Donate to Tulsi without Markos getting his cut

I received an email from Tulsi Gabbard (go Tulsi, go) requesting a donation. I would certainly do so but the linked donation site was Act Blue. Markos gets a cut of this. That was a deal breaker, so I emailed Tulsi back, saying that I wouldn't donate through Act Blue.

Wonder of wonders, I got a reply. Here is the address for donating to Tulsi:


Thank you for your support for Tulsi and interest in making a contribution. All donations made through ActBlue go entirely to Tulsi except for a small administration fee.

If you would prefer to not go through ActBlue, you can donate on this page- https://votetulsi.ngpvan This goes through NGP which a private company not connected to ActBlue.

Sending a check is another option. Here is the address:
Tulsi for Hawaii
PO Box 75561
Kapolei, HI 96707

If you need any other information, please let us know.

Team Tulsi

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negatives by using Act Blue as a middleman and there are no positives of which I am aware.

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"The justness of individual land right is not justifiable to those to whom the land by right of first claim collectively belonged"

GreyWolf's picture

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I don't think so but go on.

Votebuilder is one of the software systems created by NGP VAN.
The software was created in 2006 to bridge a perceived gap in microtargeting abilities between the Republican and Democratic parties. Along with the central voter database storing the voter information, there is also an app for smartphones and tablets that is intended to be used by canvassers.

Perceive much? blam!

In an interview with Vice Magazine, an individual claiming to have successfully hacked into the DNC network under the alias 'Guccifer 2.0' attributed his intrusion to a zero-day in the software systems of NGP VAN he discovered over the summer.

good luck

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Alligator Ed's picture

but it doesn't matter if Tulsi gets the money.

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Citizen Of Earth's picture

Its current president and CEO, Stuart Trevelyan, was a veteran of the 1992 Clinton-Gore War Room, providing research, analysis, and whip counts to the Clinton Administration as a member of the White House Office of Legislative Affairs.[6]

Personally, I'd rather mail a check. These online money changes take a percentage cut of every donation. No idea what NGPs cut is , but ActBlue takes 5% or thereabouts.

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Donnie The #ShitHole Douchebag. Fake Friend to the Working Class. Real Asshole.

DailyKos has its own set of fundraising accounts on act blue. If you go there and search for daily kos, you will see one very long list including an account for Bernie. I find it impossible to believe that dk gets a piece of everyone's dollar and not just their own.

In any event, an alternative address can do no harm.

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"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon

... For example, the firm noticed that many of its donors labeled themselves as retired or unemployed on contribution forms. So it changed the form to allow users to check a box for these options rather than type them in, which increased completed donation forms by 4.7 percent.

"Soak the Poor in 3 easy clicks". Woe, chump is me. Watch how the money gets spent, the system passes it between wealthy consultants and politicians, voters get crumbs. That is sick.

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Making a form easier to fill out hardly constitutes "soaking the poor", they would only be filling out the form in the first place if they where there willingly to donate in the first place.

Not discounting problems of transparency with actblue, its far to easy to create accounts that split the money between different entities without it being clear that, that is in fact occurring.

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This is hindsight, if lucky it will take me all of the Trump administration to pay for what I gave Bernie for President last year. "Not the billionaires" got me to bite just like "Yes we can" did. I no longer smoke hopium as the ship sinks, can't afford it. But those who can, will. And so it goes.

Мир (mir)

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Citizen Of Earth's picture

that give him a piece of the action. I think he had one set up to screw the Bernie Bros, but I forgot the ActBlue account name. There is a way to find out who gets the money for each ActBlue account, but I forgot where it is found.

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Donnie The #ShitHole Douchebag. Fake Friend to the Working Class. Real Asshole.

ZimInSeattle's picture

best. I've even donated cash.

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"Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." - JFK | "The more I see of the moneyed peoples, the more I understand the guillotine." - G. B. Shaw Bernie/Tulsi 2020

TheJerry's picture

Can you point me to the source that says that Markos gets cuts on donation through ActBlue? I see people making this assertion, but I have been unable to verify it, or just haven't searched enough.

As far as I can determine, DKos is just one of many groups that have fund raising pages for candidates, including TG. However, these pages are groups on behalf of a candidate or cause and the fundraiser doesn't get a cut.

However, if for example, DKos is a client that does its own fundraising on ActBlue (and I believe from context of what Kos has said, they do) then they can bundle contributions to a candidate and themselves, in which case DKos gets a cut. But in this case, those fundraising pages will specifically say that you are donating to both the candidate and DKos.

If you simply donate at ActBlue to a candidate's own, personal, page at ActBlue, then DKos doesn't get a cut that money goes to the candidate and ActBlue is explicit about where the funds go and how.

Now as far as ActBlue getting money for itself, that only happens if you "tip" them (as I understand it). I have not seen a link between Markos and ActBlue at a business level only as a regular fundraiser, but if there is such a link, he'd only get a cut if you tip ActBlue and they pay him some sort of consulting fee/remuneration.

I use ActBlue a lot because I don't want to have to fill out a form at a hundred different campaign sites. For one thing that's a lot of places with my CC. I have no desire to give anymore money to DK, which is why this concerns me greatly, however as far as I can determine he only gets money that is explicitly marked as for DKos.

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"I'm not interested in preserving the status quo; I want to overthrow it. "
-Niccolo Machiavelli

"Sorry Hillary"

This was posted over at The Progressive Wing by DK user nomandates:

Just so everyone knows, every time an org such as DKos does this joint fundraising thing with a candidate through ActBlue, donors can see that the default is to split the donation between the candidate and DKos. And, more importantly, they can change it so that DKos gets zero if they want to not give them anything. Just as donors can choose not to give ActBlue a tip.

I remember a lot of Bernie supporters were pissed because they didn't realize there was a default.

It never affected me because I always donated to Bernie via Liepar Destin's ActBlue BNR jar and all the proceeds (minus ActBlue's administrative fee) went to Bernie.

You could probably go over to DKOS and pretend like you were going to make a donation and see what the default was. I'm not going to do it because not going to DKOS (even to read the comments) is the one New Year's resolution I haven't broken. Yet.

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sojourns's picture

I'm not so sure that KOS the money chimp gets a cut from every donation made through Act Blue. Only those that originate from his site and/or email panhandling list. I could be wrong. I did donate to Sanders once through Act Blue but made them delete my card info as I don't trust the security of that site. Afterwards, I donated directly to Sanders skipping the middleman, using my favorite old school method of payment. The U.S. Postal Money Order.

Tulsi is a star.

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"I can't understand why people are frightened of new ideas. I'm frightened of the old ones."
John Cage

I would check that NPG_VAN company too. I'm wondering if it has anything to do with that database company, which I think was called Van, that Debbie Wasserman Schultz used to mess with the Bernie campaign, pulling their access at a crucial time.

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Beware the bullshit factories.

MsGrin's picture

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'What we are left with is an agency mandated to ensure transparency and disclosure that is actually working to keep the public in the dark' - Ann M. Ravel, former FEC member

MsGrin's picture

It's like any fundraising opportunity - the group which sets up the link through them gets a cut. Kos only gets a cut of the links he creates and promotes.

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'What we are left with is an agency mandated to ensure transparency and disclosure that is actually working to keep the public in the dark' - Ann M. Ravel, former FEC member

I will never use ActBlue to make a donation again. I used it to donate to Sanders, but then my credit card was wrongly charged for three continuing donations. Two of these monthly donations was to the DCCC, to whom I have never donated. In fact I had been trying over and over again to get the DCCC stop e-mailing me.

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