January 20th could get a little crazy
Just do a Google search for January 20 protest.
People are getting ready.
The stage is set for President-elect Donald Trump’s inauguration – not just the traditional swearing-in platform on Capitol Hill, but a massive security presence amid protest plans to “shut down” the nation’s capital....
He suggested the city could have as many as 750,000 demonstrators alone.
More than three-dozen law enforcement agencies are working together on security and safety plans in anticipation, including the Capitol Police, FBI, Secret Service and National Guard.
Roughly 7,500 Guardsmen from across the country will come to Washington, along with about 3,000 police officers from various states, with the Secret Service taking the lead on security....
The protest groups aren't mincing words - they intend to make this ugly.
If you go to refusefascism.org, you will discover that the protests that they are organizing in Washington D.C. will begin on January 14th. They say that they want to “stop the Trump-Pence regime before it starts”, and they hope to have protests going “every day and every night” without interruption through at least January 20th.
Another group that plans to kick things off on January 14th is DisruptJ20. Of course that is short for “Disrupt January 20th”. If you go to their official website, you will find a long slate of events that have already been scheduled.
According to Legba Carrefour, a spokesperson for DisruptJ20, one of the goals of the group is to block major transportation routes into and throughout our nation’s capital. And he is not shy about the fact that they literally want to “shut down the Inauguration”…
“We are planning to shut down the inauguration, that’s the short of it,” he says. “We’re pretty literal about that, we are trying to create citywide paralysis on a level that I don’t think has been seen in D.C. before. We’re trying to shut down pretty much every ingress into the city as well as every checkpoint around the actual inauguration parade route.”
If Carrefour and his fellow conspirators are able to actually accomplish that, it truly would be unprecedented.
And while DisruptJ20 is not publicly advocating violence, they are not exactly discouraging it either…
Carrefour says DisruptJ20 has no publicly announced plans to jump barricades along the inauguration parade route or throw projectiles at the new president, but that autonomous direct actions are encouraged.
“I can’t comment on specific stuff we’re doing like that, mostly because that would be illegal. But, yeah, it will get pretty crazy, I expect,” he says. “‘Have fun!’ I say.”
If these groups follow through with these statements, it would be unprecedented.
And that's just D.C.
The protests will be nationwide.
People online have gone truly bonkers.
Let's recall that anti-Trump riots have already happened.
Our video of Trump supporter who says he was beaten up coming out of @realDonaldTrump rally. pic.twitter.com/PQSxjXfonl
— Tom Llamas (@TomLlamasABC) June 3, 2016
What I find most interesting is the near deafening silence from the Republican establishment.
For instance, the DoJ is opening an unprecedented investigation of the FBI, while the CIA leaks anti-Trump slander, and Republican leader say....almost nothing?
Maybe that's why the betting odds of a Trump impeachment are 50-50.
Donald Trump is going to be the President of the United States. But if oddsmakers are right, there’s a 50-50 chance that he won’t hold the office for that long. At 4 p.m. Eastern, the British gambling company Ladbrokes said odds are even that Trump will be impeached or resign before his first term ends. By 5 p.m. the odds had risen even more, to 11-10.

Head bashing fubar
Reminds me of my youth. Back then you not only got head whacked they drafted you, gave you an m14 and sent you off to kill people you never met.
Craziest inauguaration of all time
There has been some serious ratcheting up of the rhetoric/accusations.
Funny how none of this came out when Hillary still could have won, timing is everything, hmmm
I'm all for political protests
I'm all for anti-Trump protests.
I just questions their motivations.
I enjoy protesting, in France it's a day out well spent.
I'm questioning the motives behind the current rhetoric and its timing; what is the ultimate end game here.
The 1% have to demolish democracy on
the way to making nations fully subservient. It was truly good fortune for them that the election featured a choice between two of the most reviled public figures available. That helped a lot to discredit democracy.
When our Rulers descend into electoral politics, they stand on two legs; a left and a right. When Obama got into office the drive from the right was to discredit him with the people, and thus to sabotage the "these are the breaks, we still have observe decent civil life." Now it's Trump's turn, but from the knee-jerk left.
If it had been Hillary instead, we'd be seeing a shooting war with Russia, or leaks (even fictions) damaging to her.
It's all about destroying democracy and having global hegemony (NO EXCEPTIONS!)
Orwell: Where's the omelette?
SOOOOO nice to be where
SOOOOO nice to be where everyone else is wondering about the same things I am.
Still am DAMN glad that the Clintons aren't polishing up the nuclear war-heads All Ready For Hillary's Celebration for Her Royal Coronation, entirely unopposed by any but Bernie and perhaps a few others.... ("Awwww, just let me kill a few million innocents for starters on my first day, just for fun!")
Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.
A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.
The PTB would love to have an excuse to impose martial law.
The sit-ins in NC are effective because they are highly organized and nonviolent. The police were notified in advance and the arrests are not conducted in an adversarial way. (I heard that the Repub legislature in NC was foolish enough to try to make cuts to police budgets.) If there is violence it must all be on the part of the government. The citizens at home need to see that THEY (THE 1%) are attacking our freedoms. We are citizen protesters, not hooligans. We represent our country and the values of our citizens; THEY are attacking our freedoms.
In any violent confrontation we will lose; if we remain peaceful we win. When nonviolent people are clearly being attacked, people at home can identify with the protesters. Our government has been taking away our homes and our jobs and our privacy and freedoms. Occupy has had an ongoing moral effect because the optics of police attacking young people, especially unarmed young women, provides a visual shorthand for what the government is doing to all of us.
If this happens
That won't be the way the media covers it.
"You can't just leave those who created the problem in charge of the solution."---Tyree Scott
I agree with asterisk above
but sadly, you are probably correct, Steven D. We saw that with Occupy. The only time Occupy got MSM coverage was when they were getting their heads bashed in and then it was characterized as "violent protests" by the media.
However, I do believe that the people are figuring out just who to blame and perhaps the police are beginning to get a clue too. In my local Occupy, we actually had a police escort for a march we did to the state Capitol. The police were very accommodating and were even smiling the entire time they escorted us.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
Our samizdat will include thumb drives and video disks
passed from hand to hand. As long as we do not call it a 'news program' it will be difficult to pass formal laws against it.
"Hey yer Honor, it was just a video of my pal getting slugged by the Praetorian Guard during that non-protest the Government-Approved Non-Fake News Network says did not happen. My pal was just peacefully walking down the street when the Praetorian Guard bashed him. No, Yer Honor, there was no protest (the Non-Fake News says so); it just happened that a bunch of like-minded people coincidentally happened to be walking peacefully down the street at the same time.
Not guilty, yer Honor. This video wasn't an example of alleged 'fake-news' you have outlawed. I was just sharing a home movie with a few friends."
The online news organizations that have been developing since Occupy began are developing invaluable experience.
The clintonian infuence continues to ride high.
How much of it is organic and how much of it is manufactured will be a question for the ages.
As for me, I find I'm grateful that I'm getting old.
I'm all in for a purge of all government officials.
Regardless of the path in life I chose, I realize it's always forward, never straight.
Imagine if all this energy had been devoted
to GOTV a couple of months ago....
Trump definitely deserves a good protest though.
from a reasonably stable genius.
Imagine how screwed the future of FDR Democrats
…and The Left and the Worker Classes would be if the Democratic Party Establishment had won the election.
They would be the only political Party that wasn't turned upside down in 2016 by the voters. The gloating would be as loud as the cries of pain from the vichy-enabled austerity.
Actually, I was thinking in general terms about GOTV...
not the Democrats in particular.
Just imagine 80-90% of the electorate voting for the entity of their choice, as a result of all this 'energy', newly found.
from a reasonably stable genius.
Add 'none of the above'
to the ballot and I'd bet 80% turnout, easily.
Orwell: Where's the omelette?
"None of the above" would have *won* this election easily!
That's why they can't allow "None of the above" onto the ballot - it would break the power of the duopoly forever.
There is no justice. There can be no peace.
Nothing whatsoever would have changed. Once Bernie wasn't going to be the nominee, the Presidential race turned into Trump v. Trump-in-a-woman's-pantsuit. And virtually every American voter knew it, and voted exactly in the way Harry Truman said they would.
They elected the genuine, honestly admitted rethug over the ersatz one calling herself a "Democrat".
This is why all that energy wasn't devoted to GOTV. TV wasn't going to GO, regardless of who acted otherwise.
(See also my sigline.)
"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar
"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides
No, I agree
I was thinking generally, see my response above.
A couple of months is the wrong timeline. If all this energy exists, why wasn't it put to good use over the last year.
from a reasonably stable genius.
Hey, a lot of people worked
Hey, a lot of people worked damned hard for Bernie during what was supposed to be the Dem nomination - but hard work and energy in GOTV cannot overcome such a rigged and corrupt system when the legal protections have not been emplaced/enforced to ensure fair elections and repercussions for those defrauding voters.
If political parties are to be considered private agencies unanswerable to voters, they obviously have no business becoming involved in public elections.
Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.
A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.
Outstanding comment.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
Possible that all the bizarre
Russian fakery was cooked up first in case it needed to be in place for Bernie? It seems to have more depth than the two-month head time would suggest.
Well, the Clinton Campaign certainly hinted at it...
...when they claimed that Bernie and Jane "spent their honeymoon" in Moscow, leaving out the context of why they were there, and that it just happened to coincide with the fact that they had just married, and then the release of pictures of Sanders and Nicaraguan president Daniel Ortega.
Which leads me to another point. This whole business about Russia. Just to be clear, we are NOT talking about the communist country formerly known as the USSR. We are talking about Russia, an oligarchy run by and for the benefit of billionaire Capitalists who use the thin veneer of democratic elections to legitimize their plunder of the commons and resultant destitution of their fellow citizens. In other words, they are not all that different from us. So there really are no "good guys" in this sad little story. It's just our ugly billionaire, freedom-hating, capitalist overlords against their ugly billionaire, freedom-hating, capitalist overlords...
I want my two dollars!
AMEN, sister!!
Inner and Outer Space: the Final Frontiers.
FFS, GOTV was not a problem, the Party's corruption
is the problem. Abusing the spirit of, if not actually breaking, election law to force the most unpopular hack in history onto the ballot was the problem.
It's not like anyone in the nation didn't know who these thieves are.
I agree...
Just thinking generally that all this newly found energy would have been a lot more useful months ago......... for all parties.
I'm not a Dem. Voted Green.
from a reasonably stable genius.
I was a Dem until Nevada
And the MSM in California announcing before the polls opened that Hillary had already won so there was no point in voting. Not to mention all the young people in California (half a million wasn't it??) who found they had been registered as some crazy party no one ever heard of instead the Democratic Party.
And now the Hilbots have the gall to try and stop the legal inauguration? Never any Democrat again.
I've seen lots of changes. What doesn't change is people. Same old hairless apes.
Thu, 01/12/2017 - 5:34pm —
Thu, 01/12/2017 - 5:34pm — Bollox Ref
True, but the Green Party would not have been allowed to win anyway.
Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.
A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.
Are protests that have no goal...
…are they as valid and meaningful as protests that are tightly focused on correcting an injustice or evil undertaking?
Just wondering.
Virtue signaling and empty gestures
are the sum and substance of our conventional politics. Sort of the grandchild of the professional politicians who came to believe perception management is the one key sufficient to winning power.
Orwell: Where's the omelette?
Still, it beats simply clicking on and then sharing...
...yet another online petition on Facebook...
I want my two dollars!
Made me smile, Ken in MN, because it
made me think of a Gilbert Gottfried quip about the "comments" sections online. He said that they are often brutal and vicious, but far too easy. It makes him long for old fashion lynch mobs. At least they had to put on their coats, go out in the street, get torches, get the mob together, pick a place to string up the accused and do the job. Now you can do it from your couch, in your underwear.
"Just call me Hillbilly Dem(exit)."
-H/T to Wavey Davey
I am not even sure
that these "protests" are actual grass roots protests. Something is very fishy about supposed lefties softly advocating violence. Where were these people when Bernie had the nomination stolen? To me, this has the earmarks of manufactured and paid protestors organized by the Clintons.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
So little that presents itself to the public can
safely be taken at face value. News has become a tool of the oligarchs. Chew on it well before you swallow it whole. There's a lot of bad food going around these days.
“The story around the world gives a silent testimony:
— The Beresovka mammoth, frozen in mud, with buttercups in his mouth…..”
The Adam and Eve Story, Chan Thomas 1963
I agree. The guy laughing at possible violence
rang my BS meter, too. As someone who worked in the Sanders' campaign, I can state that violence was not encouraged nor approved. It was simply grassroots' common sense. $hrill's ilk has none.
Inner and Outer Space: the Final Frontiers.
It's not just that they are supposed lefties who were silent
-when Bernie was getting shafted, it's the way they sound happy about the possibility of violence. I've known a few lefties in my life, mostly ex-military, that haven't ruled violence out, but it was always from a dead-serious outlook. None of them were smiling at the prospect. They understood, frequently from personal experience, that it is always ugly, devoutly to be avoided, and bloody likely to involve harm to innocents. They all thought of it as a desperate last resort. When somebody is even suggesting it by implication, for no apparent reason, on zero provocation, I too smell the rotting fish.
I argued against the "Occupy Trump" protests, and I think these coming ones are seriously bad strategy, too. They are giving Trump exactly what he wants, on every level. An easy target to bully, bias confirmation for his followers, red meat for the MSM, "proof" that "The Left" (yeah, right!) are prone to violence and have no real goals beyond chaos, and most importantly for Mr. Trump's new owners, NO FUCKING CHANGE IN THE STATUS QUO WHATSOEVER.
Strategy this incredibly brain-dead almost HAS to be RW-financed astroturf. -As per the recent counter-sting proof of same from TYT, regarding Project Veritas trying to pay to foment violence. Maybe a peaceful counter-protest would be in order? Can't believe I wrote that. I detest Trump. -But these protests will give him the attention he so desperately craves. HOW is that a good thing, again?
"Capitalism is the extraordinary belief that the nastiest of men for the nastiest of motives will somehow work for the benefit of all."
- John Maynard Keynes
You would still have an effective comment
…without 90 percent of the projection it contains.
I don't get the point of it.
What are they trying to prevent? Or to make happen? What is this supposed to accomplish? Is it simply an inchoate amalgamation of dissatisfied liberals blowing off steam?
I don't see how promoting aimless chaos and civic disruption is in any way related to"refusing fascism". It seems both illogical and counterproductive to me. It presents an image of faux-revolt, and will likely be perceived as something petulant and unserious, serving no apparent purpose other than to express displeasure at Trump's being elected.
This is fuckin awesome
especially if it's done right, it is what I and many were hoping for, standing up to Trump would never had happened to her heinous, so I'm hoping these protests work to some extent, cause we're stronger together
in standing against him than any "liberal pushback" in standing against her heinous.
Buckle up interesting times are upon us.
I never knew that the term "Never Again" only pertained to
those born Jewish
"Antisemite used to be someone who didn't like Jews
now it's someone who Jews don't like"
Heard from Margaret Kimberley
I am glad to see the protests
but I too question who they are and what the motive is. I imagine there'll be all types there, from the truly progressive and angry at the whole thing to weeping Shillary supporters screaming about misogyny. The beating up of Trump supporters though, I can't get behind that at all. It's just more divide and conquer distraction. I do hope some kind of fruit or vegetative material gets splashed on the Rumper, or maybe one of his smug children. We all have our childish moments.
Only a fool lets someone else tell him who his enemy is. Assata Shakur
Bush the Lesser's car was egged during his (first?) inauguration. Of course the Captive Media said nothing about it - but "alternative" sources mentioned it occasionally.
Hope somebody "eggs" the Trumposaurus on - maybe it'll actually get mentioned this time (but I doubt it).
There is no justice. There can be no peace.
It'll probably be a lot worse
Minority rule must always be resisted
In my younger days, I would have proudly joined them. The installation of the most corporatist government we have seen HAS to be resisted. No, they're not going to prevent a Trump administration but at least they're doing something about it. Hopefully their rage can be funneled into a real progressive movement.
The real SparkyGump has passed. It was an honor being your human.
Where were they at HRC's rallies?
Her fascism was less offensive to them?
(I personally prefer protests of acts over personalities. I don't like or trust anybody in government, but do not call and complain until they do something despicable.)
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
My guess is that most people don't know...
...how truly awful Clinton's policies and record are, as they were fed a steady, fawning diet of bullshit (First Woman President!, Most Qualified Nominee in History! Defender of Women and Children Worldwide!) in the corporate-owned "news". Obviously a vast majority of Americans didn't vote for her, mainly because she did not inspire them to bother versus the small, but vocal minority who actively voted against her out of hatred, misogyny or the fact that she had a D after her name on the ballot...
I want my two dollars!
Well, as long as they understand
it won't make a fucking bit of difference, I say let them have their fun.
But those that voted for Clinton should wear a little pin on their shirt, designating them as lead hypocrites.
Maybe they (pinned people)would be charged with the
minimal offense.
They will be charged.
Count on it.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
A Terrible Strategy
Completely announcing one's plans in the corporatist media??? Why not just show up at the police station and demand to be arrested? Better than facing bayonets from military or National Guard called up to quell the urban unrest. Less likely to have the "Patriot" invoked to provide the legal excuse to charge you with "terrizm".
Vowing To Oppose Everything Trump Attempts.
Such Attacks Only Make Trump Stronger
We already know that Trump supporters have limited mental capacities. Knocking their noggins is only going to make them more vehemently supportive of the orangutan in chief with reduced intellects. They will have grudges, and will seek revenge. We already know that many Trump supporters are willing to bring firearms, and such events will only confirm to them their pathetic lack of male appendages will require being in public carrying heat - and in groups for mutual protection.
Then, some fool will decide that uniforms will be really cool:
Learn from Weimar now, before it's too late.
Vowing To Oppose Everything Trump Attempts.
Your snark and contempt
verges on the Clintonian. I wouldn't disparage any voters if I were you. It doesn't make your case, only engenders resentment.
The problem is
relative to what the citizens really need to rise up and protest about, it can't be about Trump. Trump and his "regime" are just more of the same, like Obama was more of the same, like Clinton would have been more of the same. We need to protest the entire ruling class establishment that holds power and change the political system so the people have the power and not the rich. That won't happen protesting Trump, this is just wasted energy that will serve to derail any working class movements to change the power structure in this country. So it wouldn't be surprising that this is organized by the dem party and opponents of Trump to damage Trump and his regime while opening up their prospects to regain power. So in effect it's all playing right into the establishment's hands to stay within the confines of the political system.
EXACTLY she screams.
Trump is dangerous and crazy, like Shrub wasn't?
Hell, like Obama wasn't?
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
PRECISELY, he concurs.
The protestors are aiming at the wrong target.
The demonstrations are useless.
1. They won't change anything.
2. Hillary would have already goaded Russia into bombing the entire east coast.
3. They won't change anything.
4. Trump won't be as effective as he would like to be.
and, finally,
5. The demonstrations won't change anything.
Life is strong. I'm weak, but Life is strong.
How considerate of them to organize the Reichstag fire
Wtf are people protesting? Pussy-grabbing? All that was already litigated in the election. "Russia?" LOL.
All this looks like to voters is the world's biggest outbreak of sore loser-itis. There will be plenty of policies and decisions to protest, and those fights might actually attract attention and even maybe change minds. But this? What's the message? That the opposing side is unhinged?
You're right! I can't think of anything else.
Trump boasted about something nasty to some guy a decade ago? Was that the "fascism" he committed?
Meanwhile, Hillary is covered from head to toe in the blood and gore of tens-of-thousands of dead Libyans, and Trump said "pussy." Those were the established facts before election day.
Or, are folks protesting something that they fear Trump will do? Certainly, Hillary's future agenda as President was no mystery. Every single thing she has done in the past decade has directly supported "the corporatization of the government" (fascism). She was paid up front to enact Neocon-liberal policies that will continue to harm the American people and asset-strip the public sector. But this is Trump's first rodeo, so there's not much "fascism" to go on.
I'm going to assume these protestors are intellectually honest, and thus they would be even more determined to protest Hillary, if she had been elected. In greater numbers, too. Because reality.
Very sore losers, and incredible hypocrites
"Our system" and obedience to it is holy, as long as they win - but they turn into violent Neanderthals (forcibly interfering with other citizens' freedom of movement, at least) when they lose.
Remember when they accused Bernie supporters of being violent chair- throwers? Shocking!
Seen this RW subterfuge payoff plot to disrupt the Inauguration?
TYT had an exclusive on this (haven't seen it anywhere else), but it seems pretty newsworthy.
"If I should ever die, God forbid, let this be my epitaph:
- Kurt Vonnegut
Verrrrry interestink!
Verrrrry interestink!
Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.
A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.
.... but not funny.
but very interesting
Laugh-In never went unseen on our TV back in the day, different times.
Rowan & Martin's Laugh-In Season 3 - Interview with Arte Johnson
"When ethnic comedy was part and parcel of our society. We laughed at ourselves, we laughed at each other, and I did dialects. I did all kinds of dialects."
Fond memories indeed.
Great. It's coming at us from both sides.
Re-invigorating my suspicion that Trump and Clinton were working together all along.
"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha
"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver
It's not just a suspicion with me. I think it's true.
The Clintons and Trumps were very chummy for many years. We already know that they were thinking about this election cycle WAY before it was on most people's radar. Plenty of time to start acting like they didn't even know each other. At this point, maybe it has morphed into ACTUAL enmity, but only in a sectarian, high-school, who's going to be elected Most Popular sort of way. I expect they will both still smile and nod, or perhaps cackle insanely, if these demonstrations turn into blood in the gutters.
That Project Veritas Counter-sting video is, I think, important to get more eyeballs on. -Especially to anybody thinking about putting themselves in harm's way by attending this well-publicized opportunity to get their heads bashed in by militarized police. Some of them may not want to become martyrs just yet, particularly if the actual purpose is to enable more establishment repression, and line somebody's pockets. This whole Democratic Party / MSM - endorsed hysteria reminds me of that old saying about the Civil War:
"Rich man's war, poor man's fight."
"Capitalism is the extraordinary belief that the nastiest of men for the nastiest of motives will somehow work for the benefit of all."
- John Maynard Keynes
Are you going to write about this?
Because I was going to write an essay this week on this subject, but if you're likely to, I'll stick to my What's the Message, Mr. Gardiner? series.
"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha
"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver
Actually, it's coming at us from three sides.
Of course, (1) the Clintonite-Dem whacks; (2) the Trump-supporter saboteurs, seeing the whacks whacking out and throwing gas on the fire; and then (3), the laying back, lifelong-voting Republican (think: the "Never Trump" Repubs), just waiting for him to get in so they can find something substantial, something legal, on which to impeach him... so they get their Dominionist, Pence.
I've been eavesdropping on Breitbart and Red State, and Red State is largely the number 3 people (while of course Breitbart is the Trump-loving, pepe-frog people-- although they seem to have a tiny vein of progressivism).
Beware the older, establishment Repubs... they are looking to eject Trump, and they are quietly willing to put time, money, resources wherever they need to (this includes into the Clintonite whacks), in order to get Trump out, leaving Pence as president. They are lying low, for now, waiting for real meat (McCain and Graham jumped the gun w/ the 'Russia dossier').
I thought for a long time that the Clintons and Trump were working together- and perhaps they were. But it seems to me that something changed- perhaps somewhere during the primaries (my instinct roils... maybe Trump respected Bernie?). When I saw Trump bring Bill's former lovers/assault victims to a debate-- and, more telling, Bill's facial expressions-- I knew that whatever friendship had existed between these people just spontaneously combusted. Things "went South," and that may be why we're getting so much Trump-loves-Putin propaganda now, because the Clintons still have mega power in D.C. and are pulling every string to delegitimize Trump.
Anyhoo, my main point was to watch. the. establishment. Republicans.
Oh, I haven't forgotten them.
But if I think it likely the Clintons and the Trumps were working together, I *know* that the Clintons and Bushes are. Jeb Bush opened his donor list to Hillary Clinton when she was having trouble beating Bernie and had maxed out her own donors. That tells me everything I need to know, even without the chummy summers together up in Kennebunkport.
"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha
"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver
How else can they show that we NEED stronger police?
Oh look, all of those dangerous lefties!
See! See! They're planning VIOLENCE! We clearly need to arm our own people and strike back against the communists!
If we hit them hard enough, they'll stop their violence, and we can be free to have reasonable, intelligent debate.
Just as long as you're wearing this armband which we will provide to show that you love America and the Political Party that represents it. And as long as you're not on our list... Speaking of which, have you ever been a member or voted for a Third Party?
Just kidding, we already rounded all of them up.
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.
Sounds exactly like what might happen.
I go back to the Maiden protests in Kiev. I saw videos of the early days, and unarmed cops were being hit by Molotov Cocktails, more dangerously described as petrol bombs. Not a pretty sit seeing anybody engulfed with fire. The cops had people with fire extinguishers behind them. Apparently, when this neo-Nazi lead incited violence happened, it represented the "aspirations" of the Ukrainian people.
Well, not in America.
I thought if this happened in America, both the gopers and democrats would be howling for blood and give permission for some serious police violence. People fear fascism from Trump, but would it surprise anybody if the democratic party went along under these sorts of circumstances.
Not openly anyway.
Shit like this makes me think that Trump saved us from Hillary. And she's still trying to seize power. "After me let fire consume the Earth."
I've seen lots of changes. What doesn't change is people. Same old hairless apes.
Some of Hillary's operatives were taped
talking about paying people to be violent at Trump rallies. It's coming from both sets of crazies.
Just curious; do you have a source for that to share with us?
I would gladly put that next to any links to the Project Veritas Counter-sting video. "Both sets of crazies" indeed.
"Capitalism is the extraordinary belief that the nastiest of men for the nastiest of motives will somehow work for the benefit of all."
- John Maynard Keynes
Inciting violence is an age old tactic
Inciting the government to attack protesters is an attempt to turn support away from the government to the cause of the protesters. Sometimes it is the government which conveniently and stupidly does this as happened with violence against peaceful Civil Rights protesters. The nation was in good part outraged just for Ferguson cops aiming their assault rifles at unarmed peaceful protesters.
I am not sure how any wide spread violence would play out. At one level the early protests were for me a bit crazy as people were essentially protesting one republican beating another republican. Me go out and get fucked up for Hillary? Yah, fuck Trump--give me NAFTA any day!
The problem here is that Trump got in this big nation our ours, not much less votes than Clinton. And about one half of the country didn't care. Some people may say Trump is widely unpopular, which is true, but not in some absolute large numerical way. These near equality of numbers is the basis for civil war.
Here is where the shit hits the fan. If there is violence, the cops will respond big time--probably bigger than the police riots during the Chicago convention. They know that Trump will support the police violence regardless at what level it occurs. And so will the nearly half of the electorate who voted for him.
And the next time there is any protest in any city afterward, it will be met with extreme police violence--again the cops knowing the President big time will support them. Where it goes after this is answered somewhere in history.
Actually, the American people got a recent promotion.
They are now "enemy combatants." All of them.
I would wager that most of the "enforcers" were formerly deployed to America's killing fields in Afghanistan or Iraq. The cops who kill usually are. They're our little war dividend.
When cops begin to refuse their orders to beat protesters
is when the revolution will turn for the positive. I keep thinking of Chris Hedges's wonderful story about the collapse of the Berlin Wall, which was preceded by the turning point of East German soldiers refusing their orders to fire on civilians.
To me this is a very important element we should be taking seriously and attempting to make inroads with. Most of us reflexively have disdain for the cops because of their conservative RW tendencies which breeds adversity toward the ideas of free speech and progressive values, including me. But there are a good many I believe who are reachable.
Whenever this subject comes up I am reminded of how important it is that we begin relations with local cops and the military, who though known adversaries to Left Wing folks must be approached (and I say this understanding the difficulty because I loathe the institutions and their brainwashing), softened by the realization that they are pawns being used for the protection of the 1% and their property. From being a many protests in NYC I sense that there are definitely at least a few who would be receptive to such discussion. There's never been a better time too, when all these cops on their downtime while on patrol can read various dissenting ideas and begin to think differently than their brainwashing that everyone they encounter is a potential perpetrator who needs to be arrested, with the exception of Wall St bankers of whom there only interaction with is getting cush off-duty security jobs and free football tickets.
Similar to the great scene in Dr. Zhivago when his brother is telling the story of his greatest triumph, in which he was able to convince whole battalions to desert the front line in the war against Germany by telling them they had no quarrel as Russian baker's sons with German baker's sons, and that this war was for the exploits of the rich alone at the bloody expense of young working class men, we must convince the average cop that their commanders similarly hobnob with the 1% elites and do their bidding and are given ornate perks for it (New Yorker article on relationship between Mayor and Police Commissioner, "These days, Bratton spends his off-duty time with one-percenters who he says disdain the mayor; de Blasio’s downtime is more likely to be spent sweating in souvenir T-shirts at the Park Slope Y.") while they have to endure the drudgery of filling quotes every month.
The cops on the beat, on the front lines orders to corral protesters, have to see their neighbors and peers up close, face to face. There's opportunity there for, if not a coalition, some kind of bond or understanding.
"If I should ever die, God forbid, let this be my epitaph:
- Kurt Vonnegut
Excellent comment!
I am a firm believer in trying to find commonality among those whom we may disdain, either by their political views or their occupations. We have far more in common than not. I learned this in my four and a half years in a Peace vigil. In talking to many self described conservatives, we found that there were areas in which we could find agreement. Having conversations with these people is very important because we may just begin to form alliances for the common good.
The organizers of Occupy Tallahassee tried to reach out to the local police and had some success. Local police actually provided us with an escort for one march and the two officers who did so seemed to enjoy doing it.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
The American people hated Clinton & Trump roughly equally
by the end (60% vs 58%), but whoever got into office was going to take the brunt of everyone's resentment at being subjected to an election like that. And whatever that person's signature crappy quality was was going to end up being the particular focus of that resentment.
Thus, if Clinton had won, you would have seen an upsurge of hatred against Clinton, the 1%, and corruption. She is the face of the Establishment, so the Establishment itself would have become the target of the people's ire.
Since Trump won, we're seeing an upsurge of hatred against Trump, the far right, and racism. He is the face of right-wing populist resentment against the Establishment, so all things right-wing and populist are becoming the target of the people's ire. This is helpful to the Republican Party establishment, not harmful, so they're letting it run its course. Of course, it's helpful to the Democratic Party establishment and the Establishment writ large too.
The key here--and it's what's dividing people--is being able to see that attacking the far right--like we've always done--is not, in this context, the same act that it was when we did it in the 80s, 90s, or under Bush. Right now the most powerful rightists in the world are hiding behind Donald Trump's supporters, hoping the American people will get so mad at white working-class racists that they will forget the existence of the people who stole their houses, crashed their economy, bought off their government, and turned the place into a police state--and a perpetual war machine.
Above all, this election was designed to prevent the American people from uniting and turning their attention to the elites, by starting a race war, and possibly an ideological war as well: White vs Black, Right vs Left. And when I say "war," I mean people actually killing each other.
Bernie Sanders' intrusion into the narrative disrupted it a bit; there are still ideas surviving in the cultural memory because of his campaign. But the narrative lumbers on like a wounded troll, wrecking all in its path.
Dawn take you all and be stone to you.
"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha
"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver
As always, CantStoptheSignal
As always, CantStoptheSignal speaks sooth.
Thanks yet again for being here and invariably making the right - and so very many essential - points.
Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.
A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.
Thanks, Ellen. :-)
"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha
"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver
The protests are bullshit
No legitimate purpose. Will only cause harm. Who is backing them financially?
"Make dirt, not war." eyo
Spot on, Marilyn.
"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha
"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver
Stop Facism by being a fascist?
This is not just ugly, it's wrong. Should the Right have done this in January 2008?
I've seen lots of changes. What doesn't change is people. Same old hairless apes.
More to the point--if they were going to do this
Shouldn't they have done it in 2000?
"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha
"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver
YES! At least there was a case in 2000!
And a subsequent Florida newspaper sponsored recount showed that Gore DID win Florida, although ithe abbreviated recount he asked for would not have. That, coupled with a literally anti-precedent SCOTUS meddling gives serious doubts as to the legitimacy of the Bush presidency. But no one seriously doubts that Trump won over 270 EV's. To say they don't count because Russia revealed Hillary's duplicity to the public is just sophistry. To try to stop the inauguration by violence is treason. The Constitution defines treason in part as insurrection. Three times in my live I have sworn to uphold and defend the Constitution and to bear true faith and allegiance. I'm not about to become foresworn because the populace prefers to vote for a jackass over a lying bribe-taker.
I've seen lots of changes. What doesn't change is people. Same old hairless apes.
Anybody over 35 who's participating in these protests
who wasn't out on the streets in 2000--and as someone who was, I can tell you there weren't a lot of us, at least not in FL--has a serious credibility problem and is, at best, a dupe.
"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha
"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver
Let's hope that it stays peaceful
If the police, secret service, fbi, and national guard just show up you can be assured of violence, usually started by the authorities as well documented by investigations of previous riots. If they show up in large, visible force, are well trained and have a positive attitude towards the peaceful protesters then nothing will happen and free speech will prevail.
The real danger here is that uncontrolled violence erupts, rocks are thrown, police cars are overturned and fires are started. And yes I have been there and seen this, but we were specifically protesting the war in Vietnam. Make no mistake about this, middle America does not support national chaos. They will see no justification for this. It will be attributed to the Democratic party and the "left". America will support the authorities and a hard turn to the Right.
My advice - stay home for this one.
Capitalism has always been the rule of the people by the oligarchs. You only have two choices, eliminate them or restrict their power.
At least many Americans can agree on what they don't want
Too bad many of them couldn't be bothered to vote. I think the motivations are pretty obvious, Trump embodies what they hate most. Hopefully, the protesting will move beyond placards and chants to stopping work a day commerce that will piss off the elites. Other than that, no one in power gives a shit.
Fri, 01/13/2017 - 8:14am —
Fri, 01/13/2017 - 8:14am — Blueslide
Too bad that so many Americans were deprived, via cheating by both corporate parties, of both the best (and non-corporate) Dem Presidential nominee and of their vote via numerous methods both in the Dem Primary and the General Election.
Actually, those 'in power' very well might be planning this shit as an excuse in taking further fascist steps in repressing the American population...
Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.
A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.
Yeah. Neither major-party candidate.
"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha
"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver
Solidarity with Voices of Conscience
Great protest I think. Some violence always comes from agent provocateurs, government and others. Stay strong remember non-violence always wins public opinion. First amendment, right to assembly, blah blah blah. Wish the port workers would shut down in solidarity. Shut down the world, why not? Power to the people! Holger Burner - Our Streets Friede
Trump himself opened eyes wider from the bully pulpit as he unveiled this threat against his twitverse account
One of his billionaire friends will buy twitter and that will be that. Next? Preview is in the Killswitch docu I think. Hope not.
Voices of Conscience
Support the resistance! Don't think it can't happen. Thanks.