Putin - A class act
Early Thursday Obama announced a set of countermeasures to Russian "hacking" of the US election. Without any proof of this except speculation from the Intelligence community, Obama announce the expulsion of 35 diplomats and the forced closing of two Russian compounds in New York and Maryland.
The diplomats and their families, some 96 people including spouses, children and pre-schoolers, were given 72 hours to leave the country. These people and their families reside in the US and have holiday plans just like the rest of us. Getting out of the US at the last minute is proving very difficult during the holiday week. Moscow is sending a passenger jet to transport some of these folks.
This is unbelievably petty and, once again, exposes Obama's mean streak. Response around the world is very negative.
The Russian Foreign Ministry has recommended a commensurate retaliation of expulsion 35 American Diplomats. However, Putin is not taking the bait.
“We reserve the right to retaliate, but we will not sink to the level of this irresponsible ‘kitchen’ diplomacy. We will take further moves on restoring Russian-American relations based on the policies that the administration of President-elect Donald Trump adopts,” Russian President Vladimir Putin said in a statement
He then went one step further and invited American diplomats and their families to enjoy the New Year's festivities in Moscow and within the Kremlin.
“We will not forbid families and children from spending the New Year’s holidays at the places they are used to. Moreover, I invite the children of all American diplomats with accreditation in Russia to New Year’s and Christmas festivities in the Kremlin,” the Russian president said.
- President Putin appears statesman-like and compassionate
- He avoids poisoning the well before Trump is sworn in
- He offers a hand of friendship to the new administration
It's no wonder that the administration is screaming that Russia is building status around the world at the US's expense. The administration is claiming that the Russians must be cheating, right? No Mr. Obama, the problem is that you are clueless, and Vladimir Putin knows how to be a world class statesman.

I'm starting to wonder if Obama has an ulterior motive
I think you've got it LSM
They planed a war. Europe is ready. And we're gonna have it!
I keep thinking that's an upside to T-rump, but you just can't believe much that ole tiny hands says. Putin says wait and see. We will all have to wait.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Please, would you add a snark tag behind
"Europe is ready".
It's not yet "Weiberfastnacht" (Women's Carnival Day (Weiberfastnacht): 23th February, 2017). That's the only day I would allow an Amerivan in Germany to talk nonsense like a drunk.
Obama's 11-diminsional chess game
has apparently collapsed into a disorganized jumble. This latest move of his is just plain embarrassing. The man seems to be losing his marbles. We are very fortunate I think, that Putin continues to keep a cool head -- despite the chaotic and irrational nature of recent US foreign policy. Throughout the conflicts with Obama's Administration, Putin has displayed formidable diplomatic skill and admirable restraint, while receiving nothing but calumny in return.
It' sad that Obama would end his time in office on such an ignominious and petulant note. Having risen to power on a wave of optimism and high hopes, for him to end his term like this is disappointing to say the least.
He THOUGHT it was 11th dimensional chess,
Not realizing that it was actually JENGA blocks.
"I’m a human being, first and foremost, and as such I’m for whoever and whatever benefits humanity as a whole.” —Malcolm X
Putin understands more than Obama does.
Putin's moves back in 2013 (as I recall) prevented US boots from being on the ground in Syria. How many American lives did a Russian President save with this move?
Vowing To Oppose Everything Trump Attempts.
It's the shredded legacy, learning that he's lost
his non-existent mojo, and the prospect of having to pay for his own vacays and pay taxes and upkeep on his five mansions. Wouldn't anybody grumble over these burdens?
I am so grateful for Putin's cool head!
Good for him! Lucky for us!
"Make dirt, not war." eyo
Class act... Not sure I'd go that far.
No he has the kind of swagger you get from getting away with murder. Can't say Obama doesn't have some of the same swagger. World leaders ...what are you going to do with them?
Psy ops ... There is a silent fuck you and merry Christmas at the end to The almost out of work Obama.
I agree
Putin ain't some warm hearted Santa protecting the American diplomatic Corps from a holiday disruption. He's a ruthless AH. He's just very smart. And he's making the US look like a bunch of clowns. This entire "oh look! Scary Russians" narrative has done nothing but show up the weakness of the US political, security and governing establishment. A truly stupid hail Mary IMO. The boy who cried bear?
Just watching PBS Newshour
to see what the masses are being fed today.....And I can’t wrap my mind around this. PBS newshour repeatedly displayed a large graphic, in all caps, of “STRIKE BACK” over their story of how Putin has declined to strike back in any way against the sanctions, diplomatic expulsions and inflammatory accusations of the Obama administration.
Then guest Andrew Weiss (economist and member of the Council on Foreign Relations and the Clinton Global Initiative) is allowed to point out just how manipulative and despicable Putin is for his “magnanimous” restraint, without a hint of astonishment at the incongruity of this non-sequitur.
How dare he! How unhinged must Putin be to show restraint and patience! Any respectable world leader would play his part and respond with escalation and threats of more escalation! That’s how we play the game, dammit!
At this point, I’m ready to rank my preference between current, near-missed and future world leaders of the top 2 world powers like this – Putin out front, followed distantly by Obama, then Trump as a wildcard, and Clinton solidly at the bottom!
How could Obama possibly get the position on illegal Israeli settlements so right, albeit on about the 2, 900th day of his administration, yet get Russia so wrong?
"If I sit silently, I have sinned." - Mossadegh
You Believe PBS???
Do you not notice how much of their programming is funded by David Koch? I don't believe PBS as far as I can throw them even if they attempt to tell me that the Sun rises in the East every day!
Vowing To Oppose Everything Trump Attempts.
As I pointed out, I observe it to keep track of what the masses are being fed.
"If I sit silently, I have sinned." - Mossadegh