The Heritage Foundation - The Swamp Stirs
The stench of the malevolent extreme right wing "thinkers" manoeuvring is becoming stronger as the days goes by, as the buffoon in the china shop merrily tweets his latest narcissistic neediness for all the world to see. No doubt with a little push from the Heritage Foundation. I said awhile ago it wasn't the buffoon that worried me but the inhabitants of that fetid swamp that is Washington DC. You can hear the plops as the rocks are rolled over and out slither the vile inhabitants of the back rooms. Jim DeMint has been noticeably silent, no doubt the plans are in motion for a smooth takeover of the next government. The buffoon with the phone will be a mere distraction, weaponized by the evil gremlins just down the road.
Heritage has been an insidious toxin in our foreign policy since 1973, the wrench in the works for any viable peace, warmongers par excellence. They are a ministry of propaganda/ministry of truth, both dangerous and malign. Think of every major fuck-up since 1973 and somewhere hiding in the shadows lurked the denizens of 214 Massachusetts Avenue. They are a charitable organization a 501(c)(3) hence tax exempt [good grief]. Proponents of privatising social security, of the Freedom Health Care plan which makes the ACA seem socialist and proponents of undermining peace wherever their clammy hands stray upon the globe. Defenders of torture, war crimes and single minded exceptionalism, they make PNAC look like the good guys.
Politico noticed the infestation a few days ago
Heritage is “absolutely the fulcrum, and essential to staffing the administration with people who reflect Trump’s commitments across the board,” said Marjorie Dannenfelser, head of Susan B. Anthony List, a prominent group that opposes abortion rights. “I can say it’s been a source of great confidence during the election to know that principled people were planning for a Trump administration.”
Three sources from different conservative groups said that Heritage employees have been soliciting, stockpiling and vetting résumés for months with an eye on stacking Trump’s administration with conservative appointees across the government. One source described the efforts as a “shadow transition team” and “an effort to have the right kind of people in there.”
Make no mistake these are evil people. Henry Kissinger in 1995 gave lectures to them at their "Asia Studies Center" for example and so did Donald Rumsfeld and Wolfowitz.
Nothing good will come from this canker in our midst.
So much for draining the swamp, the swamp has reached out and claimed him as their own. Let his named advisors battle as to who irons the Emperors invisible cloths, the cloth-makers will then have their hands free to cause mischief and bloodshed.
Expect Trump's tweets to stop abruptly, then you'll know the real game has begun in earnest.
Read their website, then you'll know what is on the way.

I just wonder
where these "principled people" come from? What is it that drives them to foster harm?
"I can't understand why people are frightened of new ideas. I'm frightened of the old ones."
John Cage
They are special are they not
Same place the Clintons
and all their sycophants come from. Clintons had been planning since way before 2008 for her Inauguration.
She completely eliminated any competition - their reputation for destroying any Democrat who opposed them, their lock on fundraising, their greed and arrogance, exactly as any Republican of their ilk. No difference. Ask Martin O'Malley, and anyone who ever thought of running.
The Clintons got all the money they wanted, they way they wanted to get it, and merely lost the election. No difference.
First Woman POTUS - I'm betting on Tulsi Gabbard.
yeah, me too, Tulsi Gabbard,
a woman, who saw war and wounded close up and didn't have to lie about holding her head down to escape sniper fire like the other POTUS wanna-be woman claimed on her Bosnia trip.
Darn I have to pay attention to not get too bitter.
Yes, I am beginning
I am beginning to be favorably impressed by Tulsi Gabbard as well. Holding out good thoughts for her to stay strong and continue to show that she is someone I might be comfortable in backing. I have always thought and said that I would welcome a woman in any position of authority and leadership as long as the woman under discussion has not been warped by irrational dogma, ill treatment, corporatism, greed, lust for power, or just too damned many close graphic examples of bad reasoning and behavior; very happy to follow if I could choose her. The most remarkable person I ever met (and I have met and dealt with many tens of thousands of people over the years) was a woman. I trusted her opinion and decisions over all others, even my own if we disagreed. Many of the rest of the remarkable people I have know were women. The rest of the remarkable people I have known respected women as much as I do.
If the women of who I speak ran the world, it would not only be different, it would be incredibly better. They would also have the sense to choose the Best males to assist them, not those with the best connections or the most money and power.
Needless to say (but I will anyway) Hilary is not one of the women I would choose.
That's as good an answer as any.
"I can't understand why people are frightened of new ideas. I'm frightened of the old ones."
John Cage
Heritage is nothing but an organized group of people who will
turn out apologies for any sort of capitalist excess for a nice paycheck. New York and DC are littered with them and Heritage is only one of many, in my opinion.
"The justness of individual land right is not justifiable to those to whom the land by right of first claim collectively belonged"
I think they are a little more than that, we will see over
the coming weeks. I think a lot of others try to be Heritage.
I think 2 things make Heritage: [1]tons of RW money; [2] news
outlets, including broadcast outlets, who will bring these shills onto their networks and pages as "balance" to people and organizations that sincerely believe in both science and journalism.
"The justness of individual land right is not justifiable to those to whom the land by right of first claim collectively belonged"
organized group of people
La Cosa Nostra is nothing but an organized group of people who will .......
Things that make one go "hmmmmmm".....
"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar
"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides
At least LCN is expected to turn a profit to exist. Heritage was
inspired by the notorious Powell memo(soon to be a Supreme Court Justice) and took money from Coors, Devos, Bradley, and later from organizations with ties to the Koch brothers. Heritage would not exist if it weren't for the largesse of right wingers and the skewed tax laws that makes this propaganda network possible.
Foundations, as set up, exist to perpetuate huge personal fortunes through the generations and to keep those in power, in power.
Our tax laws allow this. Ridding the nation of the tax avoidance schemes that are foundations, would benefit society, in my view.
"The justness of individual land right is not justifiable to those to whom the land by right of first claim collectively belonged"
So I Went To The Heritage Foundation Website...
...just to see.
[I was surprised to see the org suffix; I've always associated it with progressive, civic-minded sites (not NPR)]. Read some, had to stop. Blech! Conservatives are such dittoheads (source of great strength). Made me think of Kurt Vonnegut, a man who taught me that thinking for oneself has a name - free thinker. Anyways, here's a great link I found
Check it out.
As a social misfit I have feared the Trump supporters and forgot about the DC assholes you refer to. Thanks for the diary. Always enjoy your posts. And your wit... Thanks!
Just the next in line
03 DECEMBER 2016
The Imperial Presidents From the Fall of the American Republic
“An imbalance between rich and poor is the oldest and most fatal ailment of all republics.”
"And I'll leave you with one set of numbers that I found today, which is just an absolute for this whole thing. In 2015, Wall Street Bonuses, not regular compensation, bonuses, seven years after they were bailed out with the public purse, totaled $29.4 billion dollars.
Total compensation paid to every single person in this country who makes minimum wage totaled $14 billion...
The era of neo-liberalism is over. The era of neo-nationalism has just begun."
Mark Blyth
“There may be thunder in Europe but it is in America the lightning will fall.”
Ambrose Bierce
I never knew that the term "Never Again" only pertained to
those born Jewish
"Antisemite used to be someone who didn't like Jews
now it's someone who Jews don't like"
Heard from Margaret Kimberley
Alas, Nero cometh
Neron Kaisar
. -- Alligator Ed
. -- Christian Scriptures, Revelation 13:18 source
Nero's "popular" or "common" name in the Koine Greek of his time was Νέρων Καίσαρ, "Neron Kaisar". Run "Νέρων Καίσαρ" through the Greek numeric system of those halcyon pre-Fibonacci days, and the number you get is...... 666!
I'm not adept enough in pre-Fibonacci Greek numerics to do my own deriving in them (whether drinking or not -- one shouldn't drink and derive), but I admit to a certain curiosity as to what the result would be from running The Donald's name through it.......
"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar
"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides
It's his turn
so now he fiddles with small hands, quite appropriate.
I never knew that the term "Never Again" only pertained to
those born Jewish
"Antisemite used to be someone who didn't like Jews
now it's someone who Jews don't like"
Heard from Margaret Kimberley
The "Prosperity Gospel" is largely to blame for this corruption
John Oliver describes it very well in his series where he started a church. I hung out with these guys in the 80s. Even attended Robert Tilton's satellite bible school. I have a MA, but a scary bad marriage has you looking for answers everywhere.
They promote the idea that greed is good. Jesus wants you rich. If you are not rich, healthy, and happy .... then you are screwing up. And of course women are lesser beings. If a woman is abused it is her fault.
This is the Heritage Foundation. Sadly, these ideas have infected most fundamentalist groups.
I know that they have been greedily waiting for their chance to pounce. They also believe in an end times narrative that includes war with the middle east, Russia, etc. They think Jesus is going to rescue their sorry asses out of the mess they created. They like the climate crisis. It is going to bring their new earth where they will be kings.
Terrible shit!
How do we talk the common person out of believing this nonsense?
"Make dirt, not war." eyo
It is entirely to blame for it.
The only good Calvin is a cartoon stuffed tiger.
. -- Jewish Scriptures, Isaiah 5:20 (KJV) source
To talk the common Christian out of beLIEving this nonsense, I think we need to hammer, hammer, hammer away at the fact that the Prosperity Gospel directly contradicts Jesus Himself in numerous important ways, and then remind them that Satan can appear as an angel of light -- and that's exactly what this is. It is labeling evil (greed) as good, and good (compassion and altruism) as evil.
I, too, am a survivor of that vile cult.
"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar
"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides