Disability Caucus 2/8/2017: Back to so-called 'Work Participation' again.....maybe.
Whelp..I should have seen this coming. Last February I had to participate in 'Work Participation' to keep SNAP Benefits. By August I had been exempt somehow, yet they seem to have completely forgotten that when I renewed in January when I received a mailer from my local 'Career Source' branch.
The whole thing is a joke. Each month they expect you to have 80 hours of participation (39 job searches, 41 'education', in my case, the joke site, Alison) that does no real good for me to become employed in the first place.
The problem with this is that people with disabilities already work with Vocational Rehabilitation in some form or another. I've been working with them for over 15 years now and still can't seem to find ANY employment despite getting educated and holding several supported employment and volunteer opportunities. Doesn't seem to matter though, as Florida, and Brevard County specifically seem to hold nothing but contempt for the disability community at large. Voc Rehab, as far as I can tell, cannot intervene.
I guess I know what I'll be doing for the next few months....
See ya around,

That stinks
Sounds like Brevard county or Florida makes their own rules about this. It might be worth trying again to get Voc Rehab to intervene on your behalf. Good luck!!
I actually did that today.
@Granma The county DCF office told me I just need to send them a letter stating I'm affiliated with the Voc Rehab office to be exempt so hopefully it'll be fine.
Modern education is little more than toeing the line for the capitalist pigs.
Guerrilla Liberalism won't liberate the US or the world from the iron fist of capital.