
Evil in the Age of Utopian Dreaming

Adolf Hitler had two utopian dreams, both of which were evil and both of which constituted the core of Hitler's political philosophy.

The first one, more familiar to today's masses, was Judenfrage, translated as the "Jewish Question." Hitler's answer to the "Jewish Question," initially, was to remove all Jews from Germany. Eventually this became kill them all.

"Russian interference" is the "aether theory" of US politics

No matter what problem the US is facing, its always the Russians' fault. The Russian Interference (RI) theory, like the aether theory (see NOTE-A), while never supported by evidence, must be assumed as true if one is to publish in the corporate media. Therefore it is baffling, but not surprising, that the despicable John Brennan is being attacked for attacking Donald Trump for being a Russian stooge.