For Every Rant There is a Reason
There's a short essay going around the tubes titled "Fuck the U.S.A.!" It's a good rant, an angry rant.
"I want to scream. I want to scream. To separate from this. This government, this country.
The world shouldn’t have to suffer one more day of American exceptionalism.
I clear the table, put the dishes in the sink, stare at the water running into the drain. Drain the swamp.
I want to scream.
Fuck you. Fuck you, Trump. Fuck you. Fuck all of you with your might-makes-right bellicosity. Fuck Obama. Fuck Hillary Clinton. Fuck George Bush. Fuck Dick Cheney. Fuck all the fucking warmongers. Fuck corporate news. Fuck the war industry. Fuck the war profiteers.
Fuck the United States of Fucking America."
Right on, Missy. Fuck all of this.
I've had the same thoughts about separating. I didn't sign up for this. I didn't vote for this (because I didn't vote for any of them). In no way have I given my consent for all the war, the wealth inequality, the fucking crimes being committed by the rich and powerful, the corporations, the banks, Wall Street, the military industrial complex, our government "representatives", the "deep state", and the OLIGARCHY. I don't want no fucking war with North Korea and don't know anyone that does. Why don't we count? WHY DOESN'T OUR OPINION MATTER!?
I feel her anger and utter helplessness while watching our own government drop bombs, fire missiles, threaten nuclear war, and act like evil psychopaths killing children while pretending to care about children. These fuckers are beyond the pale, as sick as they come.
I know there are those who will tell her if she doesn't like it to get the hell out. "Don't let the door hit your ass on the way out", like the partisan warmonger progressive Democrats on Daily Kos like to tell those who can't handle their conservative bullshit anymore. Or like the right wing cowboys and conservative John Wayne "patriots" who think the muslims are going to rape their women, take their shotguns from the back of the pickup trucks and make them chant Allah Akbar before they behead them. The ones that chant U.S.A. at the drop of a cowboy hat.
They don't get it, they just don't fucking get it. They've been brainwashed like a Jonestown cult member to believe what they're supposed to believe, act how they're supposed to act. That's the U.S.A. the essayist is talking about. The one where the people are so willfully ignorant of what their government is doing they won't do a thing about the massive crimes being committed in their names against others and even themselves. They're the ones saying "Please, can I have more Master?"
The first comment under the essay was someone telling her this:
"that was the most useless piece of writing i’ve read in a long time. and its not the profanity- that was the high point of the article. If she feels that strongly get off her ass and ACT to stop all these wars. get involved and DO something, instead of just whine."
I can relate to that. As a long time ranter, I've had plenty of comments directed to me indicating I should shut the hell up and find some solutions. I have offered solutions, like boycotting the election between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump, but very few thought that a good idea. Or like boycotting the duopoly but very few think that's a good idea. Or like an independent movement to change this political system from an oligarchy to a democracy and abolish the presidency. We don't need no fucking president. In fact, a single person over an empire is dangerous and stupid. But few are interested in that. So they go back to voting for more politicians. Or working to create a national referendum, our own election, to end rule by the rich, i.e., the oligarchy and establish a real democracy. But again, that's too hard, too unrealistic, too fucking out there, there's another election coming. I don't know what else I can come up with because I'm not going to vote for any more politicians under this system. But that's not good enough because people died for our right to vote for Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton.
Ya, people died for Vietnam too, a lot of them.
Another commenter defended the essayist's rant with this.
"Get off her ass, and do – what, exactly? Protest? You think that’s going to work? We protested against the Iraq War and we went to war anyway. We voted in “Not Bush” (Obama). And he protected the previous administration from prosecution for War Crimes.
Short of venting, and sharing opinions, there’s very little that can be done. Seriously, how do we change this country for the better (and, please, don’t say “vote”. At least not on a federal level.)?"
It reminds me of the movie Network when Howard Beale, the long time TV news anchor goes on air and gives an epic rant. It also reminds me of today, where no one seems to know what to do about the situation we find ourselves. There's no easy answer. But there are answers.
"Well, I'm not gonna leave you alone. I want you to get MAD! I don't want you to protest. I don't want you to riot — I don't want you to write to your congressman, because I wouldn't know what to tell you to write. I don't know what to do about the depression and the inflation and the Russians and the crime in the street. All I know is that first you've got to get mad. [shouting] You've got to say: 'I'm a human being, god-dammit! My life has value!'
So, I want you to get up now. I want all of you to get up out of your chairs. I want you to get up right now and go to the window. Open it, and stick your head out, and yell: I'M AS MAD AS HELL, AND I'M NOT GOING TO TAKE THIS ANYMORE!
I want you to get up right now. Sit up. Go to your windows. Open them and stick your head out and yell - 'I'm as mad as hell and I'm not gonna take this anymore!' Things have got to change. But first, you've gotta get mad!...You've got to say, I'M AS MAD AS HELL, AND I'M NOT GOING TO TAKE THIS ANYMORE! Then we'll figure out what to do about the depression and the inflation and the oil crisis. But first, get up out of your chairs, open the window, stick your head out, and yell, and say it: I'M AS MAD AS HELL, AND I'M NOT GOING TO TAKE THIS ANYMORE!"
Basically, that's still the answer, the solution, enough people standing up and saying they're not going to take it anymore. FYI, voting for politicians in the next election to perpetuate the cycle is taking it, right up where the sun don't shine.
Let's hold our own election.

I am not sure if this is what is also called the "woke" crowd
I think it is, and it does seem to be increasing. At least textifying rage. At all levels of government. Oligarchs have control at the top. State legislatures are suspect, especially by people in other states. Marches are scheduled to continue through May now. They are slightly more effective than calling the office of one's congressperson. There is a wall there. Insulation from The People. Will anyone notice how hostile we have become?
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
These come to mind
There must be a Vonnegut line that fits this anger
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
One of my favourites of his
Righteous rant, Big Al!
And thanks for quoting the best rant in movie history. Ranting is good--it release destructive energy and it also alerts others of similar mentality that they and we are not alone. Rant on.
is demeaning to the concept of Progressivism. Can a snake be progressive?
Jeebus, if America were
any more exceptional the planet wouldn't exist.
the little things you can do are more valuable than the giant things you can't! - @thanatokephaloides. On Twitter @wink1radio. (-2.1) All about building progressive media.
Big Al, I was wondering if we couldn't
go to court over this damn MOAB bomb.
I think it's an insult and degradation to all mothers. Libel law suit.
Mothers drop babies, not bombs.
That would be a unique way to fight the power mimi.
Congresscritters care more about what Israel’s leaders tell them
to do than about what their own constituents might say.
Any revolution would have to break the hold the Saudis and the Israelis have over discourse among Western elites, and by media extension, over Western mass consciousness.
Definitely agree with that.
Right now,
I'm focused on my fight with the university that employs me. With no raises, insurance premiums increasing, and the threat of furloughs, I've begun my own mad as hell campaign. I've been fortunate enough to have my voice on the issue published in both our university rag and local rag. Quite a feat, but they must have seen the value in my calling them out for putting our most vulnerable at risk.
Read Chris Hedges speech posted on Truthdig, today. It describes my life of resistance perfectly. Until reading that, I didn't understand myself. My father, who I adored, would always try reigning me in, "don't rock the boat," he would say to me n a regular basis. I now sit in the warm embrace of my boat-rocking life.
"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11
You wanna scream I wanna puke
"You" being the quoted author, not the Big Al rant. Me myself and I are already past the screaming. Now I just want to barf, can't even get through two minutes, no words for what this appears to be:
Perez starts around 32m, Bernie comes after. What the fuck are those people cheering for? Unity!
Bernie, what the FUCK?! omg
I reddit there was booing, but I didn't hear any in the parts I listened in on. Look who is driving the clown car now, it is embarrassing, humiliating, defeating. Thanks for piling on the despair, hope they are playing some brilliant level chess game. I really don't think so. I think they are full of shit, lying to get money and votes for status quo. Come back after you've actually done something except talk talk talk. Democrats had the bully pulpit for eight fucking years, and wasted it on Wall Street and War. Fuck you!
P.S. Indeed! What kind of morals do these people have?
Budget Deal Makes Permanent 82 Percent of President Bush’s Tax Cuts
Uh-huh, thanks Obama. If DNC wants to keep lying that's their problem. For shame.
Obama & Bernie
I want some of what you're smokin'
I'll believe it when I see it. That Tom Perez is a piece of work, the more I get to know him. No wonder I tuned out Obama and the Ds so fast, too painful to watch. Perez running Labor Dept was total failure for the working class, unqualified from the beginning! But with feeeling, so go on. Keep rearranging those deck chairs. Good luck.
Tom Perez has guts: US labor secretary being eyed as Clinton's running mate
Because of course! Yeah that made as much sense as Homeland Security appointed to head the University of California. Napolitano campaigned for Clinton too. These people and their ilk, are burrowed deep, they are not relegated to history yet.
I just gave Bernie a piece of my mind
Told him I appreciate and will support him when he speaks truth to power as an Independent in the Senate. But if he thinks I'm giving one GD dime to the Democratic Party, directly or through him, he's wrong. VERY wrong.
Got an auto response: "This inbox is experiencing a high volume of mail." No shit, Sherlock.
Anyway, this isn't the level of resistance we need, but I will not be bird-dogged and certainly won't give any of my dwindling "spare" cash to those fucking Democrats.
Watching Tom Perez is like visiting DK
There is not one day that goes by
that I am now muttering to myself "I hate my country." I hate my country because of all the death and destruction we have wrought around the world in the protection of "American corporate interests." I hate my country because we have enough wealth here to feed the world and to care for our own people with universal single payer healthcare. I hate my country because we have a culture in which it is okay to beat people up or kill them over the smallest of offenses and no one pays for it except the victim. I hate my country because we outstrip every other country in the number of people we incarcerate, often over the most petty of crimes. American exceptionalism? Yeah, we are exceptional alright.
I am at my wit's end as to what I can do to change this.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
Like the saying
on the WWII Wehrmacht belt buckle "Gott mit uns".
Well, either God was not with the German Army or, more likely, there is no god.
And as far as getting of one's ass and doing something I think of my reply to a friend recently.
"I did get off my ass. Starting in the '70's I sat-in and marched against the Vietnam War. I've volunteered for candidates many times over the last 40 years. I wrote letters to the editor. I signed petitions. I called, faxed and e-mailed the offices of senators, representatives, governors and others. I never missed an election. I marched some more, against Iraq and for Equal Rights for everyone. I voted for citizen amendments to make the changes our "representatives" refused to make. And finally I got my "Hope" up for some "Change" and was soon ashamed I drank that kool-aid. And I'm done, Mary, I'm done. They're all corrupt. The number of elected officials who really, truly represent the vast majority of citizens and try to do what's right you can count on the fingers of both hands and have a couple of thumbs left over. Fucking Reagan, fucking Bush, fucking (both) Clintons, fucking Bush II, fucking Obama and now fucking Trump. Fuck them all and fuck exceptional America. I'm done with all of it because for everything that I and millions of others have done over too many years it makes no fucking difference. I'm done."
Sadly my friend didn't have much to say after my own rant.
Dear Dems: You lost the WH, Senate, House, dozens of governors, state level SOS and AG and about 1,000 state legislative seats.'re doing something wrong.
It makes them terribly uncomfortable
I forwarded the article referenced to a couple friends the day it came out. Those 3 are coming around but it takes time for them to really see it themselves. You're doing the right thing by telling your friend, even if it feels shitty when you do it. I try to tell mine I am NOT lecturing them but pointing out my very own "belief" in these people and just how misguided and naïve that was. And that's a huge part of the anger for me.
Only a fool lets someone else tell him who his enemy is. Assata Shakur
I agree, Al.
We need to get mad as hell.
Clearly, many of us here are already there. But how do we infuse that anger throughout our citizenry? We need a critical mass of truly pissed-off people; but sadly, all I see these days are citizens lulled into complacency by their idiot boxes. Hard to light a fire under all those butts on the couch.
(Which pisses me off even MORE).
Here, perhaps one answer to my question:
excellent speech by Chris Hedges:
Thanks, @Mimi, for pointing me to thisLikely blow-back from the Soros-funded anti-fa violence
I dream of humbler country.
When reality sucks most people will rant and rave and be angry, and anger has its place. Anger gets folks off their ass, but without a vision of a future, it will only be destructive.
So, I dream about a little Country on the NorthWest Coast of North America. Small, self-sufficient, and doesn't really bother anybody. Health Care is good. Public Transportation is excellent, and we have enough. Not everybody has a car, and fortunately we've made it something that you don't NEED anymore, unless of course you've chosen to live in the country.
We still have our Red and blue division between the rural and city dwellers, but it's not exacerbated by the media. Some people just don't enjoy living in close proximity to others. Some people enjoy owning and carrying a gun, which city dwellers have accepted as something that they cannot do, due to the proximity of others, and the dangers therein. It's a matter of trade-offs. You can't have everything you want, and for somethings you'll have to take the time and the effort in order to earn the ability.
I see a lot of locally sourced food, and a lot of bad mouthing from the rest of the former states of America, especially the corporations which had to relocate after they were banned by law.
It's what I hope for. A robust economy, still embracing technology, but no longer a slave to the whims of the latest technological fashion. Knowledge is free, and if you don't know how to do something, classes and universities are cheap and plentiful, teaching both practical skills and the ability to think without first casting blame.
I imagine Cascadia. It's something I'd like to make happen. I know it's Idealistic, and is what I'd rearrange things to be like, but that's because I love it here and don't want it to change. If the choice is to become a rainy version of California, or to fight for a vision I WANT, I know where I'm going to line up.
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.
Here is a humorous lttle video Big Al,
that factually substantiates all of what you've been saying about US foreign policy:
The tales that Americans are telling themselves are so absurd, and so obviously at odds with factual reality, it's a wonder they can even tell them with a straight face.
OMG, thanks, that video is freaking brilliant! Can't believe I actually laughed so hard under the circs.
Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.
A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.
Worth repeating, again and again,
this from Publius Tacticus at Sic Semper Tyrannis:
And this: