The Oil-igarchy vs. Native People (and the Rest of Us)
**livestream camera 1:
camera 2:
Government and military authorities, working on behalf of an oil company, have issued an ultimatum to the water protectors at Standing Rock. Leave the Oceti Sakowin camp today (February 22) by 2pm Central Time or be forcibly removed (which probably means arrested). Chase IronEyes posted some evacuation resources yesterday:
For those who choose to not be arrested after 2pm 2.22.2017.
Evacuation resources:
Buses will be at cannon ball bridge today at 8 am til feb 22, 2017@ 2 pm.
Motels provided
Bus tickets provided
Wellness and holistic provided
Gas cards
Please contact melaine 701-339-7896
The Unify Crew is organizing a worldwide unity prayer and witnessing at 2pm Central Time. Right now, the only link they are providing to join in is through their Facebook page.
If a livestream becomes available closer to the time, I’ll post it.
I also imagine that, if the police and military authorities don’t jam the signals, there will be livestreams of the forced removal and arrests. I’ll post them as I find them, and if you find any please add them to the comments.
Last night (more than an hour, but feel free to dip in and sing with the people)
Can You Trespass on Your Own Land?
The water protectors have consistently said that the land they are on and much of the land that has been taken by Energy Transfer Partners is the Great Sioux Nation, which was established by treaties signed in 1851 and 1868. But, as we know, the U.S. government has never -- not once -- honored a contract or treaty it has signed with any of the original inhabitants of this continent. The military, police, and government authorities claim to be following the rule of law while simultaneously acting in a completely lawless, hostile, inhumane way.
Unfortunately, there have always been indigenous people who have colluded with the government and the police, and that too is happening again in this situation. Chase IronEyes lays out the situation (February 21) and calls out the tribal "governments" while lightning flashes behind him (6:17). Amazing!
The video (8:38) below is LaDonna Brave Bull Allard talking about the charge of trespassing and the resistance of the water protectors. [video:]
Here’s a video (4:41) discussing the serving of the eviction order a week ago. [video:]
Concentration Camp
The free movement of U.S. citizens in the area around the Oceti Sakowin camp has been increasingly restricted over the last ten days. There are checkpoints at every approach, and people are under surveillance and military threat 24 hours a day. Folks, including returning veterans, have been stopped, searched, and harassed at these checkpoints. Some have been arrested. Food, camping supplies, building materials, and personal phones and laptops have been confiscated.
Sleeping bag (15:11)
The cleanup is not complete, but the authorities have refused any extension of the time. The people are joyful, committed to the struggle, but resigned to the evacuation and arrests that are coming (9:03). "We have nothing to lose but our chains" can be heard loud and clear.
Do What You Can
Today, February 22, please witness and let your social networks know that this forced evacuation is happening.
Move your money. Defund DAPL reports that almost $69 million has been withdrawn from banks that finance the pipeline.
Support Sacred Stone Camp (Allard's group)
Support Last Real Indians (IronEyes' group)
Support the Water Protector Legal Collective
Support the Medic + Healer Council

Thanks. Glad that you are back.
It's my understanding that in many(most?) cases where treaties between American Indian tribes and the federal government exist, Congressional action has taken place to abrogate the treaty in question at the time. I don't think that this has happened here.
Best wishes and continued support will be forthcoming. I wish that land rights were respected but they are not and EPA guidelines were not followed in the approval process for the pipeline in the first place.
Claims of justice are a joke when monopoly capitalism wants something someone else rightfully owns.
"The justness of individual land right is not justifiable to those to whom the land by right of first claim collectively belonged"
Where are the Democrats?
Where are the "progressive" leaders?
Are they speaking out about this atrocity?
Are they at ground zero willing to stand with the water protectors?
These, of course, are rhetorical questions.
"You can't just leave those who created the problem in charge of the solution."---Tyree Scott
@Steven D They're too busy helping
"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha
"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver
They were silent before Trump won
"You can't just leave those who created the problem in charge of the solution."---Tyree Scott
press being prevented from entering
The only press that are reporting are those who were already there. Livestream now:
There is no justice in America, but it is the fight for justice that sustains you.
--Amiri Baraka
Lightning brings up the hair, now.
I sent things there, including a lichen from my property as an offering. I hope they got them all. This is very upsetting. Have we given up? Lost to Corporations? Done for (or against)?
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
people have NOT given up
New camps have been formed on Cheyenne River Sioux land, and resistance to other pipelines across the country continues. The court fights and people's trials for previous arrests also continue. For now, Sacred Stone Camp also continues.
The indigenous people I know remind me that they have been resisting for 500 years. Let us not give up after only a few months.
There is no justice in America, but it is the fight for justice that sustains you.
--Amiri Baraka
more livestreams
Indigenous media Digital Smoke Signals has been denied entry.
There is no justice in America, but it is the fight for justice that sustains you.
--Amiri Baraka
thanks, blazinAZ.
i have a few other bits and bobs in case anyone's interested.
Mitakuye Oyasin!
Reduce gas use: one more way to help reduce pipeline profits
naked capitalism ran an article yesterday Biggest Gasoline Glut In 27 Years Could Crash Oil Markets. Bank pressure and oil prices our one way for those of who can not personally attend a protest or send funds to make a difference.
Still yourself, deep water can absorb many disturbances with minimal reaction.
--When the opening appears release yourself.
Bits of info
I am getting...
PM Trudeau Ok'd this.
there is video footage at the live blog on truthdig
Just too sad to watch. Nothing I can add to the images.
NoDAPL Live Blog at truthdig
Staring up at EVIL into the eyes ...
It's 2017 and there is still no end in sight!