May 22, 2017 Open Thread; International Day for Biological Diversity

May 22 is the 142nd day of the year. There are 223 days left.
Today's number is 22
22 is the product of two primes, 2 and 11
Being a product of 11 generates some fun we'll look at later
22 sevenths has been used as a rough approximation of pi for millenia
22 is titanium, a seriously kick-ass metal, but brittle in a pure state
A cricket pitch is 22 yards long
Catch 22 is a novel by Joseph Heller
A "Catch 22" is a type of gotcha or puzzle such as occur in that novel
.22 and .22LR (long rifle) are common small caliber weapons designations
"Fun" with "math"
1/11 = .090909 repeated forever
1/22 = 1/2 of 1/11 = 0.5 x .0909 = .04545454545 ad infinitum
Thus, a/22 = a x .045454545 etc
In doing mental arithmetic, multiplying by eleven is often easiest done by multiplying by 10 and then adding the original number. For example, 14 x 11 = 10 x 14 + 14 = 140 + 14 = 154
Similarly, multiplying by 22 is often easily done by multiplying by 2 and then multiplying the product by 11. Thus 14 x 22 = 28 x 11 = 280 + 28 = 308
Multiplying by 22 can also be made easier by first multiplying by 11 and then doubling the result. Thus 14 x 22 = (140+14) x 2 = 154 x 2 = 308
22 squared = 484, which just happens to be 4 x 11 squared. Hint: (2 x 11)(2 x 11) = (2 x 2)(11 x 11)
While I am nether a lawyer nor a politician, it seems to me that each subject merits its own title, but there it is.
22 BCE
was the Year of the Consulship of Marcellus and Arruntius
Gaius Petronius, Roman governor of Egypt, destroyed the Nubian capital
15 CE
was the Year of the Consulship of Agrippa and Galba
Roman law replaced Celtic law and customs in Gaul. The earth wept.
Valeria Messalina, the third wife of Emperor Claudius was born
On this day in:
0760 -- Halley's Comet sighting recorded in China
1762 -- The Trevi Fountain was completed. It is not known if coins were thrown into it.
1804 -- The Lewis and Clark Expedition left St. Charles
1819 -- The SS Savannah set sail to become the first steamship to cross the Atlantic
1826 -- HMS Beagle set sail on her first voyage
1848 -- Slavery was abolished in Martinique.
1900 -- The Associated Press was formed
1906 -- The Wright brothers got a patent on their flying machine
1915 -- Mount Lassen erupted
1941 -- British troops took Fallujah.
1943 -- Stalin disbanded the Comintern.
1947 -- The Truman Doctrine went into effect
1964 -- LBJ launched the Great Society, which aimed at helping human beings
1968 -- The USS Scorpion sank
1972 -- Ceylon became Sri Lanka
1973 -- Nixon confessed his role in the Watergate cover-up
1990 -- North and South Yemen united to form the Republic of Yemen.
2015 -- The Republic of Ireland legalized same-sex marriage
The Great Society indeed
Born this day in:
1783 -- William Sturgeon, physicist and inventor, (electromagnet, electric motor)
1813 -- Richard Wagner, composer
1846 -- Rita Cetina Gutierrez, poet, educator, feminist, and activist
1859 -- Arthur Conan Doyle, writer, physician, spiritualist and justice activist
1905 -- Bodo von Borries, physicist, co-inventor of electron microscope
1914 -- Sun Ra, pianist, composer, bandleader, poet and, well, Sun Ra
1924 -- Charles Aznavour, singer, songwriter and actor
1927 -- Peter Matthiessen, writer, editor, spook and co-founder of The Paris Review
1930 -- Harvey Milk, politician
1934 -- Peter Nero, pianist and conductor
1942 -- Ted Kaczynski, critic
1950 -- Bernie Taupin, singer, songwriter and poet
1950 -- Bill Whelan, composer and musician
1959 -- Morrissey, singer and songwriter
1966 -- Johnny Gill, singer, songwriter and producer
Died this day in:
0337 -- Constantine the Great, early influential christofascist proponent of homophobia
1553 -- Giovanni Bernardi, sculptor and engraver
1885 -- Victor Hugo, author, poet & playwright
1932 -- Augusta, Lady Gregory, activist, author, and playwright, co-founder of the Abbey Theatre
1967 -- Langston Hughes, poet, social activist, novelist, and playwright
2010 -- Martin Gardner, mathematician, cryptographer, and author noted for his Scientific American column
Holidays, Holy Days, Festivals, Feast Days and such:
Harvey Milk Day (California)
International Day for Biological Diversity
Unity Day (Yemen)
World Goth Day
So, for music Haley's Comet Trevi Fountain Richard Wagner Sun Ra Charles Aznavour Peter Nero Bernie Taupin Bill Whelan Morrissey Johnny Gill-
Haley's Comet
Trevi Fountain
Richard Wagner
Sun Ra
Charles Aznavour
Peter Nero
Bernie Taupin
Bill Whelan
Johnny Gill with bonus millenial whoop
OK, what's on your minds?
Today's daily horoscope for Monday 22 May 2017
The moon continues to wane through the house of Aries on the twenty-second of May. Aries is a very courageous sign, but tends to be so to a fault. While the natives of more timid signs should consider trying new things or persevering through hard times, the natives of more courageous signs should be careful that they don't take things too far, and the natives of all signs should remember to look before they leap.
Mars is in syzygy and the earth is in heat ;-P
Well, so where were you in sixty-two?

Being of the House of Aries, I take note. EZ does it.
You noted a volcanic eruption. It jogged my mind (and I have an expert who may know): when is the first written documentation of an eruption in the continental US? AK and Hawaii as well, but they seem like separate zones. On the ring of fire.
I have a dream memory from childhood of a volcano building out of a flat field in front of me. There may have been reports on the news about an eruption in Mexico then. But nearly 60 years ago, I remember still.
I recommend last night's John Oliver. I could be paranoid or sensitive or something else, but I see propaganda in that report. Leading by the nosering that so many cannot even see. When late night TV entertainment tells us the "important facts" of the day/week, I look elsewhere for what is actually going on. Deep State is wresting power.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
2 different subjects, or 3. Can't speak
to first recorded, but Mount Spur in the Aleutians went off in 1953, meeting your date range and US (Alaska) criteria. The "growing out of a flat field" thing however, sounds like Paricutin.
The Paricutin volcano suddenly grew out of a corn field in Michoacan, Mexico, in 1943. It erupted through 1952, wiped out a couple of towns and was in a Mexican film named Paricutin.
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
I remember reading about the Mexican volcano rising
out of a farmer's field in 5th grade (I think) during a testing session. I found it fascinating. I actually enjoyed testing because at least I got to read a variety of interesting things. It was a relief from classroom routine. This was back in the '60s.
"The object of persecution is persecution. The object of torture is torture. The object of power is power. Now do you begin to understand me?" ~Orwell, "1984"
Have memories of touring an abandoned village on the Big Island
while on a trip as a kid with my family — Kapoho?
Back yard of an empty house, with grass and banana trees — and, among the ruins, here and there smoking cones of clinker, like alien lifeforms sprouting from the ground.
Once back home in Honolulu, we borrowed all the kids’ library books on the subject of volcanoes we could get our hands on.
Yep, I remember reading about Parícutin too.
I've never been that close to a volcano. That's pretty cool!
"The object of persecution is persecution. The object of torture is torture. The object of power is power. Now do you begin to understand me?" ~Orwell, "1984"
I dropped this is another
I dropped this is another essay, but I am also going to drop it and my comment here too. I found it interesting, and I think c99 will too.
I recently listen to this in depth and interesting discussion on US geopolitics and the military industrial complex. ( We better hope this regime never gets it act together.) The "right" was mention as a player several times. The left? ha, ha, ha.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
Thanks. I'll get to it some time today, I hope.
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
Finally got to listen to it - great.
Thanks again.
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
Coincidence: I posted an essay about the Great Society just
prior to reading this essay.
I've never forgiven Gaius Petronius for destroying the Nubian capital and really see no reason to do so today.
Foreign Intercourse should probably come under Travel Overseas.
Changing mood:
Harvey describing what if Feinstein-Ds take over in 1978
Harvey Milk interview at Castro Camera, March 1978
I thought it was so great I transcribed most of it:
'78 was a pretty tough year for me, my mom died so I had to quit the CCC, Jonestown happened, then George and Harvey got murdered by Dan White. I was driving a VW delivery van back through the tunnel coming out the Marin side when the radio tuned back in (yes that was a thing), it was devastating news.
All the crap that has rained upon me since was foretold by Harvey, and others. I see Feinstein and Pelosi, The Scream is my California background image, all the way through until now, right now. Rats.
Thanks, eyo. The essay that I linked above questions
whether the Democratic Party was ever what we thought/assumed/perceived it was. It's the second part of a two part essay. Part One, which is the shorter part, discusses the New Deal and Part Two discusses the Great Society.
My own conclusion? The Democratic Party has not changed all that much. It was just scared enough in 1934 and during the tumultous Sixties to throw some money at us.
About Harvey Milk, my pleasure. There is a film about him on youtube, but it costs (only $2.99, though), so I didn't link to it.
I already saw the film, thanks
the candlelight march, I was there, it was beautiful and traumatic.
like I said, I lived through it, my brother was interviewed for KTVU Channel 2 news the night ofI never met Harvey, but I met a lot of others through my brother, including Donna Brazile. He was a pretty well know AIDS activist, a Clinton delegate in the 90s before he died. In fact he was quite instrumental getting the Domestic Partners initiative passed in SF, 1990. I marched that year in the Pride Day parade, carrying the Harvey Milk Gay Democratic Club Banner with my brother and partner at the time, who I later stood up in public and married, with 39 other couples after the Santa Rosa Pride Day parade, '94. It's not like I haven't learned anything from the stuff I gripe about, it is a lifetime of experience.
I don't mean the film with Sean Penn, but one with Milk.
What a visionary!
I am glad you were able to marry. Boy, California was complicated on that issue, wasn't it?
"able to marry" well it was not legal then either
Once, it was mostly about succession to thrones, treaties, etc.
And religion, of course, which seems to have held hands with rulers, maybe forever.
Except for "gold diggers," I'm not sure most marriage is about property, but divorce nowadays often gets to be about property.
And creditors.
It was not until the US had a large middle class that division of property mean much. More likely, it was about who was going to be liable for whose debts when.
To be fair, if the relationship involves kids, marriage and divorce are a lot about them, too.
Initially, (supposedly) Mormons were ordered to marry more than one woman because men had died on the way West, leaving widows with no way to support themselves when there were few respectable jobs for women. Or to defend themselves.
As the movie title says, "It's Complicated."
I knew two couples who got married during the time after California recognized equal marriage, but before the repeal. It was crazy.
just remember this my girl, when you look up in the sky
you can see the stars and still not see the light
that's right
California’s ‘iconic’ native fish facing extinction, with climate change a major cause
You can follow the link and read about "illegal cannabis water diversions", in fact somehow that info gets sneaked in every single related article. Never ever ever have I once seen an article on the "illegal wine-grape water diversions" because they aren't even looked for, as far as I can tell. Not because the diversions don't occur, because the rules are rarely enforced especially on the good old boys. A lot of shitty practices are "grandfathered" in because ? I don't know why. Cannabis clampdown must come, there is simply not enough water to satiate the corporate greed, the venture capital. Never will there be, of that I am convinced. Not until everything has collapsed.
Born in Marin (SF hospital), moved to Sonoma, not far, in 1975 when the rolling hills did actually look like that "iconic windows xp wallpaper". Boy that was garbage news spewed forth for Microsoft when they ended support. That hillside was covered in Wine-grapes decades ago, yet the wallpaper never changed, bucolic eh? I kinda think I know what I'm talking about after raising quite a few fishes myself too. Trucking them around is futile, but go on. It is all they can think of doing, the Big thinkers, the dam planners. Extinction awaits.
so often times it happens that we live our lives in chains
and we never even know we have the key
fishes for peace
I collaborated with a fish lab in NY, published papers even!
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
Angry Arab News blog is full of “Trump in Riyadh” snark today
You know the world is going crazy when . . .
Israelis are alarmed because Germans aren’t being nationalistic enough.
Official mouthpiece "Two thumbs up, Mr. Trump"
Editorial: Two thumbs up, Mr. Trump
Unity, huh. Not much more to the editorial, I thought the one comment on it was sort of interesting. I wonder if any of those english speaking citizens would blog or comment here? That would would be cool. I like how WayOfTheBern invited TheDonald to talk on reddit, except trolls are disgusting. Takes a lot of life energy to slog through the idiocracy gigs that Correct The Record pays for. Yet another corrupt industry built by and for the Demcrats. mmph
Huge Wikileaks archive documenting Saudi control of Arab media
Buying Silence:
How the Saudi Foreign Ministry controls Arab media
Just a perfectly predictable VSBDE response
I hadda ask several times if my Very Serious Beltway Democratic Elite (VSBDE) senator was going to grow a spine and co-sponsor or, hell, introduce!, Single Payer in the senate. What with Sanders folding and all, I expected nothing but went through with asking anyway. First her reply, then my response to her reply:
And my response:
Compensated Spokes Model for Big Poor.
Did China roll up a CIA spy network? Spin varies with the source
A story about a CIA agent network in China sets off a spin and propaganda battle — is that like a rap battle? — between the New York Times and China’s Global Times.
The original article from the Global Times:
(Yet another story called to my attention by an item at JackPine Radicals.)
I found this article
about a hoax paper that recently got published in a peer reviewed social sciences journal, it's hilarious:
The Conceptual Penis as a Social Construct
"Obama promised transparency, but Assange is the one who brought it."
Great reading, thanks for the link.
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --