Campaign of Terror: (re-)normalizing political racism
This has been a depraved and depressing election, and its results have left many terrorized and deeply mistrustful of their fellow citizens' character and intentions. Hundreds of millions of dollars have been spent to spread divisive propaganda of racial antagonism, and it has had an impact. From small children in tears to reports of transgender youth committing suicide, the media is awash in terrifying accounts of the distress of minorities and legal immigrants in the aftermath of the election. But all these terror victims are the obvious and utterly foreseeable results of a cynical campaign strategy to manipulate and win votes. No w that the election is over, you might imagine the campaigns would disband and put away their megaphones. This is not entirely the case, because now the divisive and deceitful propaganda is being used to deflect from the real causes of Trump's election to protect those responsible both for the election result and the terror bordering on mass hysteria among their most gullible followers.
The Clinton campaign has a lot to answer for, but true to form, they are only pointing fingers at others, blaming the Russians, the KKK, the FBI, the voters, the electoral college and the media, in alternating rounds of hypocritical delusion that has become laughably transparent to virtually everyone outside their self-righteous bubble of entitled denial. And because so many major media orifices are demonstrably complicit in the campaign, they continue to collude in the post-election terror propaganda campaign, presumably for free this time.
But if you've read this far, you probably know all that. It is more interesting to consider the longer-term effects of a campaign to make people feel that a huge proportion of the population is misogynist and racist and anti-muslim, that, particularly outside of major coastal cities, America is hostile and violent to minorities, and that the concepts of racism have just seized political power. While there is no denying the existence of racism and nativist inclinations in the US, all the evidence from polls and exit polls shows that this was not the predominant factor in the election.
So why did the Clinton campaign spent so much to portray so many or our neighbors as deplorable racists and misogynists? Why did they basically drop policy discussion from the campaign and turned to pure identity politics and personal attacks on Trump? Because they had no choice. While both sides had the advantage of an opponent who was hugely unpopular and untrusted, according to virtually all the polling, and both sides tried to drive their opponents numbers down, the democrats had to rely on their traditional constituencies (minorities), minus labor unions, who had been decimated by years of the type of neoliberal bipartisan policy that the Clintons championed and continue to represent. In addition, the decision was made to try to appeal to 'moderate' republicans, particularly women, who could also be scared/offended away from voting for Trump. Apparently the calculation was that these groups could be scared to the polls. This may have been a valid decision, since 8-years of Obama had not done much to help inner cities or reduce deportations. This disillusionment was already visible in comparisons of 2008 and 2012 turnout. So it should have been apparent to the campaign that the standard tactic of vapid promises from someone openly running as Obama's 3rd term would be in trouble. They needed a more powerful drug. They needed pure, terror-induced adrenaline. The campaign colluded with the media first to focus attention on Trump, giving him enough free air time to win the GOP primary, then they colluded to paint trump as 'openly white supremacist' by ignoring his statements and and repeating their baseless claims literally ad nauseum.
Scott Alexander posted a relatively thorough review of the numerous distortions of Trump's statements as YOU ARE STILL CRYING WOLF. The whole piece is a Must Read.
After a powerful dissection of 16 separate categories of distortions about Trump, and an excellent list of plausible predictions he issues the following plea:
Stop fearmongering. Somewhere in America, there are still like three or four people who believe the media, and those people are cowering in their houses waiting for the death squads.
Stop crying wolf. God forbid, one day we might have somebody who doesn’t give speeches about how diversity makes this country great and how he wants to fight for minorities, who doesn’t pose holding a rainbow flag and state that he proudly supports transgender people, who doesn’t outperform his party among minority voters, who wasn’t the leader of the Salute to Israel Parade, and who doesn’t offer minorities major cabinet positions. And we won’t be able to call that guy an “openly white supremacist Nazi homophobe”, because we already wasted all those terms this year.
Stop talking about dog whistles. The kabbalistic similarities between “dog-whistling” and “wolf-crying” are too obvious to ignore.
Stop writing articles breathlessly following everything the KKK says. Stop writing several times more articles about the KKK than there are actual Klansmen. Remember that thing where Trump started out as a random joke, and then the media covered him way more than any other candidate because he was so outrageous, and gave him what was essentially free advertising, and then he became President-elect of the United States? Is the lesson you learned from this experience that you need 24-7 coverage of the Ku Klux Klan?
Stop using the words “white nationalist” to describe Trump. When you describe someone as a white nationalist, and then they win, people start thinking white nationalism won. People like winners. This was entirely an own-goal and the perception that white nationalism is now the winning team has 1% to do with Trump and 99% to do with his critics.
Stop saying that being against crime is a dog whistle for racism. Have you ever met a crime victim? They don’t like crime. I work with people from a poor area, and a lot of them have been raped, or permanently disabled, or had people close to them murdered. You know what these people have in common? They don’t like crime When you say “the only reason someone could talk about law and order is that they secretly hate black people, because, y’know, all criminals are black”, not only are you an idiot, you’re a racist. Also, I judge you for not having read the polls saying that nonwhites are way more concerned about crime than white people are.
Stop turning everything into identity politics. The only thing the media has been able to do for the last five years is shout “IDENTITY POLITICS IDENTITY POLITICS IDENTITY POLITICS IDENTITY POLITICS IDENTITY POLITICS!” at everything, and then when the right wing finally says “Um, i…den-tity….poli-tics?” you freak out and figure that the only way they could have possibly learned that phrase is from the KKK.
Stop calling Trump voters racist. A metaphor: we have freedom of speech not because all speech is good, but because the temptation to ban speech is so great that, unless given a blanket prohibition, it would slide into universal censorship of any unpopular opinion. Likewise, I would recommend you stop calling Trump voters racist – not because none of them are, but because as soon as you give yourself that opportunity, it’s a slippery slope down to “anyone who disagrees with me on anything does so entirely out of raw seething hatred, and my entire outgroup is secret members of the KKK and so I am justified in considering them worthless human trash”. I’m not saying you’re teetering on the edge of that slope. I’m saying you’re way at the bottom, covered by dozens of feet of fallen rocks and snow. Also, I hear that accusing people of racism constantly for no reason is the best way to get them to vote for your candidate next time around. Assuming there is a next time.
Stop centering criticism of Donald Trump around this sort of stuff, and switch to literally anything else. Here is an incompetent thin-skinned ignorant boorish fraudulent omnihypocritical demagogue with no idea how to run a country, whose philosophy of governance basically boils down to “I’m going to win and not lose, details to be filled in later”, and all you can do is repeat, again and again, how he seems popular among weird Internet teenagers who post frog memes. In the middle of an emotionally incontinent reality TV show host getting his hand on the nuclear button, your chief complaint is that in the middle of a few dozen denunciations of the KKK, he once delayed denouncing the KKK for an entire 24 hours before going back to denouncing it again. When a guy who says outright that he won’t respect elections unless he wins them does, somehow, win an election, the headlines are how he once said he didn’t like globalists which means he must be anti-Semitic.
Stop making people suicidal. Stop telling people they’re going to be killed. Stop terrifying children. Stop giving racism free advertising. Stop trying to convince Americans that all the other Americans hate them. Stop. Stop. Stop.

You really should read the piece I linked
Here's his first point:
I don't know...
The Southern poverty Law Center suggests there are a wide range of active racists groups
Groups or not, here in Alabama believe me there is plenty of racism - but most of it is blind and they would deny to the nth that they are racist.
Any one who thinks they aren't a racist is deluding themself - of course there is the matter of degree.
Thanks for the essay. I enjoy your writing.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
I probably should have gone into the political dominance of the KKK as a political movement in not so distant history. I fear that the overblown rhetoric from the Clinton team emboldens and empowers casual racists to become 'activist racists'. The blog entry I linked to addresses your issues with a couple points and lots of graphs and polling. I definitely recognized my own racism when I realized that I believed that Obama would be a good president because he was black. He helped me work through that though.
You're not alone in believing
in Obama's progressive creds because he's black, I fully and freely admit I fell for that one too. And yes, it is racist in itself, and he's helped me immensely in working through that!
Only a fool lets someone else tell him who his enemy is. Assata Shakur
My take was
a smooth, young, black man can't do any worse than the old white fuckers, right?
Ya got to be a Spirit, cain't be no Ghost. . .
Explain Bldg #7. . . still waiting. . .
If you’ve ever wondered whether you would have complied in 1930’s Germany,
Now you know. . .
sign at protest march
Better a known enemy
than one who coopts your ideals and poisons your (admittedly weak) brand. I donated and phone banked for Obama in 2008. I didn't even vote for president in 2012.
Doesn't matter if you write in or skip ballot entries. Your vote counts--period. Always register and mark the ballot. I can guarantee you are no more fed up nor disgusted than I am!! I bet I'm older than you, too.
Good diary and comments. Rec'd!!
Inner and Outer Space: the Final Frontiers.
Actual policy was absent, because everyone knows that in
the end neither of the two main coagulations are for anyone outside of the top 0.1%.
Hence the least bad farce. Two vapid individuals in the end tried to adopt as their own Bernie's policies, both failed miserably.
I like that: The Republican Clot & the Democratic Clot.
good one - thanks.
"The justness of individual land right is not justifiable to those to whom the land by right of first claim collectively belonged"
Together they make a perfect thrombus
Time for us all to become cardiologists.
North Carolina, a reactionary state, turned out the Republican
governor in part because of the HB2 law. This happened when Trump didn't have much of a problem there.
Addressing the KKK: It's not publicized very much but the KKK waged its terror campaign in states like Indiana and Maryland in the rural areas against Roman Catholics and Jews. The AOH helped in MD but all in all, rural areas became almost entirely Protestant because of organized campaigns against Jews and RCers being present even though, in MD especially, Roman Catholics were present in significant numbers in the mid 17th century.
"The justness of individual land right is not justifiable to those to whom the land by right of first claim collectively belonged"
Trump isn't really what I worry about
Trump isn't really what I worry about, its the ruub congress behind him.
Their is this idea floating around the ruub establishment that he is the candy store, that they can pass whatever crazy lunacy they want, and come 2020, blame it on him to get away with it. Should enough of the EC turn and prevent anyone from getting 270 I would bet that the ruub congress still picks him.
Really its not that hard to see through the idiocy being sent out by the Hillary campaign and main stream media. Their strategy(the democrats) at this point is beyond ignorant, 4 more years of demographic change, and a pissed off electorate from him breaking every last one of his promises(and from keeping a few of them...), makes 2020 a very difficult year for the ruubs. The dems need to concentrate on what the ruub congress does, not the distraction side show being ran by the idiot.
"... its the ruub congress behind him."
Thank you, luminous (you seem to have an apt moniker).
Trump's outrageous statements, tweeting, cabinet appointments, etc., is burning up all the oxygen in the room-- while the devils in Congress quietly pass nation-killing legislation.
I just told a family member, over the holidays, that we need to stop hair-pulling over a call to Taiwan and start watching- VERY CLOSELY- what Congress is trying to pass.
Tue, 12/06/2016 - 8:36pm —
Tue, 12/06/2016 - 8:36pm — hellinahandcart
Dead right, I'm afraid. The corporate coups, beginning with the TPP and known pre-Fast-Tracked others, are especially something to fear, as they illegally and unconstitutionally off-shore domestic law away from citizens power of control and, among other issues, make the publics of involved countries responsible for supplying thousands of corporations and billionaires with the profits of their wildest dreams, regardless of even immediately deadly consequences to human and environmental health and life.
Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.
A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.
What does "ruub" stand for? It's not in any dictionaries. n/t
-Greed is not a virtue.
-Socialism: the radical idea of sharing.
-Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable.
John F. Kennedy, In a speech at the White House, 1962
It's slang
I would say
And I don't remember which, but Andy Rooney, or Rodney Dangerfield used the term to reference a manipulative idiot.
I also use the term, as it does not exclusively refer to Republicans, could easily be used to describe plenty of Democrats... tho generally I use it with the republicans in mind.
Are 'rube' - an old slang
Are 'rube' - an old slang term Heinlein used - and ruub the same thing, or is ruub an acronym for something else?
The urban dictionary gives two defnitions for RUB, being one u short:
But my search function has long since developed evident problems, and will not give me access to a number of things, oddly enough, ever since Koch-sucking Harper had a chat with Google some time back to explain that Canadians - the ones who 'have too many rights' - simply shouldn't have access to various information.
Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.
A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.
A 'rube' is someone easily conned or fooled. 'Sucker' means
the same thing.
Inner and Outer Space: the Final Frontiers.
A 'rube' is someone easily conned or fooled. 'Sucker' means
the same thing.
Inner and Outer Space: the Final Frontiers.
World class essay, mind altering links
…what more can I want for?
Seriously, glad to read you.
Thank you
I'm very happy that you liked it.
I did forget to link to Your Friendly Guide to Better Propaganda. The more that link gets out, the less visible the evil neocon .com version of that site will come up in searches.
Lol, are they seriously
Lol, are they seriously trying to improve the quality of propaganda, or is it snark? I really can't tell about such things anymore, as so much that I've read looks like a spoof and regrettably - and insanely - turns out to be seriously meant or even true... It's a mad, mad, mad world and madder all of the time, it seems...
Edit: of course, I say this right after the Clinton campaign, which would certainly affect my perceptions of rampant lunatic propaganda levels.
Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.
A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.
Is a snarky play on the similar .com site. It was created by the proprietors of Naked Capitalism, who were libeled by that site and the Washington Post, which, in an act of unparalleled hypocritical projection, labeled them a propaganda site. The .com version was an amateurish effort thrown together in August. They didn't think to register the .org or .net variations of the URL, so now you can see a study of actual propaganda, you know, the kind the NYT uses to start wars.
By spreading the link to the .org version, it is hoped that it will overtake the original version in web searches, so spread it around!
Crying wolf
was all the Democrats had, along with identity politics. Both are transparent excuses for having nothing to offer the electorate. It was economy in 2008 for the vast majority of people and it was still the economy in 2016. This was something that the big donor addicted Democrats refused to address. Add to that, Hillary Clinton was mostly a no show for public events and kept her distance from real people. Contrast that with Bernie Sanders and Donald Trump who were available to the average voter in numerous rallies. Trump tapped into the gross dissatisfaction that the people had with trade deals and bailouts of the banks.
What I find amazing is that the Democratic party has zero plans to change. They refuse to look in the mirror and put the blame squarely where it belongs, on themselves.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
They can't change; it's
They can't change; it's corruption all the way down, and there's no other 'there' there.
Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.
A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.
There's an interesting question here.
Is it that "Hillary Clinton was mostly a no show for public events and kept her distance from real people." or might it be that the public were mostly no shows at Hillary events and real people kept their distance from Hillary Clinton?
Right both times!
Right both times!
Hillary is far more comfortable with corporations and speech consisting of money than she is with any of the real people she was supposed to want to represent, rather than the before-mentioned corporations and money talking which formed her personal constituency. Which is just as well, as most informed humans don't seem to feel comfortable anywhere within earshot of her.
Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.
A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.
But what about all the women and children?
It's funny how big donors like Haim Saban had unfettered access to the Clinton campaign, but her professed constituency did not.
I am so proud that we dodged that bullet, even though Trump will certainly prove to be an idiot.
"Obama promised transparency, but Assange is the one who brought it."
I think the feeling was mutual
and judging from their emails, it seems her closest sycophants were also not too fond of Hillary.
If a true labor party was to arise in the U.S.
The Dems would become much like the British Liberal Party (now the Lib Dems). Once part of the 19thC parliamentary duopoly, in and out of government along with the Tories, they are now essentially a sideshow, thanks to Keir Hardie and friends. Not that the modern day Labour Party doesn't have issues, but the party of Gladstone and Lloyd George is a shadow of its former self.
from a reasonably stable genius.
You do honor to the name Sandino.
This essay is a fine explication of the lack of any scruples or ethical compass of the Democratic Party elites from top to bottom. Thanks for saying so well what so many of us feel.
-Greed is not a virtue.
-Socialism: the radical idea of sharing.
-Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable.
John F. Kennedy, In a speech at the White House, 1962
high praise indeed
thank you very much!
white privilege
I have never heard that phrase til about a year ago,and I never heard it used by a Black,Brown,Yellow or Red skinned person,I heard it from a self hating WHITE LIBERAL.In someones spare time { white liberals have alot of spare time cuz they arent out making a living}they cooked up this idea ALL white people are guilty of every sin ever committed and should spend the rest of their lives in shame.The Democratic party embraced this batshit crazy theory with the aid of team Clinton and ran with it right to a loss against a crazy millionaire.There isnt ANYTHING more insulting to a blue collar working person than to tell them they are privileged.To work hard everyday slowly wearing their bodies out,to wake up at 4am everyday with everybone in their body aching to drag themselves to work another day,to bust your ass for little pay,THATS NOT A PRIVILEGE! And to think that the Democratic use to support the blue collar worker,I was a DEM for 50 years until the end of the Primarys after what I seen what they did to Bernie here in NEV I re-registered INDY,Its a crying shame what the Democratic party has become
White Privilege can lead to Micro Aggression
Although when I hear the phrase I think of people who don't get shot by cops unless they shoot first, and don't get accidentally get deported. It was a popular code for 'racist Trump-lovin' klansman' applied to anyone who was insufficiently 'with her'. Lectures about privilege coming from toadies to neoliberal elites and war criminals was the sort of priceless hypocrisy that this election forced on people. May we never see it's like again.
Guess it got flavoured with
Guess it got flavoured with the notion of 'original sin' where the sins of the fathers are visited upon the children?
We are all often treated differently as groups or by strangers according to physical appearance depending upon how each society superficially presents our types, and upon individual response;
where age is respected, the elderly are;
where women may not be respected, pretty young women may be relatively well treated in some ways, as having uses, but elderly women not, at least by men;
in a healthier society/individuals, anyone appearing poor, ill, tired or disabled elicits an automatic sympathetic emotional response whereas in a pathological society/individuals, the reaction may involve contempt or an urge to attack anyone perceived as being vulnerable;
where a darker skin colour has been made into a negative issue ingrained into the society and maintained long past any sane reckoning by propaganda, there may be an extreme difference in perception and treatment of darker-skinned people to the point where, in example, people actually have to point out that Black lives matter and that cops shouldn't harass, falsely arrest, beat, injure or kill citizens (well, period, obviously, but especially not just because) having darker skin and that there ought to be legal consequences for - and, importantly, discouraging - this. And some trolls actually object to this being pointed out...
But the people didn't create divisive media campaigns to manipulate and weaken themselves by attacking each other for stupid 'reasons' reallocating blame for/distracting from problems created by TPTB draining them of income, public money and what it was supposed to provide them, of basic rights, including representation within their own government and un-industrially-poisoned media, food, air, and water.
There can be no 'inborn guilt' as nobody specifically asked to be born any specific gender, skin colour, level of attractiveness relative to the current culture wherever they live or into poverty.
It is difficult to overcome early (or any intensive) negative programming - but it's noticeable that little kids tend not to notice gender/skin/clothing differences among their playmates, just being kids together.
Negative reactions to a gender/skin colour/indications of relative poverty does not involve some primordial fear of someone looking different than themselves, as I've seen it sometimes presented, but (often unconsciously) learnt behaviour. In the past, isolated tribes of people having either had positive experiences or none in meeting other humans were generally friendly and curious where visitors were concerned.
Through my TV-restricted, book-heavy childhood/adolescence - and prior to us acquiring cable TV with US stations, (which was a real shocker to me) - I personally regarded many historical attitudes of which I'd read with pity as well as disgust, since people simply didn't know better back then and (not knowing better myself,) thought were luckily, of course, too enlightened now to hold, and when we moved into a different area and as I encountered the odd person expressing something ignorant and general-group related, I'd feel sorry for them and gently explain, only tearing off strips wherever somebody at my new school got nasty about some particular person on such grounds.
Only at the time, or a little later, I was in the 'tolerant' group because I didn't think gay people (at the time thought to be just guys and I'd never heard of this before) ought to get beaten up and thought that was horrible... I'm actually horrified at the length of time it took for me to properly realize exactly how silly, sick, cruel and intrusive it is to get fussed/icked out over the private lives of consenting adults - how long it took me to properly look at 'them' in totality as people, as us, although I admit that I looked at cute, nice gay guys as a terrible waste (sometimes still do, lol,) rather than as icky or 'them' because I knew and thought of them as people... But it's scary to think how many prejudices one can carry without realizing or thinking about it, partly, I think, because women get pawed and variously pressured enough by one sex without having to worry about female friendships changing on you and being lost due to having different sorts of feelings, as too-often happens with male friends.
But the 'ick' reaction was learnt, through residual 'sex is dirty' religious/societal influence and the way gay people were othered, forcing them to bravely come out in order to be accepted, specifically because of having a different sexual orientation and this placing emphasis specifically on sex acts rather than on human feelings and human free choice - even though my knowing the general fact of some people being gay, while only very quietly mentioned and rarely if ever referred to again, changed nothing except perhaps (in a couple of cases) knocking them off any theoretical future BF list, same as if they'd had a GF already.
And it also took me a long time to learn how ignorant I was about the amount of mindlessly absorbed and outright stupidly mean nonsense still existing (not in people I hung with, obviously, but encountered here and there) and even used to denigrate perfectly nice people, since I'd had the good fortune to grow up in an imperfect but relatively civilized area.
Had I grown up in other circumstances, I'd obviously have absorbed other attitudes... not that I asked to be born and spend my childhood there - again, random chance determined that, as with so any other things in and integral to our individual development, perspectives and lives. It could very well have been in New York, in which case I expect I'd have had completely different experiences and developed a different world-view, as a result.
No individual can utterly and completely understand another without becoming that person, with all of their feelings, experiences and reactions, but whatever differences we have, we are all people all in this together, that being exactly what TPTB running America and through them much of the rest of the world do not want us to understand.
And dividing people further by adding 'white privilege guilt' into the already rabid mix sounds to me kinda like more of the same, or at least useful for this.
Anything to stop us from looking at each other as people, rather than as an example of some appearance-based/opposed political A or B-voting/wealthy vs middle-class vs poors or other stereotype in which setting the even-more artificial corporations-as-people with a right-to-rule claim might also seem more reasonable.
Seems to me that civilization mostly involves stripping out the influence of psychopaths, a certain percentage of which may always be with us but which need to be kept out of positions where they can exert influence/power over others. And if we succeeded in that, then perhaps poverty would 'no longer always be with us' either, as it would no longer be sucked out of the rest of the world and up to an insatiably greedy few.
Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.
A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.
Thanks, Sandino
The "Wolf" article is very good. I'm going to be passing it on to as many as I believe have ears to hear.
Thanks, again.