Kamala Harris: the Camel hoping to please
A week ago, I wrote an essay Kamala Harris: a dangerous Democrat. On the Cusp schooled me with the comment "what Democrat isn't dangerous?" Being at a loss for words, I decided to show why K. the Camel Harris particularly dangerous. To OtC et. al., this does not mean that most Democrats are not dangerous.
This new paragon of faux liberal Democrat has earned her ascent in the good ole American way for a "time honored" route to influence. Another article expands on this in a less fierce way: Kamala Harris' boyfriend gave her a political start.
Kamala Harris got her political start as the girlfriend of California Assembly Speaker Willie Brown. She was 29, he was 60 and he helped advance her career with political patronage....
Harris’s ties to Brown came up during her bid for San Francisco District Attorney in 2003. San Francisco Chronicle columnist Herb Caen once called Harris “the Speaker’s new steady.” Brown went on to become the first black mayor of San Francisco.
As Brown’s time as speaker drew to a close in 1994, he named Harris to the California Medical Assistance Commission, a job that came with a $72,000 annual salary. Brown had previously appointed her to the state Unemployment Insurance Appeals Board.
Being a quick learner, the Camel knew that the quickest way to a politician's heart (oxymoron alert), if you're not engaging in sexual acts with them, is through "campaign contributions" (synonym: bribery). So, she befriended Maxine "Auntie Maxine" Waters with a couple of campaign donations.
Campaign committees for Democratic Sen. Kamala Harris (Calif.) twice paid tens of thousands to campaign committees for Democratic Rep. Maxine Waters (Calif.) in exchange for placement on a mailer announcing Waters's endorsement of Harris, according to Federal Election Commission records.
Harris—who has garnered media attention and earned speculation that she is positioning herself to run for president in 2020 following her performance during recent Senate hearings, including that of former FBI Director James Comey—has kicked $63,000 to the campaign of Maxine Waters, the congressional face of the anti-Trump movement, in exchange for placement on the endorsement mailers.
The payments were made from Harris's campaign committee and transferred to Waters's campaign committee through a lucrative "slate mailer" operation run by Waters's daughter, a program that has proved profitable for both her daughter and the campaign.
And of course Barack Hussain Obama had nice things to say about California Attorney General Harris.
The instant national chortling Thursday over the fact that President Obama had called California’s Kamala Harris the “best-looking” state attorney general ended up being more about seeing the usual slippery standards on political correctness.
You see, it's okay when BHO says something sexist, but not when anybody else does it.
Okay, we need to get beyond all the ad hominems and deflections from political issues. So what are the Camel's political accomplishments?
According to the L.A. Times are the following:
1. Helped broker mortgage relief settlement.
True enough, but most of the money stayed in the banks' coffers
2. Refused to defend ban on gay marriage
3. Refused to seek the death penalty against a cop killer
Consistent with an anti-death penalty person--so why does she applaud the ongoing multi-war neocon agenda? It's okay to protect our murderers, because we are ourselves murderers but it's also alright to murder thousands of innocent people in faraway nations who haven't killed anybody.
4. Delays in confiscating guns from dangerous Californians.
Even the NRA is against gun ownership for dangerous felons and the mentally ill. But that bit of logic seems to have gone into one hump and out the other.
5. Sued for-profit Corinthian Colleges for misleading students. Reasonable, yes.
6. Increased transparency on in-custody deaths BUT opposed independent investigations of police shootings.
The first part is laudable and should be adopted nationwide.
The second part is pure Obama-style baloney: Here a person of color opts not to investigate police shootings of citizens of which a large minority are of persons of color.
7. Launched back on Track program to reduce recidivism--with one flaw.
In 2005, while she was San Francisco district attorney, Harris launched the “Back on Track” program to reduce recidivism by offering nonviolent, low-level drug trafficking defendants job training and other life skills education as an alternative to jail...
In 2009, Harris said that allowing immigrants who were in the country illegally into the job training program when they could not legally employed was a "flaw in the design” of the program and that it was quickly fixed. People who could not be legally employed in the U.S. were barred from the jobs program.
Hmmm. Four years to figure out that there's a problem with the plan. The Camel isn't a quick study when it comes to policy--although is proven adept at conniving as described above and expanded upon below.
8. Veteran of tough campaigns.
Wow! Is that ever an endorsement. Fighting ferociously--for what? Josef Stalin was a hard-core hand to hand fighter in the Russian Revolution, helping ensure Bolshevik success. Adolph Hitler was a brave fighter in World War 1, winning the Iron Cross. So, according to the article's author, that make the Camel virtuous.
Now that we have delved into the highlights of the Camel's political career prior to gaining her senate seats (thanks Maxine, Nancy, and Jerry), we shall examine some pesky details that reflect not so admirably upon KH's career.
Here is a woman of color upholding slavery, technically forced labor with abysmal payment by California's numerous prison population. Many in this population, disproportionately actually, ar people of color. Hypocrisy warning:
Note the stunning duplicity in her stance on wage slavery.
Attorney General Kamala D. Harris and the U.S. Department of Labor’s Wage and Hour Division (WHD) have signed a cooperative agreement to crack down on employer wage theft and other illegal labor practices. The Memorandum of Understanding signed by both agencies will facilitate the sharing of information and enhance enforcement of labor violations.
“Wage theft is a crime that hurts our economy and robs hard working Californians of their livelihoods,” said Attorney General Harris. “This agreement allows our agencies to better investigate and prosecute those who exploit workers and deny them the pay and benefits they deserve. I thank the Department of Labor for their partnership and commitment to protecting the rights of workers.”
Hurray, what a champion for the downtrodden--unless they even more repressed.
The Camel has become a proven get tough administrator.
California Attorney General Kamala Harris told ThinkProgress Wednesday she is concerned her department created a perception that the state’s prisons have a goal of “indentured servitude.” Harris was responding to revelations that lawyers in her office argued in court without her knowledge that a program to parole more prisoners would drain the state’s source of cheap labor.
Oh, but wait, isn't she the boss? How dare those mutinous underlings do such a thing behind her back! Maybe she was too busy campaigning to notice. But the story gets better.
So let's talk about wage slavery and prison reform a bit more. In a November 17, 2014 article, KH said she was shocked, SHOCKED she tells us about the malignant California Department of Corrections, which as attorney General she was the overseer, was fighting against the early release of prisoners.
California Attorney General Kamala Harris told BuzzFeed News she was “shocked” to learn that the lawyers in her department had argued against parole credits because they wanted to retain their labor force. “I will be very candid with you, because I saw that article this morning, and I was shocked, and I’m looking into it to see if the way it was characterized in the paper is actually how it occurred in court,” Harris said in an interview with BuzzFeed published late Tuesday. “I was very troubled by what I read. I just need to find out what did we actually say in court.”
Darn those pesky deputy attorneys and the State's frugal beancounters! Obstructing the early release of prisoners, tsk, tsk. Perhaps she was spending too much time at Auntie Maxine's home having champagne and bon bon's to notice that her department, of which she had been the head for 5 years was doing all this behind her back.
But, wait! There's more. Okay, it's not quite as heartless as her abondment if prisoners who have served their time--but the next item certainly reeks of greed.
Hospital wheelings and dealings.
The California attorney general's office oversees the sale and purchase of nonprofits and their assets. In most cases, the office required that any company purchasing a healthcare provider nonprofit had to maintain the nonprofit's current level of services for at least five years. Harris expanded that requirement to 10 years in the case of Prime's attempt to purchase the Daughters of Charity Health System.
Prime contended that the change made the planned $843 million sale "financially unviable" and was done deliberately by Harris to undermine it as part of a "quid pro quo" with SEIU. "The only time Attorney General Harris veered from that pattern (of requiring five years) was with respect to Prime and the 10 years condition for the first time," said Prime's attorney John Mills.
Emphasis mine. The Camel uniquely extended a requirement that a nonprofit hospital maintain service for 5 years after purchase to the 10 year requirement she imposed upon Prime Healthcare. Wonder why she did that?
We can get a glimpse at the Camel's motivation here.
“Prime alleges that the attorney general’s 10-year conditions were unprecedented and rendered the proposed transaction operationally and financially unviable, requiring Prime to operate the financially failing hospitals at a loss for 10 years,” court records show.
The conditions were a de facto denial, Prime says, and it withdrew its bid to purchase the Daughters of Charity Health System Hospitals.
The healthcare corporation speculates Harris will approve Blue Mountain Capital Management’s bid to purchase Daughters of Charity Health System Hospitals and will likely impose five-year, instead of 10-year, conditions.
For a more recent review of the situation, look here.
Ancient history or a taste of things to come? Let's look at some her recent forays into governance, with the evident early intention to be Auntie Maxine's Impeach Trump campaign. She has participated in a number of televised debates, which reveal her nuanced, polite questioning of witnesses, allowing them to fully answer the rapid fire questions she throws at them.
Questioning Deputy AG Rod Rosenstein (4:36)
Questioning HS sec. John Kelly (3:41)
Questioning CIA director Pompeo (6:15)
Questioning Jeff Sessions (3:56)
The fawning MSM, hoping to ;preen the Camel's future as POTUS, has been playing the misogynist card; likely soon to follow will be the racist card. For those of you patient enough, you might enjoy the Hard Bastard's sympathetic response to Kamala Harris's questioning techniques (27:24)
As a reminder, though dealt with in my first Camel essay, Jimmy Dore inquires as to the Steve Mnuchin get out of jail free card (7:22).
Now, permit me to preview the Camel's political theme song:

Thank you, Alligator,
for doing this. It is very important work. And it's going to take doing this over and over again each time they come up with another false prophet. I really appreciate the work you put into it.
the Camel is a cancer.
The 60ish bf
financially benefitting the 20ish gf almost sounds like...(fill in the blank)
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
Without filling in the blank, I would like to paraphrase
Churchill speaking to woman: "Madame, if I offered a thousand pounds to sleep with you, would you do it?"
Woman: "er, yes."
Churchill: "Madame, if I offered you 20 pounds, would you sleep with me?"
Woman (all huffy): "Sir, what do you think I am?"
Churchill: "We know what kind of woman you are, we are just haggling about the price."
Kamala the Camel
Mike, I don't know where you come up with these
Thanks. This is why I think memes are good:
Caitlin Johnstone had an AMA (Ask Me Anything) over at WayoftheBern on reddit several months ago. Someone asked her what's the best way to fight back with these Establishment Democrats.
She said memes - because they just don't know how to handle them.
I think that's true. I think they really don't mind it so much when you boo them and try to reason/argue with them. They've got their talking points lined up, and if the booing and arguing gets really bad, they get to frame that as "threatening" and "violent." And they can use this perceived "violent behavior" as an excuse to end a town hall meeting early (or worse - not have one at all.)
I don't think they can handle being laughed at, though - at least not very well.
And they can't frame it in a violent or threatening way, either. What are they going to say?
"They were threatening and violent! They laughed at us!! We were scared for our lives to the point where we felt we needed to call security to have us escorted out!!"
I really wish more people at these town halls would laugh (really hard) at these congress people when they get up there and pretend to care about the people.
Here's some examples of earlier memes where I use people laughing to make a point.
When Hillary said she could relate to the struggles of everyday Americans:
Remember when Hillary said she'd rein in Wall Street?
Remember when she pretended to take climate change seriously?
This is the kind of stuff I'm talking about.
3 of your great graphics but comment even better, Mike
I hope the sobriquet "Camel" sticks to Harris like white on rice (oops, is that racist?)
Here's another Kamala "The Camel" Meme
A work of genius! I love it!
I can create no problem, but I'll have to depend on others
to promulgate for me. I don't tweet and I barely go on Facebook any more.
BTW, here is just one more camel themed Kamala Harris meme.
Edited because I lied. Here's one more. I swear! That's it for today.
Another awesome graphic!
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
Rec'd!! One question.
4. Delays in confiscating guns from dangerous Californians.
Even the NRA is against gun ownership for dangerous felons and the mentally ill.
AE, is this true? It does not sound like the NRA.
Inner and Outer Space: the Final Frontiers.
They are openly against gun ownership for dangerous felons and the mentally ill; and somewhat more covertly against gun ownership for persons of color and/or non-Protestant Christian religious alignments historically.
I consider modern conservatives and neocons to be mentally ill (sociopathically so), but they constitute virtually the whole NRA and the vast majority of this nation's gun owners. So I can see why the NRA limits their participation in these issues......
n.b.: I am not a mental health professional and do not play one on TV.
"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar
"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides
Thanks for the background.
Another elephant in a donkey costume.
I sort of knew, but I really didn't.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
Elephant in a donkey costume!
"Obama promised transparency, but Assange is the one who brought it."
Title modified in order to get this essay broader distribution
The body of the essay is unchanged. My reason for the change is to get this message out with a more palatable title for general circulation. I hope somebody will give this wider circulation.
I will be
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
Excellent! We'll derail her as needed when the time comes
by revisiting these issues. That is exactly what I expect, more faux progressives will be put forth, in the same vein as Obama. They actually aren't too hard to spot when we're paying attention.
I'll never be fooled by another Obama again.
"Obama promised transparency, but Assange is the one who brought it."
Dear Californians....
So you're Californian, then!
I have a very short message for Californians:
Dear Californians:
Smoke that camel!
"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar
"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides
Not to blow my own horn
but I caught on to Harris when she was the 2nd elected official to jump on the Obama bandwagon in 2008 (Gavin Newsome was the first)
BTW, thanks for reminding me of "Starfucker". Back in the mid 70s the supreme court passed its "community standards" ruling. ( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Community_standards ) I was a DJ at a little carrier current radio station in a small college in Illinois, and managed to (probably) be the first to play Statfucker on the air, dedicating it to the court. (later I would learn that a KSAN dj also claimed to be first, but I had a 2 hour head start, as KSAN was in SF)
On to Biden since 1973
Thanks for the background info.
We need to stop her political career in its' camel tracks.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
Toe the party line, and you'll go far.
2020 should be 'fun'.
If we survive that long.
from a reasonably stable genius.
If KH goes on a presidential run, we can call her
OH jeez Alligator
Somebody needs to throw you a side of beef so you'll stop gnawing on the haunches of every democratic contender. It's clear she knows how to work the system. I told you before the whole edifice, the whole thrust of our political system has wobbled put of orbit and is corrupt. We need people like Harris who are less corrupt and more determined than some. We move into a time of action, we are in fact in a pre-revolutionary state, where immiseration, extraction, and legalized criminality are the rule. Harris is armored up and already packing a few long knives. I say you go girl make them bleed, and give no quarter. Nothin more beautiful than a tarnished rose.❤️
Out here where the larks and the alligators roam
I've banned Harris ranch for life
Wasn't aware of this.
This is snark, right?
As for that retraining program and barring illegals, was that training conducted by a for profit firm? I wonder about that.... So while she kept illegals from benefitting after waiting for 4 years to do it, did some for profit entity rake in the training dollars for people who don't benefit from that?
She took campaign contributions from the foreclosure king, Mnunchin, while not going after his bank because they didn't have enough of a case? Or because she just doesn't know why? Bullshit. She'll only use those knives on anyone espousing truly progressive issues, or against any really ugly Repugnant bigot, but the real enablers of the grift? Not a chance.
Only a fool lets someone else tell him who his enemy is. Assata Shakur
Just Brilliant!
Edited: This was supposed to be a response to Lonestar Mike's comment on memes, I dunno how it ended up all the way down here, heh.
"Obama promised transparency, but Assange is the one who brought it."