Comedians .vs. Crumbling News Media
Great Comics have always cut through the paralyzing (and brainwashing) noise coming from The Establishment, and from their many corrupt and crooked Institutions (that we all live under). The late George Carlin , and Bill Hicks especially come to mind.
Recently, I've become a fan of Jimmy Dore, and the video clips that he puts out. In the age of "Fake News" (all around us .. especially the TV), they are quite effective at cutting though the b.s..
[video: width:450 height:315]
How Your Politicians really feel about War
[video: width:450 height:315]
Fake News
[video: width:450 height:315]
Finally, the Truth on Syria
love jimmy dore
don't know how i found his videos, but they're on utube, and are a combination of outraged hilarity and the "emes"
Yep . . . love him too . . .
Watch him, TYT Politics, McQueenPress, Tim Black, and H.A. Goodman
Jimmy is the only comedian though. He is the best.
Edit: And Kyle K too . . . and any interview with Glen Greenwald or Jesse Ventura . . . and I like Yvette Carnell and Abby Martin and of course our own Steven D
"Make dirt, not war." eyo
One More Classic ...
[video: width:450 height:315]
Yes Daily Dore
I check every day, he is showing people how a brain operates when used properly. Way to go Jimmy, keep going!
tragic and scary read in counterpunch
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
Thank you for the link, dkmich.
I enjoyed reading it.
"Just call me Hillbilly Dem(exit)."
-H/T to Wavey Davey
I love the writers on counterpunch
In my humble opinion, this is one of the best websites that tells us the truth in simple terms. Thanks for the link to the article, DK.
How true is this statement? As the OP wrote, the only difference between the two parties is on social issues.
When it comes to wars, tax breaks for the corporations and the rich, and especially Israel there isn't an ounce of daylight between them.
I like how he took apart the argument that Hillary was the most qualified candidate ever. And that we dodged the bullet when she lost the election.
She was telling us that she was willing to risk a war with Russia by creating a no fly zone so that she could remove Assad from office in order for Saudi Arabia and Qatar could build their own pipelines after Assad told them that they couldn't.
Or the Saudi regime that does the same things that our government said Saddam, Gaddafi and Assad did.
Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.
Two Things Happened in this Election: Both Good!
Two Things happened in this Election, and both of them are good.
1. An outsider, Donald Trump, took over and redefined the GOP, where they now speak to the concerns of working-class Jobs and Job security, and oppose Globalism, the crooked trade deals, and now finally oppose "Big Pharma", and even oppose the illegal and tyrannical Global "Regime Change" policies -- and want to work cooperatively with Russia (and pursue more peaceful policies). This is big. To achieve this, Trump is going to have to battle with the evil CIA and the Neocons who still inhabit the State Dept, The Pentagon, Think-Tanks, the "John McCain" factions of the GOP, and ...yes... the phony U.S. News Media. But Trump has shown that he does not back down easily, and yield to pro-Establishment pressure. This is good. This is an historic time for our Country.
2. The stale and timid Democratic Party has been defeated, and their hypocrisy has been exposed. The Corporatist-Neocon-WallStreet wing of the Democratic Party (represented by Hillary Clinton, Obama, Joe Biden, DailyKos, MSNBC, Hollywood Celebrities, etc.) have been now de-legitimized and rejected. This development makes possible the opportunity now (which would not have happened otherwise) for Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren to emerge as the new spokespeople for the Democratic Party, and a true Progressive direction to now finally take place. Obama, of course, has no "legacy" at all apart from horrible Corporatism and more Wars and violence and government secrecy -- and this has also now been exposed. This once corrupt dominant wing of the Democratic Party has now finally been defeated, and the Party will now be forced to become more bolder and more imaginative and represent the common man once again (or perish if it fails to do this).
Good things. The Establishment / Globalists, of course, don't like these developments..... Trump is now setting the agenda, and they can't control it anymore.
America is finally becoming less sheep-like, and the credibility of the Corporate U.S. News Media has finally been destroyed.
2017 should be a good year.
"Interesting times" just got more "interesting"
Remains to be seen if any of it is any more than just blather and froth and double-talk and duckspeak.
There is no justice. There can be no peace.
"Way to go Kamala''
"God damn useless Democrats."
Jimmy Dore=Incisive
Love him
Jimmy Dore is fantistic, I love what he's doing. We need more people like him calling bullshit for what it is.
Just watching Jimmy's facial expressions
as he plays the various clips, is entertainment enough.
Everything else is very good gravy.
from a reasonably stable genius.
C99, JDore, Counterpunch and RT
My go to's , don't really need anything else.
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