People Don't Like Hard Questions (or How Feminism is Killing the Left))
I expect a lot from the authors and posters here. I expect that you're informed on the issues of the day. I expect your stories to be true when portrayed as true, to the very best of your abilities. It is expecting a lot perhaps, but I've seen a sliver of your souls. And I'm comforted. For I am certain that you expect a lot of yourselves also. You hold yourselves to high standards here. Standards of intellectual honesty and compassion, among other nobler qualities. Evidence and reality.
You deserve my trust.
That trust is the only reason I can dare to write what's to follow.
Please keep in mind that I didn't write this to fight with people.
I'm just asking you to look outside your comfort zones.
I think that feminism, as it manifests itself in the world today, is hurting us very, very badly. Primarily in the societal and political realms (which is basically everything of course).
Outrage, rubbish, stop reading now you cry, Blasphemy!
Crucify me if you must but pray riddle me this.
How many more states have to go red before you're damn sure to drive a long, long way to get an abortion. Can you really tell me that this toxic, unopposed feminism has NOTHING to do with the political map?
Google how many women are feminists. Stick to the more reputable sites people. I trust in your self pride. Trending low, like the Democratic party I'd say. Women support equality, but feminism? Not so much comparably. Why is this?
Take a look at how the right is absolutely (omg, I'm gonna say it) eviscerating the left through so obviously just attacks on feminism for a clue. The right calls us delusional because (among a host of other reasons) we insist on the wage gap and the rape culture as accepted core beliefs. Both of which are completely false! Proven false by math and science yet we cling to them. How wrong are they to ridicule us?
Have you really not been paying attention? The left is a joke of lesbian unicorn snowflakes who's safe space requirements include the excising of the word 'violates' from a LAW COURSE at a law school. Swarthmore(The Quaker College) is a rape culture!. Compare youtubes videos of the 'Pussy Hat' Women's March with video's of the pro-life Woman's march the day before. The difference is those optics are gonna win some elections by god!
Falsehoods, pussy hats and free safe spaces for everyone! (Cheaper than those Obama phones!)
Politics and society go hand in hand of course. It's a better world now that we know that gender roles are completely transferrable with no consequences of any kind. Right? The good people here believe that, right?
That's what feminism pushes. But feminism goes further than that, it's a woman=good, man=bad religion! It's open war on maleness, for 50 years now. It's no wonder our testicles are shrinking. And while we hear a lot of 'yeah but's' (yeah men have it bad, but) there seems to be very little pushback against this.
The worst consequence of feminism is what it's done to fatherhood. You may try hard to deflect and deceive yourself but the truth is that this male hating, privilege seeking, victimhood feminism has catastrophically damaged fathers and fatherhood itself.
Yeah but ....
(switching back to political for a moment, umm, yeah but, men vote too)
What's the story in the bible about splitting the child? Better to give the child to the mother than to split the child in half. That's how I remember it. Apparently feminism believes this ancient patriarchal value is just and right and needs to be protected at all costs.
Feminism is equality? Seriously people, when was the last time you heard feminism call for equality in custody?
Is non-custodial visitation and child support what fathers can expect from, divorce on demand, abortion on demand, feminism? What a deal!
Is that the most likely lot of our young men? Do you moms think that's a good idea?
Feminism says 'we must have no fault divorce though, and custody' because feminism? Women=good. Man=bad. Women > Men.
So the system gets set up, with feminism's guiding hand, to discourage men from leaving harmful relationships and to encourage women to leave harmful relationships, or if they get bored. Don't worry about the kids, the men are gonna pay.
We'll get those bastards through taxing them to pay for that system and get em on the back side through garnishments and automatic deductions (if they can keep a job after the damage done to them).
Women are and I quote 'Raped by the male gaze'. But we scoff at hurting fathers and quite honestly, we don't care. We bathe in male tears. We don't need fathers because women can do everything.
I've asked a lot of questions in posts here lately, regarding feminism. I got an answer too, a trusted, respected professor told me no, no trigger warnings required in his physics class. I was honestly glad to hear that. I got some sympathy and you poor thing, you just don't understand.
All save that one question went unanswered.
I may have found that elusive right I've been looking for though.
That right a man has that a woman does not.
I can legally have my testicles taken by the state and a woman can not.
Maybe soon we can let the victim perform the castration. That would be just indeed, no? You think we couldn't sell this as restorative therapy?
After all, howls of laughter rang out on 'The Talk' over the tale of a man who's penis was cut off and ran through the garbage disposal, over suspicions of cheating. No reattachment chance for him! Now THAT's some great humor I tell ya.
But you know what's not funny? Being raped by the male gaze.
I can't see how feminism can justify it's selfishness and disregard of others.
We can't think about or talk about these things because feminism is known by all to be all about equal rights and justice and good and her body, her choice. How could any sane person be against any of that? Right?
It wouldn't be proper to consider that maybe while the 'good feminist' was championing equality and occasionally wagging their fingers at the fringe, the fringe was making the laws, making the rules, setting the standards and limiting debate and speech.
I saw a poster that said '1 in 7 homeless are women. Support your local Women's shelter'. Every time I see these kinds of things I die a little inside and it's everywhere. Try to google what percent of homeless are men. Bet you'll find out how many children and women are homeless.
I read a very long report on homelessness, it was very long. The words men or man could not be found in it. I read another that mentioned Jerome and that 5,000 of the 57,000 homeless veterans are women. No mention among the top ten facts about the homeless, that men are the vast majority of homeless.
This is feminism.
Feminism must marginalize the male and promote the female. And that's just what you're 'fringe' has been doing.
In any case, that's how you win elections and protect the right to abortion.
Male tears, lies and safe spaces FTW !
Good luck with that.
I won't be voting for females who dismiss men's issues as 'not a problem, not worth the time'. Not any more I'm not.
PS: For the irony lover. As I saved this as a draft it required tags, I wrote 'feminism, politics, social justice and men's rights' and as I typed in men's rights it auto corrected to 'women's rights'
I shit you not.

@native Like I said elsewhere,
"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha
"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver
As a grandmother with three grandsons,
I don't think there is any equality at all. The pendulum swings both ways.
Two minors engaging in sex, and the male will be the one to bear the consequences. Yes, a woman should be in charge of her body and be able to abort a fetus at will, AND a man should be able to deny responsibility for any fetus he has fathered, doesn't want, and she insists on having. I am also opposed to no-fault divorce unless there are no children. Divorce creates poverty, and we have enough children living in poverty at no fault of their own.
This is a very superficial from the hip response to your post. It is obviously complicated. Being a white male is probably the worst thing anyone can be today. Politically, any issue brought to an extreme is off-putting whether it be feminism, racism, free/prohibitive speech, etc. They're so 70s. Financial and justice equality is where the unity lies.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
Maybe the intertubes assist this progression --
When Cicero had finished speaking, the people said “How well he spoke”.
When Demosthenes had finished speaking, the people said “Let us march”.
you realize I want to give you a big hug and kiss now right?
Thank you DK. It heals my heart whenever I find those who refuse to dismiss the suffering.
With their hearts they turned to each others heart for refuge
In troubled years that came before the deluge
*Jackson Browne, 1974, Before the Deluge
@dkmich I agree, but with an
If such things are not available, no, I absolutely don't agree. At that point, if you break it, you buy it. Sorry, guys.
"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha
"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver
Thank you for proving beyond doubt that all "such things" must be readily and easily available to all.
"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar
"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides
@thanatokephaloides No damned kidding! I
"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha
"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver
@dkmich Let me put in, one more
"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha
"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver
To be a woman,
IMHO, is to be a feminist, by the very nature of our gender. I cannot be a woman and not care about the issues that directly affect me simply because I AM a woman. I didn't choose to be born this way anymore than you chose to be born to be who and what you are. In that vein, if someone wants to restrict my right to exist as a human being in the same way a male can exist as a human being, I'm going to resist that notion and insist that women be allowed to exist as human beings, equally as our male counterparts.
If you have a problem with that, please examine whether you believe in true equality. If you do, you will see the sense in my argument. If you don't, you might offer innumerable counter arguments that will only piss me off because it will only offer proof you are not interested in looking at women as equal human beings.
That's just my opinion.
"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11
@Raggedy AnnI didn't choose to be born
'Bathing in female tears' is EXACTLY the same thing as 'bathing in male tears', one is socially acceptable to say, the other socially reprehensible. But history makes it ok to bath in male tears. Right?
For 50 years+ men have been denigrated and demonized by feminism. Told we were only broken females. We aren't allowed to speak because that would be mansplaining. For the love of god Raggedy, feminism has criminalized how men sit!
Asking not to get punched in the face at every turn is NOT opposition to equal rights for women.
With their hearts they turned to each others heart for refuge
In troubled years that came before the deluge
*Jackson Browne, 1974, Before the Deluge
Let's keep in mind that family courts
are not courts of Law and Equity. They are arbitration chambers. A racket if you ask me.
Any posit can be argued to an illogical conclusion. Feminism is not a singular, simple definition. There are the militant feminist, which I tend to ignore anything militant as the inherent abrasiveness dooms that extreme to lose sight of the goal.
I do believe in stay at home parenting, not necessarily the mother, though I think that best for the first five years. That's highly personal and a decision to be made by like-minded couples wanting to become parents. It should never be a political contest. Recommended reading: "The Magical Child" by Joseph Pierce.
I certainly believe in equal pay for equal work. Now there's a venue to fight for equality! Very messy that one.
I do not think that feminism is killing the left. The true left is alive an well, just underfunded and poorly organized.
"I can't understand why people are frightened of new ideas. I'm frightened of the old ones."
John Cage
I tried to warn people about Hillary
You're more optimistic than on this than I am.
I think going forward I should reply to all messages of 'I drink male tears' and 'I bathe in male tears' with
President Trump, who's crying now?!
It's as though it's become the enemy of my enemy and his enemy and all their friends and enemies and well, and your little dog too ! has become the moto of the left and of feminism.
It's all gonna get fixed quick ya think?
If we don't talk about it, everything will be fine.
I don't think people even know what they're talking about anymore. What's it about? Equality? equity? opportunity? outcomes?
Did the feminism behind Hillary lose site of the goal? Does the answer to that question matter?
Anyway, you're more optimistic than I am about this.
Now, it's not your job and you don't owe me any favors but if you could see your way to speaking against, instead of ignoring the militants from time to time I'd appreciate it.
With their hearts they turned to each others heart for refuge
In troubled years that came before the deluge
*Jackson Browne, 1974, Before the Deluge
I think I did speak agains the militants.
Hillary-- I don't know. Really, I don't think she would have done so much for women as her female supporters may think. She'd hopefully fight to clear up glaring discrepancies concerning equal pay and of course she would have stacked the court to the left and that would ensure preservation of R. v. W. Other than that she'd be back over in Syria killing woman and children. Quite the dichotomy there.
"I can't understand why people are frightened of new ideas. I'm frightened of the old ones."
John Cage
My request wasn't intended to shame
And truly it was intended for the larger audience primarily.
Planting seeds ya know.
My happiest moment of the Hillary campaign was voting for Jill.
In Minnesota I had that luxury and I took it.
It feels good to be able to truthfully say 'NEVER voted for a Clinton!'.
With their hearts they turned to each others heart for refuge
In troubled years that came before the deluge
*Jackson Browne, 1974, Before the Deluge
The wage gap is real. I have
The wage gap is real. I have personally experienced it. About the time I realized that the other women and I were making less than the men where we worked, the geniuses on the Supreme Court spit our the Ledbetter decision. I had more education and more experience than men who were being paid more than I was. So did most of my female colleagues. We women were doing essentially the same jobs. If I had filed a complaint with the EEOC I would have been blacklisted professionally. My only practical recourse was to dust off my resume.
I was among the first women to enter my graduate program in a STEM field. The boys did not exactly roll out the red carpet for us. (Decent men like PriceRip are scarce in STEM programs.) The attrition rate for women was 98-99% that year and for more than a dozen of the following years. None of the women in my year flunked out; we just got to the point where the abuse and sabotage was intolerable.
The people who use accusations of sexism to shut down discussion and 'win' arguments about unrelated topics are spitting in the faces of all the women who have faced real gender discrimination. This is one of the most offensive things about TOP. The deliberate accusations of racism, sexism and [you are a worthless piece of dirt]ism make it impossible to have a real, productive discussion like this one.
Divorce and custody issues do need to be reconsidered to try to decrease the pain for everyone involved. Gender definitions all need to be reconsidered in almost all aspects of our lives.
Re: wage gap
I was given a lower starting salary for the same job and was not put on the pension plan because I was not a white male. The thinking back then was any woman might get pregnant and leave, so why should she be allowed to participate in a pension plan. It took a federal law suit to rectify the discrimination that was taking place against blacks and women of all colors. The federally mandated remedies regarding hiring and salaries (quotas) were required only for minorities, even though they recognized that non-minority women had also been discriminated against in hiring and salaries.
The benefits issue involving the pension plan was mandated to be opened to us employees who were not originally allowed on it. We were allowed to do a lump sum buy back of years lost. I was a low wage single female who did not have the money to do the buy back (in my case 8 years), so I lost eight years of pension benefits. Those eight years were on Social Security along with a couple of years on SS from previous employment.
Under Social Security law, because I get a pension from local government now, my normal SS benefits were significantly reduced. I got hammered on both ends, losing eight years on the pension plan because I was a woman and losing SS benefits because I was on a public pension.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
I just want to say that if your previous comments about this issue weren't responded to with thoughtfulness, or weren't responded to at all, it may have been because there are so many things to consider, it's hard to begin. Sometimes people just don't have time at a particular moment to write a comprehensive response. But I believe people do care, do have similar feelings, and do agree a lot.
My interest is especially with children and whether or not men or women have the option to stay at home with young children. So many of your concerns overlap with that. It's a very long discussion.
I did experience backlash at TOP when I tried to advocate at least understanding Democratic voters who were opposed to abortion and at least understanding Democratic voters who were uncomfortable with same-sex marriage. I was called a misogynist and a bigot, even though I stated that I believed abortion should be legal and that I believed in same-sex marriage. Even just trying to understand liberals who are conservative on those issues brought out that much hatred toward me. So I felt the wrath of militant feelings on that occasion. I'm trying to be more understanding of such militance.
I respect what you've said, and I think the things you're talking about are going to be more and more front and center of our discussions as time goes by.
It's trying ...
It's trying when you can't even agree with the people you agree with. So to speak.
Yepper, and it won't be by choice. It will be out of necessity.
My ex told me that one reason she left was because I was always right. Not thinking I was always right, being always right. And it really got on her nerves after awhile.
I didn't put this out here for kicks or glory.
Thank you Linda
With their hearts they turned to each others heart for refuge
In troubled years that came before the deluge
*Jackson Browne, 1974, Before the Deluge
"This is feminism." No it's not.
It's what huffingtopost,, abc, and the menstream media think is feminism, following the links. Was immediately reminded of Backlash: The Undeclared War Against American Women from way back in 1991, same template, still going.
It is regretful to me that kinda propaganda still works to divide us. caucus49% if you like, I am not gonna agree with anything about your rant, but I am glad you revealed it. If I could only harness the amount of misdirected anger around me, I'd certainly be queen of the world by now and everyone would have a decent home and living wages. But no, instead we fight over crumbs with some purple persons idea about identity. oof
Good luck
Factually, my name is Dennis
I wrote 'This is feminism' That is my view. That is my conclusion.
You may not agree with that view.
You may be prone to that feminist victimology that ascribes reasons that fit the narrative rather than deal with the real reasons.
There, that should fairly mirror your disrespect directed towards me regarding my ability to think my own thoughts.
Thanks for playing.
With their hearts they turned to each others heart for refuge
In troubled years that came before the deluge
*Jackson Browne, 1974, Before the Deluge
Respect your view and not mine? Well alrighty then!
One more general statement--
I'm not going to call it feminism. I'm going to call it supporting women's rights and I have two words as to why.
Anita Hill.
"I can't understand why people are frightened of new ideas. I'm frightened of the old ones."
John Cage
First, I'm glad you trust enough to say what you really think.
I hope that continues as some people disagree with you, and make their own arguments.
I was up very late last night--too much caffeine and anxiety over the war drums--so I'm not up to discussing each point in your essay, but I'll touch on a few.
Feminism has become of late more like a Joe McCarthy character assassination-fest than anything else, whose positive goal could be phrased as: "Women in the top 10% of the economic ladder should be able to have any careers their husbands and brothers can! That goes especially for Hillary!"
Turning a social movement into constant, unmerited attacks on others is a great way to kill it. And indeed, my first response to this essay was to post footage from the Night of the Living Dead, because I'm not sure feminism is still alive. If it is, it's on life support.
That said, no, I don't think the fact that I might have to drive through many states for an abortion is a result of the badness of feminism which alienates people of good will who otherwise might support my right to avoid forced birth. That idea suggests that everybody was quite ready to support abortion rights, but then we were mean and they stopped. That's not historically accurate. But more important--much more important--is that you're making the incorrect assumption that policy is made based on what the 99% thinks. Doesn't matter whether you're talking male or female, the 99%--or at least, the bottom 90% of it--has no influence on what the government does. That's been statistically proven. The reason I might have to drive through many states for an abortion is that eradicating abortion is somehow useful to the powerful and privileged.
My guess is, they do it for two practical reasons and one ideological reason. The practical reasons are, 1)abortion is a good thing to keep the population fighting over so that they remain divided and stop paying so much attention to the corruption and destruction coming from above. This is particularly true when it comes to the political parties. Like LGBT rights, feminism, and abortion specifically, are used as cudgels to keep people within the Democratic party, and to give the Dems some shadow of a reason for being. That's one reason feminism is so distorted right now--like a comet that passes too close to a planet, its path has been changed and it's been captured in the gravity of an ugly hidden agenda: the maintenance of a dying political system.
The second practical reason for eradicating abortion, I'd guess, is to keep people economically weighed down. One fact that people don't like talking about, on either side of the issue, is that a large portion of abortions are done, not for health reasons nor out of simple personal desire to be childless, but for economic reasons. Every woman I know who has had an abortion has done so because she felt she couldn't afford to raise the child. Raising children is expensive, and doing so well is near-impossible in this era of economic assaults on time.
The third reason is ideological; the people driving our society are right-wingers, no matter what they call themselves, and it pleases them to stick it to people who in the past were their enemies, trashing whatever they found inspiring, from old-growth forests to Roe v Wade--but trashing old victories of those enemies is particularly pleasing. The right vs left dichotomy is not the most important one going on these days--up vs down is far more important. Yet it's also true that those on the top are, almost without exception these days, right wing, and they haven't forgotten the 50s, 60s, and 70s, and how the Civil Rights movement, the anti-war movement, feminism, and the alternative economics movements of the time cleaned their clocks on a regular basis, because the people of the United States, ultimately, and sometimes after a good deal of kicking and screaming, were convinced by the case the left was making. I understand that that's not the way it felt to left-wingers who were alive then. But if you read internal documents circulated among the right-wing establishment of the time, like the Powell memo, you can see that they were in a panic. They thought they would lose it all. So they decided to deprive the American people of the right to choose--not just the right to choose abortion, but the right to choose how to run their affairs generally. The last 3 or 4 decades have been a takeover spiced with the desire for revenge, because they still resent the fact that we once cleaned their clocks on a regular basis.
You are, IMO, misidentifying some of the sources of feminism's decline. But whether you are or not, I'm actually OK with feminism advocating for "abortion on demand" or talking about the wage gap, which is real, though I'd much rather have a feminism that discussed that gap in the context of all wages being gutted. What the hell is the point of having equal wages with men if we all have shit wages?
10% of nothing is, well...
"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha
"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver
Cant Stop the Signal
@Linda Wood You're welcome!
"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha
"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver
I believe this so strongly that I think if abortion is made illegal again, the power structure on the right will fund and encourage the fight to make it legal again. It has proved to be, just as you say, a life-defining subject that overtakes everything else in many women's activism, which distracts them from working for peace, education, healthcare and justice.
@Linda Wood Depends on whether
They might just dance around saying Neener Neener Neener.
"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha
"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver
@Linda Wood But probably they'd
"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha
"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver
Outstadning comment!
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
@gulfgal98 Thanks, gg!
It's now a lot more plausible to me that Steinem was always an infiltrator, as some say. Regardless of the truth of that, she's clearly willing to sacrifice every feminist principle she ever had to further Hillary's political career. People say her comment was just a joke, but feminists don't joke using anti-suffrage talking points from the 1890s.
"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha
"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver
One could very well make the
same arguments for racism as well. Both divide and conquer, both have been taken to sometimes outlandish extremes, but at the end of the day, both were too important to too many people's actual LIVES to just be ignored. Is there some over kill in some positions? I'm sure there is and I think we've all seen it, but does that mean we throw the whole thing in the garbage and go back to "the way things were?" Or do we simply pretend these things don't really exist at all?
What "case" is it you're trying to make here? That we should all revile feminism because men have paid a price for it? Should we disavow that then and make the male the one with all the power? Along with power comes responsibility, so by advocating that aren't you almost saying that men SHOULD be responsible for all of it then? Is it also the fault of men that so many get divorced just for shits and grins? Or is that one reserved just for women who get divorced?
And yup, I'm probably taking this too personally, but then again, much of your essay seems to be personal indignation to me.
Only a fool lets someone else tell him who his enemy is. Assata Shakur
@lizzyh7 It clearly is driven by
I wouldn't mind us selling ourselves if we didn't do it so cheaply.
"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha
"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver
Omg CSTS !
I liked the full body vagina with teeth suits. They just looked, so precious, on the pre-teen girls.
With their hearts they turned to each others heart for refuge
In troubled years that came before the deluge
*Jackson Browne, 1974, Before the Deluge
@dennis1958 I rarely quote
Anyway, now we all know they were actually protesting on behalf of Limpopo:
"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha
"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver
What concerns me is the backlash
I don't consider myself as being harmed by being female, and while I know the wage gap is real I've never myself fixated on it - I do not expect that to be fixed any time soon really, and as others stated out here, now they just bring wages of men down to the level of women. And yes indeedy, that was used insidiously to court the women's vote as nothing more than a cheap campaign promise.
But I'm sorry, a woman can still be essentially forced to bring a fetus to term whether she wants to or not. It's her body that has to deal with that, so I do think her choice outweighs that of the man. To see this country sliding back into that, and "feminism" being expected to go along with a man's having to sign consent for her to abort, I do not wish to see. Far too many reasons for that being horrible to document here.
As to the financial support obligations, I also had that talk with my own now ex-husband, who resented paying his "ex-wife's" mortgage. Sure, his child support covered her mortgage, in the house his children lived in. But it takes a lot more than that to raise kids, and I didn't have to yell that but only to remind my ex before he realized that in many ways, he did get the easier side of that deal.
Only a fool lets someone else tell him who his enemy is. Assata Shakur
ALL movements have a Lunatic Fringe,
and when it suits the Powers That Be to pass off the Lunatic Fringe as representative of the movement as a whole, that's what we get.
This has always been so and will always be so, regardless of the issues or the persons involved. It's How The Power Structure Works.
If we can ever change How The Power Structure Works, we may actually have a chance at a decent world. If we have time. If we don't just make the same mistakes with different players.
I think everyone else has covered the specifics fairly well.
There is no justice. There can be no peace.
Hey Dennis . . .
So you were born in 1958? 1957 for me so if that is true, I guess we are about the same age.
I appreciate what you are saying and it sounds like you have been personally screwed over a bunch. And yes, we need equal levels of care for all genders.
It has been my experience that women are much more vulnerable, especially where I live now in Texas. My single friends have financial security, while most of the rest of us do not. A family member of mine found herself divorced, with no money, fighting bouts of cancer. She lives with a dude because she has no choice. As a young woman, I experienced sexual harassment on numerous jobs. That sucked.
I was raised in northern Iowa/Minnesota and the situation for women was much stronger there. So it might be somewhat regional.
I admit though, that I don't like the feel of modern day feminism. I lost respect for so many when they forcefully backed HRC, who has done so many shitty things to hurt women.
There is this dude I read and listen to occasionally, who has dedicated much of his life to helping men. He is the guy we heard about in the 90s who led men's retreats in the woods where they beat on drums and stuff. This is a link to his website.
"Make dirt, not war." eyo
Funny you mention Iowa and Minnesota
I've often said, and if you asked me now I'd say that, I loved the Iowa girls best. They just seemed nicer. You just felt warm around them.
I'm not sure what sexual harassment is anymore, but I'm against it.
I was called into the bosses office once. I was told to button my shirt up another button, there had been a complaint about showing off my chest hair. I had the top 3 buttons of a mans dress short unbuttoned on casual dress friday.
The complaint was made by a girl wearing a see thru top, pink bra. I told him, you have got to be kidding me, he said no, I said YOU CAN SEE HER UNDERWEAR!. I was fired like an hour later.
Now, before you go thinking this scarred me for life, please understand it is in fact, a source of eternal mirth.
My ex-wife, her husband, my son and I all get along great. She(they) invited me to Thanksgiving and Christmas dinner again this year. I don't hate my mother. I have long term friends and one Aunt left whom I love dearly.
I'm not all bent, broken, angry misogynist here.
I may have had a little more shit to deal with than most people do. (I've got some great true stories). But we all get beat up in life. All it really did was make me more forgiving and empathetic for suffering.
Men are hurting, the left is flailing. How far are we from a constitutional amendment that life begins at conception? And maybe shouldn't women take a step back and look in the mirror for a sec.
That's the why of the essay. Not how hurt I am.
With their hearts they turned to each others heart for refuge
In troubled years that came before the deluge
*Jackson Browne, 1974, Before the Deluge
The "life begins at conception" thing would be horrible
Because women have lots of miscarriages. Those fertilized eggs simply do not want to plant themselves in the wall of the uterus! I had my kids in my 40s, so maybe it was because I was older. But you can see that this would criminalize women trying to have children. Every miscarriage would have to be investigated for criminal intent. In Central America there are several countries who have abortion laws so strict that women are in prison for having miscarriages.
Glad you are not as sad and troubled as your essay seems to reflect!
"Make dirt, not war." eyo