It's not about Putin; It's just Dirty, Machiavellian Politics

Democrats have lost their minds.
Well, Democratic voters have lost their minds.
The Democratic Party leadership, OTOH, knows exactly what it's doing.

The hysterical Russophobia rhetoric has only partly to do with Russia. It's real target is Trump.

In September, I wrote, “If Trump wins in November, which is a real possibility, what will happen if an Obama administration claims a successful Russian hack? What will happen if the hanging chads of yesterday become a digital con of today?” Just over three months after I wrote those questions we might be getting our answer....
Why would the outgoing lame duck Obama want the review before he departs? Simple, the departing president is trying to delegitimize the man taking his place.

Like much of the 2016 election cycle, what we are witnessing here is the last vistages of democratic process being swept away, leaving the crude, corrupt, bare-knuckle political reality in it's place.

The true target of these sanctions is Donald Trump.
By imposing sanctions on Russia, Obama is lending the authority of the Presidency to the CIA’s claims of Russian hacking, daring Trump to deny their truth.
If Trump as President allows the sanctions to continue, he will be deemed to have accepted the CIA’s claims of Russian hacking as true. If Trump cancels the sanctions when he becomes President, he will be accused of being Russia’s stooge.
It is a well known lawyer’s trick, and Obama the former lawyer doubtless calculates that either way Trump’s legitimacy and authority as President will be damaged, with the insinuation that he owes his Presidency to the Russians now given extra force.
Like so many of Obama’s other moves in the last weeks of his Presidency, it is an ugly and small minded act, seeking to undermine his successor as President in a way that is completely contrary to US tradition.

Some Trump supporters will probably claim that this is some sort of establishment/elitist reaction to an anti-establishment/anti-elitist candidate, but that is a laughable claim.
Trump is as much a part of the elitist establishment as Hillary is.

What is going on here is different factions of the ruling oligarchy battling over the spoils. Which is something you almost always see in a dying empire. Or any empire, for that matter, in which the oligarchy has absolutely no fear of the working class.
The bitterness of this clash of factions of the ruling oligarchy is very real.
They really do hate each other, and are prepared to cheat, lie, steal, and do whatever it takes to seize the power and wealth. The only thing that could unite the ruling factions are a peasant revolt.

This struggle of the factions comes with a heavy price.
Consider this poll.

Half of Clinton’s voters think Russia even hacked the Election Day votes (only 9% of Trump voters give that any credibility at all). Six in ten Trump voters believe there were millions of illegal votes cast on election day. One in four Clinton voters agree with that, though it’s likely that the illegal votes Clinton voters think were cast were quite different from the illegal votes Trump voters see. In an Economist/YouGov Poll conducted a few days after the election, just 2% of those who voted on Election Day said they saw any ineligible voters trying to cast a ballot (and there was almost no difference in the proportion of Clinton supporters and Trump supporters saying this).


Neither ruling faction believes in anything but power and wealth, so it's only natural that they motivate their peasants through factless conspiracy theories.

Now neither political party is talking about, or cares about, real issues.
The cost of this strategy is merely our democracy, our prosperity, and our future.

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It's all about positioning by the Oligarchy, it's the rest of us that will get rolled again.

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The Republican attacks on the Clintons were a smoke screen that allowed them to wreck the country

The hacks of the DNC from what I read could have been done with 1990's technology. High School Level hacks.

It might even be that Trump's response will end up helping him as he points out the BS claims

The response of the party of the most part is not what they have learned, but games to keep their tie to the oligarchs.

This is the time that someone has to stand up for our democracy and for the earth, but not clear where the dems will be.

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shaharazade's picture

partisans be? I mean come on enough with the meaningless endless red vs. blue and the accompanying culture war between people. People I know who are not even Democrat's are buying this classic exercise in propaganda and brainwashing. Progressives vs. the Deplorable's has nothing to do with what's going on here. Fear and loathing and us vs. them has taken people to the limit of sanity. 50% is an alarming number of hysterical liberals who have lost their minds. You'd think after the Bushies and the Obama bait and switch people would get hip to their jive and not be afraid of Russian's under their beds next to 'the terrist's who are gonna kill yer family'. It's getting really crowded under your bed.

What's so hard to understand about a complicit duopoly? Is not Putin just another psycho oligarchical collectivist ex KGB asshole like the CIA here in the USA running their psy-ops on the people. They do not call them spooks for nothing. The last thing they are about is intelligence or security. Seems to me the oligarch pols and the myriad alphabet intelligence agencies are running on empty and getting desperate. This is the bottom of the barrel as far as deflection goes. That I understand but what is incomprehensible is that otherwise people of good spirit would fall for this ludicrous story line.

The truth of how screwed we are is too hard to face I guess. blaming everybody except the global culprits is easier then facing 'We're so Screwed 2016'. Actually we've been screwed since they decided that the constitution and the bill of rights were unenforceable and just antique pieces of paper. How many times are people here going to Chicken Little out when faced with the reality of just how long gone any semblance of democratic governance or system of checks and balances on power is. Ah Pook is here, and that is way more scary then having Putin under your bed.

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shaharazade's picture

this and that due to my snit fit about people believing the Russain's did it, whatever it is.

Psychological warfare (PSYWAR), or the basic aspects of modern psychological operations (PSYOP), have been known b
y many other names or terms, including MISO, Psy Ops, Political Warfare, "Hearts and Minds," and propaganda.The term is used "to denote any action which is practiced mainly by psychological methods with the aim of evoking a planned psychological reaction in other people." Various techniques are used, and are aimed at influencing a target audience's value system, belief system, emotions, motives, reasoning, or behavior. It is used to induce confessions or reinforce attitudes and behaviors favorable to the originator's objectives, and are sometimes combined with black operations or false flag tactics. It is also used to destroy the morale of enemies through tactics that aim to depress troops' psychological states. Target audiences can be governments, organizations, groups, and individuals, and is not just limited to soldiers. Civilians of foreign territories can also be targeted by technology and media so as to cause an effect in the government of their country

Here's another voice of sanity. Oliver Stone debunking..... He does a good job as that's his forte. this is a good read as it points out the real dangers this false flag op is creating. Thanks gjohnsit for your excellent essays that are a good reality check.

As the “failing” (to quote Trump) New York Times degenerates into a Washington Post organization with its stagnant Cold War vision of a 1950s world where the Russians are to blame for most everything — Hillary’s loss, most of the aggression and disorder in the world, the desire to destabilize Europe, etc. — the Times has added the issue of ‘fake news’ to reassert its problematic role as the dominant voice for the Washington establishment. Certainly this is true in the case of Russia’s ‘hacking’ the 2016 election and putting into office its Manchurian Candidate in Donald Trump. Apparently the CIA (via various unnamed intelligence officials), and the FBI, NSA, Director of National Intelligence James Clapper (who notoriously lied to Congress in the Snowden affair), President Obama, the DNC, Hillary Clinton, and Congress agree that Russia, and Mr. Putin predominantly, is responsible.

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Amanda Matthews's picture

amounts to nothing more than pandering to TPTB counts for zip, zero, nada, nothing. So he's going to go out like the petty little man he really is and try to fuck things up as much as he can for all the non-worshippers before he leaves a slime trail as he heads out the door. Not even all his pandering to black people in this shameless (and surely humiliating way since it did no good) worked the magic he must have thought it would:

snip from politico

“I know that a lot of people in the barber shops and the beauty salons and, you know, in the neighborhoods who are saying to themselves, ‘Well, you know, we love Barack. We especially love Michelle. And so it was exciting and now we’re not excited as much,’” the president said. “You know what? I need everybody to understand that everything we’ve done is dependent on me being able to pass the baton to somebody who believes in the same things that I believe in. So if you really care about my presidency and what we’ve accomplished, then you are going to go and vote.”

end of snip from Politico article

This whole thing has been a ruse from the day he gave his Keynote speech at the 2004 Democratic Convention. And this whopping bag of bullshit about being the first black president? Not exactly true, is it? He had a white mother who shipped him and his sister off so she could have her career so they went to be raised by their WHITE BANKER grandmother and the rest of the non-black family. OTHER THAN SKIN COLOR, WTF HAS THIS GUY GOT IN COMMON WITH BLACK PEOPLE AND THEIR LIVES? He never wanted for a damn thing. Never went to bed hungry. Never had to worry about ANY of the things that should have concerned the 'first black president'. He was a ringer. A 'black' man held up as a guy who could understand the problems of minorities and the poor. But in the end his true 'colors' came bleeding through and the ONLY people who got his support was the rich man and the MIC. I grew up in the North Omaha Housing Project (3008 Parker St, Omaha) and I can tell you without qualm or hesitation that I have more in common with the black experience than his arrogant hide. Went to bed hungry many many times. Christmas was used toys from the Salvation Army (and we were DAMN GRATEFUL), and Thanksgiving Dinner, when we had one, was donated too. And since WE were the minority there, guess who it was who got the racist shit thrown at them? My poor Mom almost went to jail because my brother John kept skipping school because he got sick of getting beat up for his lunch money or just for being white.

Now that he sees that people don't think he's the big shot civil/human rights icon he thinks he should be remembered as being (even though he has to know that's a crock of shit) he's gonna get all Baracky and shit all over us as he slithers out of Washington.

EDIT: big/bag - on the iPhone again.

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I'm tired of this back-slapping "Isn't humanity neat?" bullshit. We're a virus with shoes, okay? That's all we are. - Bill Hicks

Politics is the entertainment branch of industry. - Frank Zappa

so that's what he is. The USA's first African American president.

Other than that: Well said!

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"The justness of individual land right is not justifiable to those to whom the land by right of first claim collectively belonged"

Amanda Matthews's picture

community. He has done NOTHING to help the Native American community. He has done NOTHING to help the aged. He has done NOTHING to help poor children (he did cut the Head Start and WIC programs during his 'austerity' program though). He put the safety net up for cuts. He did NOTHING for union workers. He did NOTHING for 99% of the American people.

Barack Obama can 'identify' himself however he wants but the truth is he was strictly the president of the 1% and the sooner people quit looking at his skin color and look at his family, his history, and his personal ideology, the fucking better off we'll all be. It's like when Clinton decided she was a kindly old loving, caring, concerned 'arbuela' to Hispanic kids. She might have thought so, but it doesn't make it true.

You can call yourself anything you want. But that doesn't make it true. i think I want to be Queen of Nebraska. So, please refer to me as Your Highness until next Monday because that's how I'm identifying this week. /s

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I'm tired of this back-slapping "Isn't humanity neat?" bullshit. We're a virus with shoes, okay? That's all we are. - Bill Hicks

Politics is the entertainment branch of industry. - Frank Zappa

our supercharged World of Identity Politics, it was important to him;and the bourgeois BLM conflation would probably hurl unpleasant words in your direction for your forthright statements (and mine too if I had the nerve you do) so I'll stick with my good-natured (honest) post.

He was a willing stooge of the 1% wasn't he?

Queen of Nebraska you say? "...seated on her throne of maize with the cornstalk of power in her right hand and facing the Platte River, next to the statue of Roman Hruska..."

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"The justness of individual land right is not justifiable to those to whom the land by right of first claim collectively belonged"

Amanda Matthews's picture

their handlers. What do those people have to show for anything? Did old Hopey-Changey do anything FOR them either??? Hell no he didn't. That was a half-assed operation who's intent was anyone's guess. From the first time they took the stage away from Sanders to the fact that they pushed millions away every time they threw a fit when someone said 'all' lives matter. Sorry, when a group's entire agenda is to stir up shit I don't give a fuck what they think. There were millions of fellow citizens sympathetic to what black Americans face to be found among Sanders supporters, but he was a nasty old racist and so were we. At least according to that bunch. They don't worry or impress me. And they sure as fuck got NOTHING out of old Hopey-Changey but demands for their votes, so they didn't impress him much either.

What has he done for the people in Ferguson? Baltimore? Chicago? Detroit?? I surely don't have to point out all Hopey's concern for 'his' people there, do I?

Sort of like now with that bastid and the Native Americans up in North Dakota. He's allowing a private corporation steal what land the people there have by right and by treaty. He sees the brutality that's being used against them. And does NOTHING. The only thing he sees are all the dollars he's gonna get for being a good little toady.

Let's put it like this. This bastid wants to put OUR kids in jail or prison for something HE did and HIS OLDEST KID has been caught on camera doing. He's so damn hypocritical and lying that there aren't words adequate enough to describe what a piece of shit he is.

This guy was The Corporate/MIC President and NOTHING more.

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I'm tired of this back-slapping "Isn't humanity neat?" bullshit. We're a virus with shoes, okay? That's all we are. - Bill Hicks

Politics is the entertainment branch of industry. - Frank Zappa

Adolph Reed’s 1996 assessment of Obama

Adolph Reed’s 1996 assessment of Obama, shortly after the latter won his
first Illinois state senate race:

“In Chicago, for instance, we’ve gotten a foretaste of the new breed of
foundation-hatched black communitarian voices; one of them, a smooth
Harvard lawyer with impeccable do-good credentials and
vacuous-to-repressive neoliberal politics, has won a state senate seat
on a base mainly in the liberal foundation and development worlds. His
fundamentally bootstrap line was softened by a patina of the rhetoric of
authentic community, talk about meeting in kitchens, small-scale
solutions to social problems, and the predictable elevation of process
over program -- the point where identity politics converges with
old-fashioned middle-class reform in favoring form over substance. I
suspect that his ilk is the wave of the future in U.S. black politics,
as in Haiti and wherever else the International Monetary Fund has sway.
So far the black activist response hasn’t been up to the challenge. We
have to do better.”

“The Curse of Community,” Village Voice, January 16, 1996—reprinted in
Class Notes: Posing as Politics and Other Thoughts on the American Scene
(New Press, 2000)

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detroitmechworks's picture

Far too many think that Trump is their Sun of York...

He's just another Blizzard heading our way...

Or to put it in modern parlance. The light at the end of the tunnel was always a freight train.


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I do not pretend I know what I do not know.

Amanda Matthews's picture

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I'm tired of this back-slapping "Isn't humanity neat?" bullshit. We're a virus with shoes, okay? That's all we are. - Bill Hicks

Politics is the entertainment branch of industry. - Frank Zappa

WoodsDweller's picture

will pull the sanctions on Day 1 and claim that it was a hoax by Obama and the DNC. Which has the advantage of being true. Anybody at the FBI and CIA who wants to keep their job will sing the new song. "Oops, we really have no idea of Russia was involved."
It will delegitimize Obama and make Trump look like a hero to his base, leaving room for him to screw them in other ways.
As usual, Obama is way out of his league. Particularly if he thinks there is any way to embarrass Trump, who is shameless.

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"The greatest shortcoming of the human race is our inability to understand the exponential function." -- Albert Bartlett
"A species that is hurtling toward extinction has no business promoting slow incremental change." -- Caitlin Johnstone

shaharazade's picture

are pretty damn shameless in their own right. They call the nighttime day and then fine you when you slam the door. Don't be sanctimonious says Obummer to those of us who are not fans of our spooky Gestapo, those torturers are patriots doing a hard job to keep you safe. Don't forget that the criminal Bankster's who rule the world are just savvy businessmen who also are doing a hard job keeping their disater capitalist casino's house of cards from failing and driving us over those cliffs of fiscal mass destruction.

How about Hillary with her shameless version of feminism wherein any woman who doesn't vote for busting corporate boardrooms glass ceilings has a place in hell. Kissing Kissenger? They are all shameless and they are all in the same league. Obama is and always has been a talented PR con man. The front man stand in for the Clintonite/Rubinite/ branch of the duopoly who were counting on her turn once the empty Obama suit was gone. The rerun of McCarthyism is nothing but shameless.

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May The Farce Be With You

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Sandino's picture

which is reflexively anti-russian, and probably believes the current capitalist ologarchy is just faking it and waiting 'til our backs are turned to go full-on commie again. Cold warriors never die, they just ossify in office and gibber soundbites.

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is all that anti-Russian any more. I've seen a fair amount of admiration for Putin being expressed in those quarters. Looks like that will soon be put to the test however. In fact Putin is more of an authoritarian populist than anything resembling a Leftist.

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Sandino's picture

Their rhythmic admiration of his shirtless figure astride a stallion is distasteful, but jealous admiration of an authoritarian with great PR is a far cry from acceptance of the right of russkies to exist.

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regime change, I conclude they had the means to get Hillary elected.
They wanted Trump and they wanted war or a cold war with Russia.

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"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981

asterisk's picture

(It is ironic that they are now blaming Trump's win on Russian spooks. Where was Comey during all this supposed hacking? It will be interesting to see whether they throw Comey under the bus or give him more power.)

For me the hostility of the spooks toward Hillary was a small point in her favor. Trump will be easy for the spooks to blackmail. His reaction to blackmail attempts about his own conduct is hard to predict. I wonder how he will react if the spooks try to go after Ivanka's reputation?

Elsewhere (TOP) some hold the opinion the Ivanka is a nice Democrat. If anything happens to Trump she might have some support in the next election. I have no idea what the spooks think about her. I'm glad Trump has his own bodyguards.

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What I do know is that the CIA has the capabilities to get the election outcome they want or need.
I thought Hillary had it in the bag. Easily hackable computer ballots are the kinds of toys the CIA loves.
And yet, here we are.
I do not know what is going on at all.
At. All.

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"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981

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"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981

I agree with every word, and also think "Hope & Changey" cut several deals with Clintons over the years, the final one on his side, getting Her Heinious elected POTUS. Imagine how devastating to have his supposed legacy rejected, nothing to show for all his campaigning. Obviously never a good relationship between those twisted PTB, but don't think Hope & Change expected to be tossed aside as he was.
As much as Hope & Change wanted to preserve his legacy, imagine how quickly those new cement barriers in the White House Veggie Garden will be removed Smile

Poor Billy probably wanted to get back in the White House more than Shrillary, maybe if Brooklyn/DNC/Mooks/Podesta had listened to him, and worked the swing states, mid-west as he wanted, he would be.

The Clintons are gone. Most positive think I think about that hideous election.

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SparkyGump's picture

This is probably the most important DNC election coming up since 1980.

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The real SparkyGump has passed. It was an honor being your human.

Bob In Portland's picture

The problem with Hope and Change was that in the first administration we got a Republican think tank healthcare plan and that was all the change there was. After realizing that there was no hope, and looking at Clinton and realizing there would be no change, what with the Democratic Party insiders not even being able to articulate, "It's the economy, stupid" anymore, well, the Democratic Party demonstrated itself as worthless to its constituents.

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I smell see signs that they they may be working up to something.

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Amanda Matthews's picture

dormant for a while.

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I'm tired of this back-slapping "Isn't humanity neat?" bullshit. We're a virus with shoes, okay? That's all we are. - Bill Hicks

Politics is the entertainment branch of industry. - Frank Zappa

Cross my palm with silver and I'll tell you which.


Within the last couple of days, I saw an article about people supposedly urging Hillary to run for Mayor of New York against Blasio. I'm guessing the people in question are Hillary,Chelsea, Chelsea's husband and Bubba.

The two tone deaf white people who joked about CP time could face off against each other? That should be interesting. Word is DeBlasio is liberal. Can't have that!

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Until Trump gets inaugurated, Obama, CIA, or Pentagon can pull shit that damages Russian/US relationships to the point that Trump can't repair it. Putin defuses the expelling of diplomats. Trump says he knows things others don't about the hacking. The power grid hack is a clear phony story. False flags work may not work all the well right now. Maybe shoot down a Russian fighter jet over Syria as the Turks did? Have Lithuania launch a missile attack on Kalingrad?

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coup is going to happen.

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for a host of reasons, and so does Trump. I think Trump might have the stronger bargaining position, as long as he respects Russia's "red lines". I doubt there is anything the Pentagon/CIA/ media can do to prevent the two of them from initiating mutually advantageous negotiations. Obama's recent efforts to prevent this have been ineffectual, probably even counter-productive, having served only to make him look petty and vindictive, and to discredit his CIA sources.

The Democratic Party is in utter disarray, the ball is very much in Trump's court and clearly, he intends to run with it. I'm expecting many heads to roll at the CIA and elsewhere in the IC... a thorough housecleaning in the offing. Unless they manage to kill him first, that is... which is not beyond the realm of possibility. Though it would be incredibly reckless. And any such attempt would be more likely to occur later rather than sooner.

A major false flag within the next few weeks? Unlikely IMO, not enough planning time, and not enough coordination. Plus, I bet at least half the Intelligence Community is in serious CYA mode.

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Official Fake News has been talking about Russia
'Hacking the election' trying to give the impression the actual votes were hacked, when it was just the DNC, and apparently even that was the result of a phishing ploy that any competent teen-ager could create.
Saw a headline today that DHS denied the other story going about that Russia hacked Vermont energy grid.
Explained to my non-student of politics but wonderful son just yesterday that politics is always about 'power and wealth,' no matter what any of the actors say. Nice to see you say that exact phrase today.

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Orwell: Where's the omelette?

Amanda Matthews's picture

He's the new Deep Throat. Below is a clip from one of Podesta's emails.

FYI: there's a snip from WIKILEAKS under here

>>>> Subject: Lost phone >>>>
To: Eryn Sepp >>>>
>>>> >>>> i lost my phone this am. It must have fallen off my belt getting in or out of the cab. I used Diamond and had a 4:45 pick up at Brandywine. Can you call Diamond Cab and see if the cab driver found it. They should be able to figure it out given the pickup. The receipt says #Diamond 444 C502


Ya never know. Maybe he's another Mark Felt. /s

EDIT: I fixed the spelling of the old bastid's name

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I'm tired of this back-slapping "Isn't humanity neat?" bullshit. We're a virus with shoes, okay? That's all we are. - Bill Hicks

Politics is the entertainment branch of industry. - Frank Zappa

I agree that

What is going on here is different factions of the ruling oligarchy battling over the spoils.

But I think they may be battling over foreign policy. One policy could be the continuance of endless war, slaughter, nuclear weapons proliferation, and support for psychopathic dictators, i.e. fascism, and the other policy could be less war, fewer nukes, but more commerce, more environmental degradation, and more jobs, i.e. oligarchy. Or in other words, a pro-Saudi foreign policy vs a pro-Russian policy. Or merely Chevron vs Exxon. We may be in a war between Standard Oil in Saudi Arabia and Standard Oil in Russia.

But I do think the identity of the person or persons who leaked the Podesta and DNC emails to Wikileaks is very important to the current leadership, Obama and Clinton, the DNC, the banks that control the media, and the rogue state. There's a desperation in the insistence that it's Putin that feels just like Saddam having anthrax, bio-weapons, and a mushroom cloud. There's so much insistence that it feels like fear, and I think it's fear that the connection between these players and the Saudi government will be solidified if the identity of the leaker is known. I also think that the information that our CIA and the Saudi government both supported Al Qaeda before 9/11 will also be examined more closely as time goes on, possibly through the Victims' Families lawsuit, which is still pending.

Why would the identity of the email leaker have any connection to these kinds of changes in perception? I think the key to what the administration is trying to distract us from is in the term, "legal access." Julian Assange's associate Craig Murray says the leaker had "legal access" to the emails. That could mean it was a DNC staffer with a conscience, but it could also mean it was law enforcement acting under a warrant. It could be an investigator who was discouraged from acting on information through the legal process.

Either way, I think there's more to these emails and their release than just the obstruction of Bernie Sanders' campaign. The behavior of the powers that control our perception of foreign policy is too out of proportion, too Bush/Cheney-like, to be about a political prank.

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So if the Russians "hacked the election" because they wanted Trump to win, wouldn't they also have had to "hack the Democratic Primary" in order to ensure it would be Clinton who Trump ran against? If that were the case, Hillary's victory as the Democratic nominee was invalid.

The Inquisitr had a good piece up about this "Russia interfered in our election" propaganda.

Interference In The Election – But Not By Russia

We should be thanking whoever did leak these documents, not being upset about them “interfering” in our election. However, the greatest interference in this election was undoubtedly not by Russia, but other actors. Most of these actors are in the United States and much of what we know of this interference we know because of these hacks.

And my favorite line in the whole article:

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Sandino's picture

that Putin orchestrated both Trump and Clinton's primary nominations by placing a high-level mole in the Clinton campaign. The ridiculous hacking hysteria is just a distraction from the massive sabotage inflicted on the campaign from within. I know many here believe it was just arrogance and incompetence, but I find it implausible that they could be so perfectly incapable. Seriously, we could maybe attribute 5 or 6 of the major Dem fuck ups to cluelessness, but all 297 of them? Such a perfect storm does not just happen.

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Alligator Ed's picture

Where are the facts? Ain't nowhere to be seen, unless you make them up like good Democrats or rotten Republicans) or the other way around. CIA has no proof. As bad as FBI has been shamed by Comey's rolling on his back submission to TPTB, the CIA has actually been hurt worse. In the back corridors of power the CIA has obviously been outplayed--maybe by the Pentagon or a cadre of others. Remember CIA armed "moderate rebels" in Syria to fight "moderate rebels" in Syria armed by the Pentagon. A proxy battle for internal power here in the U.S.

No, I don't think CIA and FBI are on the same side even though they are part of the same power structure. Even in Joe Stalin's day, the NKVD had its internal rivals. Any giant organization, whether economic, military, or political will always have factions.

Name one country/empire/nation in which there were no factions. Even little Athens or Sparta, had internal factions. Our nation had a brief "era of good feeling" when George Washington ran and won the presidency without opposition. Adams did not fare as well even though he won. Jefferson was an up-and-comer with different philosophies.

I don't know what Trump will do with his tenure and he may not even know himself. Over at DK, a place to which I shall never return until Markos, BBB and several others are deported, in about Sept. 2015 I predicted that the 2016 race would be Trump vs Bernie. Of course, I didn't suspect "the fix" which scuttled Bernie's chances--but I was right about Trump.

It is still unclear how Herr Drumpf will rule. There WILL BE CHANGE--whether for good or ill. Obama's "legacy" will vanish as quickly as it began. My opinion but I believe that imminent confirmation will prove this correct.

What happens if Trump makes detente with Russia a reality? What happens to the huge military expenditures necessitated by Obama's non-wars? The MIC will remain fat and happy but won't be able to squeeze as much out of Congress when we're on better footing with Russia and ISIS is defeated. Then maybe some of that "new-found money" can actually go to health care and social support programs--a true peace dividend.

Don't think I am pro-Trump. Our environment will certainly suffer. Re-instatement of Glass-Steagal is iffy and the RepublicRATs want to do away with Dodd-Frank at which they may succeed.

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snoopydawg's picture

You asked what if Trump makes detente with Russia a reality?
I don't think that Trump is going to be allowed too much freedom of what he wants to do as president.
If he doesn't follow the script closely and does things that go against the Deep State's agenda, he will either be impeached or removed from office by other means.
I'm going with Impeachment because if he dies for whatever reason, this country is going to explode.
Nope, he's going to be on a short leash.

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“When out of fear you twist the lesser evil into the lie that it is something good, you eventually rob people of the capacity to distinguish between good and evil.”
~ Hannah Arendt

Alligator Ed's picture

If Trump had appointed a more moderate Republican (is that an oxymoron?), the Deep State might not be so inclined to be rid of him, since there would be another semi-likeminded individual to take Herr Drumpf's place.

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OzoneTom's picture

...he could have done better. Jesse Ventura or Bernie Sanders inn the number two slot come to mind.

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orlbucfan's picture

He's not shaking in his boots at the TPTB or the Deep State or any of the other "high born" lords.

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Inner and Outer Space: the Final Frontiers.

might not be all that easy. It better be a strong leash. So far at least, the much vaunted "deep State" has been caught flat-footed. Unprepared and disorganized. I don't think it ever expected to be attacked from the Right.

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dervish's picture

It's all about the Democratic donor class retaining its control and influence. They sunk $1.3 billion into a dying endeavor, and to add insult to injury, they are now threatened with having little or no influence going forward. Blaming this on the Russians enables them to retain their control over the Democratic party with an eye towards the future, without having to answer for their mistakes.

If the donor class maintains their control over the Democrats, we have no realistic options for change.

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"Obama promised transparency, but Assange is the one who brought it."

Cassiodorus's picture

(D) neoliberals: yay
(R) neoliberals: boo

There's really nothing more to it. I really don't see why any more diaries are going to change anything. Sure, the above position involves all sorts of contortions, deception, identity politics guilt-tripping, and other nonsense. So? They're not going to change.

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"The expansion of Israel and its proxies is an absolute fundamental necessity for the United States." - Tim Walz

shaharazade's picture

As bad as the farcical election was all this freaking internecine court intrigue among the duopoly seems to be working nicely to keep the populace running scared and focused on the great cultural divides both here in the USA! USA! USA! and globally. It's absurd to spend all this freaking energy speculating on who did what to who. They are all bad news. The only thing I know or really care about is the Democratic party is so rotten to the core that all the kings men cannot ever put this Humpty back together. What's so hard to understand about a duopoly or the 'oligarchical collectivist's' who want to rule the world.

They all including the Dem. progressives seem frantic and desperate to get people back to the 9/11/ Cold War frightened of boogeymen mentality, where we all fall inline against a common enemy be it homegrown right wing loonies or evil foreign players. When the spooky CIA and der Homeland Security with their created moderate rebels ISIS and their Nazis Ukrainian coup are considered credible sources for leaking the campaign rigging shenanigans of the neoliberal/neocon Democratic side of the duopoly, why feed the beast? I guess it's easier to swallow for the duped American believers then facing the fact that all of this carrying on about the perpetrators internecine power plays means nothing. It's dust in the wind and keeps the power right where they want it.

fairey giant_0_0.png

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