Energy Transfer Partners

The Oil-igarchy vs. Native People (and the Rest of Us)

**livestream camera 1:
camera 2:

Government and military authorities, working on behalf of an oil company, have issued an ultimatum to the water protectors at Standing Rock. Leave the Oceti Sakowin camp today (February 22) by 2pm Central Time or be forcibly removed (which probably means arrested). Chase IronEyes posted some evacuation resources yesterday:

For those who choose to not be arrested after 2pm 2.22.2017.
Evacuation resources:
Buses will be at cannon ball bridge today at 8 am til feb 22, 2017@ 2 pm.
Motels provided
Bus tickets provided
Wellness and holistic provided
Gas cards
Please contact melaine 701-339-7896

Standing Rock: DAPL Easement Not Granted but Illegal Construction Ongoing

The federal and North Dakota governments are not complying with their own regulations and laws. One part of the army has written to another part of the army and asked for the easement to be granted so that Energy Transfer Partners can install pipe under Lake Oahe. In response, Senator John Hoeven (R-ND) has started a disinformation campaign, claiming that construction has been approved. Construction has not been approved and the comment period for the Environmental Impact Statement is open until February 20 (scroll down to the section "Do What You Can" for how to add your comment). Construction isn’t legally approved, but it isn’t stopped either. The collusion between the government, the cops, and ETP has allowed the illegal pipeline construction to continue.

Standing Rock: The Fight Was Never Over

The Indigenous Environmental Network responds to Trump’s support for the KXCL pipeline and DAPL (my bold):

These actions by President Trump are insane and extreme, and nothing short of attacks on our ancestral homelands as Indigenous peoples. The executive orders demonstrate that this administration is more than willing to violate federal law that is meant to protect Indigenous rights, human rights, the environment, and the overall safety of communities for the benefit of the fossil fuel industry. These attacks will not be ignored, our resistance is stronger than ever before and we are prepared to push back at any reckless decision made by this administration. #NoDAPL

Standing Rock and DC: Violence and More Violence from Cops

While mainstream media decried a little property destruction during the inauguration (see #disruptj20 for tweets, images, and videos), they simultaneously ignored the unrelenting aggression directed at the protesters in DC and at the water protectors in Standing Rock. The uniformed thugs acting as agents of the oligarchy continue to deploy teargas, pepper spray, water cannons, percussion grenades, rubber bullets, and other “less-lethal” tools in attempts to shut down the people’s voices and to prop up authoritarianism.

Standing Rock: Army Corps Files “Notice of Intent” for Environmental Impact Statement

This is big news. We heard yesterday that the official filing for the “Notice of Intent” was being considered, and today Energy Transfer Partners (the owners of the Dakota Access Pipeline) is in court trying to stop the Environmental Impact Statement investigation from proceeding. Among the things ETP wanted was for the Army Corps of Engineers to not officially publish the document in the Federal Register. We don’t know the outcome of the court hearing yet, but the official publication has happened. This is a significant victory in the struggle to stop the DAPL.

Standing Rock: Pipeline Construction Continues

Drone footage (2:20) from December 9 shows construction continuing on the DAPL. It is clear that Energy Transfer Partners is determined to get this thing built, despite court rulings, despite not having a permit to drill, despite the weather.
