The simple, basic lesson that Americans willfully refuse to learn
As President Trump considers escalating our invasion of Syria, Syrian President Bashar al-Assad gave an interview with Chinese TV station Phoenix that the American media largely ignored.
Assad voiced two observations that Americans try very hard to pretend don't exist.
"Any foreign troops coming to Syria without our invitation or consultation or permission, they are invaders, whether they are American, Turkish, or any other one," he charged.
This is not just an interesting opinion. It's an obvious, undeniable statement of fact. Or as Dennis Kucinich put it: "The U.S. presence in Syria is an illegal act of war. It violates international law and it is unconstitutional. Syria did not invite the U.S. to come in. Congress has not approved it"
Assad's observation alone would be a show-stopper, if people actually cared about what is and is not illegal these days. We don't.
It's Assad's second observation that I find even more interesting, and the consequences to be even more far reaching.
"And we don't think this is going to help. What are they going to do? To fight ISIS? The Americans lost nearly every war. They lost in Iraq, they had to withdraw at the end. Even in Somalia, let alone Vietnam in the past and Afghanistan," Assad continued. "They didn't succeed anywhere they sent troops, they only create a mess; they are very good in creating problems and destroying, but they are very bad in finding solutions."
We don't win, and we make things worse.
These are measurable facts that even a cursory review will confirm.
Just a few centuries ago, results like this would cause kings and generals to have their heads chopped off. It would often cause revolutions, or at least popular revolts.
In a sane world, in a world with consequences, this would cause serious self-examination of military tactics, political strategy, and moral values.
We don't live in that sane world.
Instead we live in a world in which failure at every level means doubling-down on those very same strategies.
Consider how Sen. John McCain accused Sen. Rand Paul of treason for the crime of not wanting to further over-extend our military. The word "conservative" has been redefined.
Another example that you often wouldn't think about is the global cyberwar that we started.
So how do you think that is going?
Former House Intelligence Committee Chairman Mike Rogers (R-Mich.) raised concerns Sunday about U.S. cybersecurity, warning that the country is "not necessarily winning."
"We are in a cyber war in this country, and most Americans don't know it. And we are not necessarily winning," he said in an interview with John Catsimatidis that aired on AM 970 in New York.
Not winning means we are losing, just like all our other wars.
For further proof, Congress has decided that it needs a "cybersecurity policy that defines cyber war."
Just like our War on Terror, we start wars and only later decide that we need to define our enemies and what we hope to achieve. That's not a failure of our troops, that's a failure of politicians.
Is there any wonder why we keep losing?
Meanwhile, instead of fixing what is wrong, we are looking to double-down on failure again, except this time our failure will be too large for this planet.
Space is now a potential battle zone, Goldfein explains in an interview. The Air Force wants to ensure “space superiority,” which he says means “freedom from attack and freedom to maneuver.”
If you think cyberwar raises some tricky issues, get your mind around this next big threat worrying the Pentagon. Similar problems exist in both the cyber and space domains: U.S. commercial and military interests are interwoven but deeply suspicious of each other; the technologies are borderless but are being weaponized by hostile nation-states; and attacks on satellites and other systems may be invisible and difficult to attribute.
America needs to have its head examined.
How do we not demand more, or anything, from our leaders? How is this not a failure of the American public for criminal apathy, as well as of our politicians?
It's ironic that Republicans like to hate political correctness, yet give their own full-throated endorsement to their own version of political correctness - militarism. They are so committed to militarism that they absolutely refuse to acknowledge the repeated unmitigated failures of our military empire.
Meanwhile, America's corrupt psychosis rolls on.
As with budget deficits or cost overruns on weapons purchases, members of the national security apparatus — elected and appointed officials, senior military officers and other policy insiders — accept war as a normal condition.Once, the avoidance of war figured as a national priority. On those occasions when war proved unavoidable, the idea was to end the conflict as expeditiously as possible on favorable terms.
These precepts no longer apply. With war transformed into a perpetual endeavor, expectations have changed. In Washington, war has become tolerable, an enterprise to be managed rather than terminated as quickly as possible. Like other large-scale government projects, war now serves as a medium through which favors are bestowed, largess distributed and ambitions satisfied.

If You Win You Have to Rebuild It and Help Restore Order.
I'll never forget when I got a realpolitik lesson on the First Gulf War. "Why didn't we take out Saddam then," a 21 year old me asked.
The captain of the vessel said,"If we took Baghdad, we'd own it and be responsible for those people. We'd have to rebuild it and prop up their country on the open oil markets. Can't have that now.
Nope, they eliminated the 2nd largest oil supply on the planet, took it off the market -- for their sponsors."
Winning wars creates responsibility and accountability. Responsibility and accountability are debt. Prosecuting wars creates freedom and opportunity. Freedom and Opportunity is wealth.
Waste is profitable. Efficiency is a waste of profits. The Big Lie is trembling, breaking down all around us.
“Tactics without strategy is the noise before defeat.” ~ Sun Tzu
Most of us just don't
care, can't be bothered. I gave up paying attention (or caring) to the M.E. Wars years ago, becuz it soon became clear, during G. Dubya's first term, that it was a circle jerk. I knew it would be yet another Vietnam clu$terfuck. Said so on a forum like this one back in 2002-'03 before the invasion. "will be there 4, 5 years, won't accomplish d!ck." "You Librul bastids don't know dick. G. Dubya got this!" But I really didn't expect an MIC circle jerk, the MIC only in it for the Big Gun Sale that it is.
Americans just don't care, can't be bothered. They're not fighting it, their kid isn't fighting it, and nobody they know is fighting it, so... who cares who we bomb on a daily basis? Ain't nobody bombing us! Bombs Away!
Meanwhile, over 20 GI Joe war vets blow themselves away every day. One of them thinking about it this very minute. A win-win for Trump's MIC. They're out of uniform, not shooting anybody, so essentially non-productive. Two, Trumpville ain't gotta pay for their med care. "You wounded vets, when you get back home, pour yourself a few cold ones, toast your buds back here, then do your country a favor and, well, you know what to do... Thank you for your service!!"
Is this a great country or what?!
the little things you can do are more valuable than the giant things you can't! - @thanatokephaloides. On Twitter @wink1radio. (-2.1) All about building progressive media.
The House voted today to let mentally ill people
Be able to purchase guns. I think there was a rule against this before and the republicans rolled it back.
So many organizations wrote to congress about this legislation but it's what the NRA wanted and we know what they want they get.
It moves on to the senate next.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
Freedum = Guns
Obviously we don't have enough guns, because freedom is getting its ass kicked.
I don't like guns and...
Just an observation.
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.
Not a good gun.
You can also buy a car that's cheaper than a new tire.
I've seen lots of changes. What doesn't change is people. Same old hairless apes.
Big $$
big business. The estimated overall annual economic impact of the firearms and ammo industry in the U.S. is $42.9 billion. The NRA sees some of that $$ too.
At that price, the weapons manufacturers and dealers are making a lot of $$. It isAbsolutely!
I've seen lots of changes. What doesn't change is people. Same old hairless apes.
Oh, contrary, "Freedom" is
flourishing! Well, not the conventional definition, the Oligarch definition, where freedom means more freedom to do as they damn please, fuck the 99% if they don't like it. I love it when Vanitty, et. al., beller "Freedom" on their Talk Shows, knowing exactly what they mean by that word. Yeah, Vanitty, I got your "freedom... "
the little things you can do are more valuable than the giant things you can't! - @thanatokephaloides. On Twitter @wink1radio. (-2.1) All about building progressive media.
Why doesn't Assad, or his ambassador, go to the United
Nations and make a speech about his country having been invaded? Seems like the proper forum to focus the world's attention on his country.
"The justness of individual land right is not justifiable to those to whom the land by right of first claim collectively belonged"
He'd be arrested or killed.
Thanks. Well then his UN ambassador
"The justness of individual land right is not justifiable to those to whom the land by right of first claim collectively belonged"
Agree. FWIW I did a twitter search "assad united nations"
Some are maintaining that Assad is being set up, others that UN is letting him get away with murder and letting his government have input into peace process. Hard to keep up with all the sides to this.
A truth of the nuclear age/climate change: we can no longer have endless war and survive on this planet. Oh sh*t.
I believe...
Then there is this little tidbit of history written by Robert F. Kennedy Jr...
(I encourage you to read all 4 pages)
There are claims that this is a "Conspiracy Theory" and the Qatar Gas Pipeline wasn't yet planned and only had a working group formed in 2009. However, when you look at the Arab Pipeline and planned extensions it becomes obvious that plans for expansion were made years earlier, with a planned tie in to Iraq's natural gas grid in September 2004.
Additional Links: (Some better than others)
WikiLeaks Search "cia syria regime assad "qatar gas pipeline"2003 - 2011"
I'm the only person standing between Richard Nixon and the White House."
~John F. Kennedy~
Economic: -9.13, Social: -7.28,
Thanks for sharing this.
A truth of the nuclear age/climate change: we can no longer have endless war and survive on this planet. Oh sh*t.
This why
Well, we did win in Grenada.
We made damn sure we protected our young'uns who couldn't make the grades to get into an American med school from the impending threat of seeing a modestly leftwing government work on even the smallest scale outside our borders. If any more islands dare to contemplate a system other than our preferred one of oligarchy-take-all, watch out, we're itching for another win someplace!
I had a friend for a bit in the Army
Only a fool lets someone else tell him who his enemy is. Assata Shakur
One answer to this question
Is because too many people have bought the government's propaganda about the wars.
How many times do you read comments that say that the troops are fighting for our freedoms and to defend the country?
I worked with people who had family members in the military and everyone of them had drunk the kool aid for why their families were in Iraq and Afghanistan.
Mention anything that is derogatory about the military and you will be told that millions of men and women fought for your freedom to say that.
I reply to comments like that by asking how Isis or any other terrorists group would be able to take away our freedoms.

And besides
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
The other thing is,
nobody hears about the War(s) unless they hear it on Fox. The war is not talked about in the MSM. Out of earshot, out of mind. "War? What war? I thought G. Dubya won the war... "
the little things you can do are more valuable than the giant things you can't! - @thanatokephaloides. On Twitter @wink1radio. (-2.1) All about building progressive media.
A living nightmare for most of us who know
Dennis is still courageously out there trying...
A truth of the nuclear age/climate change: we can no longer have endless war and survive on this planet. Oh sh*t.
Dennis has been trying to get people to pay attention
to what our country is doing to the rest of the world, but many people think he's a nut cake.
He and Tulsi Gabbard went to Syria to see what was actually happening there and she got raked over the coals and attacked from so many fronts. She met with Assad and of course that went over well with the neocons.
There was a heinous diary written about her visit on DK and they basically called her a traitor.
Wink is right that no one is talking about the wars unless it's a story about the terrorists using suicide bombers or be heading journalists, but how many heard about what this essay is about?
We hear every time the Russians kill civilians, yet we don't hear when our military does the same things unless we can find an article about it on alternative news websites.
Our dead soldiers are snuck into our country under the cover of darkness so that people aren't reminded that there are wars going on.
Thank Dawg for this website where the people here know what the truth is and we can talk about it.
dkmitch posted a video yesterday and I so wanted to post it on DK.
Maybe I'll make a sock puppet account and post a few things over there.
Nah, I'd get banned the minute I posted it.
The truth isn't allowed there anymore. A few people try but are always shot down.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
I don't pay any attention to
Gabbard, OTOH, I hope to vote for in a national election someday.
Mary Bennett
In twenty years say the same about Gabbard
Perhaps you think Bernie is also "just using the present moment to get back in the limelight", well that's what every politician has done since the beginning of time.
"Gabbard, OTOH" has done what now? Go on and vote for it then, more power to ya.
and thanks Dennis Kucinich for speaking his truth to power since forever. Thanks man.
Dennis sounds ignorant of the facts on the ground
The situation is that the Syrian Government and its Russian allies are in a cooperative situation with the Northern Syrian Confederation (Rojava), who are also an integral part of Syria, supported by USA heavy armament and air power to mop up the last of Daesh around the Euphrates. On the other hand we have Turkey, the main instigator and supporter of Daesh invading Syria with their Al Qaedah proxies in what amounts to attempted ethnocide against Kurds and other ethnic minorities.
The Syrian government, Russia, the Northern Syrian Confederation and the USA are cooperating in stopping the Turks/Al Qaedah invasion around Manjib and eradicating ISIS mercenaries throughout the north. The problem might come (I say might advisably) when ISIS is vaporized, so lets hope the USA has an exit strategy and that Russia can continue mediating between Assad and Rojava to form a pluri-national state.
From the Light House.
My niece is Air Force
Only a fool lets someone else tell him who his enemy is. Assata Shakur
Yep, that's called an economic draft
So many people join the military because there are no jobs here or like your niece they don't know what else to do or other reasons.
I'm sure it's difficult for you to be supportive of her and keeping your thoughts to yourself.
There is an Air Force base close to where I worked and that's why so many of my coworkers had family members in the military.
But after 15 years fighting this damned war, there are more terrorists groups then when it started.
And that is because our government and our allies are funding and arming them to help overthrow every government they can't control.
Now after destroying so many countries, we have people here in ours that don't want the responsibility of helping the people who were able to get out. And the conditions of the refugee camps are beyond horrible.
I don't understand why people don't question what gives our military the right to invade other countries just because there might be a terrorist organization that wants to harm us. It never crosses their minds why they want to do that.
During the attacks in France the terrorists told them it was pay back for killing their families and friends.
Funny that an act of terror looks a lot like defense.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
How to win friends and
influ... fuck it, just bomb the $h!t out of them!!
the little things you can do are more valuable than the giant things you can't! - @thanatokephaloides. On Twitter @wink1radio. (-2.1) All about building progressive media.
That's what Trump said and not only kill the terrorists
but kill their family members too and his supporters agree with him on doing that. I see no difference between what they did in the two attacks on France and what our country and allies are doing to the terrorists organizations
We were upset when 3,000 'innocent' American citizens were killed by the attacks on the towers, but how many 9/11s has this country caused before then?
Has anyone read the Sword of Truth series by Terry Goodkind? If so, then this country is the Old World where people live in poverty because they spend all their money on their money army that goes into the New World because they are told that the people in the New World are bad people who they have not even met.
The people in the countries where we are bombing or have troops in haven't done anything to us
yet many people think it's okay for our military to destroy other people's countries and kill anyone who fights back against us after invading their countries. I'm pretty sure that we'd do the same thing if our country was invaded and wouldn't consider themselves insurgents or terrorists, so why do they believe that it's okay for our military to do that?
I'm sorry that you too have family members who joined the military after 9/11. I wonder if they are aware of our military history or the many illegal wars that our country has been involved in or heard about how our government treats the wounded troops or seen the homeless veterans? I wish that I knew of a way to educate people about why our troops are even fighting in other people's countries?
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
The American people are the greatest threat to the 1% who
are in control of the security state. They have known this threat has been increasing for several decades and are now well prepared for it.
Has The Department of Homeland Security Become America’s Standing Army?
I recently read the third debate
And all three candidates called our country The Homeland
I can't think of a better propaganda trick than to create the department of homeland security.
Jefferson and the other founders were smart men and they knew that a standing army would be a dangerous thing, because it's like when you have a hammer, everything looks like a nail.
And they gave congress the power of being the ones who declares wars and they have abdicated their duties and now they cowardly declare AUMFs, which sets a dangerous precedent because there is no objective end point.
Obama said that the AUMF from 2003 gave him the right to use drones in Somalia on a group of terrorists who hadn't even been in existence when it was signed.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
I have a handful of neices and nephews, born since 9/11, that know only this sad "post- 9/11" version of America. They just take it in stride that Homeland Security is their friend.
the little things you can do are more valuable than the giant things you can't! - @thanatokephaloides. On Twitter @wink1radio. (-2.1) All about building progressive media.
The Roman Senate
"Obama promised transparency, but Assange is the one who brought it."
So sick of the militarism...
"How many times do you read comments that say that the troops are fighting for our freedoms and to defend the country?"
I served in the Navy, joined in 1967, and the first time I got the "Thank you for your service" I had no idea how to respond. Since then I've gone from talking about the clusterfuck of Nam to a quiet "Thanks" to a nod and a wan smile.
I'm sick and ashamed of this country.
Dear Dems: You lost the WH, Senate, House, dozens of governors, state level SOS and AG and about 1,000 state legislative seats.'re doing something wrong.
The purposes of America's interventions were not necessarily to
"win" wars. By destroying infrastructure and destabilizing the civilian population, the US can effectively prevent these countries from projecting power outside their borders for generations. It's the ages old method of weakening and containing nations: divide and conquer, scorched earth and keep the natives fighting among themselves. It costs the empire considerably less in blood and treasure than full blown wars of conquest and serves the same purpose.
The only "wars" the US really lost were wars of conquest such as the Vietnam and Iraq Wars.
The Iraq war was a family feud.
I've seen lots of changes. What doesn't change is people. Same old hairless apes.
Are you forgetting the 800 pound gorilla in the region?
All the gorilla wanted was a Clean Break. Do you remember who authored it in 1996?
There's always more than one casus belli to ensure plausible deniability.
Where are they now?
Enjoying the fruits of their labor. Well done, gentlemen. Well done. And, now that Obama is finally out of the way Bibi is free to be Bibi. What possibly could go wrong?
the little things you can do are more valuable than the giant things you can't! - @thanatokephaloides. On Twitter @wink1radio. (-2.1) All about building progressive media.
Who funds
the Think Tanks so many of them work for?
The usual suspects. The CIA and corporations in the MIC through
the fronts NED, USAID and hundreds of others. It's a gigantic, secret hundred billion dollar slush fund that greases the gears and cogs of the deep state.
Ran across an article today stating Trump
had attacked the bloated government with his new budget. It lauded the increase in military funding and the elimination of domestic programs.
I was going to make a comment (to tell them how fucking stupid they are) but I would have had to log into something so I passed, but it amazes me these dupes can believe that Trump is addressing a bloated government while feeding the MIC and the rich.
They believe what they want to believe. I think their hatred of "liberals" and democrats, and now muslims, is so intense that Trump could do anything and they would justify it.
As for most Americans, they still think it's a civil war in Syria and that the U.S. is fighting ISIS and Al Qaeda. That's what they're told and even though they might have distrust of the govt, it's like that old Nazi quote, tell a lie enough and people will just absorb it into their tiny little scared heads.
But, Big Al,
what you say about Trump's supporters, that,
is so much like what Hillary voters seem to believe, which is, to paraphrase you,
In other words, if it expands upon Obama's hatred of Putin and Assad, they're supportive of Trump! My hope that Trump would wake these people up to the insanity of war has gone sideways, as Hillary's voters now support Obama's foreign policy and war crimes, whereas they had little interest in them before, just because they were Democratic party policies! Yikes.
Sadly it's not just
Where do these people think all these refugees come from and why are they fleeing the carnage we in the 'west' inflict on them. Get a grip assholes. I do not support the troops sorry, especially as there is no draft. What kind of a psycho killer joins up to go bomb kill or drone people who happen to live in these hot spots? There seems to me to be no way to say well the economy sucks and these people are patriotic and ignorant. Well hell aren't these the reasons that the Germans ran amok?
I also freaking hate cops. Hard to tell where the line is between the armed services (an oxymoron if I ever heard one) and der Homeland Security, all the Spooks, The Special Forces and the regular army, navy, air force. The giant killing machine with it's latest killing ground. This is the heart of darkness. Why whould anyone support or respect these people who kill and enforce for Amierica' interest's.
I'm kind of freaked out by cc99%'s attitude about this bloody endless war on terra. I reject all this war propaganda and the endless litany of why and how we're now the biggest killers on the planet. Oh yeah, my poor uninformed relative, friend or neighbor joined because they could not find a job or is pig ignorant about what the USA!is up to and are persistent in thinking 'terrists' are a threat to our 'security'. Do you people here not understand what a freaking war crime is and what a danger to the world this insanity is?
Blaming this on 9/11 which was 16 years ago is just too easy. Not holding the violent American culture reponsible be they Demorat's or Republican's is also a cop out. Red or Blue, we are all acquiescing to the false story lines that they use to rationalize this horror. Enough with Assad is a bad dude and Putin is the Devil.
Your all living in der Homeland that is the main perpetrator of the 'world as we find it. Enough with making this all be about political personas, court intrigues instead of taking a good look in the mirror of what this fucking country is about. Well I always did like and agree with Reverend Wright's assessment 'God Damn America'. Think maybe I don't belong here anymore as all of this is not political and top treat it as understandable or let the perps off the hook so lightly as they are misinformed or whatever just doesn't cut it.
Hillary or Trump, Demorat's or Repug's who cares when your dealing with a whole nation of blood thirsty, torture loving armed and dangerous assholes. And by the way I have always liked Dennis Kucinich. I also think 9/11 was a great great inexpensive plan to set the world as we know it on fire and it worked.
Maybe you all ought to quit thinking about what the pols are doing or about and start looking at the reality this fucking evil empire is inflicting along with it's 'allies' on human beings and the planet. There is no excuse for anyone to join the armed services or the goon squad cops.
The time has long passed when excuses or rationalizations, be they political or cultural, for participating in this horror show should be accepted. War is not good for anything it's a pox. When people start looking at genocide and endless war as a Game of Thrones scenario and become so creepy as to think this is somehow just the way humans are, we're in for a dark, dark global future.
Great rant as usual, Shaz.
You pretty much hit it all.
Always dig and appreciate your passion and frankness. You speak my mind often.
"If I should ever die, God forbid, let this be my epitaph:
- Kurt Vonnegut
Preach it, sistah — mahalo! Amen.
Give the Man a Coat He'll Stay Warm This Winter Give Him a Gun
and he'll be a spitfire until he dies.
“Tactics without strategy is the noise before defeat.” ~ Sun Tzu
Had we really wanted to win,
Had we really wanted to win, we would have done so by now. The MIC needs to make new sales, and demonstrate new weapons, so ever lasting war with no end seems their new sales strategy, and we keep spending billions where it is actually not needed. No one seems to wake up to this fact that can slam the brakes on these yahoos.
So long, and thanks for all the fish
@Lenzabi Truth.
We can eradicate anybody any time anywhere.
Excellent observation.
I was raised by a WWII soldier ( bad ass warrior) father.
He saw the change with Korea, despised it by Nam. He became a peace monger.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
Planned obsolescence
It used to be about appliances and cameras, now it's turning on life itself.
Look to Iraq to bring us Trumpism
Tom Englehardt, editor of Tom Dispatch, the blog that provides 3 articles per week and most are about international policy ...
President Blowback: How the Invasion of Iraq Came Home
Tom's early career was as an editor and he probably still works as an editor. One of his efforts was editor of the Blow back Trilogy by Chalmbers Johnson. He pointed out years ago that the American bases around the world (700, 1000, not sure of the number) were the presence of an EMPIRE. Chlmbers may have invented the term "blowback" Here is some of his words from wiki page on him
Leaping to the present, do we have special ops in 135 countries or more, or less. Our empire is everywhere and it is protecting the corporations.
The most important issue of the earth is The New Climate Regime and we waste time and resources with military action.
Blowback is a feature, not a negative for the US.
It keeps the game going for the MIC.
I've noticed that Putin restricts blow-back as much as possible. When attacked he absorbs the blow and counters when the opponent is off guard just like a jodoko master.
Judo is the opposite of boxing. In boxing you hit hard then attempt to deflect your opponent's blows and come back and hit hard again. In judo, you absorb the blow by going with it then use your opponent's momentum in a way they don't expect so they come off balance. Once the opponent is off balance, you can take advantage and influence the future of the situation.
BTW, the word judo means ju- the gentle, do- way. Putin is also master of Sambo, the lethal form of martial arts the Spetsnaz is trained in.
Putin will not do anything that will hurt or damage his country out of anger or spite nor will he burn bridges. We saw this in effect when the Turks shot down the Russian Su-24 and how Putin responded. He used the event to increase and solidify Russia's military forces in and around Syria. If he would have done this without the shoot-down, Putin would have been labeled aggressor, invader and war monger. All the sanctions he placed against Turkey were ones that ONLY hurt Turkey and actually served to improve the Russian economy and employment.
Taking the REAL Ukrainian prize, Crimea, right from under the American's nose was another masterful and elegant judo move. The US and Ukrainian putsch government were left sprawled on the mat, completely dazed and wondering what the fuck happened.
Illegal. For a second, it looked as though Congress would do
its duty and prevent the President from starting illegal wars. Illegal war in the US meaning a war begun with compliance with the Constitution, which requires a vote of Congress to start a war.
However, it turned out, they just wanted the POTUS to have to consult the Speaker of the House behind the scenes before starting a war. I guess they don't want to go on record as either voting for or voting against a war.
Any new party
MUST be first and foremost a peace party.
Mary Bennett
I think another component of this
Is our military Generals. There is too much corruption at the Pentagon. First, they should not allow redundancies in equipment. Or unneeded equipment. The military budget is preposterous. Second, they should not ok ridiculous military excursions like Iraq. They have a lot of power and I believe they could have thwarted it against a wavering W using above- or below-board methods. Where is their honor? [I know, when you are a hammer, everything looks like a nail.] Third, they aren't stupid. They know that their actions wrt drones and military excursions are producing terrorism. I believe that. They should act on that knowledge. They could. Where is their patriotism? I'm not impressed...
...and another thing...They know about global warming and are preparing. They should take a leadership role in our response as a society.
Thank for this diary. It's the kind that's hard to read because it so true and raises the bp!