The Weekly Watch
Being a Citizen of the Evil Empire
...misdirected and ill-informed
...misdirected and ill-informed

Perhaps war and greed is endemic to being human. Many years ago, a middle east scholar suggested the pattern of civilization is conquest, consolidation, expansion, degeneration, and back to conquest. The middle east certainly has the history to support that theory. Watch this 12 minute video tracing the story of empires in the region before the advent of Islam. Is anything new?
Why all the aggression? Is the US really under assault? Sadly it is all about profit. Follow the money. (5 min from Richard Wolff)
Paul Jay of the Real News has an excellent analysis of “Russiagate”. The Military Industrial Complex needs an existential threat...a boogeyman like Russia. (17 min or transcript)
Max Blumenthal discusses Russiagate and the middle east conflict.
... what the Washington Post has done is basically served as a megaphone for John Brennan, the former CIA director, and really revealed Brennan as the ringleader of the leaks and the whole Russia campaign. It's actually Brennan, former CIA director, former director of Obama's global drone wars, who stimulated the so-called resistance, the organized liberal grassroots against Trump, with these leaks, which is really troubling.
(15 min or transcript)
Glenn Greenwald reports on the poor journalism pushing the Russia narrative.
Seymour Hersh explains some of the misinformation on Syria (20 min or transcript)
He published his article in US source wanted his piece.
Anthropologist David Graeber talks about anarchism, Syria, the bureaucracy of activism and his visit to Rojava where a new kind of society is developing (18 min or transcript)
Tillerson releases 1953 report of our efforts to overthrow the democratic government of Iran (as we are again today). The main issue was that Mosaddegh nationalized the British oil company in '53. We can't have that! Rex T. hopes it will piss off the Iranians enough to attack US forces. The report is not being covered by western corporate media. (15 min or transcript)

Russia expert and former CIA analyst Mel Goodman tells the inside story of political corruption at the organization, and what he did to try to stop it. Truthdig's Editor in Chief, Robert Scheer, moderates the discussion. (49 min)
Abby Martin interviews Venezuela’s Minister of Economic Planning, Ricardo Menéndez. They discuss shortages, oil dependency, the role of the US-backed opposition movement and more. From Cojedes, Venezuela, where he was speaking to mass community meetings, organizing the population to fight against what he calls an economic war. (27 min)

Donald in his own words at fund raiser this week (40 min audio)
Lee Camp and Jimmy Dore talk about media and the failure of the neoliberals (first 15 min)
It's Noam and Chris Hedges in conversation (25 min)
Naomi Klein hits the air with several interviews this week on her book “No is not Enough” . She offers strategies for dealing with current situation. (45 min or transcript)
Robert Scheer interviews Rebecca Carroll about race, her writing process and the current climate for black writers and artists. (audio or transcript)
The Court...What a disappointment!
First and most shockingly, the nine justices unanimously handed Donald Trump a victory on his controversial Muslim ban. Justices decided to let parts of the ban take effect until the court takes the case up in the fall.
Second, the court agreed to hear the case of a Colorado baker who wants the right to refuse service to a gay couple on the basis of his Christian convictions.
And third, the court ruled in favor of Trinity Lutheran Church in Missouri receiving state tax funds to restore a playground on its property.
Max Keiser describes the nature of the oligarchy (first 15 min)
Health insurance became all about profit in the 1980s, and has become ever more monetized since then. American medicine went from being generally altruistic before the mid ‘80s to insidiously become all about greed in its many diverse manifestations.
Dean Baker, Co-Director of the Center for Economic and Policy, discusses Trumpcare and the problems with the existing healthcare system that the GOP wants to gut even further
The Koch brothers have poured dark money into groups that are demanding the repeal of Obamacare despite public opposition to Trumpcare
Attacking the environment
Chris Hedges discusses the geopolitical consequences of global change with Professor Christian Parenti, author of ""Tropic of Chaos: Climate Change and the New Geography of Violence". (25 min)
Lee Fang
EPA’s water safety official is a former lobbyist with deep ties to a fossil fuel advocacy group that promotes the Dakota Access pipeline and offshore drilling. (10 min or transcript)
The Trump Administration's plan to rescind federal regulation safeguarding drinking water will mean more Flint like disasters says Scott Edwards of Food & Water Watch (15 min or transcript)

So the empire marches on...bleeding our life blood on war to promote the profit of the global corporate class. It is no longer a nation state empire, but a corporate one...with no allegiance except ever greater profit. A corporate empire complete with a corporation in chief who is surrounded by a corporate cabinet from the fuel Rex T. to the anti-educator DeVos. How can one be a good citizen of an evil empire? All I know is to try to speak truth to power. I hope you found a clip or two that spoke powerfully to you. I look forward to your thoughts and stories.

brief review this week
I returned home to find grass knee high and many neglected chores. So I've been catching up with reality. The festival went well...sets and workshops well received, but there's nothing like returning home.
Best thing I heard all week was Paul Jay's analysis where he suggests the only way to justify a 13 billion dollar aircraft carrier is to create Russia as an eminent enemy. Here's that link again:
The absurdity of our middle east wars struck me this week and precipitated the evil empire theme. Here's some entertainment (maybe?) about the connection between Russian spies and hollywood...cartoon and reality (3 min)
Have a good Sunday!
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Good Sunday morning, Lookout ~~
Great round-up of stories. I have family visiting. My brother is such an Herr Drumpf hater he is blinded by the MSM narrative that her heinous would not have been as bad or worse. I need to have him watch some of those videos you posted. Although he's right to detest HD, he needs to figure out that the oligarchy is in charge and HD is fast becoming the tool that she already is.
Who can survive the reach of the deep state and oligarchy? Would they have been able to turn Bernie? Unfortunately, I believe so. Look at him today, he now wants to fix the ACA and is holding off on introducing single payer. Why? What is his motivation? This troubles me deeply.
Well, it's going to be a beautiful day here. I'm enjoying my family and looking forward to the remainder of their visit.
Have a beautiful Sunday, everyone!
"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11
Hey RA
We were just talking about the lack of an honest media broker for the masses. Democracy is doomed to fail with a misinformed public (and corrupt voting). I think most people assume capitalism is democracy.
Even if the citizenry awoke to the global malice we invoke in the world, what could we do when the 0.1% hold the reins of power and own the government?
Corbyn had success with his manifesto. I wonder if that wouldn't be a fun and productive project for C99...create a people's manifesto.
Thanks for dropping by. I would recommend the Paul Jay piece to your relative. He could just scan the transcript.
All the best and enjoy the time with family and friends!
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Here's another effort at a manifesto of sorts.
"The People’s Congress will bring people together from around the US to meet in Washington, DC this September to outline a vision from the grassroots. A draft of that vision will be circulated over the next few months so that many people will provide input."
"In the face of the assault waged against working class and poor communities and the environment by the Trump Administration a grassroots People’s Congress of Resistance will convene in Washington, D.C. on September 16 and 17, 2017."
thanks for the info
We should add our two cents to that project. I'll be interested in seeing the result. Thanks again for the heads up!
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Imagine presssure regarding Jane Sanders investigation
Interesting timeline. The initiation of the investigation is now being blamed on Trump campaign. Escalation appears to happen when ever fake progressive are being identified and widespread discussion of historical pattern of Dems using progressive talking points but never delivering.
Still yourself, deep water can absorb many disturbances with minimal reaction.
--When the opening appears release yourself.
No doubt Bernie and Jane are being pressured
But I can't help but be disappointed in his delay introducing "medicare for all", his lack of support for Tulsi's "No arming terrorists" bill, and his hesitance to speak out on the absurdity of our involvement in Syria. From my view it is past time to walk out on the corporate dems and do something on our own...and I'm sorry Bernie is resisting the Draft Bernie party. I am sympathetic to his challenges both personal and public. That's my take anyway.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Very disapointed myself
Career politicians (Bernie included) will not risk losing re-elected or their family comfortable life for the betterment of our country's citizens as a whole.
Still yourself, deep water can absorb many disturbances with minimal reaction.
--When the opening appears release yourself.
there it is. (++)
unless that changes quickly, our prospects are bleak.
to say the least.
heh, dear, lookout, I looked out for the minutes it
would take me to read or listen to every link you posted. I add 10 minutes of a pause in between each article. I calculate that I would never click on any link that is offered in all your linked articles (which would never happen - but just for heck of it I calulate it like this) and I also calculate that I never would have to read a sentence twice or would never have to look up a word's meaning (which also will never happen - but just for the heck of it I calculate it this way)....then I come up with:
ca. 24 hours of strict reading, watching or listening time.
Calculate that I would have at least one question per article, how would you suggest I get an answer to my questions?
I am just a mean teaser. Just saying. I have the feelings that your collection today is a very important one to me.
Thank You for your great work here. I will do it... somehow ... one article at a time. May be next Sunday I make the comments there to last Sunday's Weekly Watch. Okay?
Hey mimi
Great to 'see?' you. I call this piece the weekly watch...cause it takes me all week to collect them. If you were to read and watch all the links, it would take a while! My aim is that it serve as a menu of pieces that might interest you. For example all the healthcare issues here in the states might be of little interest to you in Germany. Please feel free to just pick and choose articles of interest...there will NOT be a test next week.
I'm really interested in the basic question of how to be a good citizen in an evil empire...all thoughts are appreciated.
Have a nice evening mimi!
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
thanks, lookout, you are so kind,
but you know that Goethe said in "Faust" "zwei Seelen wohnen, ach, in meiner Brust" (Two souls dwell, ah! In my breast...) one beats for the US and HI and the other for Germany. So EVERYTHING is interesting to me, even the healthcare issues.
How to be a good citizen? 99 percent of the people are good citizens. Those who believe otherwise are bad citizens and have an agenda to say the other 99 percent are bad. Easy math. Math is my strength ... /s
Morning Lookout
Lots of interesting finds this week.
I'm not too sure war and empire building are enherant in human nature. It is a thing that is carefully taught by a ruling class to their sons and daughters. Self replication of class and greed are hard work afterall. Look at Ivy League schools, they have one perpose - make the next generation of ruling class.
.02 as usual
I want a Pony!
I hope you are right
Greed and violence seem to be partners. However they certainly are not dominant in all people nor cultures. Sadly I find them ingrained in the US cultural psyche. Perhaps we shall least we can hope. (5 min Pete sings it)
I always enjoy your 2 cents (or is it 200 pesos COL?).
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
takes a lot of grief in the comments for his insulting, 'baffle 'em with bullshit' apologia on why the super majority CA Dems can't pass a universal healthcare bill.
And rightly so. Here's a taste of the criticism:
Short answer: because the Kos is strong in this one.
The current working assumption appears to be that our Shroedinger's Cat system is still alive. But what if we all suspect it's not, and the real problem is we just can't bring ourselves to open the box?
did you catch this piece
Seems even the lefties are misleading us?
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
It's a blatant smear job...
on the CNA and all the other Progressive groups fighting for single payer in CA.
DDay should be ashamed of himself for this hacktacular garbage.
The current working assumption appears to be that our Shroedinger's Cat system is still alive. But what if we all suspect it's not, and the real problem is we just can't bring ourselves to open the box?
Thanks for explaining
I knew the piece didn't line up with Jimmy Dore's take...and I finally clued in that your quote was a comment to the article. Is the Intercept slipping? The other CA healthcare pieces they published seemed more reasonable.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
"A change in tone would have sufficed " Ding! LMAO
I am sick and tired of lobbyists determining what gets done, don't care if it's a big oil company, or a big union, or a big school district, or a big "non-profit" (lol did you see their salaries?). If they want to hear a different tone, tune in to what people are actually asking for and in need of. Don't just appease the latest special group of money gatherers here and there, fck tht sht. Get money out, then let's talk. whew
Tommie Bass lived down the valley
He was my favorite healer. A bright eyed treasure
Here's a transcript
or here's a video (49 min) link,83
He thought his job was to give people ease. I miss buying his herbs. Now I have to collect my own.
After all the rain we've been collecting mushrooms
CA leads the way so I'm hoping y'all get single payer soon.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
“Well the son-of-a-gun pecked in, now let him peck out."
Added an extra helping of turmeric in the pot cooking on the deck this morning, it helps inflammation I hope. Joint pain is a bummer, tried for years all the prescribed medications and ended up with digestive issues, which "needed" different meds of course. It never really ended, so now trying something completely different with herbal remedies, and different spices. Any cheap alternatives that aren't pharmaceutical, experimenting a lot.
I hope there is some nutritional value in Portabello mushrooms, haven't looked it up. What I can get at the farm market has been great. Spring onions, fresh carrots, some small heads of romaine. The new egg supplier does not recycle her boxes, and cost two bucks more but at least they are from around here. I even splurged on a bag of walnuts, need to get crackin'. Cheers.
Ripped my Rocky & Bullwinkle DVDs to digital video
Pretty sure I bought the Complete Season 1 box set online you know where. It is dated 2003, a digitized version of the 60s show. Copied to watch them every day on my not-quite-dead-yet tablet, they are hysterical. I LOVE William Conrad's voice, and all the others. If you haven't had enough yet, try the first four minutes or so of this vid. Hope you enjoy it too:
Rocky & Bullwinkle Voice-Recording Outtakes
"Why don't you get larger jockey shorts?" lol oh man they must have had fun, I can tell from the finished product. I always liked Bullwinkle, now I really love listening again. "Hello low IQers!" Ha ha. Plus Mr. Peabody with his boy, going back in time to solve problems. All of it is great. Thanks.
I bet they had fun writing that show. Sure was a creative bunch.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Cheers for all the links
and thanks
for your insightful essays.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
I love your weekly roundups.
I learn so much, see things I just have no time to catch on my own time.
I know mimi is right about the day we would spend on the videos, but ya know what? I will watch them all week long.
One here, 2 there.
I may not engage in comments, but I want you to know I find your picks of interesting and informative items to be important. I was busy today, but Tuesday I am off work. Your links will work then.
What you do for me and the rest of us is important.
You are such an asset to us.
Thank you.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
@on the cusp Second the above 100%
I'm glad you find it useful!
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Thanks for doing this work
Thanks for doing this work Lookout. I put it on my to-read list as I make my way through the week. My endeavor to be a good citizen within an evil system? My answer to that is to try my best to sort through all the media BS that engulfs us on a perpetual basis. Try to figure out what is going on. Try to talk to people and engage in conversations about real issues. Try to clear a small path through this horror. Be ready to help when I can.
Those are good answers
As a retired teacher my thought is educate, educate, educate.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”