The Global Collapse of the Center-Left and the Era of Zombie Neoliberalism
Hillary Clinton's election loss was simply the a recent example of a global rout of center-left political parties. Today in France we could see the most spectacular example yet. If Benoît Hamon fails to get at least 5% of the votes, then the Socialist party's campaign expenses will not be reimbursed, bankrupting the PS.
That means a center-left political party could go from being the ruling party to complete collapse in just one election cycle.
It's no small coincidence that faith in neoliberalism is collapsing at the very same time.
Joseph Stiglitz, the Nobel Prize-winning economist and former adviser to US President Bill Clinton, says the consensus surrounding neoliberal economic thought has come to an end...
"We've gone from a neoliberal euphoria that 'markets work well almost all the time' and all we need to do is keep governments on course, to 'markets don't work' and the debate is now about how we get governments to function in ways that can alleviate this," he said.
In other words, Stiglitz says: "Neoliberalism is dead in both developing and developed countries."
Stiglitz is not exaggerating. Even the IMF says that “Neoliberalism: Oversold?” That's like the Pope asking if the Virgin Mary was fooling around.
The reasons for the collapse of neoliberalism are myriad and systemic.
Earned income has been supplanted by unearned income.
Neoliberal policies are everywhere beset by market failures. Not only are the banks too big to fail, but so are the corporations now charged with delivering public services. As Tony Judt pointed out in Ill Fares the Land, Hayek forgot that vital national services cannot be allowed to collapse, which means that competition cannot run its course. Business takes the profits, the state keeps the risk.
The greater the failure, the more extreme the ideology becomes. Governments use neoliberal crises as both excuse and opportunity to cut taxes, privatise remaining public services, rip holes in the social safety net, deregulate corporations and re-regulate citizens. The self-hating state now sinks its teeth into every organ of the public sector.
So with free-market fundamentalism in retreat, why is the center-left being destroyed along with it?
Stepping back and seeing the entire landscape would allow Democrats to see the political landscape has changed, and the need for fundamental reforms.
So why is the centre-left by and large not benefiting from the failures of their political opponents? The deep reason lies in its absorption of the policies of the centre-right, going back almost three decades: the acceptance of free trade agreements, the deregulation of everything, and (in the eurozone) of binding fiscal rules and the most extreme version of central bank independence on earth. They are all but indistinguishable from their opponents.
The story is much the same in the United States, where the lion's share of deregulation has been done under Democrats.
The size of the problem is staggering.
Overall, the total vote share for the continent's traditional center-left parties is now at its lowest level since at least World War II. Like the Democrats, these parties have been marginalized, with little influence over policy as the right prepares to place its stamp on the Western world in a way that could endure for decades.
"If the left and the center-left don't get their act together, then we're looking at a period of very unstable right-wing hegemony," said Alex Callinicos, a European studies professor at King's College London.
The fact is that the center-left is unable to "get their act together" because their entire philosophy means a continuation of the current system, a system that has unquestionably failed on every level.
For instance, the membership of the UK Labour Party attempted to move the party to the left. The party leaders, led by Blairites, have undermined their membership at every turn.
Corbyn, meanwhile, has struggled to hold his party together as Labour members of Parliament have overwhelmingly said they have no confidence in his leadership. Blair and his allies have argued that Corbyn will simply guide the party to continued irrelevance.
“You win from the center; you win when you appeal to a broad cross section of the public; you win when you support business as well as unions,” Blair, who guided the party to three straight national election victories, said in a speech last year. “You don’t win from a traditional leftist position.”
...Across Europe, the center-left has had little to offer those voters, who have looked elsewhere — including the far right.
To put it simply, the establishment left has no clear alternative. Everyone with a non-neoliberal vision of the world has been either marginalized or silenced.
For those who bemoan the rise of the populist right, the challenge is clear: you can’t beat something with nothing and if the left can’t come up with more viable and attractive solutions to contemporary problems than those offered by its competitors it can expect to continue its slide into the dustheap of history.
The neoliberal centrists, such as the Clintons and Blairites (and countless wealthy backers) have spent decades gutting and destroying left-wing voices and ideas, while the right-wing rampaged.
Now that they are gone and all they have built lies in ruins, there is no leftist infrastructure to create an alternative reality. It has to all be created from scratch. All the left has to work with are shattered pieces of dated history, and pointless, feel-good, identity politics.
This leaves neoliberalism in place, staggering along in zombie form. Not alive, but still consuming the living.

they were bought by corporate interests...
and no longer work for the people. It is easy to see why the neolibs are collapsing politically...and corporate capitalism as well.
Thanks for the thoughtful essay.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
great essay, twittered, and recommended /nt
Even France thinks Putin is backing the far right.
There is speculation that Putin is funding Marine Le Pen and the far-right shit groups backing her. Even if it were true, the 'centrists' will still insist on racing morons like Le Pen right off a cliff when it comes to economic issues. And they will lose.
Modern education is little more than toeing the line for the capitalist pigs.
Guerrilla Liberalism won't liberate the US or the world from the iron fist of capital.
Bernie: Democratic Party's model is 'failing'
he's right
I looked at the comments to this article:
ditto! grassroots up.
But hey Bernie!
anti-choice Democrat...
Feel free at any point to campaign for an"To watch the leader of the most powerful nation on earth endorse and finance a genocide prompts not a passing kind of disgust or anger, but a severance." -- Omar el Akkad
You do realize
that the Republican he's running against is anti-abortion too, right?
But only one of them is an economic populist.
Heath Mello is an economic populist?
Ben Nelson; that hardly makes him an economic populist.
Care to explain? Mello's most prominent stab at politics is having worked for"To watch the leader of the most powerful nation on earth endorse and finance a genocide prompts not a passing kind of disgust or anger, but a severance." -- Omar el Akkad
Are the Democrats even capable
of stepping back and actually looking at what they've become, in a global context? I doubt it. They are by now so immersed in their Party's narrowly political rhetoric, and so convinced of the universal righteousness of their several idealized causes, that they are unable to see anything beyond their own slogans and mostly empty promises. With the best intentions in the world, they believe in themselves, without much caring whether anyone else does or not.
Bear in mind that these Establishment Dems are, for the most part, well-meaning and thoroughly decent individuals. Their faith in a neoliberal, "progressive" status quo is myopic, not malefic. It is perhaps ill-advised, but in no way ill-intentioned. They do have a great many ideological counterparts in Europe, who hope for stability at a time when chaos threatens.
Most importantly, the neoliberal faith is being bolstered daily by the near unanimity of opinion expressed via "Western" main stream media. The fact that said media is a wholly corporate-owned and directed enterprise, and has been caught numerous times lying through its teeth, seems to have temporarily escaped the Democratic Party's attention. The fact that the very same media are obviously doing the very same fucking thing again, seems also to have somehow escaped its attention.
OK so Macron will prevail in France. He is very much a neoliberal globalist, in the same mold as Obama and the young Trudeau, a bankster-financed media star. A genial, middle-of the road fellow, he apparently intends to perpetuate more of the same bullshit policy that has caused the current crisis. To what degree the French and/or European public will voluntarily submit to, or even tolerate this brand of nonsense, is another question altogether. Not for very long, I would imagine.
A truth of the nuclear age/climate change: we can no longer have endless war and survive on this planet. Oh sh*t.
I think this ties in with a dying Empire.
By electing Trump, America debased itself beyond all reckoning, although this, too, is a product of Empire careening on the world stage, dizzy and sweating. The people don't know who their enemies are and their friends are stepping back. The foreign press are speculating. “What happened is a de facto coup d’etat inside the US, after the false flag operation in Syria.”
China is doing a much better job of organizing the world, and uniting it, without all the murder and destruction. The most important economic event of the year, the One Belt One Road world summit is fast approaching. While US allies are part of this future, the US refuses to go. Just as it refused to participate in the AIIB, the Asia Infrastructure Investment Bank. The UK and Japan left the US behind to become part of both.
I believe the sun is setting on this Empire, as is long overdue. Let's hope the US remains impotent.
Karl, India is so many things at once
…and it seems to me they are shifting fluidly among alliances. They have a modern neoliberal edge at home, with advanced ideas on money theory. They value the intricacies of their peasant/urban culture while being a world leader in cutting edge education in the technologies. They are wary of China, these days, feeling competitive, yet are mavericks when it comes to buying oil from Iran and paying with gold, so it is rumored. The are the largest part of BRICS, but they stand apart. A nuclear power without the soul of a superpower, they are on good terms with every nation but Pakistan, an accident of geopolitics on the Indian subcontinent.
Like its regional neighbors China and Iran, India is internally powerful and self-sustaining, but none of them are the kind of culture that roams the world attacking and pillaging other nations. Skirmishes on their own borders are the extent of their adventurism. By contrast, all three of those nations have been attacked, robbed, and occupied by Anglos. India knows that one day, the American Neocons will view it as new target for destruction. India's coastline is geographically significant. Perhaps with that in mind, in recent years it has renewed its ties with Russia. I see an India/Russia alliance as a key feature of the new multipolar world — a complimentary nuclear line of defense. Moreover, India's coastline offers strategic maritime advantages to Russia's Navy. A good match all around.
I believe relations between India and China will warm as the One Belt One Road infrastructure comes online and the entire Eastern Hemisphere pulls together for faster, cheaper high speed trade that opens wide the once landlocked nations across Europe, Asia, and Africa. It eliminates the threat of US hegemony from the sea and in banking and sanctions. It's a complete game changer for the global financial markets. The Economist notes:
[EDIT Typo; clarify]
Brilliant post.
excellent analysis, as with your other writing. Feels like being able to breathe.
Thank you, Pluto.
I just hope
the sun is setting on war and that the United States will join the world in peace.
Neoliberalism seems alive and well in France.
I've seen lots of changes. What doesn't change is people. Same old hairless apes.
This explains a lot
Great Essay
"If you can't eat their food, drink their booze, take their money and then vote against them you've got no business being in Congress."