Time To Put Up Or Shut Up
As was posted in my previous essay by Dervish a link to a Matt Taibbi article The Russia Story Reaches a Crisis Point is worth a read but it is the last paragraph that I want to deal with:-
The only solution is an immediate unveiling of all the facts and an urgent public investigation. A half-assed whispering campaign a week and a half from a Trump presidency, with BuzzFeed at the center of the action, isn't going to cut it. We need to know what the likes of Clapper and Comey know, and we need it all now, before it's too late.
I would like this whispering campaign against Trump to be true, however before jumping for joy the obvious successors would be Mike Pence [VP] or then Paul Ryan [Speaker of the House], the partisans for Hillary can forget even having a minimal chance, there will be no rerun.
This has gone on for far too long and it is not as if the "information/rumours" are new. Then again the MSM gave airtime for the "Birther" movement for a very long time without calling it out for the obvious bullshit/distraction it was.
As for the propaganda charges against RT, these are simply hilarious [how many Americans actually watch RT], the US has its propaganda spread around the world 24/7 by such glorious outlets as CNN, Fox Noise, NBC/MSNBC and others.
"Credible" sources is not enough verifiable facts are required and before the inauguration.
We all know that if the facts cannot be presented now that after the inauguration [if they cannot be presented in damn sight better documentation than has be presented up to now] screams of "cover up" will start. The usual "prove me wrong" will be the byword of "those in the know", I see opportunities for a neo-liberal version of Alex Jones.
The problem that is that if this remains a major distraction that the real battles will be lost in the noise, further NSA expansion [as if they haven't done that already in the NDAA that passed without much of a murmur] and continuation of wars and the asset stripping by the Oligarchs. Trump's cabinet is full of Warmongers, Oligarchs and Tools of the elite.
Regard this as factual [despite the lack of evidence] or the mother of all distractions; that is up to you.
Personally I'm more worried as to what will happen in the first 100 days of the incoming Executive and the Republican controlled Congress because it will not be pretty, time to focus on what is real and verifiable.
Also I am dreading watching the "Democratic Party" fold at every hurdle because that is what they do.

"... we have to wonder what the hell is going on."
This about sums it up for me. The confusion and lack of specifics is either intentional due to a lack of actual verifiable evidence (fake news nothing-burger) or intentional due to the actual evidence also pointing back in some way to others the PTB feel they must protect. I'm not sure which of the two would be worse: our intelligence agencies colluding to subvert the democratic process itself, or the presence of an even deeper rot within our government than we could imagine.
In any event, I do not expect our alphabet soup agencies to willingly share an honest rendition of the truth. Lying, misdirection and replacing heads of state with whom they are at cross purpose is their stock in trade.
Where the hell is Deep Throat when you need him?
[edit:leak to lack]
“The story around the world gives a silent testimony:
— The Beresovka mammoth, frozen in mud, with buttercups in his mouth…..”
The Adam and Eve Story, Chan Thomas 1963
Where the hell is Deep Throat when you need him?
She's in solitary confinement.
"I’m a human being, first and foremost, and as such I’m for whoever and whatever benefits humanity as a whole.” —Malcolm X
I've surrendered to the notion
that there is no real difference between the parties. This whole charade of Donald and the ruskies is all about CYA for the dems trying to hold on to what ever remnants of fans they have left. I know we have lost a good deal in the internets ability to meld a fighting force together due to the opportunism in some areas.
But really what does it matter now. We see an oil industry CEO taking over a key spot. We saw Cheney do the same for Halliburton. We are no longer a viable nation. We are just waiting for the final crumble.
The anonymous sources of non-confirmed "news" insist on
Russian authorship and/or collusion. From Taibbi's article:
I vote for the know nothing part of this conundrum. No proof except that "a friend of a friend of a friend of mine reportedly overhead a conversation between two people who seemed to be talking in a Russian accent" is offered.
As far as the faux report 25 pages long, with nice decorative insignia, several blank pages, and much innuendo, that deserves to be placed in the same garbage pile as WaPo and NYT.
Why would anybody believe Weasel Comey or lying Clapper? Better yet, why isn't Clapper impeached for lying to Congress? Maybe he's got some real dirt on Congress critters.
This is the best part from the essay, in my opinion:
This whole charade was initiated to promote the Evil Queen's electability (rhymes with inevitability) and continues relentlessly spurred on my die-hard Dem establishment types and #NeverTrump Republicans. The sole effect of this continuing fairy tale is to bring us closer to war with Russia. That will certainly be the crowning touch of BHO's legacy, unless of course he pardons the Evil Queen just before helicoptering out of the White House.
Key to this whole mess...
Frankly, this is becoming 'How Not to Run a Government 101' and the world is watching in puzzlement.
from a reasonably stable genius.
She has not been formally accused of anything!
Therefore, not guilty. How does a pardon work for a not-guilty-yet? Nixon was impeached, charges against. IANL, but this looks like yet another Constitutional crisis should O go there.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
My understanding, which admittedly is slight
is that in order for a pardon to be given, a judicial trial or other hearing must first have occurred putting the person in legal jeopardy.
Nixon's pardon was pre-emptive
and a blanket pardon, the only one in history, I believe. Obama might try something like that, but Trump's SCOTUS may find such a pre-emptive pardon unconstitutional, and for good reason.
"Obama promised transparency, but Assange is the one who brought it."
Reply to: dervish
I concur,
at this point it seems highly unlikely that the IC has anything with teeth. If they did have proof, now would be the time to release it, because by Friday, they will no longer have the standing or access to do much of anything. It's become a "now or never" moment, and Clapper has backed away from this thing.
"Obama promised transparency, but Assange is the one who brought it."
You do know that that fucker Trump
has met with a "scientist" that claims global warming is a positive thing and that higher levels of Co2 is good for us humans?
Quick, burn as much oil as we possibly can !!!!! Fuck the next generation !!!! Trump has $$$$$$$$ to make off of Russian oil !!!!
Please get a somewhat balanced grip on yourself. This isn't about only Queen Hillary. It's also about the future of our planet. And sorry, but I'm sick to death of folks not being ethically mature enough to place a proper focus on the greatest moral question of our day.
"Obama promised transparency, but Assange is the one who brought it."
Hits Home
As a Minnesotan, I can verify every single line.
Yeah, that's the ticket!
Alligators in Minnesota!
Watch out for those Muskies.
"I’m a human being, first and foremost, and as such I’m for whoever and whatever benefits humanity as a whole.” —Malcolm X
And you think Democrats are doing better?
Obviously, Trump is an abomination, but he's one our Democrats have very little real difference from. Sure, they pretty it up with nice language and blame it ALL on the Repugnants while they take campaign donations from the very companies they "disparage" in public. That's their MO and they're sticking to it while they watch and moan about the world burning up.
Only a fool lets someone else tell him who his enemy is. Assata Shakur
Meanwhile, trade embargo lifted from Sudan
because they're so nice. http://www.arabnews.com/node/1038996/middle-east
Can'tStopTheSignal posted this video elsewhere at C99P -
-And I think it makes a hell of a lot more sense than "ROOSHINS!" Hopefully I link to it correctly.
"Capitalism is the extraordinary belief that the nastiest of men for the nastiest of motives will somehow work for the benefit of all."
- John Maynard Keynes
Excellent discussion by Ray McGovern
It really brings home the fact that Obama had/has little to no real control over American foreign policy. Yet, under his tenure, the US has sold record amounts of arms - the largest portion, by far, to countries that have extremely unsavory human rights records. In addition he holds another record. He has bombed 7 Muslim countries, two of which have now been completely destroyed. He has brought the relationship between Russia and the US to new lows not seen since the end of the Cold War. And the list doesn't end there.
Obama' presidency, through application of his grandiloquent rhetorical skills, has been one of deceit, obfuscation, manipulation, appeasement and capitulation. He has performed eight straight years of bizarre Kabuki theater.
Everyone should watch this!
My question has been since the get go is with all the billions of dollars we are spending on spying, how could a private firm come up with this information that the NSA or CIA did not have? And second, if this information was so damning, why is it only being publicized now right before the inauguration?
I personally believe that there is probably a lot of dirt on Donald Trump out there, but I also believe that Trump does not care. I do not think that Trump is black mailable because he does not give a flying fruitcake. I also believe that there is a ton of dirt on the Clintons so that washes.
What I do think is going to happen is that eventually if Trump does not play with the PTB, he will be impeached, probably over some of his business dealings. The same could be said for Clinton and the Clinton Foundation. Bottom line, the American people were set up to be screwed either way.
We must remember just who promoted Trump as the best candidate for Clinton to run against and win. It was the Clinton campaign with a lot of help from the MSM.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
Whatever else he may be, Donald Trump is no fool --
... he appears to be more in touch with the pulse of ordinary citizens than all of the MSM, PTB, pundits, and most of the oligarchs combined; he recognized an opportunity (likely viewed it as a "bidness opportunity") in late 2014, and decided to go for it. He appears to be a master of "jiu-jitsu" - turning an opponent's strengths against her/him, and putting him/her on the floor. Make no mistake -- The Donald currently is at war with the oligarchs, and it will be interesting to see how this plays out.
He should not be underestimated. He took on the poobahs of his then-party-of-choice (the repugs), the anointed Queen of Wall Street, the Beltway, the MSM, anyone you can think of in the "mainstream establishment", and the PTB, head-on, in a fair fight (despite the recent fake news regarding FBI, CIA, ROOSHIANs, etc.) and turned her into chopped liver, because he AND HIS STAFF (guess who his staff reports to?? hmm!??) had read and understood the rules (c.f., "Electoral College" Article II of the US Constitution; https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Electoral_College_(United_States) ), and The $Hill (apparently) did not. Campaign for months in California (which likely is sown up by the Ds for generations, anyway) and ignore Michigan, Wisconsin, Iowa, the rust of the Rest-Belt (sorry -- couldn't resist)??! C'mon -- of course, it also could have been about increasing the amounts of campaign contributions, other donations to the campaign, Clinton Foundation, etc. -- and that would not surprise me in the least. Clintons are grifters from waaaaaay back -- and this campaign (on The $Hill's side, anyway), seemed to be mainly about raising money.
This guy is formidable. He should not be underestimated. The Rs in (what passes for a) Congress these days already get that - they are shaking in their booties -- if he calls on the Trumpistas and proposes to primary a Congressional opponent (no matter what State or party), that dude will be gone ("bye-bye sinecure") -- that is what scares them. The Ds are braying, but soon will be quivering also -- and my prediction is that they all will roll over like dead donkeys for anything that the repugs plan to shove down our throats (a modern D trait, with a 30-year pedigree).
It may be that the oligarchy decides that the best option simply is to get rid of him -- we'll see how that plays out over the next few (looooong) years --
BTW, "Welcome to Fascism", US style (and, of course, we are "exceptional" at everything, so no one else will do this in quite the same way) --
When Cicero had finished speaking, the people said “How well he spoke”.
When Demosthenes had finished speaking, the people said “Let us march”.
Reply to: AnotherPeasant
I guess the most disturbing part of McGovern's assertions is that the NSA always knows who is hacking what. I really doubt that, as good hackers have their ways of misleading, obscuring, being completely silent. So I trust no one who says they know who hacked what.
Wasn't BuzzFeed on the fake news list? Now it's not fake?
Oy, I'm so confused, lol.
But, Diane Feinstein is here to save us (cough) by investigating the investigation.
Also, anytime the crooked electeds and the MSM are all screaming the same thing, I know to be very, very sceptical. Honestly, I tend to believe the opposite of what they say.
Yes, it was.
"I’m a human being, first and foremost, and as such I’m for whoever and whatever benefits humanity as a whole.” —Malcolm X
No Such Agency will lets us burn
before they will give up any of their "sources and methods." For them the game is still on and deadly serious at that.
Arms embargo lifted from VietNam
then I'll shut up ;-). It was last May but Kerry's farewell tour reminded me why again. Sales.
Poking China, Putin!
Pre-preparations for US/NATO base to counter China's
"assertiveness" over the South China Sea?
Maybe it's now time for Russia and China to supply Venezuela, Cuba and Mexico with more arms and defense equipment to counter American assertiveness in the Gulf of Mexico.
Look at what the Dems did with drug pricing. They have been
selling us out for years.
The Democrats did it again
when thirteen Democrats voted against Sanders' bill to allow the importation of drugs from Canada.
BTW, it is good to seeyou, Mom Cat.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
Hey Mom Cat good to read you! Oh and your right.
Thanks LaFem. I just read Taibbi's article
I've been steadfastly ignoring this whole story, but finally succumbed to feeling I "need to know" what it's about. Oy. Taibbi's article was a good summary to get up to speed. But I'll be honest, I still do not care about it much. I had to laugh at his assertion that "playtime is over" -- because it all feels like an absurd reality show that just won't end.
Everyone hates Trump, except his fans who don't care what he did or does. I guess I'm officially too jaded to care. Trump is being blackmailed or controlled by Russia? I don't buy it, because he doesn't care! Seriously, they could release a video of him fucking kittens and he'd just say it's a fake and play poor me, victim of the dishonest media. His fans would believe him, and everyone else is already horrified by him.
I've known since we came down to a "choice" of the Clintons v. their longstanding good bud DJTrump, that the games will go on no matter what. the absurdity of American politics and governance is going to get even more insane and ridiculous. I think it is very likely that Trump will be impeached, maybe sooner than later. He's too unstable and too much of a wildcard to be allowed as president. Perhaps this story is part of the groundwork for that. Who knows? Then I guess it's President Pence.
What we do know is, the American public and voters have no goddamn idea what the truth is and no say in what happens. Games will continue to be played to maintain the illusion of our having a democracy, while the real powers that be carry on doing whatever they want. I figured they'd find some way to remove Trump so here we go. The show must go on!
In the meantime, Ringling Brothers is shutting down their circus, after 146 years. Good riddance! But it's clear they can no longer compete with the real-life circus we are all living in.
Karl Marx said:
History repeats itself, first as tragedy, second as farce.
We've sure as hell had our share of tragedy and farce. What do we call what's coming down the road ahead?
Dear Dems: You lost the WH, Senate, House, dozens of governors, state level SOS and AG and about 1,000 state legislative seats. Maybe...you're doing something wrong.
Whatever it is
it needs to be stopped if it's coming down the road these fuckers built. We need to build a new road or even a foot path, and we need to quit thinking that this highway is the only available 'way forward'.
Turning and turning in the widening gyre
The falcon cannot hear the falconer;
Things fall apart; the centre cannot hold;
Mere anarchy is loosed upon the world,
The blood-dimmed tide is loosed, and everywhere
The ceremony of innocence is drowned;
The best lack all conviction, while the worst
Are full of passionate intensity.
Surely some revelation is at hand;
Surely the Second Coming is at hand.
The Second Coming! Hardly are those words out
When a vast image out of Spiritus Mundi
Troubles my sight: a waste of desert sand;
A shape with lion body and the head of a man,
A gaze blank and pitiless as the sun,
Is moving its slow thighs, while all about it
Wind shadows of the indignant desert birds.
The darkness drops again but now I know
That twenty centuries of stony sleep
Were vexed to nightmare by a rocking cradle,
And what rough beast, its hour come round at last,
Slouches towards Bethlehem to be born?
William Butler Yeats
the third repeat is WAR
Here's the dealio --
We've seen this before, many times. Give the CIA, et al, a break, won't you? It takes a long time to manufacture facts. Even longer when other ~intelligence~ agencies have to be convinced or coerced into going along with the story. They want some credit too! They have to fabricate some kind of story, but not all at once. The 'truth' must be released in small, digestible chapters so that the agencies can measure public acceptance of these important 'facts'. This methodology allows them the time to write a new chapter with alternatives to fit public acceptance of the initial narrative so they may carefully choose the next installment accordingly -- while simultaneously finding ways to garner support from the politicians as to any parts of the initial chapter that were found questionable as to their veracity. These politicians, cherry picked for their pre-existing slant and general stupidity, are necessary in creating further distraction; meanwhile MSM banters about, creating further distortions. After fatigue has finally subdued the general public, it is then and only then will another installment be released, ad infinitum. This will buy time for a new scandal to be created and previous scandal forgotten. It's a beautiful system!
So, prepare for a long wait.
"I can't understand why people are frightened of new ideas. I'm frightened of the old ones."
John Cage
All economic and political systems have a finite life.
Right now, our federal government is obviously practicing corporatism. But corporatism is joined at the hip to the main vulnerability of capitalism - the workers, the great unwashed are the customers. And when the customers can no longer afford to buy, the company fails.
Every corporation listed on the stock exchange is wrangling with this problem. And all these entities are so intertwined, they rise and fall together.
So when we reach the point where we can no longer feed our insatiable masters, what is going to happen? Will they change their ways? Or will the whole house of cards zusammengefallen?
Life is strong. I'm weak, but Life is strong.
Oh! What a tangled web we weave
Personally, I've grown fond of the #WeeWeeGate story because it has taken on a life of its own. It is snowballing, especially after the British press got involved. The Brits identified (Christopher Steele ) the author of the dossier. There's also the former Brit ambassador to Russia, Sir Andrew Wood, who allegedly alerted the US spy services to the content of the dossier.
That's beyond what the idiots in the Democratic Party could have accomplished as a matter of propaganda. I don't believe it comes from any spy agencies either. Now, this one: Trump adviser had five calls with Russian envoy on day of sanctions: sources, that's definitely from the CIA or NSA. But that not a #WeeWeeGate story.
What I can see so far today from actual #weeWeeGate are:
Explosive memos suggest that a Trump-Russia tit-for-tat was at the heart of the GOP's dramatic shift on Ukraine. From Business Insider of all places. They've been doing something new on this every day.
Trump dossier: ex-agent felt 'duty bound' The Telegraph
[edit:added tweet]
"afraid of being suede" please say he didn't type that
"It now turns out that the phony allegations against me were put together by my political opponents and a failed spy afraid of being suede."
Der precedent-elect our first phonic commander-in-chief. I guess there are words people shouldn't say around him too.
Well, he IS "unpresidented"
I don't see him as a pleather guy either.
Dang it, now that word is in my phone list, and because I'm such a horrible speller, it'll likely pop up in the future.
Speaking of RT ...
[video:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BqcINip57qc width:500 height:300]
We wanted decent healthcare, a living wage and free college.
The Democrats gave us Biden and war instead.
Some of the best & honest reporting now comes from RT
If you are not familiar with their program: https://www.rt.com/shows/
Makes the inner druid weep
but thanks the information is good. This is from 2012, the video doesn't show for me but these words were enough, especially since I posted today about Judi Bari: https://www.rt.com/shows/russia-close-up/timber-barons-wildlife-forest/
so I went looking at the satellite view on maps: Ussuriysk, Primorsky Krai, Russia
Not sure if that link will work for all but if you scroll northeast from there, the clear cutting devastation is quite visible.
Times they are a-changin'. The WWF Amur division is now a 'pet'
project of Putin
Putin is now a big climate change promoter. He is putting a lot off Russian rubles into the game.
Putin touts Russia's climate change efforts, pushes for more forests
That is sweet propaganda, thanks
"Putin is now a big climate change promoter." Did you mean that like it sounds? heh. Anyway, the billionaire+global charity model is broken in my view, they are financial tools of the oligarchy first and foremost. That news does give one hope though, doesn't it? Sweet.
Here, 30 years is considered a shortcycle for softwood plantings
longer for hardwoods, which may also yield fruit, nut or other product sustainably. Over tree lifespan.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
"Over tree lifespan" CA sequoia lifespan is 3000 years
The "drive-through" tree came down in the last storm, it was only 1000.
The reason they are "preserved" is because the wood is too brittle for greedy assholes to profit.
I worked doing "fire reduction" for Sequoias in Calaveras, and down with the Big Trees in Santa Cruz. California Conservation Corps, Class of 1978. Thanks Jerry. Before my grandparents showed up, seventy-five percent of the state was covered in old growth forest. Another paradise destroyed. Sorry about that.
Thank you for sharing
This is excellent!
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
We thought so too.
Just don't tell Moose and Squirrel where you got it.

We wanted decent healthcare, a living wage and free college.
The Democrats gave us Biden and war instead.
I see Olbermann not only jumped the shark then somersaulted
over a polar bear.
Holy Crap
I saw that in this clip, and actually wondered out loud if this was a serious take, or some sort of parody. "We are under control of Russian scum!" I couldn't believe that was a real televised outburst. I couldn't help but think the guy is warped in the head and in need of serious mental help.
Still thinking we are doomed as a nation due to serious lack of critical thinking skills; the world is surely looking on this place as a sick circus.
I wish Abby would come back
she was great.
"Obama promised transparency, but Assange is the one who brought it."
You can find her at Telesur hosting The Empire Files
YouTube link for her program: The Empire Files with Abby Martin
In the following report she rips into Hillary and gives her a well deserved thrashing. Enjoy.
Abby strikes me as sharp as a tack
I don't like some of the melodrama I've sensed in some of her shows, but her language, insights and well reasoned critique are always good.
Reply to: Azazello Excellent report.
Really well stated critique.
Really crap situation now...
‘Tanks do not create peace’: German politicians up in arms over NATO’s buildup at Russian borders
A truth of the nuclear age/climate change: we can no longer have endless war and survive on this planet. Oh sh*t.
Reply to: divineorder
Trump is right about NATO.
We wanted decent healthcare, a living wage and free college.
The Democrats gave us Biden and war instead.
Reply to: Azazello
Seems like quite a few have been correct about NATO for years !
A truth of the nuclear age/climate change: we can no longer have endless war and survive on this planet. Oh sh*t.
I would like this whispering campaign against Trump to be true
Which ones? I'd rather have Trump than Pence. Trump is a loose canon, and he could shoot Ryan.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
That he cheated at dominoes and this has really upset Henry
Are we talking about the Podesta emails or golden showers?
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
RT - Did Obama create a ministry of propaganda?
They have put up
what they have and this is all they have. What good does it do to have the perpetrators investigate or 'prove' their own skullduggery? It's black theater of the worst sort. If people are so fearful and deluded that they believe in what these thugs and their killer enforcers who run our country have to say all it does is empower the false narratives they cook up and the show will go on.
There is no CT anymore as Ripley's Believe It or Not has more credibility then any horror story these mad people cook up to sell us their sick NWO. I say let them rip as they are getting so out of hand that more and more of us cannot suspend our belief and follow the ludicrous plot line. Bad actors the lot of them and why would any thing they did 'put up' prove anything other then how freaking insane and evil the people who rule us are. Let the show go on and maybe it will get booed right off the stage globally if nothing else perhaps people will stop buying tickets to this farce and write their own script for local productions.
Neither put up nor shut up.
it seems the democratic party establishment will stay on the Putin/Trump connection going into the 2018 election and beyond. The party needs a complete remake and with the Putin/Trump line of attack it also validates that Hillary was cheated out of victory and hence Clinton politics and policies were right.
People won't buy that brand though
The Dems' fortunes have been falling for years. While I am certain that the Sabanista faction of Dems will try to maintain control of the party, the voters will continue to abandon them. If they control the DNC, look to further losses in 2018.
Sooner or later progressives will take the lead, it's just a matter of how far down the DNC has to fall before they realize they have a problem.
"Obama promised transparency, but Assange is the one who brought it."
The Federalists never realized it, nor the Whigs
until it was far too late to salvage either party.
The Federalists are a particularly instructive case because they fell so far, so fast (16 years from majority party to weak regional opposition, then fading away with a whimper).
The Whigs are perhaps less instructive, because they were an unstable coalition from the get-go and it was only a matter of time before a major issue - like slavery - broke them apart.
There is no justice. There can be no peace.
Have you seen these maps?
Trumpland and Clinton Archilpelago
It's stunning how little traction the Dems have in certain areas. We should rename them the Urban party.
"Obama promised transparency, but Assange is the one who brought it."
I don't think
people are buying any brand of the political this current absurd, surreal bs. we are presented with offers. We're way beyond branding or re-branding. Who wants to resurrect either side of the duopoly from hell? The so called progressives are mired in the horse shit of identity politics and hypocritical social liberalism. They refuse to even admit what the party and the world at large has come to. John Lewis, Keith Ellison or even Bernie? Gimmie a break. After they all showed their true colors during this farce of an election who really believes that this is what democracy or justice looks like. It's a con.
Like nobody noticed that the Demorat's were and are the same fucking deal disguised as as a lesser evil. They tipped their hand big time with ramming down our throat's of the Clinton's. They are not in any way progressive. Under the thin fake layer of politically correct and socially liberal they are the same damn evil. I think the DNC and the Demorat's along with the R's who make up the complicit duopoly has blown off any chance at selling this as somehow better then.
I don't drink Coke or Pepsi or Mountain Dew, Dr. Pepper or any other chemical laden corporate concoction that rots your teeth and is toxic. It's a small world after all. Forget about the bogus marketing branding of the companies that the multinational's eat up and sell as healthy. Forget about branding or re-branding the Demorat's. The cat's out of the bag and it's rabidly running amok which ever evil brand you consume.
The problem is not with the DNC or either of the partisan duopoly pols but imo lies with believing that these so called professional progressive Dems. are somehow progressive. They are not redeemable or capable of change. They are what we need to resist regardless of how they play us and divide us. Fuck the DNC and all the weasel pols that fly under the their false flags. They mean us all harm regardless of the Russians, lunatic Republicans, or the crazed 'terrist's who are gonna kill yer family'. They are all armed dangerous and need to go. Fuck re-branding that's the last thing this planet and all the critters who have to live on it need. It's a dead end street and we all need to pay heed to where it leads.