May 1, 2017 Open Thread; International Workers' Day or Labour Day

May 1 is the 121st day of the year. There are 244 days left.


Today's number is 1


One is the first non zero number - really? Try "integer"
One is also the first odd number - ditto
One is the multiplicative identity. Any number times one is the original number
One is one squared. This is the only real number which is itself squared
One is its own cube and all higher powers, also unique
One is the square of its negative, unique among positive numbers
One is also, again uniquely, its own factorial
One is Hydrogen

So, 1, then

and, as foretold



Title 1 of the US Code is 'General Provisions'.

was the Year of the Consulship of Lentulus and Piso
The Chinese Emperor, Ai of Han, died; succeeded by his nine year old his cousin, Ping of Han. One Wang Mang was appointed regent by the Grand Empress Dowager Wang, and Former regent Dong Xian committed suicide. And you thought you had it bad.
Augustus sent Gaius east to invade Parthia. Something about Armenia.
Ptolemy of Mauretania was born
Empress Fu and Empress Zhao Feiyan died
Jesus, the son of God, was or was not born in this year or the following one or any one of many other years.


1 CE
was the Year of the Consulship of Caesar and Paullus
Ovid wrote the poem Metamorphoses
Confucius was given his first royal title
Areius Paianeius became Archon of Athens
Gaius Caesar married Livilla
Quirinius became an advisor to Gaius in Armenia. Gnaeus Domitius Ahenobarbus, like his dad, also served in Armenia.
Publius Quinctilius Varus, who haunts these columns, and Claudia Pulchra had a son, Quinctilius Varus
Lucius Annaeus Gallio, an eventual proconsul was born
Arshak II of Iberia, Sapadbizes of Kush & Amanishakheto of Kush died
Jesus, son of God, was or was not born in this year or the preceding one or any one of many other years.


On this day in:

1169 -- Norman mercenaries landed at Bannow Bay in Leinster
1328 -- The Wars of Scottish Independence ended with an independent Scotland (but, wait!)
1707 -- The Act of Union joined the kingdoms of england and Scotland
1753 -- Linnaeus published the Species Plantarum
1776 -- The Illuminati wer established in Ingolstad
1786 -- The first performance of The Marriage of Figaro
1851 -- Queen Victoria opened The Great Exhibition at The Crystal Palace
1862 -- The Union Army captured New Orleans
1865 -- The Treaty of the Triple Alliance was signed by Uruguay, Brazil, and Argentina
1866 -- The Memphis Race Riots began
1869 -- The Folies Bergere opened
1884 -- Proclamation of the demand for eight-hour workday in the US
1886 -- Rallies were held throughout the US for an 8 hour workday
1894 -- Coxey's Army arrived in DC
1898 -- The Battle of Manila Bay
1900 -- The Scofield Mine disaster
1915 -- The RMS Lusitania set sail from NYC on her last voyage
1927 -- The AFL founded the Union Labor Life Insurance Company
1945 -- The Soviet Flag was raised over the Reich Chancellery
1948 -- North Korea was established
1950 -- Guam became a US commonwealth
1971 -- Amtrak took over US passenger rail service
2002 -- 1.0 was released
2003 -- "Mission Accomplished" in Iraq.
2009 -- Sweden legalized Same-sex marriage

Born this day in:

1582 -- Marco da Gagliano, a composer
1672 -- Joseph Addison, author, poet & playwright
1751 -- Judith Sargent Murray who wrote "On the Equality of the Sexes" and much more
1764 -- Benjamin Henry Latrobe, designer of US Capitol
1769 -- Arthur Wellesley, 1st Duke of Wellington, inventor of Wellies
1825 -- Johann Jakob Balmer, physicist
1825 -- George Inness, painter
1827 -- Jules Breton, painter
1852 -- Calamity Jane, scout
1855 -- Cecilia Beaux, painter
1857 -- Theo van Gogh, art dealer
1862 -- Marcel Prevost, writer
1864 -- Anna Jarvis, US founder of Mothers' Day
1885 -- Ralph Stackpole, sculpter and painter
1907 -- Hayes Alvis, bassist
1907 -- Kate Smith, singer and actress
1919 -- Lewis Hill, co-founder of Pacifica Radio
1924 -- Evelyn Boyd Granville, mathematician
1924 -- Terry Southern, author, playwright, screenwriter (The Magic Christian, Dr. Strangelove)
1925 -- Scott Carpenter, astronaut
1928 -- Sonny James, guitarist, singer and songwriter
1930 -- Little Walter Jacobs, Chicago blues harp, just ask Muddy
1934 -- Shirley Horn, pianist and singer
1939 -- Judy Collins, guitarist, singer and songwriter
1942 -- Charlie Allen, singer and songwriter with PG&E
1945 -- Rita Coolidge, singer and songwriter
1949 -- Jim Clench, bassist
1967 -- Tim McGraw, country pop singer
1968 -- Johnny Colt, bassist


Died this day in:

1873 -- David Livingstone, itinerant preacher
1965 -- Spike Jones, singer and bandleader
1978 -- Aram Khachaturian, composer and conductor
1998 -- Eldridge Cleaver, author and activist


Holidays, Holy Days, Festivals, Feast Days and such:
International Workers' Day or Labour Day (International)
Law Day, Loyalty Day, Prayer Day and other fascist shit in the US to drown out Labor Day
Beltane (northern hemisphere)
Samhain (southern hemisphere)
May Day

May Day Type 1

May Day Type 2

May Day Type 3

So, for music 
Folies Bergere
Marco da Gagliano
Hayes Alvis
Kate Smith
Sonny James
Little Walter
Shirley Horn
Judy Collins
Charlie Allen
Rita Coolidge
Jim Clench
Tim McGraw
Johnny Colt
Spike Jones
Aram Khachaturian



Folies Bergere




Marco da Gagliano


Hayes Alvis


Kate Smith


Sonny James


Little Walter


Shirley Horn


Judy Collins


Charlie Allen


Rita Coolidge


Jim Clench


Tim McGraw


Johnny Colt


Spike Jones


Aram Khachaturian

OK, what's on your minds?


Extra bonus bonus

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It's International Workers' Day. Remember the heroes of the Haymarket Affair. Keep calm and Wobblie on.

SOLIDARITY FOREVER! (appropriate songs from youtube at the above link)

According to numerology, 1 is my number, er, integer. I calculated that in accordance with numerology software a friend gave me that no longer works. It's some combination of the numbers represented by the letters in your name plus the numbers in your date of birth. Anyway, mine is supposedly 1. I'm dubious. I feel more like a 2 or a 4, maybe with some weird 7 or 9 vibrations. I give other the impression of a one, though.

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Mark from Queens's picture


Didn't even realize it was today...

Was traveling last week, so it crept up on me. Got a call last night from an indefatigable, gentle, savant activist we know (who is probably autistic) - a big, hulking, dark black teddy-bear-of-a-young-man who sometimes wears a do-rag under a baseball cap and speaks with a slight lisp, who was going home on a bus from an action in DC. I give his description because I often find myself fearing for his life at the hands of some quick-triggered, fearful, bigoted cop whose worldview is stunted by stereotypes, during one of the times he comes to visit and drop off flyers and such, in our predominately white, old European-settled neighborhood.

He filled us in as usual, on most all that was going on locally, and then gave me the basics about the May Day march, that there was something going on at Grand Central, and then folks were gathering at the venerable Union Sq, where revolutionists, dissenters and radicals have been doing so for that past two centuries.

Today I'll be thinking of the humongous, union/OWS-driven 2012 May Day march. Flush from the energy of Occupy, 30,000 or so folks gathered to be part of a workers' show of power. There were also lots of immigrants groups. It was wonderful, and very inspiring.

Predictably we were met with throngs of riot police, barricades, helicopters overhead and an air of authoritative menace. Par for the course for the many of us who had participated in OWS. But that was the old preventative tactic the scumbag cops used to thwart any potential friends who wanted to join us in solidarity. Of two whom I beckoned to come, both had the same reaction when they emerged from the underground subway: they turned around and left.

I wrote about it at TOP, "May Day!May Day! Blackout on the Great White Way," OWS triumph ignored (apologies for the link there).

I'd love to have the excuse to leave the things I should be doing, and join them all. Wonder what Kshama Sawant and the Socialists in Seattle are up to today. Anybody see a listing of planned actions?

Reality is, thanks to a defunct, propaganda-saturated American education system cultivating obedient consumers instead of informed and engaged citizens, and spineless corporate journalism, the vast majority are blissfully ignorant about today and pretty much the entirety of the People's History of the United States. If Howard Zinn's book was the history textbook for our children we'd have a different scene today altogether, and a citizenry prepared to stare down their capitalist overlords year round.

May Day 2012, photos and posters:






Massive May Day shot.jpg

May Day 3.jpg

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"If I should ever die, God forbid, let this be my epitaph:


- Kurt Vonnegut

@Mark from Queens

co-opted today's demonstrations, claiming they are anti-Trump. *@##$% if anyone is responsible for harming this country's workers to date, it's been Bill and Hillary Clinton and the rest of the *&^@%$ neoliberals.

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lotlizard's picture

cutting deals with a head-chopping, women-oppressing, Yemeni-children-starving hereditary dictator.

Saudi Arabia’s military campaign in Yemen has come in for international criticism. Plans now call for the German army to train Saudi military (in German)

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"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon

ggersh's picture

the global model of slave workers created by capital lives on.

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I never knew that the term "Never Again" only pertained to
those born Jewish

"Antisemite used to be someone who didn't like Jews
now it's someone who Jews don't like"

Heard from Margaret Kimberley

ggersh's picture

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I never knew that the term "Never Again" only pertained to
those born Jewish

"Antisemite used to be someone who didn't like Jews
now it's someone who Jews don't like"

Heard from Margaret Kimberley

doesn't have quite the same ring.

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There is no such thing as TMI. It can always be held in reserve for extortion.

enhydra lutris's picture


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That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --

Lookout's picture

@enhydra lutris

and you fire up this joint...Hey, are you bogarting?

Happy May Day/Beltane to all you workers and pagans!

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“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

enhydra lutris's picture


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That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --

shaharazade's picture

everyone. I think I screwed up yesterday and did not post the OT which I believe I was signed up to do. I'm sorry, I literally forgot it was this Sunday I was supposed to begin doing the OT . We had our family Christmas get together yesterday as this winter starting from last October was horrendous weather wise and we all came down with horrendous flu's, traveling to warmer climes or working. I was busy cooking and spring cleaning yesterday and at about 4:00 in the afternoon thought uh oh the OT. I see that Lookout covered it. Thank you. I will start doing it this coming Sunday.

It was fun having Christmas in April. The weather was gorgeous and the existential angst that usually accompanies family get together's during the winter holidays was not there. Everyone was relaxed and happy to see the back end of this record breaking nasty winter/spring here in Oregon. Today it's back to winter,34 degrees this cold morning, with a high of 51 and no sun. On Wednesday it's going to be 80+ degrees then back to 50-60 degrees with thunder storms and more freaking rain. Don't the people who are not concerned with climate change ever go outside or look out their windows?

The 'news' and politics are so surreal and crazy, that I'm either avoiding participating in the fray or freaking out and being an asshole to all my friends online or off. So once again my apologies. My son wore a sweatshirt yesterday that said 'The Big Labowski-2020'. We all agreed to write him in. No other talk of politics. They have been 'resisting' and marching as they are all liberal. As usual I'm the radical. I'm proud of them however for getting out there. They went to an anti-Trump march and carried a big sign the read 'Make America Kinder Again'. As though it ever was. Shah is reading 'The People's History of America' by Howard Zinn and the young-un's passed it around and were interested in reading it.

My granddaughter is working two jobs now. She got a second job at a garden center and also works as a waitress at a hotel. She also is an aspiring craft-person/artist who works in metal both jewelry and sculpture. My son is a potter and spent the last 4 months cranking pots for the Oregon Potter's Assoc. big show last weekend as well as working full time at his corporate job. They gave me a huge new cache of gardening tools for 'Christmas'. Yippie! Now I'm armed and ready to plant my veggie garden if the sun ever reappears and the soil finally warms up.

I broke down and got an android stupid phone. Shah calls his cell his hand brain. I haven't put the internet on it as my addiction to the net is bad enough when limited to my PC. I did get a ringtone song and it has been going through my head since I downloaded it, so here you go.

Shah's band The Cool Whips just released their second CD called 'baddies' the first CD was called 'goodies'. I produced and designed the cover which was fun. I'm going to try to embed a track. Here goes...

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enhydra lutris's picture

BTW, we know that the delayed OT is simply clever marketing to increase the anticipation.

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That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --

shaharazade's picture

@enhydra lutris They got a great review in the alternative weekly paper The Portland Mercury. It was in The Things to Do Music section.

(Twilight Café and Bar, 1420 SE Powell) By now, power-pop has become something of a folk tradition. While musicians operating in other genres balk at imitation, power-pop artists shamelessly emulate their heroes, from the mop tops and Bomp! pins down to the Rickenbackers and Chelsea boots. It could be said that Eric Ramon of Portland stalwarts the Cool Whips is really just emulating himself—he played guitar in the obscure ’70s power-pop band Continental Miniatures, who scored a minor hit with a cover of Dusty Springfield’s “Stay Awhile.” Because the style of music is inherently formulaic, the line between “good” and “bad” power-pop is often imperceptible. It all comes down to hooks and guts. Baddies, the Cool Whips’ latest LP, has both in spades: First track “My Old Man Is a Drag”—which, yes, is a song written by adult men about how much they dislike their dad(s)—sounds like Rubber Soul-era George Harrison teaming up with ? and the Mysterians. Dewy-eyed reverie “Liberace’s Lamp” highlights the Cool Whips’ flair for imaginative lyricism, an uncommon trait among modern power-pop bands, and highlight “Inside Outsider” sounds like the band put their favorite ’60s songs in a blender, with an intro more than a little reminiscent of “Last Train to Clarksville” and a chorus that could’ve been lifted from a Hollies song Graham Nash never completed. Baddies is everything a great power-pop record should be—let’s just hope the rest of the world is listening. MORGAN TROPER

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shaharazade's picture

@shaharazade Morgan, the reviewer from The Mercury did not mention the yummy CD cover I made. Did not mean to embed the rest of the tracks after Liberace's Lamp but Band Camp picked up the rest of the CD. Could be just a marketing ploy to postpone my triumphant return to writing the OT on Sunday's. I've been busy marketing online our btob business. It's a real drag. Eric writes the all copy as he's good at being 'lyrical' yet professional, I'm doing the graphics and compiling a list of potential new clients to send our monthly e-mails to. My son said 'Mom your a spammer'. He's right kind of. I'm also a stalker as I'm spending to much time on LinkedIn and hunting down e-mail addresses and market research companies to spam. No wonder I'm too stressed to deal with the bs. world of politics and propaganda. Thanks for Monday OT EL I like your numbers and the always good music. The day one OT is always my fav. as the evidence is strong my lucky numbers one.

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Mark from Queens's picture

When I turned it on, the boy started tapping me on the leg asking to come up. He bounced and shook on my lap to three straight songs, after each saying in his infant language, "one more?"!

Tell Shah he's got a really good knack for power pop hooks and songwriting/arrangement. Fun stuff, put me in a good mood! Thanks.

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"If I should ever die, God forbid, let this be my epitaph:


- Kurt Vonnegut

shaharazade's picture

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shaharazade's picture

@Mark from Queens a 6 year old son that just loves the songs. His music is "You know...for the kids." but the grownups like it too. 'He has more hooks then a tackle box' Good and funny. Some of it is dark in a really cheerful unnerving way.

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PriceRip's picture

          Born 1 May 1825, this mathematics lecturer worked out a "simple" formula to calculate the wavelengths of the spectral lines of the hydrogen atom:

          Setting B = 364.50682 nanometers, and m = 2.

          The wavelength for each spectral line corresponded to a value of n, where n = 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7.

Balmer Formula
Balmer Formula

          This formula excited some very important people, and the rest (as they say) is history ...

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@PriceRip I suspect it was soothing?

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There is no such thing as TMI. It can always be held in reserve for extortion.

enhydra lutris's picture

to fit that one one line.

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That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --

PriceRip's picture

@enhydra lutris

          We evolved as pattern recognition machines, we can't help ourselves, it's in our genes. Once he looked at the spectroscopic pattern, a whole new way of understanding the universe became inevitable.

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earthling1's picture

Is the The United States Chamber of Commerce a union?

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Neither Russia nor China is our enemy.
Neither Iran nor Venezuela are threatening America.
Cuba is a dead horse, stop beating it.

enhydra lutris's picture


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That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --

PriceRip's picture

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earthling1's picture

Do the members of the Chamber pay dues to said chamber?

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Neither Russia nor China is our enemy.
Neither Iran nor Venezuela are threatening America.
Cuba is a dead horse, stop beating it.

enhydra lutris's picture

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That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --

May 1st, 2003 when George Bush The Younger brought everlasting peace and prosperity to the World and we were welcomed with flowers.

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Beware the bullshit factories.

shaharazade's picture

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shaharazade's picture


And another May Day song...

and one more

And then...

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Every time an aerobic organism exhales on Earth, it adds the global warming gas, carbon dioxide, to the atmosphere. I didn't really want to go there, but it occurred to me that there are a lot more people exhaling today then there were not that long ago. Billions and billions more people. So I had to look it up:

Sources of carbon dioxide

Human sources of carbon dioxide emissions are much smaller than natural emissions but they have upset the natural balance that existed for many thousands of years before the influence of humans.

87 percent of all human-produced carbon dioxide emissions come from the burning of fossil fuels like coal, natural gas and oil. The remainder results from the clearing of forests and other land use changes (9%), as well as some industrial processes such as cement manufacturing (4%).

Apart from being created by human activities, carbon dioxide is also released into the atmosphere by natural processes. The Earth's oceans, soil, plants, animals and volcanoes are all natural sources of carbon dioxide emissions.

42.84 percent of all naturally produced carbon dioxide emissions come from ocean-atmosphere exchange. Other important natural sources include plant and animal respiration (28.56%) as well as soil respiration and decomposition (28.56%). A minor amount is also created by volcanic eruptions (0.03%).

I can breath a little easier, since apparently, all us animals and plants contribute only 28.56% of the naturally produced CO2 by exhaling.

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Beware the bullshit factories.

earthling1's picture

Now, about methane emmissions per human. A rush on Beano stock? Or.
Can we mix Beano with alfalfa?

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Neither Russia nor China is our enemy.
Neither Iran nor Venezuela are threatening America.
Cuba is a dead horse, stop beating it.

PriceRip's picture


          Natural (there's that word again) processes are fundamentally different from the processes by which fossil carbon is released into the mix to the extent that the effect from my breathing is closer to zero when compared to the effect of "human" activity.

          In short, my breathing isn't part of the problem. *Ta* *Bump* *Tishhh*

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