what is Her role in the 2018 elections? It's how to position Herself in the best way heading towards another Presidential run in 2020. I'll never accept that the queen of MEMEMEEEEEE gives a damn about any of this except what's in it for Her.

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Idolizing a politician is like believing the stripper really likes you.

@Dr. John Carpenter

I thought Her was going to run for NY Mayor and use the police force - 'the worlds largest private army' - to get Her Royal Coronation finally nailed down, perhaps in a hail of bullets she can run through with her head down while children bring her flowers? Or was that only some passing nightmare?

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Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.

A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.

@Ellen North That certainly was the rumor for a hot minute. My guess (and it's only that) is that notion was met with such a poor response from the public, it was quietly shelved. Of course, it's possible it was only a rumor, but it seems these people have a history of leaking rumors to test the public's reaction and decide where to go.

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Idolizing a politician is like believing the stripper really likes you.

@Ellen North

NYPD is not private. It's governmental, just city government, not state or federal government.

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The Psychopaths That Be don't get the difference between 'mine' and 'yours' and/or 'public ownership', unlike many well-brought-up 5-year-olds.

I was referring to this, and should have cited with the post:

Thursday, Dec 1, 2011 11:00 AM CDT
Mayor Bloomberg’s army
The mayor of New York and his police commissioner reveal just how comfortable they are with autocracy
Alex Pareene

Billionaire New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg has his own army! No, it’s not a private security firm, like Blackwater. It’s actually, according to the mayor, the New York City Police Department.

Bloomberg, again threatening vaguely to make that presidential run that the American people are decidedly not calling for, told MIT last night that he doesn’t even need to be president, because all of his autocratic desires are fulfilled by running America’s most populous city as his private fiefdom.

“I have my own army in the NYPD, which is the seventh biggest army in the world. I have my own State Department, much to Foggy Bottom’s annoyance. We have the United Nations in New York, and so we have an entree into the diplomatic world that Washington does not have,” Mayor Bloomberg said. ...

This whole awesome article should be read in full at source - this is why multi-millionaires/billionaires and other self-interests need to be kept the hell out of politics and public policy-making.

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Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.

A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.

@Ellen North

Bloomberg nor is it private. I'm sure even Bloomberg knows that, even if he may act inappropriately.

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Lol, that was supposed to be a facetious post with various references - I was not seriously suggesting that I thought that public police forces (or any other public service or property) could legitimately be claimed as 'owned' by whoever happened to be in public office of any kind at any given moment. They do keep pretending that they can do as please with the public's property/services, though, and this was one of the references I thought most representative of that.

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Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.

A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.

@Dr. John Carpenter

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mimi's picture

banging their heads against each other over "Madame" Clinton, I just have nothing else to tell you other than that I believe that 90 percent of the 99 percent German folks over here have no clue about what you get your hissy fits about. Be calm, a large part of the world population doesn't care at all about what Hillary Clinton did. She will be forgotten by those who heard about her. I hope that makes you feel a bit more at ease.

HaW, that was an awful reminder of how many old videos of H. Clinton I didn't remember anymore. Yes, it's hard to go through them again. I wished I hadn't done it.

Here you come again to save my day, again, what a guy. (Are you a guy?)
You messed up my Sunday night hours, you dare devil ... Nea
Yes 3

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Anja Geitz's picture


Knowing that the citizens of Germany, or any other country, don't understand why we are "STILL" angry about Hillary Clinton and everything she represents doesn't make me feel better. I want everyone to know what she and her loyal minions did in the name of power and greed. Not to mention her venal foreign policies as SOS which have had consequences across the globe.

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There is always Music amongst the trees in the Garden, but our hearts must be very quiet to hear it. ~ Minnie Aumonier

@Anja Geitz even unto Germany. Where did so many of the refugees come from if not Syria, Libya, and north Africa.

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Orwell: Where's the omelette?

@jim p Early last year Soros wrote an article blaming Putin for the refugee crisis in Europe. Putin deliberately created the refugee crisis to bring down the EU. Blaming the Russians for social and economic problems has been happening the last several years. There is absolutely no self-reflection in the power centers of America and Europe that they did anything wrong.

Putin is bombing civilians to spark immigration and cause END of the EU

VLADIMIR Putin is deliberately driving migrants into Europe from the Middle East as part of a grand master plan to bring about the fall of the European Union, it was sensationally claimed tonight.

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Pluto's Republic's picture


…it will be entirely due to the moral and intellectual failure of those in a leadership position right now. This is the hazard of allowing wealth to concentrate in too few hands on this planet. Without the very strictest regulations, Capitalism is a doomsday device.

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Populations don’t like wars. They have to be lied into it.
That means we can be “truthed” into peace. — Julian Assange

@MrWebster Soros says it right here at 2m40s or so

I cannot and do not look at the social consequences of what I do

talking about crashing most of Asia's economy, takes no responsibility except "I'm successful, people follow". How many millions of lives were effed up by him, compared to a few getting richer? Refugee maker extraordinaire, with no conscience. He and Clintons are peas in a pod together, made of the same material.

George Soros (Resurfaced 60-Minutes Interview 1998)

Published on Nov 12, 2016
"Of all the financial titans and philanthropists of the 20th century, none are more complex or mysterious than George Soros, like Carnegie, JP Morgan and the Rockefellers, he amassed billions through ruthless business decisions, only to turn around and give away most of his fortune to advance his own personal philosophy. He can move world financial markets simply by voicing an opinion or destabilize a government by buying and selling its currency."

Video allegedly found on a university's database with restricted access by a reddit user. Supposedly scrubbed from the internet.

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dervish's picture

@MrWebster on the ass of civilization.

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"Obama promised transparency, but Assange is the one who brought it."


Excellent at evaluating people,too!

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snoopydawg's picture

@MrWebster I saw a few comments just like it on the GOS. The number of facts that diarists and commenters get wrong on the site is just amazing.
But when all you have is an echo chamber that agrees with the wrong facts, that is what will happen.
From the site that used to bring breaking news to the site that is so far removed from reality it isn't recognizable anymore.

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“When out of fear you twist the lesser evil into the lie that it is something good, you eventually rob people of the capacity to distinguish between good and evil.”
~ Hannah Arendt

dervish's picture

@snoopydawg Not much different than InfoWars. They actually encourage CT, and any who demand facts are hounded off the site. It's a good thing actually, because the sooner they self-destruct, the better.

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"Obama promised transparency, but Assange is the one who brought it."


Putin made the bunnies come into our yard last night and lop heads off some of the flowers.

Nothing worse than Russian terrorist bunnies...

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Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.

A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.

dervish's picture

@Ellen North The deer got ours, but I am certain that they are Russian sympathizers.

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"Obama promised transparency, but Assange is the one who brought it."

mimi's picture

@Anja Geitz
I believe you miss. Germans (even the little people) in general have a very clear opinion of the US, namely that they are extremely unsocial, mean in their way to profit from the poor and not interested in closing the class gap among their own population let alone from the world population. That is not even a point of discussion among most Germans. Undertone is - and was - that Germans display a general anti-American disgust with the US political flavor of social injustice and their capitalism adoring attitudes.

Therefore people here don't even bother to personify that, be it on to H. Clinton, Obama, or Sanders or some Republican. In that sense I meant to say, don't worry, nobody cares. If you think anybody who cares and tries to understand American foreign policies in Germany doesn't know and have no opinion about the US foreign policies, you err.

Germans had to be polite and smile at Uncle Sam for over sixty years, Berlin folks especially. We still have to be thankful for the Marshall plan and all the sacrifices the American soldiers made, who were drafted and having been forced to fight and defeat the Nazis and Hitler and later to be present in Germany to defend us from the Ruskies. I mean, it didn't escape the average German my age. And many Germans were grateful in earnest.

But that earnest gratefulness dissipated in the next, second next and the third next generation, starting in the mid-sxities, Vietnam war etc. There is still rarely a German politician who doesn't start his official talk with paying tribute to the help and support the Americans treated us with. It's just ... hmmm.... done a bit too much. It's a default part of any political speech of German politicians and sometimes it causes eye-rolling. But that's just it.

I can try to explain to my family members and friends several times, what is the difference between our social support system and the lacking equivalent in the US. They don't understand it and don't grasp it. And when they do, they come up with a generalized, and not a personalized critical view point towards the US. There you have it ... your anti-Americanism.

Our refugees ... we have them, tons of them, they are pretty well taken care of, way better than in the huge United States, where most American poor citizens are way worse off than the current refugees and asylym seekers in Germany. Of course, dear Mr. Trump, has no clue what an ... he is in criticizing Merkel for her insistance to care of and take in refugees.

So, yeah, somehow we know where the refugee crisis is coming from. It's obvious. Africans come to Europe and the US, they want a chance to eat a piece of the pie. They don't need a H.Clinton for that. They come anyway, as refugees or immigrants, legally, illegally, with fake papers or honestly, with scholarships or dirt poor. You really think that is not known?

ok, may be I am the only one who knew ??? Mosking Biggrin

Nichts fuer Ungut (No hard feelings).

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@mimi Thanks for that explanation. The US is a shitty place to live in if you are poor.

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"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981

@on the cusp

would have made it worse yet. The desperate once had welfare. Now, the poor have and the Clintons have hundreds of millions of dollars. And that's no coincidence.

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dervish's picture

@HenryAWallace it's the American way.

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"Obama promised transparency, but Assange is the one who brought it."

for that money. They sold something that should belong to voters, as though it were one of Hillary's scarves.

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dervish's picture

@HenryAWallace There is no cure for it, containment is the only option. That faction shouldn't be allowed anywhere near power.

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"Obama promised transparency, but Assange is the one who brought it."


Yup, stealing from the widow and the orphan, the lame and the poor is even mentioned in the Christian Bible which a number of these psychos like to pretend outweigh people's constitutional rights. Only in their version, it's the only way for them to literally 'have it all', thereby proving how exceptional they are - by their getting away with it.

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Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.

A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.

@Ellen North

Are you saying the Bible recommends Christians steal from the poor? If so, I'd love the see the language.

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@HenryAWallace @HenryAWallace

Lol, my attempts at humour would appear to be too obscure - I should probably shut up.

I said they were mentioned in the Christian Bible, implying (I thought) that they do tend to twist things around in an Orwellian fashion for use in 'justification' where desired, as with using public-intended protections to protect wealthy/powerful abusers from the public's guaranteed rights, such as with Citizen's United (lol, only for Billionaire-Americans) and 'protected free speech' translated into Big Money as 'political speech' with common sense subtracted, so as to be used in drowning out the voices of the people to further purchase their government, which is Constitutionally legitimate only when of, by and for the people.

Edit: I don't have access to their version - I have to extrapolate by their actions and attitudes.

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Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.

A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.

mimi's picture

@on the cusp
it's as simple as that.

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@mimi you are right Germany must be "way better than in the huge United States" for refugees. Where are the California Ds now? How 'bout now? Stupid losers. meh


8 July 2017
Last week, more than 30 inmates of the Adelanto Detention Facility in California began a hunger strike protesting the lack of medical care and demanding their release pending their immigration court dates. This is the fourth hunger strike since June 12 at the for-profit facility, located in the desert town of Adelanto in San Bernardino County, which is used to jail immigrants awaiting deportation. The jail can hold 1,900 inmates and was at near capacity in March, according to Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE).
According to the strikers, bond rates are kept at unreasonably high amounts to deny detainees release, and ICE lied to them about their role in the issue. Isaac Lopez Castillo, a spokesman for the group, told activists by telephone, “ICE lied to us, because with the bond issue, we believed that [what ICE told us] was true, that only a judge can decide. But now we realize that’s not true, that these bonds are given by ICE. ICE can do something to lower the bonds ... they can parole us without bond. We feel that they tricked us, and we are going to continue because we aren’t anyone’s toys.”

In another statement the group declared, “We are from El Salvador, Honduras, and Guatemala. We ask for your attention, because Adelanto is one of the prisons which exists for those who are seeking political asylum, and in reality our records are clean, none of us have prior criminal records. The bail is set impossibly high, and it’s a humiliating joke because we are poor, we don’t have that kind of money.”

Reportedly, a group of Haitian immigrant detainees have joined their Central American comrades on hunger strike.

Yeah, don't say Clintons. MoFos! RATM - Killing in the Name

At least six people have died at the Adelanto jail in the last five years, three of them since March 22, making it the “deadliest immigration detention center in the country.” In April, Nicaraguan national Osmar Epifanio Gonzalez-Gadba died from injuries after attempting suicide by hanging a week prior. He had been held in solitary confinement in a one-man room when guards reportedly discovered him.


edited: removed ICE = Stasi after California, because State and Federal are different even though results are same. Private prison systems for the win, aided and abetted by cash taking politicians. Like I said before, from Local Dog Catcher to State Assembly to Federal Congress, California has corruption Covered. Clintons people working for the Trump lobby today, "That's the system." I think Clintons should switch to the Republican Party, that would make sense. The DNC is bankrupt why not.

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mimi's picture

doesn't know that. Though I think we have some TV channels in Germany that broadcast lots of documentaries I wouldn't find in the US, the details of US policies don't get covered and probably wouldn't be watched either aside from politically engaged folks on the left spectrum.

When it comes to details, eyes are glazing over and therefore they are seldom talked about on TV. The news hosting anchormen's standard saying is ... if you want to know more, go to our app online and there you will find more. May be, because I am old and haven't been in Germany for over 35 years, I seem to run into people here who simply don't live "online on the web". They simply don't know. And if they hear reports about it, they kinda shake their heads in disbelief and can't grasp why there are private prisons to begin with, for example.

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Anja Geitz's picture


I have family who live in both Hamburg and Berlin. They were all mystified why Americans would vote for Trump. I did my best to explain in my bad German. Perhaps my family is atypical but they seem to grasp why American tax payers pay half as much as German citizens do.

I also remember my family, along with thousands of other Germans, rhapsodizing with the rest of the world when Obama came to visit Berlin in 2008. People, no matter their ethnicity, are not entirely immured to the lure of propaganda, despite their anti-Americanism. That was my point. Perhaps I misunderstood your point in your OP.

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There is always Music amongst the trees in the Garden, but our hearts must be very quiet to hear it. ~ Minnie Aumonier

mimi's picture

@Anja Geitz
watching it from the US at work, because German TV was covering it as well from the US studio. Of course, at that time, I was a strong supporter of Obama and remember well, when one of our correspondents saw through him already early on and was sceptical of him. She was right, but nobody in our studio saw it like that. I also remember well, that Merkel apparently also saw through him. She - I think - understood he was a skilled man who knows how to seduce people and sell propaganda. That's why she refused to let him speak at the Brandenburg Gate in Berlin back then. And that was a good decision of her. When I today watch videos from that time, I can't quite believe why it took me around 10 months to "wonder about Obama".

I think one reason why people were so accepting to Obama's salesmanship was his oratory in comparison to GWBush'. Nobody seemed to be ready yet to look through Obama critically, everybody was so relieved to not have to listen to GWBush and Rumsfeld and Cheney anymore.

May be Germans understand more than they say. I don't know. Sorry for being so confusing.

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CS in AZ's picture


Personally I would love nothing more than to forget about the Clintons, and I wish they would go away, but they won't. We deal with and react to her/their roles in our lives and country because we live here, and we are indoctrinated from childhood to believe that our participation in politics and elections is important, relevant, and even a duty as a citizen. Many of us here at c99% are questioning that, or have rejected it as false, but most Americans believe it and it is deeply embedded in our psyche.

So as long as the Clintons are actively influencing American and world politics, people here will be reacting to them. I don't expect Germans or other countries to have the same feels about them. That's understood, but still it doesn't make us feel better about them.

As for her role in the midterms, hopefully it will be to keep helping democrats lose and the party implode.

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mimi's picture

@CS in AZ @CS in AZ
I often pray that some of the US politicians would be so kind to resign from their power positions before they get into their eighties. Or just resign because they have violated the constitution or international laws. Or just to be decent and accept that one has to go one day. It never seems to happen. Sigh.

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@mimi @mimi

With everything in the news, that reply sbout Africa seems very odd. Those coming into Europe individually or as a family or two, even a truckload or two at a time with fake papers simply hoping for a better life are undocumented or improperly documented immigrants, not refugees. WE've had those kinds of immigrants in droves from Mexico for years, too.

Yes, you can thank Bill and Hillary Clinton, as well as Bush and Obama, for the most of the waves of refugees during the last two decades or so from Arab nations in the Middle East and, yes,Libya in Northernmost Africa Especially the last ten year. Plwase include in your thanks to those five the increased and increasing radicalization of certain Muslims worldwide. Especially, the last ten years.

Other Arab nations also taking those refugees in by the millions, like Jordan, can also thank them, but those nations would not dare cross the US or criticize it publicly for very serious things. Millions of Iraqis, Syrians, Libyans, Yemenites, etc. have been exiting their nations in recent years have not been doing it with fake papers to find the sweet life in Europe and the US, Canada, etc..

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mimi's picture


Yes, you can thank Bill and Hillary Clinton, as well as Bush and Obama, for the most of the waves of refugees during the last two decades or so from Arab nations in the Middle East and, yes,Libya in Northernmost Africa Especially the last ten year. Plwase include in your thanks to those five the increased and increasing radicalization of certain Muslims worldwide. Especially, the last ten years.

All I tried to say (and of course it's just my own impression) that most Germans don't relate the influx of refugees to specifically H. Clinton's as a Sec. of State. I don't believe that most German understand the Bill Clinton years in the nineties. I haven't still. Germans, I believe, do remember GWBush well and clearly identify him as being responsible for the wars that later on lead into refugee crisis under Obama. I do not believe that the average German identifies Obama with causing the refugee crisis, nor do I believe that they are clear about H. Clinton's role in Libya. I do not believe that German TV media were able to transfer that knowledge to the German population. That's what I meant. Sorry for not being clear.

May be I am just surrounded with a little less well informed Germans in my neighorhood.

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@Anja Geitz
If I did, the opinions of 99% of Europe(?) wouldn't do it for me, either.

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Anja Geitz's picture


Weren't able to altar Democrats Abroad's results. Or maybe they are all racists too. /s

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There is always Music amongst the trees in the Garden, but our hearts must be very quiet to hear it. ~ Minnie Aumonier

@Anja Geitz

scam offer anyone there millions from the ironically-named Hillary Victory Fund.

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@Anja Geitz

for no good reason as well.

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Bunch of unicorn-fanciers, no doubt.

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Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.

A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.

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Europe. Comparing these two electoral maps should give you an idea of how little Hillary is admired in the US:

And that's running against Donald Trump! Imagine if the Republicans had nominated anyone half way decent!

Forgive me, but not personalizing it to the Clintons and blaming it on America generally shows a lack of knowledge of what the Clintons personally have done to this country and to the Democratic Party. Before the Clintons, the DP was pro-union, pro-social safety net, etc. That the DP is now a corporatist party is in large part attributable to the Clintons.
(The above is an oversimplification, but it would take maybe a book to tell the entire story in a dead naught on, detailed and nuanced way.)

If the European view of Americans you cite were accurate, Bernie Sanders would never have done as well as he did in the primary, despite all the obstacles the rich and powerful in business, government, media and politics generally put in his way. He would also not have done well in head to head polls, in which he beat Hillary and ALL of about 20 Republican candidates, every one of whom was far more "capitalist" than Bernie. Nor would recent polls have found him to be THE most popular politician in the US.

In any event, I can't vote in the elections of European nations and Europeans cannot vote in ours, for very good reasons both ways. However Americans living abroad who were entitled to vote in US elections tried very hard to reject Hillary's candidacy:

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mimi's picture


Forgive me, but not personalizing it to the Clintons and blaming it on America generally shows a lack of knowledge of what the Clintons personally have done to this country and to the Democratic Party. Before the Clintons, the DP was pro-union, pro-social safety net, etc. That the DP is now a corporatist party is in large part attributable to the Clintons.

You are exactly right, Germans have a lack of knowledge of what the Clintons personally have done to the US and the Democratic Party. German TV is not, has not, and will never go into depth about it. Germans don't know much at all about your US Democratic Party, neither before the Clintons, nor after. If you say it needs a book to really explain the Clinton role, how do you expect the German TV media make it in 3 minute news clips?

If the European view of Americans you cite were accurate, Bernie Sanders would never have done as well as he did in the primary, despite all the obstacles the rich and powerful in business, government, media and politics generally put in his way. He would also not have done well in head to head polls, in which he beat Hillary and ALL of about 20 Republican candidates, every one of whom was far more "capitalist" than Bernie. Nor would recent polls have found him to be THE most popular politician in the US.

I repeat, the Germans don't know about the details of the campaign, the electoral college. They might have just seen Bernie Sanders for a couple of seconds during evening news hours as being a man who got a lot of support and if you are lucky they understood why that was the case.

I never said that the European view of Americans as I described it was right. I said they don't know better than to generalize or those who are specific have a clear agenda that is met with scepticism among Germans as well.

I am really sorry that I wasn't clear enough.

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take your word that we do.

(Just FTR, I said nothing about what either Germans or Europeans know. I said only that a certain position about the Clintons showed ignorance of their conduct and its ramifications.)

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May I offer one correction?

'... Imagine if the Republicans had nominated anyone half way decent! ...'

Bernie was an anomaly within one side of the Two-Faced Corporate Party; we may never see his like again within either side, if TPTB continue to have their way...

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Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.

A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.

@Ellen North

correction If I had to opine on that subject, I would say the same about both parties, though I might add that the Republicans are more honest about their love of money and contempt for the needy.

Clinton all but eliminated welfare. Obama tried his best to cut Social Security, but succeeded only in giving us the sequester--and what do you want to bet it had zero effect on our massive "defense" agencies? The very first budget Obama sent to Congress cut fuel subsidies to the poor. During his adminstration, SNAP was cut time and again, with the vote of "liberals" like Al Franken.

Not to mention rigging the primary.

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Lol, I seem to have been unclear still/again - I was merely suggesting that I didn't think that the Repubs HAD any decent options to nominate, although I certainly agree that both sides are dreadful.

I'm afraid that we still haven't moved and are now in month 3 of my being (whenever outside of my room, which has an aircleaner and has not yet been redone) continually subjected to chemicals used in the renovation of a house (going up for sale) which make me horribly ill, which includes brain scramble, so I'm evidently far worse than usual in my attempts at making any points/jokes... my apologies!

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Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.

A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.

dervish's picture

Medicare for All in WV and KY. His speeches were great, and he's doing it without apparent benefit to himself.

Her would never consider such a thing.

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"Obama promised transparency, but Assange is the one who brought it."


those people, but she did go.

While running in the primary.

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dervish's picture

@HenryAWallace but did she give them anything, or do anything for them?

Her is the embodiment of selfishness.

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"Obama promised transparency, but Assange is the one who brought it."


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