Open Sesame 01/30/16

On Monday evening, the 1st day of February, and in a realm of corn, some white people will go into some buildings, and there, for a time, they will yap and yammer. Then, they will make some votes. These votes will be for some white people who want to be the president. When these votes are counted, and the vote-totals are released, eleventy-hundred-thousand people will then emit and/or inscribe eleventy-billion words, about what these votes "mean."

This will continue for eight days. Until, on Tuesday, the 9th day of February, and in a realm of granite, some different-one white people will go into some booths—no preliminary yapping and yammering this time—and there cast some votes for some white people who want to be the president. When these votes are counted, and the vote-totals are released, eleventy-hundred-thousand people will then emit and/or inscribe eleventy-billions words about what those votes "mean."

This sort of thing will then continue, rhythmically, ceaselessly, for the next nine months.


It is sort of like a vast national pregnancy. For nine months, the nation is increasingly swollen with votes. Then, finally, and in the fullness of time, the new baby president is born.

The people who like the new baby president, they will coo and they will ooh and they will aah, and they will say s/he is just the best, the cutest, president, ever.

The people who wanted a different-one baby president, they will say the new president is deformed, misshapen, cripplingly impaired: is, in fact, Rosemary's baby.

The new president will be set upon at once by the modern versions of Bad witches and queens. Some will try to get the president to prick a finger on a spinning wheel, and thereby fall into a deep sleep, and so get nothing worthy done. Others will try to slip the new president a poisoned apple, so that s/he will slip into a state of suspended animation, and so get nothing worthy done.

Etc. Etc.

Then, in four years, there will be more of the votes, and another pregnancy, and another presidential birth.

Sometimes the same president is then "born again."

And sometimes s/he is thrown out, together with the stinky four-year-old bathwater.

No one these days gets to be the president for more than eight years. That is because all the presidents are born with a sort of progeria syndrome. Prey to an abnormally-rapid aging and enfeebling process. So that, after eight years, they are worn out, used up; really old, and totally in the way. Not even those who experienced a cooing-and-oohing-and-aahing OD, when first gazing upon the baby president, there in the bassinet, not even they, really, then, eight years on, want that president around anymore. Because, that president, s/he's now a long-gone mommy/daddy. In the USA.


Thus, what the Kenyan said yesterday, regarding himself, and Lilly Ledbetter, who was that day with him at a White House ceremony:

As she just mentioned, she was by my side when I signed my first bill into law—the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act. And I was looking at a picture of that wonderful event, and she looks the same. And I don't.

The terrifying secret behind the astonishing aging and enfeebling effect of the presidency was revealed by Robert Coover in his true-life non-fiction tome The Public Burning, the preeminent single-volume explication of American politics extant (but see also Coover's A Political Fable, a.k.a. The Cat In The Hat For President).

There, we learn that Uncle Sam, long believed to be but a mere symbol of the United States, is, in truth, a real, super-corporeal, semi-divine being. Who dashes to and fro, at home and abroad, getting about the country's business. And who, meanwhile, from time to time, "incarnates" in the body and mind, of whomsoever happens to be president. And this "incarnation," it is accomplished through anal rape. An act which does not occur but once to each president. But which must be repeated, over and over again, whenever an important decision is to be made, or speech given, or the like. And so long as that particular vessel of the incarnated Uncle Sam occupies the office of the presidency.

Such a thing. It can wear. On a person.


It's pretty much a Sun King thing, the presidency. Which has been around—the Sun King thing—or at least so far as anyone can tell, since the invention of white people.

The tribe elevates to a position of supremacy a person who then enjoys all the many delectable fruits of rulership. For a time. Until he is ritually put to death. At which time a new Sun King is chosen. Rinse; repeat; eternally, recur.

Such, it is said, promotes the survival, the good fortune, of the tribe.

These days, in what are known as "democracies," the Sun King isn't actually killed. Usually. Instead, while built up to be more or less a savior by the day of election and ascension, by the time s/he leaves office, s/he is commonly perceived as the modern equivalent of the Levitican scapegoat, which the ancient Hebrews loaded down with all their sins, and then beat off into the remotest of deserts.

I had to go down to the town this week to look at a cache of child porn, to make sure it really was child porn. Because sometimes the State says a client possesses child porn, when really s/he doesn't. (There is an entire industry devoted to churning out what appears to be child pornography, but, legally, isn't.)

The peculiar aspect about such material is that it depicts children engaged in acts that are normal, appropriate, desirable, for adults. But with such acts, with children, there is a disconnect. It is askew, awry, off-putting. Just not . . . right. It is doing it wrong.

And, it occurred to me, that The Hairball, he is the child pornography of American politics.

For he is engaged in an endeavor that is the province of adults. But he himself is a toddler. Red-faced, screaming, thrashing about in his highchair, pounding his fist onto his food tray, violently hurling his rattle.

He is askew, awry, off-putting. He is doing it wrong.

The Hairball's perception of women is certainly arrested in pre-pubescence. He is like the callow boy of eight or nine who thinks girls are gross and icky and have cooties. He is, without doubt, possessed by male pre-pubescent Fear of the vagina. For when The Mad Bomber needed to use the restroom during a pause in a debate, The Hairball writhed in horror: "I know where she went—it's disgusting, I don't want to talk about it. No, it's too disgusting. Don't say it, it's disgusting." When a Mean Girl refused to appropriately acknowledge his pint-sized godhood, The Hairball was riven with terrifying visions of "blood coming out of her whatever."

Then, when the principal would not accede to his screaming, red-faced, food-tray-pounding, rattle-hurling demands that the Mean Girl be ordered out of the playground, The Hairball ran away to go play army with the other little boys. There, they had great little-boy fun, these pre-pubes, acting all tough and macho and manly, and boldly touching, together, their little-boy pee-pees.


The Hairball, he is the wet dream come true, of the nation's permanent War Party.

For he would play army, for real, with his little-boy pee-pee, to "make our Military so big, powerful & strong that no one will mess with us," to start a trade war with China (over a bomb the North Koreans do not have), to abandon the nuclear agreement with Iran, to waterboard, to refill the cells at Guantanamo Bay, to "take the oil," to "get these terrorists, [and then] you have to take out their families," to deport all undocumented humans in the USA and erect a complete border-running wall, to database all American Mooslims, and, as reaffirmed at a recent rally at the locus of his campaign—and his soul—the Overlook Hotel, call for "a total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States," ixnay all Mexicans as druggies and "rapists," fuck his own daughter, and "bomb the hell out of ISIS," "blast the hell out of them," "bomb the shit out of 'em."


But none of this really matters much. Because The Hairball is not going to be the president.

Instead, his fate is to eternally recur, lost in a snow maze, vainly seeking to chop to pieces, with an ax, little Mexican, and Muslim, boys, name of Dani.


The Mad Bomber, she is not going to be the president, either. She is clinically insane, and everyone knows this, on a cellular level. There is, at least in the collective unconscious, a memory that the United States had in office, not so long ago, a president who was clinically insane—Richard Nixon. And there is no national desire, for that to occur again.

The best thing that could happen for the Americans is for The Mad Bomber to be indicted on something or other, before too many of the white people cast their votes. Then, the Cranky Brooklyn Deli Man, he could run to be the president, against one of The Monsters: The Hairball, the jabbering speed-freak Mondo Boobio, the creepy sinister vampire Zed Crud.

The Mad Bomber, and The Clenis, many years ago, made a pact that there would be "eight years of Bill, and eight years of Hill." Their conception of 16 years of a presidential dynasty was not so much based on anything they might do for the people, so much as what they might do for themselves.

The Mad Bomber and The Clenis are people who have always skated on the razor's edge of what is legal, moral, ethical. If that is how they were going to be, they should have pursued careers as criminal-defense lawyers. Where such skating could at least have benefitted defendants facing cages prepared for them by the State.

Instead, and as most notably during the eight-year presidential reign of The Clenis, the Americans were subjected to a constant low-grade infection of scandals, or would-be scandals. Because these people were always on the edge. Of what on some level was acceptable. Some of these "scandals," they were preposterous. But some, had at least some, sort of merit.

The entire eight-year experience, it was wearying, and it was draining. And it was unnecessary. Because the Clintons, they never delivered, anything, commensurate with the Pain, they put people through, with their sleazing.

It was, and is, exactly as Tim Allen recently characterized it: "The Clintons are like herpes: Just when you think they're gone, they show up again."

During the reign of The Clenis, the herpes most infamously ruptured into the 18-month-long national obsession with Bill Clinton's penis. Until said penis was actually impeached, and actually went on trial before the United States Senate.

Which was like a severely brain-damaged nutbar legal-proceeding presided over by Zardoz. Which made everyone Sane, hide their heads.


From that moment on—the moment the United States put a penis on trial—no one in the world has taken the United States seriously.

Nor should they.

The one thing we know about The Mad Bomber, is that no one will be scandalized by the behavior of her penis.

But the other thing we know, is that she will always be eternally and recurrently scandalized, by something.

So just get her out of the road now. No American wants to go through another eight years of the Clinton herpes. And all the Americans know that. On a cellular level. So indict the woman on something already. Then send her off to a gentle Home. And afford her compassionate Treatment.

This week, here, there were white daffodils. And white violets. These last, very fragrant. And also the white allysum, still going strong. Through all the wind and the sleet and the hail and the snow and the rain.

It was like all the flowers, who are white, wanted to be blooming, in the last of the January.

I wanted then to get a white fish. To accompany the white flower people. But, in the fish store, there weren't any. That I could see.

But then all the best flowers. And fish. And people. Are never seen.


I have little sympathy for, and no patience with, the Bundy slavers. I have been dealing with such people, more or less continuously, for some 30 years. There were barely any intertubes, when these people were somehow already, all over the world, connecting, and then coming by the newsstand where I was working, to pour their nonsense into my earhole. Then, the last decade-and-a-half, they recurrently come into one or another of the law offices where I freelance, to tell me how they're going to "get off," because their names are in the legal documents in capital letters, and/or there is gold-fringe along the edges of the American flag that stands behind the judge, and therefore the case against them is an inapplicable "naval proceeding."

They are true believers, these ignorant peckerwoods, inhabiting a fantasyland, and there is no talking them out of it. I have tried, many times. But, like all true believers, their brains seize up, immediately, when confronted with any information, that travels against the grain, of what it is that they have decided, to believe. I don't know how many times I have told these people that their "Article III" horseshit, which is what Ammon Bundy is all a-fire now to get into his legal proceeding, has been definitively slapped down by the courts for more than 150 years. They don't listen. They can't. They are true believers. They live in a bubble. And that bubble is All.

I am an ignorant peckerwood myself, and therefore it is okay, for me to call them that. Like them, I go nowhere, but walking in cowboy boots, with head burrowed beneath a cowboy hat. Like them, I know that, over all and every, is the free human being, alive on this earth. Like them, I know that there is nowhere, like the pure outdoors, out in the open, there under the stars. Like them, I know there is no man above me. Like them—and Woody Guthrie—I know that the fence, it is anathema.

as I went walking
i saw a sign there
and on the sign it
said "no trespassing"
but on the other side
it didn't say nothing
that side
was made for you and me


The problem with such people, is that they won't extend such magics to others who are not themselves. That's what drives me crazy, about them. They recognize, on one level, there should be no limit to the land, but then they want to limit it to them owning it. They want every man to be free everywhere, except and unless the man is a woman, or is black, or is brown, or is red, or is a Muslim, or is wanting to get an abortion, or buy a gay wedding cake. They suffer from brain damage so severe they think driving a snowmobile or an ATV across Indian lands is "freedom."

Their seizure of the Oregon birdhouse was stupid and wrong and beyond knuckledragging. They got one of themselves killed over it.

I don't often watch the snuff films that these days cross the tubes, but I watched that one. Because there were so many competing realities, in the hours after the death, as to what had occurred. And, when the feds actually released a video, I wanted to see how it compared, with those realities. Then, what I saw, it was just sad. An old man, dying on a snowbank, for no reason, and the day before his birthday. There was nothing heroic, in any way, about it. It was just sad.

Unless you are of Markos Moulitsas. Because then you are not sad at all. Because then you write:

I'm not the kind to shed a tear over terrorists, whether dead or alive. Fuck these assholes and everything the [sic] represent.

ISIS fighters have families too. Im not gonna start giving a shit.

Once upon a time, Moulitsas was an Army man. The United States military, since the close of WWII, has deliberately set about destroying the souls of every human being it moves through basic training. And—oh my—how it has suceeeded. It programs its recruits to perceive all the world in duality—buddies/those to kill—and then it lets them loose upon the land. When it is time to muster out of the service these killing-machines, that the military has made, there is no deprogramming.

And so, you get the likes of Markos Moulitsas. Who has transferred his military-programmed duality, and his military-programmed killing instinct, to a website where he has erected the dualistic good/bad of Democrat/Republican. Where, when an old, Republican-sort of man, dies pathetically, and needlessly, on a snowbank, Moulitsas, if he does not chortle, certainly "hardens his heart." Because the dead man was Other.

So, Moulitsas, he no "shed[s] a tear." He says: "Fuck these assholes." He says: "[N]ot gonna start giving a shit."
Moulitsas, I'm sorry, but he is not an evolved human being. He is an ur-human. Digging in the dirt. At one with, or even beneath, the Bundy-sorts he so decries. Whom he can feel for: nothing. Because they are on the forbidden yonder side, of his duality.

So larval, he does not understand there is no duality. But, instead: infinite, infinite, infinite shades. Without number.

There is no but "two." No but "1" plus "O," in the laughably crawling de-evolved language of digital.

There is only infinity. There is only ∞.

In one of those slivers of shades, there in infinity, there in Reality, even, is him. Markos Moulitsas. And, there, he is frightened. And he is crying. And he is alone.

And he is shot. And he is dying. In a snowbank. And he is getting, so cold.

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LapsedLawyer's picture

At least that's one explanation for the crescendo of mad exhulatatious greeting that pours out of your mind. Either that, or you're channeling Hunter S. Thompson on one of his mad benders of said alcohol mixed pharmaceutical ravings.

I mean, hell, there's got to be a metric f-ton of primo pharms up there in heaven -- I mean, how else you gonna get through that harp music and the constant singing of hosannas to His Vain Vengeful Sadisticness?

Sadistic? But of course! Look at the horrors he visits, or lets his people visit, upon those that don't sufficiently follow his byzantine rules. Hell, he even let 'em torture his own Son!

Which, of course, turned out to be Him all along.

Which means He tortured Himself.

Which means God's a cutter.

Which explains a lot about the current state of His Creation.

“It comes from a very ancient democracy, you see..."
"You mean, it comes from a world of lizards?"
"No," said Ford, who by this time was a little more rational and coherent than he had been, having finally had the coffee forced down him, "nothing so simple. Nothing anything like so straightforward. On its world, the people are people. The leaders are lizards. The people hate the lizards and the lizards rule the people."
"Odd," said Arthur, "I thought you said it was a democracy."
"I did," said Ford. "It is."
"So," said Arthur, hoping he wasn't sounding ridiculously obtuse, "why don't people get rid of the lizards?"
"It honestly doesn't occur to them," said Ford. "They've all got the vote, so they all pretty much assume that the government they've voted in more or less approximates to the government they want."
"You mean they actually vote for the lizards?"
"Oh yes," said Ford with a shrug, "of course."
"But," said Arthur, going for the big one again, "why?"
"Because if they didn't vote for a lizard," said Ford, "the wrong lizard might get in. Got any gin?"
"I said," said Ford, with an increasing air of urgency creeping into his voice, "have you got any gin?"
"I'll look. Tell me about the lizards."
Ford shrugged again.
"Some people say that the lizards are the best thing that ever happened to them," he said. "They're completely wrong of course, completely and utterly wrong, but someone's got to say it."
"But that's terrible," said Arthur.
"Listen, bud," said Ford, "if I had one Altairian dollar for every time I heard one bit of the Universe look at another bit of the Universe and say 'That's terrible' I wouldn't be sitting here like a lemon looking for a gin.”

― Douglas Adams, So Long, and Thanks for All the Fish

I have this dread that the Cackle beats Doc Brown, and not by a little come Monday night, and then it's a long slouch to The Hairball vs. The Cackle come November. And then instead of a birth we get this:


Oh, well, I try to keep a good thought about our next lizard overlord.

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"Our society is run by insane people for insane objectives. I think we're being run by maniacs for maniacal ends and I think I'm liable to be put away as insane for expressing that. That's what's insane about it."
-- John Lennon

hecate's picture

have mescaline? Please send some. I will Pay. ; )

I refuse to entertain a vision in which the Cackle is a winner. She is not going to the White House, but instead into a Home. For a nice long rest.

The Adams books are non-fiction. Every word is true.

Yes, Yahweh did indeed nail himself up on the cross. Strange dude.

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Shahryar's picture

did nail himself to the cross but he also wrote this diary as well as this comment, plus (as Beethoven) composed Beethoven's Fifth. Which is not necessarily a good thing. I prefer Domenico Scarlatti or Ian and the Zodiacs....all God themselves.

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lotlizard's picture

Satan always did think it better to be a front pager in Hell than on time-out in Heaven.

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Pluto's Republic's picture

I got myself a bit of the Saint Vitus Dance.

Watching my dancing feets, it occurred to me that this particular Primary season may mark the crescendo of the American Electoral Experience. Are we witnessing history in the making, which is causing a psychic crisis of crazy across the land? The case for this can be made; I looked it up:

St. Vitus' Dance (or Dancing Mania) was a social phenomenon that occurred periodically in mainland Europe between the 14th and 17th centuries. It involved groups of people, all spontaneously dancing erratically, sometimes thousands at a time. The mania affected men, women, and children, who danced until they collapsed from exhaustion.

Vitus' Dance was not an isolated event; it affected thousands of people across several centuries. Generally regarded as a form of mass hysteria, St. Vitus' Dance broke out in groups during long periods of social stress as a result of change or austerity.

Now does that sound like the 2015-16 presidential primary season or you tell me what? Mass hallucinations and delusions galore. Shocking public declarations. And televised, no less, for the enjoyment of the world!

St. Vitus' Dance is thought to be as a mass psychogenic illness in which the occurrence of similar physical symptoms, with no known physical cause, affect a large group of people as a form of social influence.[2] Scientists have described dancing mania as a "collective mental disorder", "collective hysterical disorder", and "mass madness". Generally occurring in times of hardship, up to tens of thousands of people would appear to dance for hours, days, weeks, and even months. Throughout, dancers screamed, laughed, or cried, some sang, and some shouted: "USA, USA, USA…." During some outbreaks musicians were even employed to play.[3]:139

Okay, the "USA" part was mine, but the rest is verbatim.

Some scholars describe dancing mania as a result of "shared stress"; people may have danced to relieve themselves of the stress and poverty of the day, and in so doing, attempted to become ecstatic and see visions.[13]

It is certain that many participants of dancing mania were psychologically disturbed, but it is also likely that some took part out of fear, or simply wished to copy everyone else.[6]:43 Sources agree that dancing mania was one of the earliest-recorded forms of mass hysteria, and describe it as a "psychic epidemic", with numerous explanations that might account for the behaviour of the dancers.[6]:43 It has been suggested that the outbreaks may have been due to cultural contagion triggered, in times of particular hardship, by deeply rooted popular beliefs in the region.

While I predicted in my first essay here, that a series of Black Swan occurrences would make meaningless the 2016 election kabuki, (** see America's Mein Kamfp and its comments, especially your own, which are prescient as well) — it is our gifted Hecate who brings out the collective genius that inspires our particular group.

Now dance, damit.

** Black Swan Bernie Sanders announced his candidacy two weeks after I wrote my essay. Donald Trump announced his candidacy six weeks later, leading to the Black Swan Trump Supremacy among Republicans. The velocity of unexpected events in the US was subsequently set to "high."

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Populations don’t like wars. They have to be lied into it.
That means we can be “truthed” into peace. — Julian Assange
hecate's picture

I like the universe where the white people Monday evening come in from out of the corn to go into the buildings, and there commence the St. Vitus Dance. ; )


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mimi's picture

...I am ready to dance ... like that ?

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Pluto's Republic's picture

So, I very much like that. Dance away.

PS: You made some very thoughtful comments in my original essay, I realized today.

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Populations don’t like wars. They have to be lied into it.
That means we can be “truthed” into peace. — Julian Assange
joe shikspack's picture

zardoz, eh? heh, you realize that it's the template for our bright new future, right? Smile

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detroitmechworks's picture

I mean, yeah I saw Zardoz, but it always struck me as wonky... I always envisioned our future to be more Cyberpunk...
Not that it's a GOOD thing. I actually was rather depressed about Corporate Control of Everything, Augmented Reality, Cybernetics and sprawling ghettos separated from the rich by private security...

If we could just get the Shadowrun version, I guess I could be happy, but unfortunately, this is pure unadulterated Gibson...

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I do not pretend I know what I do not know.

Pluto's Republic's picture

…see, especially, Snow Crash. (Although Gibson is definitely one of my very favorites.)

At the beginning of the novel, the main character, Hiro Protagonist, discovers the name of a new pseudo-narcotic, "Snow Crash", being offered at an exclusive Metaverse nightclub. Hiro's friend and fellow hacker Da5id falls victim to Snow Crash's effects, which are apparently unique in that they are experienced in the Metaverse and also in the physical world. Hiro uses his computer hacking, sharp cognitive skills, and sword-fighting to uncover the mystery of "Snow Crash"; his pursuit takes the reader on a tour of the Sumerian culture, a fully instantiated anarcho-capitalist society, and a virtual meta-society patronized by financial, social, and intellectual elites. As the nature of Snow Crash is uncovered, Hiro finds that self-replicating strings of information can affect objects in a uniform manner even though they may be broadcast via diverse media, a realization that reinforces his chosen path in life.

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Populations don’t like wars. They have to be lied into it.
That means we can be “truthed” into peace. — Julian Assange
hecate's picture

end all the Immortals, become mortal, and are shot dead by the Brutals. Except the ones who ride off with Sean Connery's babies in their bellies. You mean that is the future? ; 0

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joe shikspack's picture

that rough narrative worked for a lot of "civilized" cultures that fell into decline.

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hecate's picture

there are worse fates than being a Sean Connery baby. He wants Scotland out of perfidious Albion.


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NCTim's picture

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The individual has always had to struggle to keep from being overwhelmed by the tribe. If you try it, you will be lonely often, and sometimes frightened. But no price is too high to pay for the privilege of owning yourself. - Friedrich Nietzsche -


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hecate's picture

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Shahryar's picture

just to see the reaction

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enhydra lutris's picture

it has been far too long since I've watched the Uncle Sam Blues video, thanks especially for that.

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That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --

mimi's picture

OT ever so far, may be because I understand it for more than 50 percent. Smile

With those Ahhhs and Ooohs coddling president babies people ... everyone knows that someone HAS to change the diapers and that's one stinky affair no one likes to do. And when the baby president becomes a toddler stomping his feet and having temper tantrums in line of the cash registers in the supermarket, every mother knows how it feels to be judged for that little monster giving hell and all people pretending that's about nothing at all, but nobody wants to deal with that convulsive, screaming bundle of awfulness. So, yes, there comes the time, when mommy just wished she had another little cute president baby to coddle and receive all the aaahs and ooohs for that adoring little new born. And so it goes, one baby (president) after the other. Sigh.

Who will change the diapers? That's what I like to know. Mommy or Daddy or Nanny?

BTW, Markos was a Marine? Really? As far as I know he spent his three years (excluding basic training) in Germany and fell in love with German pastry. (Lecker!) Unfortunately Markos published this photo and I can't get that image out of my mind, whenever I read his diaries. It's unfair, may be meany even, for me to say that. But somehow this doesn't fit together with the usual "Marine" visual. He is very delicately "constructed", more sensitive than his written language would make you believe, and all in all he is as cute as any other "boy", a mother would just defend over her dead body when he goes to be a soldier/warrior. My own "boy" was already a little bit older when he enlisted, wasn't that cute, but also was never a Republican light. defense to "my boy" that means something ...

In addition I remember Meteor Blades, one of the most loyal writers on the dailykos site to the dailykos site (imo), said once, he never met Markos in person until several years into his writing activities on dkos. That somehow confused me back then when I read it. But it might be just a very unfair reaction of my "conservative" emotions when it comes to "men" and with that I mean to say that it's always good to know with whom you are dealing with, who your boss is in real life and never buy the "cat in the bag" (I hope this means the same thing in English as the German saying "die Katze im Sack kaufen", meaning buying something that is still hidden the bag and not yet let out). Oh, may be my memories of that are a bit vague. It's a long time ago. I can't say when MB actually said it, may be not that long after the first or second Yearlykos. But for some reason I have not forgotten that, the same way as I never forgot that photo of Markos. I think he is a kind guy and human being. I just don't take his writing that serious. As he said about himself lately, he is more an entrepreneur than whatever else people might think he is. So, I kind of like to read truthdig more than dailykos and I am glad I can say what I just said here without getting put down. Thanks to all of you.

Anyhow. Great OT. Thanks.

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hecate's picture

are right about the diapers. And also about diaper-boy Markos. He was an Army man, not a Marine. That is what I get, for not rechecking everything, before I write. I confused him with bbb, who is indeed a Marine, and who is also broken-souled. Though on one level it really doesn't matter: because they're all serial killers. Regardless of what branch it is in which they "served." But I am going to go in and change it. Meteor Blades, he did not serve. He went to prison, rather than become a serial killer for the United States military. Those are the only sorts of people to whom I ever say, "thank you for your service."

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mimi's picture

badmouthing people, who won't come here to "defend themselves" and beat me up. So, no photo. I know the MB story. His service is his writing, in my mind.

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hecate's picture

not to post the photo. People might get PTSD. : /

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lotlizard's picture

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mimi's picture

0 users have voted.

since my grandfather raised a few pigs
every year, and I've never heard the
term. Now, courtesy of two c99
German-speaking commentators and Wikipedia, I learn

The idioms pig in a poke and sell a pup (or buy a pup) refer to a confidence trick originating in the Late Middle Ages, when meat was scarce, but cats and dogs were not. [1][2][3] The idiom pig in a poke can also simply refer to someone buying a low-quality pig in a bag because he or she did not carefully check what was in the bag.

A poke is a bag.

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Only connect. - E.M. Forster

lotlizard's picture

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mimi's picture

The other theory is that the 'cat' referred to is the cat o' nine tails, which was used to flog ill-disciplined sailors. Again, this has sufficient historical record to be at least possible. I find that an odd explanation though. The replacement of a piglet with a cat to cheat buyers is much more probable, imo.

I like dogs, you can't buy them in a bag and get tricked... Smile

ok, when will we know tomorrow who won the Iowa caucus? This waiting is so irritating. Makes me constantly read something, which makes me more irritated, and then talk too much.

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shaharazade's picture

another great OT . Love you election coverage.

The Mad Bomber is mad and mean as hell.... She let her mask slip and let it rip.

Meanwhile campaigning in Iowa....

Retreating Clinton Campaign Torches Iowa Town To Slow Advance Of Sanders Volunteers

HUMBOLDT, IA—After making sure to douse every home, farm, and business located in the municipality with gasoline, retreating Clinton campaign staffers reportedly set the central Iowa town of Humboldt ablaze Friday to stem the advance of Bernie Sanders volunteers. “Once we received word the Sanders campaign had begun canvassing in nearby Fort Dodge, we only had a matter of hours to burn everything to the ground,” said communications director Jennifer Palmieri, who tossed a lit torch through the window of the town’s hardware store before rushing over to help a group of Hillary for America workers erect a roadblock made of dead livestock to prevent all entrance to and exit from the city. “With so little time left before voting day, we simply can’t allow them to establish a foothold in this part of the state. Besides, you can’t convince anyone to caucus for Bernie Sanders if the civilian population is gone and all that’s left is smoldering rubble.” At press time, Clinton campaign staffers were spotted rigging a nearby bridge with C-4 as they hastily retreated to Algona.

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hecate's picture

like Marshal Petain, "Ils ne passeront pas!" Vichy Dem.

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hecate's picture

love the Onion piece. ; )

Here is a flashback to her 2008 campaign:


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lotlizard's picture

More precisely, Univision Communications bought The Onion; Haim Saban owns a controlling stake in Univision.

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hecate's picture

The Onion has purchased The Hairball. That is the only reasonable explanation for his 9/11 twit:

I would like to extend my best wishes to all, even the haters and losers, on this special date, September 11th.

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The Kenyan, the Mad Bomber, the Clenis, and the Hair Ball. Couldn't be more perfect if you tried.

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"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon

mimi's picture

over there. That's where it should be. That diary gave me the rest.

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Of the shitty NYT and every Iowa paper. The Clintons make Trump and El Chapo look good. Must read.

The Clintons Really Are Out Of Our League.

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"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon


And amid this circus-like atmosphere, Trump said he likes being compared to P.T. Barnum, the showman who founded the Barnum & Bailey Circus.

"We need a P.T. Barnum," Trump said, citing a comparison that had been made Sunday morning on NBC's "Meet the Press." "I'll tell you what: We need energy in this country of ours because we're losing our spirit. No, we are losing our spirit. We are losing our spirit. We need somebody that's going to be a cheerleader."
A few minutes later, Trump wrapped up his speech with a obscenity-filled rallying cry that listed off all the things he would do as president.

"We're going to win so much -- win after win after win -- that you're going to be begging me: 'Please, Mr. President, let us lose once or twice. We can't stand it any more.' And I'm going to say: 'No way. We're going to keep winning. We're never going to lose. We're never, ever going to lose," Trump said to cheers.

It doesn't sound like LIncoln v. Douglas to me

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mimi's picture

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It can't happen here

I haven't read it in 25 years, but the time has come to pick it back up

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hecate's picture

The Hairball would enjoy being compared to a man who got his start displaying a blind, paralyzed slave woman whom he claimed was the 160-year-old former nurse of George Washington.

Among Barnum's other Hairball-like accomplishments: supplying a four-year old dwarf with cigars and whiskey, peddling a weed he claimed would turn black people white, introducing "the 'man-monkey' William Henry Johnson, a microcephalic black dwarf who spoke a mysterious language created by Barnum," and authoring the Connecticut anti-contraception law that would be struck down in 1965 by the United States Supreme Court in Griswold v. Connecticut.

If not precluded by the dreaded "political correctness," The Hairball would no doubt love to festoon his rallies with babbling drunken dwarves, grinning shuffling slaves, jolly bearded fat ladies dancing upon wildly trumpeting elephants, and a veritable cornucopia of magic weeds.

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WheninRome's picture

I'm psyched. Just made a connection with someone who wants to primary Delaney in MD's 6th. And a full on Bernie bot.

They're going to file on Monday!

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lotlizard's picture

mimi's picture

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smiley7's picture

I'm going to be late for work; having stopped this morning to catch up on c99 reading. Thanks for this genius, you've brightened my morning.

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