Nobody Knows who Smedley Butler Was!


Trump wants to greatly increase the military budget. That is insane. McCain, Graham, et al, say that isn't enough, it should be more! That is more insane.

No one is asking Why. ISIS? Are you kidding me? Russia? China? Why do we need to greatly increase our military budget that we just greatly increased starting in 2002 for ten straight years? Why am I even asking that question?

Why am I saying "we"?

Why don't we talk about 9/11 anymore? What's up with that?

Why don't people like that word, IMPERIALISM? I can understand the corporate media, but the alternative media? What's up? Do people really not see the tradeoffs here? Austerity for the masses to keep them safe from manufactured enemies?

Did you see the figures? $612 defense, $420 domestic spending? That doesn't tell half the story. Remember the Police State, it's going to get worse. This is unreal, and it's not because of Trump. This is the next step. Can you honestly tell me if Hillary Clinton was president right now, we wouldn't be talking about "greatly increased" military budget proposals?

I went to dinner last night with a few people. The conversation turned to politics and the issue of defense spending (because I brought it up).

I asked if anyone knew who General Smedley Butler was. Nobody. I explained, they listened.

Then silence.

They didn't know what to do with that information. We ordered more beer.

What, ALL war is a Racket?


But what about ISIS they ask? What about the terrorists?

They're not REALLY listening, most people can't handle it.

Maybe it's like algebra, some people get it, most don't.



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Big Al's picture

if what should occur is an anti-imperialism movement, maybe global. Tame that beast and maybe we can tame everything.

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Alligator Ed's picture

in the "mainstream" history books which are no less political than the New York Times. I just told my grandkids that 70% of what they learn in their history books is not true. Jaws dropped but I did not elaborate. Life will teach them soon enough.

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Big Al's picture

@Alligator Ed in the next few years, she's in seventh grade. I told her to not believe a fucking word they tell her in history. Smile

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Alligator Ed's picture

@Big Al It's an effort for me to keep my language out of the swamp, but for the younger generation (Generation G they are calling themselves) I restrain myself.

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@Alligator Ed Remember how 50 years ago the the worst expletive by the corner hooker was 'drat'?
Now-a-days every middle school girl F-bombs as a modifier in every sentence.

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There is no such thing as TMI. It can always be held in reserve for extortion.

Lily O Lady's picture


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"The object of persecution is persecution. The object of torture is torture. The object of power is power. Now do you begin to understand me?" ~Orwell, "1984"

@Lily O Lady were only known for downloading porn

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There is no such thing as TMI. It can always be held in reserve for extortion.

snoopydawg's picture

The only one I could answer is that I know who Smedley Butler was. I used to ask that same question about why no one had heard of him and his message but I didn't know about him until someone asked me if I knew about him and his book. That was after I joined DK in 05.

And the numbers for defense and domestic spending is totally f'd up and I am constantly told that there isn't enough money for our social programs and that 'they' need to cut the budget for them and then I hear that the military is going to be getting much more money in order to fight the terrorists and many people are okay with it because our troops are risking their lives for our freedoms. I still don't understand how the terrorists could take our freedoms from us.
Apparently they don't know that many of our freedoms have already been taken away from us because of the war on terror after congress passed the patriot act and the military commission act as well as legalizing the 800 contractors and the NSA to illegally spy on us. I don't care that congress has said that it is legal to spy on us or hold us indefinitely without charges or that Habeous Corpus is still not in effect.
Congress needs to change the constitution to be able to do those things and they haven't done that. Yet.

Here's a link to Smedley's book if anyone hasn't read it yet. It's too bad that our government doesn't go after war profiteers anymore, but if they did there would be a lot of people going to prison, but this country doesn't prosecute the Big wigs anymore

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Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.

Raggedy Ann's picture

I've not heard of Butler or his book, so I'm off to get educated!

My take is that the "really great jobs" that will come about for Americans will only be in enforcement - cops, soldiers, border patrols, prison guards, etc. Jobs that exist only to control our fellow human on behalf of the state. Scary times. We must resist.

In solidarity.

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"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11

@Raggedy Ann you might want to check out , also.

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There is no such thing as TMI. It can always be held in reserve for extortion.

Raggedy Ann's picture

Anytime I can add to my knowledge base is an advantage I cannot pass up!

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"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11


Thanks for posting this:

War Is A Racket By Major General Smedley Butler

...To summarize: Three steps must be taken to smash the war racket.

We must take the profit out of war.

We must permit the youth of the land who would bear arms to decide whether or not there should be war.

We must limit our military forces to home defense purposes.


To Hell With War!

I am not a fool as to believe that war is a thing of the past. I know the people do not want war, but there is no use in saying we cannot be pushed into another war.

Looking back, Woodrow Wilson was re-elected president in 1916 on a platform that he had "kept us out of war" and on the implied promise that he would "keep us out of war." Yet, five months later he asked Congress to declare war on Germany.

In that five-month interval the people had not been asked whether they had changed their minds. The 4,000,000 young men who put on uniforms and marched or sailed away were not asked whether they wanted to go forth to suffer and die.

Then what caused our government to change its mind so suddenly?


An allied commission, it may be recalled, came over shortly before the war declaration and called on the President. The President summoned a group of advisers. The head of the commission spoke. Stripped of its diplomatic language, this is what he told the President and his group:

"There is no use kidding ourselves any longer. The cause of the allies is lost. We now owe you (American bankers, American munitions makers, American manufacturers, American speculators, American exporters) five or six billion dollars.

If we lose (and without the help of the United States we must lose) we, England, France and Italy, cannot pay back this money . . . and Germany won't.

So . . . "

Had secrecy been outlawed as far as war negotiations were concerned, and had the press been invited to be present at that conference, or had radio been available to broadcast the proceedings, America never would have entered the World War. But this conference, like all war discussions, was shrouded in utmost secrecy. When our boys were sent off to war they were told it was a "war to make the world safe for democracy" and a "war to end all wars."
Well, eighteen years after, the world has less of democracy than it had then. ...

...If we put them to work making poison gas and more and more fiendish mechanical and explosive instruments of destruction, they will have no time for the constructive job of building greater prosperity for all peoples. By putting them to this useful job, we can all make more money out of peace than we can out of war -- even the munitions makers.

So...I say,


Long history of corruption and of insufficient publicity and account given to the essential information revealed by heroic whistleblowers.

Are we really just going to let mindless Greeds destroy civilization and life on the planet? Say it ain't so!

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Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.

A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.

mimi's picture

how about letting all your grandkids know about the real heros, these little
HeroRats. I like 'em.
They are so cute:
You just train them to sniff out all them imperialists and corporate oligarchs and send them to bite them real good in their behinds. Rats will clean out the swamp soon and your grandkids can help with that.

Just kidding a bit, otherwise I dig myself into a depression.

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CS in AZ's picture


I had never heard of this project before, but I love it. I'm going to adopt a HeroRat. $7.00 a month to help clear land mines? I'm in! And they are super cute too. : )

PS: the link you posted didn't work for me, I found the organization at

Amazing little critters.

Now I'm off to learn more about Smedley Butler.

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Butler's essay is in the public domain and is available at a reasonable price - it's short & everyone should read it.

I think we've talked about this before: Kids should read War is a Racket in the 4th grade and read it every year thereafter with the teacher assigning additional material suitable to their grade level. Zinn should be added before too many years pass.

The useful & accurate word "imperialism" is continuing conflated with communism and can't be used in polite, capitalist, society. It needs to be used because it's the best descriptor. Have you noticed that capitalism isn't used that much in the for-profit press: They are calling is the "market economy" perhaps because capitalism has the stain and rot about it.

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"The justness of individual land right is not justifiable to those to whom the land by right of first claim collectively belonged"

QMS's picture

one of the firesign theatre chat's from 2003 mentioned Smedley in passing...

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question everything

We are paying for the ultimate killing machine. We have a government that has proven that it will assert military force as imperialism -- imperialism to enforce our Western model on the rest of the world to make the world "safe" for us. That means that lots of people will die, and chaos will replace orderly civil institutions. We are f'n paying for this. And the blow-back is huge. We are bringing the American hegemony project to an early ending. We cannot ignore the development of our society and economy for the false hope of a pacified, compliant world. We have paid an enormous price for the redirection of social capital to military purposes. Think about what those trillions and trillions of dollars wasted on war could have bought for the development of a sustainable infrastructure, education, health care, technology, etc. Jack Ma is right, we have screwed ourselves, and we are screwing harder.

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Capitalism has always been the rule of the people by the oligarchs. You only have two choices, eliminate them or restrict their power.

QMS's picture

@The Wizard

We have paid an enormous price for the redirection of social capital to military

The endless war is shredding the social fabric. Can the corrupt politicians re-prioritize? Not unless their weaponry is turned around against them, IMO.

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question everything

@QMS because their ultimate mission is American hegemony over the globe. They'll never give up that goal and anything that gets in their way is deemed evil, a Russian stooge, a Muslim radical, or whatever the current boogeyman's chosen name is. I am now reading Michael Hudson's Killing the Host and what a great book. Lots of economics but written in a very accessible way, enough redundancy to drive home his points in a way that makes perfect sense. They're simply bleeding out the last life blood of the host, and once they're done with that then they'll find another host, and they do not care how many hosts they kill in getting their riches. The ones who claim to know better are even worse, they just want to "get theirs" before the whole thing comes crashing down and they could care less who they have to roll over to do it.

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Only a fool lets someone else tell him who his enemy is. Assata Shakur

boriscleto's picture

That we don't have anyone of Smedley Butler's character to expose the next Business Plot...

But the oligarchs just took achieved their goals through non-military means...

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" In the beginning, the universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry, and is generally considered to have been a bad move. -- Douglas Adams, The Hitch Hiker's Guide to the Galaxy "

RantingRooster's picture

But Karl (George Bush's brain) Roves was right, We're an Empire now and make our own reality. The disinformation campaign(s), evening going back the Wilson's CPI, has created an ignorant population in capable of comprehending anything that doesn't fit in the official narrative.

I quit public school because I knew I was being spoon fed a bunch of horse shit.

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C99, my refuge from an insane world. #ForceTheVote

@RantingRooster on the front page of the NYT, some article about how Trump is acting presidential now and how people are impressed. God help us.

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Only a fool lets someone else tell him who his enemy is. Assata Shakur

Charles Higham, and Antony Sutton, these are authors our parents, our children, and our grandchildren have not heard of. I believe if all American high school students were required, or even encouraged, to read Charles Higham's, Trading With the Enemy, we would put war out of business.

Trading with the Enemy
The Nazi - American Money Plot 1933-1949
by Charles Higham
Delacorte Press, 1983


p xiii
...a number of financial and industrial figures of World War II and several members of the government served the cause of money before the cause of patriotism. While aiding the United States' war effort, they also aided Nazi Germany's.

p xiv
It thus came as a severe shock to learn that several of the greatest American corporate leaders were in league with Nazi corporations before and after Pearl Harbor, including I.G. Farben, the colossal Nazi industrial trust that created Auschwitz. Those leaders interlocked through an association I have dubbed The Fraternity. Each of these business leaders was entangled with the others through interlocking directorates or financial sources. All were represented internationally by the National City Bank or by the Chase National Bank and by the Nazi attorneys Gerhardt Westrick and Dr. Heinrich Albert. All had connections to that crucial Nazi economist, Emil Puhl, of Hitler's Reichsbank and the Bank for International Settlements...

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I definitely who Mr Butler is.

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Hillbilly Dem's picture

Two points. First, one of my best friends on this earth is a college classmate who graduated in 1974 and joined the Marines. Retired 2 years ago as a colonel. He kept his liberal leanings all the way through his 40 years as a Marine. He was the one who put me onto Butler. He worships Smedley Butler and all he represents.

Second. I couldn't help but notice this comment:

Why am I saying "we"?

Not too long ago, I read an article that argued that, unlike other divisions of government, we have been conditioned to refer to the U.S. government as we and all others as they. If it's your city? "They never pave the potholes in front of my house." Your county? "They're putting more sheriff's deputies on highway duty for the holiday traffic." But if it's the U. S. of A.? "We're going to war with Iraq." Then it's not "they", it's "we"

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"Just call me Hillbilly Dem(exit)."
-H/T to Wavey Davey

Empires must expand or die.

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