Rants, Muses, Books & Music (and Some Cooking Too).
It's good to see you. Come on in, leave your shoes in the hallway, we've got fire on the stove preparing lunch for later. In the meantime, browse the bookshelves and plunk down on the sofa with one, or pick out some tunes from the music library or come in to the kitchen to help with the cooking. Our special blend of tea is steeping and will be right up.
Make yourself at home...
Being an urban dweller has many inherent challenges. Having grown up in the suburbs I still haven't quite gotten used to the all kinds of noises that could potentially accost you throughout the night. Especially once summer hits and school's out, and every attention-seeking douchebag is set free from whatever hole they've crawled out from.
Motorcycles buzzing by with sport bikes' throttles revved to a fevered, high-pitch whine; helicopters whirring overhead from early morning to late evening, whisking 1% criminals out of the city from their clandestine meetings to their faux castles in the country, over the cities and town they continue to prey upon so, so as to never have their consciences pricked by having to observe the wreckage they've wrought on the 99%; freight trains humming with ominously low frequency, as they drag insanely long lines of cargo at very slow speed. And of course, if there aren't enough loud, obnoxious, self-centered neighbors to jolt you out of your inner sanctum, the cops' sirens and fire trucks' horn blasts peppering the cityscape will be sure to. Up and down, back and forth, all day long. I'm crabby in the summertime, in case you haven't noticed.
But what sometimes irks me the most, aside from all that chronic noise pollution, is the ferocity with which New York City sends around traffic cops to ticket the masses. Packs of roving parking meter attendants, who I believe are now an extension of the NYPD, and whose only job it is is to write parking tickets or any host of other car violations imaginable.
Just yesterday I had to move my car up the street during this oppressive heatwave and sought to leave it there with 20 minutes to go before it was legal to park there. Good thing I hung around walking in the shade with the baby in my arms, just in case. Because sure enough, with 12 minutes to go one of these automatons came by to harangue me. He's got a quota of 30 some odd tickets to fill out a day, easily netting the city a thousand or two bucks a day - and these guys are everywhere. Last week I parked in front of my favorite restaurant, went in and put the baby in his high chair because the staff know us - and when I went out to pay the meter there was already a ticket in the window. Unbelievable. They're down to last minute scrounging to write tickets.
A person getting a parking ticket in New York City then fills out his check to the "Dept of Finance." Can this parking ticket scheme be anymore transparent? It is the working and middle class who, disproportionate to their income, wind up being the ones saddled with paying to finance the city - on their backs.
The irony cuts deep. Because the city is also known as the financial capital of the world. But we've refused in any demonstrable way to police the financial sector, as we do black male teenagers, for instance. They're not getting tickets written for their innumerable violations. When met with any kind of populist uproar to pay their taxes, or be levied with a transaction tax to help pay for the city, they cry wolf and threaten to leave. The same idle threats are spewed in London, or anywhere the Economic Terrorists conduct "business."
Why don't we do what these Nordic socialist countries do? "Finland, Home of the $103,000 Speeding Ticket: Most of Scandinavia determines fines based on income. Could such a system work in the U.S.?"
Reima Kuisla, a Finnish businessman, was recently caught going 65 miles per hour in a 50 zone in his home country—an offense that would typically come with a fine of a couple hundred dollars, at most, in the U.S. But after Finnish police pulled Kuisla over, they pinged a federal taxpayer database to determine his income, consulted their handbook, and arrived at the amount that he was required to pay: €54,000.
The fine was so extreme because in Finland, some traffic fines, as well as fines for shoplifting and violating securities-exchange laws, are assessed based on earnings—and Kuisla's declared income was €6.5 million per year. Exorbitant fines like this are infrequent, but not unheard of: In 2002, a Nokia executive was fined the equivalent of $103,000 for going 45 in a 30 zone on his motorcycle, and the NHL player Teemu Selanne incurred a $39,000 fine two years earlier...
But more importantly, day-fines (sliding-scale fines) could introduce some fairness to a legal system that many have convincingly shown to be biased against the poor. Last week, the Department of Justice released a comprehensive report on how fines have been doled out in Ferguson, Missouri. "Ferguson’s law enforcement practices are shaped by the City’s focus on revenue rather than by public safety needs," it concluded.
“There’s a renewed interest in this because of the outrageous kind of fining and gouging that has become well-known out of Ferguson,” says Judith Greene, who founded Justice Strategies, a nonprofit research organization. “But of course that kind of stuff goes on everywhere.” Greene says that day-fines won't curb the troubling practice of aggressive, means-to-an-end fining, but it would be effective to introduce them anyway. “Then the criminal fines should come into the picture as they were originally intended, which is a criminal sanction—a penalty for crime—and then scaled appropriately,” she says.
(bolding mine)
I just paid $65 for an expired registration . A double-parking ticket costs you $125 here. I once got a ticket on my van alleging it wasn't the proper class, charging it was commercial, when all the guy had to do was look in and see a legitimate bench seat for passengers in the back (I beat that one). There isn't a person in the this city who owns a car who hasn't paid hundreds of dollars in tickets and fines. I've paid lots more than that.
I once had to cough up over $1000 for a fiasco involving multiple unpaid parking tickets that I frustratedly allowed to pile up when I was younger. The system just kept tacking on fines while making it difficult to defend, which ultimately resulted in a Marshall trolling around and hitting the jackpot when his computer gave him the details of my license plate. I had the mortification of having walked out into this scene, just after a triumphant gig in which the late music critic Timothy White attended on my behalf, with he and lots of friends there to witness the Marshall impounding my crappy little Honda Accord, which was probably not worth as much as the accumulated tickets/fines.
Being caught in the web of the overly punitive, dranconian system also included a towing fee, a "Marshall's fee" and interest - not to mention the insane stomach-knotting scene of trying to locate it by calling the aggressively unhelpful Parking Violations Bureau, and then having to drag yourself first to a Marshall's office to pay the ransom fee, where you're made to feel like a criminal, and then be sent further on for another wild goose chase to some remote, foreboding part of the city to which your car has been dragged. It can take a full degrading day to do all of this.
It's clear to me what this is all about, beyond the obvious prohibitive nature of owning a car in the city. A few years ago bridge and tunnel fares were raised almost 50%, while subway fares are constantly being ratcheted up. But we can't even get a 1% tax on high speed, computer generated financial transactions, the tactic of which being part of the way the Economic Terrorists further game the system.
Until we have a revolution, the working and middle class will new forced to keep paying a disproportionate part of their earnings for society. All the while the Economic Terrorists of Wall St pillage the 99% unnoticed, from every other conceivable direction. A Frank Zappa tune just came to mind.
Thursday last week British parliamentary elections.I pulled up Twitter to see what was going on there. "Trending" on the left column list were:
@Honest_Hillary, @CVHaction and 3 more are Tweeting about this
Celebrate the oceans on World Oceans Day
@RebelJayRaye is Tweeting about this
7,829 Tweets
Rep. Chris Collins
Senate Intelligence Committee
25.5K Tweets
Comey's Political Shrewdness
1,033 Tweets
Nothing on the British election, or Corbyn? Just Russia-related, red herring distraction.
However, on my thread was this tweet from a firebrand who during the 2016 Primary was lighting it up with a fusillade of pro-Bernie stuff, calling herself Jeanette Bernista. I'm not so well versed in the format so it seems I didn't have my "settings" right apparently. What that meant this time is that this tweet below was blocked out. And over it was a message saying something like, "this video is unavailable due to --- content, blah, blah your settings." Must have been some objectionable pornographic or violent video, right?
"You hide the problems of poverty by incarcerating people, and create a profitable enterprise." - Angela Davis pic.twitter.com/KY4GO6km9w
— Jeanette Corbynista (@JeanetteJing) June 7, 2017
Not quite. But it was a clip of that pinko/commie/socialist/terrist Angela Davis talking about the Prison Industrial Complex, with a shot of an Intercept article by Lee Fang saying Hillary accepts prison money.
Looks like we learned a couple of basic things with the British election in which socialist Corbyn amazingly defied the odds to deal an embarrassing and potentially knock-out blow to the conservative Tories under the hubristic May.
Haha. Gotta love this revelation, Clinton Super PAC Chair Ran Theresa May's Campaign... Poorly:
It appears the Neoliberals run in the same circles internationally; but the Socialist movement is getting deeper roots globally too. It is clear with Bernie's run, and now Corbyn's showing, that the potential exists to overturn their stranglehold. The former are running scared and out of fear-mongering ploys, unable to hide behind identity politics alone. People want answers. They want something tangible in their everyday lives for the taxes they pay, and have woken up to realize that they're not getting it, because their elected officials are beholden to their campaign donors, and not the voters. The Socialists propose answers.
I'm a pretty big fan of Russell Brand's sociopolitical and philosophical views. The day after the election he had a bright take on the results and how they bode for the world and revolution:
He also penned a clear-eyed, and colorful (as usual) essay just prior to the election, "Jeremy Corbyn Won’t Be Perfect, But He Has The Qualities I Want In A Strong And Stable Leader" or if you prefer to watch him read it and provide commentary.
Corbyn has been in the game a while and knew that what he said would be warped in order to stoke fear but said it anyway. Why? Integrity and trust that people can discern truth from propaganda. Qualities I want from a strong and stable leader.
It seems we have forgotten that politics can offer hope and change. We think that elections must be between two barely distinguishable parties, fronted by leaders that look like they could be in the same ‘Now That’s What I Call Democracy’ tribute act.
A glance across the Atlantic demonstrates what happens when the left rejects the popular emergence of a caring socialist leader in favour of the well-groomed centre. Denied the opportunity for meaningful change, the American people went for the sugar rush high you get from pushing the ‘fuck it’ button.
Those clamouring for a more centrist leader in America got what they deserved, they got Donald Trump.
Continuing on,
Britain is not America but what I sense is currently universal is that ordinary people are pissed off. They’re pissed off with being lied to, they’re pissed off with not getting what they’re entitled to expect from their government. They’re pissed off with life.
Anger leads to bad decisions. When angry and afraid we make choices that hurt us. It’s time for those of us that are well-off to make some (pretty modest) financial sacrifices, and for those that aren’t to vote in the interest of themselves and their communities, and they (we, they, we?) know, deep down, that that isn’t a party so hungry for power that it swallowed Ukip whole and is now belching the consequences into our faces.
A Labour government won’t be perfect, it will be operating within a system that opposes its new, manifest agenda to serve the people it will be elected to govern. Jeremy Corbyn won’t be perfect, he is a human being. We have a chance to elect a politician who is committed to serving the people of Britain. To supporting the NHS, public services and educating the young people to whom the future belongs.
During the dark days of Neo-fascism at the start of this century that enveloped this country after 9/11, one of the few bright spots was the debut of Air America. They came about around a year after we fudged the evidence to invade Iraq to be greeted with roses. Sam Seder had a show with Jeanine Garafalo, Rachel Maddow was actually a progressive (before she started making $30k a show, as Jimmy Dore reminds us), Thom Hartmann, Randi Rhoads, Al Franken and Mike Malloy. Sadly, when I look at that list through the prism of the 2016 Democratic Primary the majority of those folks, many who I had held in high esteem at that time, have joined a long list of similar Neoliberal apologists who I can't trust anymore. Mike Malloy is among the sadder entries. He was such an unabashed, take no prisoners Progressive. I couldn't believe he went all in for $hills.
So I was pleased to see his wife hand his ass to him recently. She lays into every Hillbot LOTE voter, including Mike, in a pretty epic takedown. "I Wrote In Bernie Sanders": War At The Malloy´s (w/Kathy Malloy)"
Well, to revisit this from last November I was thinking at the time, and I still kind of feel this way, that I had to vote for the candidate who upset my stomach the least. And the two that were on my touchscreen were giving me, you know, vomitus.I couldn't do Hillary after the whole Debbie Wasserman-Schultz debacle, and Donna Brazile, and knowing how badly she cheated Bernie. I I don't care what her positions were on a number
of issues. The fact that she was complicit in destroying the primary...My point is she knew about it. An honest candidate would have come out and said, as I would have said had I been Hillary, and I had found out that the Democratic National Committee was screwing up my opponent deliberately and I knew it. I would come out and say, "guys, this is wrong. We're going to have a fair fight. If I can't win on my own merit then I don't want to win. I don't want to win by cheating. I don't want to win by having Bernie discredited."
I still don't regret writing in Bernie Sanders, even to this day. Because I still think she was crooked and I think maybe in some bizarro, twisted way, maybe this is exactly the kind of Susan Sarandon-type scenario that this country needs to wake the hell up, and realize, "okay guys, we have to do something." We cannot let these two parties blend to the point where there is no red/there is no blue. They're all crooked. They're all a bunch of monsters...
So, how do I feel about the outcome? I think that this is sort of just deserts. We're getting what we deserved. This is what America wanted.
We have been lulled here, I want to say, for decades into this very complacent two-party control kind of system, where we've ended up with not a damn cent of difference essentially between the corporate candidate who is handed to us on a platter from the RNC, or the corporate candidate that's handed to us on a platter from the DNC's. For decades we were given, "Do you want Bush or do you want Clinton? Do you want Reagan or do you want Mondale?"
We had our choices were removed from us a long time ago. It's the electoral college that plays a part in it, super PACs play a part in it, Citizen United plays a part in that, the Fairness Doctrine plays a part in that. Our voices as American citizens have been diluted for 50 years. So now we're at a point where we have this Hobson's choice, "do you want Hillary Clinton or do you want Jeb Bush?," for example. And it took something as catalystic and as horrifying as Donald Trump.
How's that from BernieBro Kathy Malloy to her disgraceful, lackey, once-great, husband - on air? Mike keeps yelling over her, barely able to contain his vitriol and invoking "Russia!!, while Kathy remains cool and clear-eyed, reminding him that she ran a "crappy campaign" and that "no one likes her."
Some of Malloy's listeners weighed in on YouTube:
- Shirle Vick
It was not the Russians involved in the election. the DNC is just obfuscating from the fact they cheated in the democratic primary against Bernie. He really won the primary they stole it from him.
There is also a class action DNC lawsuit in Florida for the DNC rigging the primary against Bernie.
4- Allen Marlin
Shirle Vick I think the Democratic Establishment Hysteria over Russia well look I think the Democrats Russian hysteria is the new Macarthyism they're doing exactly what Senator Joe McCarthy did during the cold war.
Shirle Vick
Shirle Vick8 hours ago
Those were not imaginary emails they were real the DNC never denied and they went and obfuscated to Russia. Why were several people fired from the DNC that is enough proof. The DNC staffer Seth Rich shot in the middle of the night a so called botched robbery he had on a $2,000 chain and nothing was taken the DNC did not even put out a reward. Hillary mentioned him on the campaign trail for convenience on gun controlShirle Vick
You also have to look at the Democrats now they purge votes in the democratic primary in states like, NY, Chicago and California they switch Bernie votes to Hillary this is fact.
1Mike Bronx
Shirle Vick You have ZERO proof for any of your outrageous Alex Jones claims.
1Shirle Vick
I do not watch Alex Jones. I watch Tim Black, HA Goodman, HardBastard, Jordan Chariton, Michael Tracy and Jimmy Dore. All this so called hacking going on is not real someone from inside DNC gave the info to Wikileaks. Julian Assange is very credible.
4- The National Razor
Shirle you should watch Sane Progressive too. She's the best!
- Charles Hunt
Sorry Mike but Kathy is correct. I don't care where the Hillary emails came from or how they were obtained, THEY WERE STILL REAL! She has spent a lot of time on how we got them but even she never denies that they are real. She was, is and will always be the most hated Democrat ever. I wish I had Kathy's courage to vote my heart and for once not pick the slightly lesser of two evils.
10- karrasue
I wrote in Bernie, too. And I'm damn proud of it. I now know that I am done settling.
10- Jason
Mike is being infuriatingly obstinate. "Trump, an outsider?!" @ 15:25. Wake the fuck up, dude. That is why many people voted for Trump. Because he was viewed as an outsider. A non-corporate asshole, like Hillary Clinton. It is obviously wrong of them to think like that, BUT THAT IS WHAT THEY THOUGHT. Fucking Christ. Time to make this the Kathy Malloy Show.
Rebecca Garcia
I completely agree with Kathy! the DNC is corrupt and sadly nothing has changed after the election.. they have learned nothing
I'm with Kathy. Mike pretending that Hillary is anything but as corrupt as Trump is hilarious. His "where is your proof" statements concerning Clinton would have been mocked by Mike himself ten years ago. Further, If America is stupid enough to elect Trump, then America deserves Trump.
On the way home last night from the Lower East Side, I almost got caught behind a garbage truck just around the corner from the club. Riding the motorcycle in the summer was always fun in that regard - heh. A stream of garbage bits flecking you in the face, along with getting sprayed by dank liquid. None of that this time. I sat back in my seat, with the AC on, relaxing and listening to a re-broadcast of the Leonard Lopate Show on WNYC. Approaching my street there was a parking spot just a few doors down. It's amazing how getting a good parking spot can change your whole attitude.
So, what's going on with you...
Back in the kitchen we're listening to:
Yes "Going For The One"
Reading/Browsing List:
Naomi Klein "No Logo"
Thomas Frank "The Wrecking Crew"
bell hooks "Where We Stand: Class Matters"
Fresh Summer Tabbouleh
pour 3/4 cup or thereabouts of bulgur wheat into a stirring bowl.
Dice finely two or three tomatoes, then add to cover the grain. Add salt and squeeze fresh lemon over it.
Let stand for half an hour or so, until bulgur wheat softens.
Chop finely a big bunch of parsley and a small bunch of mint leaves.
Squeeze a little more lemon and some more salt.
Stir briskly and taste. Should be lemony, and the herbs should be balanced.
Lemongrass Chai Blend
heaping scoop of dried Thai lemongrass
shards of cinnamon bark
a few cardamom pods
a few black peppercorns
A few cloves
fresh chopped ginger
Great OT
Read this on my phone laying still in bed before I hop up and get to work. A nice way to wake up.
Planning to dig the rest of the potatoes today.
Wishing everyone a great day1
"Make dirt, not war." eyo
Thanks Marilyn.
Good luck with the digging. Must be hot in those parts now.
Stay cool and shaded...
"Now I'm A Farmer" The Who
"If I should ever die, God forbid, let this be my epitaph:
- Kurt Vonnegut
@mhagle Happy potato digging.
Good Morning
What's cooking?
I think I will keep my income low, just in case I get a speeding ticket. Sometimes, I am going much faster than I perceive.
The individual has always had to struggle to keep from being overwhelmed by the tribe. If you try it, you will be lonely often, and sometimes frightened. But no price is too high to pay for the privilege of owning yourself. - Friedrich Nietzsche -
Hey Tim.
Great groove.
So easy to get going on the moto, getting some speed very naturally, and not being aware of it. For a while on my Low Rider the tach and speedo weren't working - and would happen all the time.
Just thinking about that reminds me that I got a speeding ticket I got a couple of years ago on the GCP, doing just that; completely unaware of the mph, feeling great cruising, but of course going well over the speed limit. Good thing I have a good friend from college who is a lawyer in that field and has it on his calendar (I hope still).
Thinking hard about buying that Indian, man.
"If I should ever die, God forbid, let this be my epitaph:
- Kurt Vonnegut
Heya Tim. Just remember
The faster you go, the rounder you get
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
Thank's for the update on the Malloys.
I had a podcast to his show. Used to fall asleep with it every night. Then he turned into a Hillarybot and viciously attacked anyone who didn't agree. I thought fuck that, so I let it expire and haven't been back since. Not to mention his aphasia is getting worse, and he is somewhat lazier when it comes to prepping for his show. You made my day when you told me Kathy voted for Bernie.
Love your OTs Mark. Thank you so much for starting my mornings off on a brighter note.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
Thanks for the kind words, dkmich. Malloy, jeez...
Thought of you when I came across the Malloy thing.
So glad his wife Kathy felt compelled to get on air with him, which she even says she rarely does to any great extent, to explain how she felt about the Democrats and the uneasy reality they were willfully ignorant about, that "nobody likes her," which in elections is usually a death knell (as Thomas Frank remarked, while traveling around the country, that that was something he couldn't fully appreciate until he went out into the heartland where it was readily apparent and undeniable).
She's great!
"If I should ever die, God forbid, let this be my epitaph:
- Kurt Vonnegut
Feeling Groovy
Air Force grounds F-35A operations at training base after pilots suffered hypoxia
good jobs vermont
Oops, better pour more money on it, stat!
"ain't ya got no rhymes for me"
Hey eyo.
Thanks for linking to another story in an endless litany of military waste, inefficiency and outright malfunction.
Heard an interview with Eric Schlosser, author of Fast Food Nation (2001) and Reefer Madness (2003), about his book Command and Control (2013), which "examines the efforts of the military, since the atomic era began during World War II, to prevent nuclear weapons from being stolen, sabotaged, or detonated by accident."
In this appearance I think he goes into some of the horror stories about this hidden and not discussed very much, but potentially apocalyptic, aspect. Chilling.
"If I should ever die, God forbid, let this be my epitaph:
- Kurt Vonnegut
Well now I know how a socket wrench could cost $$$,$$$,$$$
A worker dropped a socket down a missile silo, it bounced and pierced the side of the missile so rocket fuel started filling the silo. The missile was a Tritan2 the most powerful nuclear warhead at the time, and it was fully armed inside that silo. I can't even listen to the rest, what's the point? We're still here.
Edit: I wonder who staffs the NRRC now? Is it even there anymore? It must be.
Russia Russia Russia
Hola, mi music amigo. :-)
What NYC borough do you live in? I'm not a big city fan even though I live in an urban downtown area. Got back from our PNW trip. The scenery was magnificent (to say the least). Pot stores everywhere. It's very different from central FL, for sure! Much more progressive and mellow. There are a lot of rural/agricultural/farming areas so there will be a healthy group of voters for phonies like cheetosbrain. Saw the windmills in WA State. They are a lot bigger than they look in pics. Definitely really cool 21st century energy producers. Rec'd as usual from a big tabbouleh fan!!
Inner and Outer Space: the Final Frontiers.
Hey orlbucfan.
Your trip to PNW sounds great! How many miles a day were you doing on the bike?
I'm in the borough of Queens, as my name indicates, chosen partly because we tend to get short shrift in the eyes of the world next to the infatuation for Brooklyn.
Should any of you decide to visit these parts, you'd all be welcome to a host/chaperone for at least some of the time here.
"If I should ever die, God forbid, let this be my epitaph:
- Kurt Vonnegut
Good morning, C99. Treacherous heatwave here...
Hunkered down in the living room, shades drawn, AC on, reading books to the Boy, after breakfast. I absolutely loathe this weather. In the city the density of the people and cars just make everything feel claustrophobically overheated, like in some dank basement cauldron. Feel melted, rendered to an incapacitated, cranky guy who, come early evening, just wants to drink cans of cold beer.
On days like these often find myself thinking of and concerned for folks jailed and mistreated in nearby inhumane Rikers Island, as well as folks whose jobs require them to have to be in already hot environments, such as making pizzas and bagels in very hot ovens, restaurant kitchens, working down underground in the appreciably hotter NYC subway system, people directing traffic outside amidst overheating cars in heavy traffic, etc.
Was talking with an English music fan last night after the show about Chris Cornell's tragic death and how dark the Seattle scene that we loved was. Agreed it was the last real rock music movement and how great all those grunge bands were. But there was a streak of darkness, that resulted in too many young deaths from either drug addiction or depression or both.
Andrew Wood, the flamboyant 24 year old lead singer of Mother Love Bone, was the first major casualty of that scene when he overdosed on heroin just as their major label debut was coming out. One could argue that it was a pivotal moment in that scene. Wood had been Cornell's roommate and the bass player and guitar player of MLB afterward picked up the pieces and found a singer named Eddie Vedder to continue on with in a new band, originally calling it Mookie Blaylock (after a New Jersey Nets basketball player), then quickly changing to Pearl Jam. I think MLB's debut "Apple" in some ways is better than all of PJ's catalog put together.
"Stargazer" Mother Lover Bone
"If I should ever die, God forbid, let this be my epitaph:
- Kurt Vonnegut
Way back
The individual has always had to struggle to keep from being overwhelmed by the tribe. If you try it, you will be lonely often, and sometimes frightened. But no price is too high to pay for the privilege of owning yourself. - Friedrich Nietzsche -
What NYC/WS does, doesn't work for us
I never knew that the term "Never Again" only pertained to
those born Jewish
"Antisemite used to be someone who didn't like Jews
now it's someone who Jews don't like"
Heard from Margaret Kimberley
Thanks ggresh. We've been bamboozled by think tanks and pundits
who are explicitly paid to obfuscate and propagandize to the masses, all in defense of the deity of Capitalism.
The foundation is laid when we're kids and enter the education system, where we're indoctrinated to be good obedient workers going along to get along, never questioning the Exceptionality of America; while others buy into the propaganda that the "American Dream" is the permission to crush any and all in the "free market" pursuit of riches and material gain. The Very Important People, employed by the government but appointed by the wealthy donors, keep up the illusion.
Problem is folks can only abide this lie for so long, while they're one step from the street, chained to massive consumer/medical/college/mortgage debt. All the latest GDP and employment "numbers" don't mean a thing, when what you're living personally is totally the opposite.
The charade can only last so long.
"If I should ever die, God forbid, let this be my epitaph:
- Kurt Vonnegut
Actually it should I thanking you
enjoy all of your contributions, so thanks again.
As for me who can't write for shit, though I try to get a message across
that so many other people can express so much better than I by using
links of sites I follow.
Jesse is one of those site that get's it right more often than not.
BTW my parents grew up in Brooklyn, is that ok? -g-
-g- = giggle
I never knew that the term "Never Again" only pertained to
those born Jewish
"Antisemite used to be someone who didn't like Jews
now it's someone who Jews don't like"
Heard from Margaret Kimberley
Good morning, Mark ~~
I'm wondering when the wind will subside and just resort to being a breeze. June is unpredictable that way, in New Mexico. It's going to be a hot week, with today the coolest at 86 and reaching 98 degrees by Saturday. The heat doesn't bother me. The wind is what makes me cranky.
Very informative OT, today, lots to ponder. I think tying traffic ticket fines to income is a good idea. It would definitely take the burden off the poor. But do we really want to do that? Look at how good the rich have it with the rest of us carrying the load for them. Well, nonetheless, I'd be in favor of that change - yes, let's take it off our backs and put it squarely where it belongs - in the pocketbook of the offender.
The other change to consider - The Kathy Malloy Show - has a definite ring to it.
Have a beautiful day, folks!
"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11
Thanks RA.
Would be nice to see Kathy Malloy take the helm instead. Maybe it's time for Mike to move over, or at least let his wife lead the way (if he could just stop his Russia! meltdowns). What a farce this endless Russian Red Herring is.
Wonder how history will record this insane chapter of American History.
Got a text from my Dad last night saying Bernie announced the formation of a new party (but the link was from Fox so I couldn't take that without many grains of salt)? Couldn't find anything to verify that. Sounds like it might just be a conflation of things he said at the People's Summit.
Man, I'd love to see New Mexico some day. But that heat seems too intense for me.
"If I should ever die, God forbid, let this be my epitaph:
- Kurt Vonnegut
It's a dry heat.
Much easier to handle than humid NYC heat. Been there several times in
July and suffered thru it. You'd be welcome in my home!
"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11
Hang in there through that heat wave.
Those are never fun in the city. Hunkering down, staying indoors, and reading books is a great way to deal with it until the worst is over. Here in Texas I deal with the heat with lots of iced herbal teas with lemon cubes, a couple of quick cold showers during the day and one right before I go to bed. I never go outside without a hat since the sun is so brutal, and try to enjoy the early morning/late evening breezes outside.
I enjoyed that Russell Brand clip. He's so enthusiastic and up-beat, it's nice to see , I'm happy for the Brits. Wish we could do the same.
Thanks randtntx. Iced herbal tea with lemon cubes sounds good.
We live on the top floor here, which has a blacktop roof, so it's extra hot, literally like a fucking oven. I mean, literally. It's so much hotter that you feel the temperature change when you start climbing from the 2nd to 3rd floor, and then on the final steps before our door it goes up again.
But sometimes I used to go up to the roof in the morning of a hot day, with a clear pitcher of water with some tea bags in it to sun-brew some tea. Thanks for the leading me back to that idea.
Lemon cubes sound great...how does that work?
"If I should ever die, God forbid, let this be my epitaph:
- Kurt Vonnegut
@Mark from Queens Easy. You just squeeze
I was the lucky recipient this January of a large bag of homegrown meyer (valley) lemons so I juiced them all at once and poured the juice into a collection of canning jars. Then I froze the whole batch. I thaw one jar at a time and make cubes from that juice.
@Mark from Queens Sorry about the super
good morning c99ers
I know heat here in Alabama, and although we've been warm, it has only been high 80's. I like to get my outdoor chores done early, and lay low in the pm trying to chill. Our house is surrounded by trees, but I finally ran the AC a couple of days during the hot afternoon.
Like mhagle, we've dug our potatoes. All the peas are harvested and the vines put in the compost pile. Also got in the sweet potatoes the other week. Still harvesting lettuce, but it is starting to bolt and go bitter. Keeping the lettuce under row covers helps extend the season. Had some fried green tomatoes last week, and finally got a ripened Cherokee purple (heirloom tomato) this weekend.
Today there were lots of cantaloupes from S. GA. at trade day. The smell filled the air. The first of the sweet corn harvest filled several pick up beds - $3/dozen (ears). The last of this seasons golden mangoes from Mexico are being sold there too.
The retired Judge and I usually swap our political views when we cross tracks at trade day. He was looking forward the Sessions testimony today. He is hoping T-rump will testify under oath because, "...that son of a bitch can't speak two sentences without telling at least one lie."
Here in the boonies parking isn't a problem, but you have no choice about a car. You simply must have one to go anywhere. Although you can leave your keys in your car without worrying about theft (especially if you drive a car like mine which is more than old enough to vote). What I've always enjoyed in my trips to the big city....just parking and riding the metro/subway/train.
Country mouse or city mouse...advantages and disadvantages to both. All the best to all of you where ever you are!
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Thanks for the harvest update, Lookout.
Sounds wonderful.
As Bernie said about the Buffoon, he is a "pathological liar."
"If I should ever die, God forbid, let this be my epitaph:
- Kurt Vonnegut
I hear ya on the noise
Pun intended.
I lived downtown Indianapolis for the better part of a decade. I know it's not the same as NY by any stretch, but it was an old apartment with very noisy steam heat and no air. My bedroom faced an alley that was a popular stumbling space for the drunks, many of whom felt 4 am was a perfectly acceptable time to test the alley's acoustics by singing as loud as possible. And then there was the fact that I lived down the street from a firehouse and one of the state's busiest hospitals. Oh, and the street I lived on was apparently part of a weekly motorcycle rally. It took me a long time to decompress to the relative silence when I moved out to a wooded area in the 'burbs.
Also Kathy Malloy, pure fire. Hope she can talk some sense into Mike.
Idolizing a politician is like believing the stripper really likes you.
Thanks for the story, Dr. John.
Steam heat here too. There's the whistling and all that, which I've kind of gotten used to and in some ways kind of like.
But when it starts up sometimes it's this otherworldly clanking. Sounds like the chain of a ship's anchor being pulled up and banging against an empty, cavernous, bottom hull of a ship.
Funny how we get adjusted to certain environments. Relatives of mine, who were lifelong residents of the Bronx, admitted that they had trouble sleeping out at other relative's out on Long Island. Too quiet, they said. Heh.
"If I should ever die, God forbid, let this be my epitaph:
- Kurt Vonnegut
You said it!
Idolizing a politician is like believing the stripper really likes you.
Great column, Mark, thanks.
Parking tickets/traffic fines/cash bail, conjoint weapons of oppression.
The omnipresent noise is a form of polution; air, water, light, noise, etc. It finally dawned on me that we have chemical pollution (air, water, soil, food) and aesthetic pollution (noise, light, uglification)
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
And a healthcare system to suck the economic life
Enjoyed the description of city life in the summer. When on a vacation the city always seems exciting.
Still yourself, deep water can absorb many disturbances with minimal reaction.
--When the opening appears release yourself.
Thanks a lot, EL.
Chances that, as an American, you'll be killed by a terrorist attack are about the same as getting bit a shark, I guess.
On the other hand, the Economic Terrorists of Wall St have already commenced to killing off chunks of the 99%, by an endless fusillade of financial paper cuts, in the guise of everything we're talking about, but mostly indentured slavery through debt, fines, fees, underemployment etc.
To say quite simply, that Capitalism Kills, is not trite.
"If I should ever die, God forbid, let this be my epitaph:
- Kurt Vonnegut
The loudest thing in my house is my gastric rumble.
Doctors do not need a stethescope to hear it. And now, with a broken nose, I have developed very loud nasal inhalations; my loud breathing could probably be recorded for annoyance calls.
I dared to show my bloody swollen face in public. Bought baby food (mixed fruits only) to get me something to eat. No chewing for many months to come. And dairy upsets my gall bladder, so sadly, milkshakes are out, as are straws.I told the checkout girl tat will current facial swelling and remodelings to come, I could end up an unknown face to NSA for a while! Silver linings, always.
Try to stay cool today.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
Sorry to hear, riverlover. Like the gallows humor re: face/NSA.
Hope you're able to rest some and allow yourself to heal.
You can make a whole assortment of smoothies in a blender, mixing different kinds of fruits. Then switch to juicing vegetables and fruit (i.e. apple, carrot, beet, ginger, lemon mix is amazing!).
Puree soups too. Lots of good bean soups that are tasty, especially when pureed.
"If I should ever die, God forbid, let this be my epitaph:
- Kurt Vonnegut
The crockpot is being cleaned
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.