Vocational Rehabilitation

Disability Caucus 2/8/2017: Back to so-called 'Work Participation' again.....maybe.

Whelp..I should have seen this coming. Last February I had to participate in 'Work Participation' to keep SNAP Benefits. By August I had been exempt somehow, yet they seem to have completely forgotten that when I renewed in January when I received a mailer from my local 'Career Source' branch.

Disability Caucus 9/9/2016: When Voc Rehab Can't Place You....

As I've said many times before, I've been in and out of Voc Rehab for well over a decade. Fifteen years, actually. And I've spent those years, close to half my life, trying to get out of a rut many of us disabled folks often fall into. But this month, I finally decided to say screw it....well, not entirely, but at least when it comes to looking for full time work or 'gainful employment'. This isn't their fault anymore than it is mine.