Jill Stein Raising Money For Recount In 3 Battleground States
I guess the Green Party finds nothing more worthy of their attention than trying to elect Hillary Clinton as President of the United States. It's Her Turn and even Dr. Jill Stein knows it. This makes me glad I didn't waste any time or money on the Green Party.
The 2016 election results for three states are in doubt, and an effort led by Green Party presidential candidate Dr. Jill Stein is raising millions of dollars for a vote recount.
The Green Party has a fundraising goal of more than $2 million to challenge the vote counts in Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin, states where President-elect Donald Trump has been declared the winner or, in the case of Michigan, where he is leading an ongoing count. The three states carry a total of 46 electoral votes, and Trump would have to lose all three states for the presidential election result to change, something no one is predicting.
The campaign manager for Stein’s presidential run, David Cobb, took to Facebook to promote the recount effort via video message. More than $2 million is needed to meet filing fees, not including legal and processing fees, to facilitate recounts in the three states. Wisconsin alone requires $1 million to file for a recount, and its deadline is Friday, November 25. Pennsylvania’s deadline is Monday, and Michigan’s deadline is next Wednesday.
Reference: Voting system prone to mistakes & malfeasance – Jill Stein on 2016 recount

I feel my case is rested
I personally value that elections be clean and fair. I don't find arguing against auditing the election results to be an intelligent position at all. Do we share a value of free and fair elections here, or don't we? Because if we do, there should be no argument against calls to audit any electoral process, and if you do argue against election auditing, then you can't legitimately claim to value clean and fair elections.
I argue against half-assed auditing.
That conveniently is made in such a way as to only have extremely narrow oversight and extremely narrow focus which only deals with potential violations in a way that benefits a specific candidate.
For some reason the idea that the deadline dates have passed, therefore we MUST limit scope doesn't fill me with a great deal of confidence. All nice and legal, and nothing to see here.
Doesn't pass the smell test. I totally favor clean and fair elections, but this is like using febreeze on a open sewer.
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.
Your argument comes across as
Either we have it all, or we don't bother getting anything at all.
I'd rather take what we can get and continue to fight for more. A war isn't won in a single skirmish.
It's mostly becuz Jill
and the Greens got, like, 1% of the vote. Which makes their voice mostly irrelevant.
the little things you can do are more valuable than the giant things you can't! - @thanatokephaloides. On Twitter @wink1radio. (-2.1) All about building progressive media.
Thank you
I voted for Jill Stein. Didn't like either establishment candidates for the same reasons as often stated on this website. I'm glad I voted for her. I liked her VP pick too. I support the recount if Jill feels its important.
Go Bernie !!

Robert Mackey is to the Intercept
what Joan Walsh is to the Nation - a total Hillary shill. Review his other articles written under the Intercept banner and it becomes quite apparent. I quit reading him months ago.
I just reviewed three months worth of Mackey articles on the Intercept site, and he hardly comes across as a Hill shill to me. In any case, that sounds like a convenient way of dismissing someone as not worth paying attention to, without bothering to consider the merits of a specific argument. This is an important enough issue that the arguments pro or con deserve to be judged on their own merits, regardless of who is advancing them.
inactive account
I don't think that.
Can we try not to assign such nonsense "Conventional Wisdom Status" on this here blog?
I think we ought to investigate thoroughly where all the money is coming from to bankroll it. Period.
Now it appears they've even managed to get to Debbie, the Sane Progressive! Dear Lord, is nothing in this world sacred anymore?
Sob... sniff.... another Golden Idol tarnished! And to think I once believed this woman actually had integrity! How could I have been so blind?
How much are they paying you, you shameless harridan?
inactive account
Yep, 24 hours ago we all cared about...
Little, pathetic, unimportant things like people getting shot.
Now all we care about is raising money to make sure that a rigged election might be unrigged in the way that might benefit Hillary.
Clearly your snark hath opened my eyes
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.
Gonna sleep on this
Lusignan is making a damn good case in this video.
My first reaction to this recount business was immediately negative. When dealing with the Clintons, considering that they're up to no good is always your best bet, especially if you are having to make a quick decision. I don't want to make a quick decision in regard to this recount story. It's going to look more clear, and I'll have a chance to listen to more arguments after serving up some Thanksgiving turkey to the family.
I commend you for having an open mind
Too many of us are stuck in a binary mode of evaluating stories like this - it either comports with our way of thinking, in which case it's good, or it doesn't, in which case it's bad. Someone like Debbie L. has a supple enough mind that she can recognize and appreciate both the pros and the cons, and render a judgment that hopefully allows for doing the most good and the least bad. I believe she is correct that on balance the recount effort is worthwhile, and hope that you will ultimately come to that conclusion as well.
inactive account
This was my first reaction also
But Debbie Lusigan has made a great argument for doing the recount. The problem is that the very machines that are most easily manipulated are the same ones with no paper trail. I tend to be a big picture thinker and if this demand for a recount will result in something positive concerning our election process, I am all for it.
The public should demand, at the very least, that all elections be conducted with paper ballots. I am a big fan of mail in ballots because those must be on paper.
It is time for us here to get out of the binary mode and demand integrity no matter how the chips may fall. Just my $.02.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
How would the public demanding
paper ballots work? Would they raise hell at the county level? State level?
Do you know anybody other than a politician who wants electronic voting?
Hasn't the general public been voicing their opinions and concerns since 2000?
There were calls for UN observers to monitor this election. This recount isn't going reveal anything new. Voters are well aware of the fraud already. The whole damn world knows our elections are crooked.
I am not trying to be argumentative. If we already know the system of voting is fraudulent, how does this recount get us closer to paper ballots?
If it does, I am grateful.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
Just a guess:
Lawsuits. Big ugly ones, alleging violations of civil rights (taking away our votes is a pretty big one of those violations). The recount could provide the hard evidence to make a lawsuit work, in a way that "Voters are well aware of the fraud already" would not.
If tampering is found, you can kiss those electronic voting machines goodbye forever, as has happened abroad. Here in PA, where we have those machines and no paper trail at all, and we have the political machines (of another nature) that could wield the clout to rig something, I'd love to see those machines (both kinds) go, at a minimum. If politicians' heads roll, too, that'd be even better.
Drain the swamp.
And also, everybody is yammering about the primary being rigged/fraudulent, but where's the incontrovertible proof that will stand up in court? If it really happened, why is it so hard to prove?
Speaking for myself
I do not think this is about turning back the clock on the primaries but it is about trying to prevent future manipulation of our voting systems. Please read this link that Hawkfish provided below. It is a statistical analysis of how some of the primary results deny statistical laws.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
This is just a feel good statistical science document that isn't going anywhere. What I'm talking about is hard, incontrovertible evidence that forces everybody to admit "yep, fraudulent", not statistical anomalies that a judge or jury may or may not believe. Even on NC I've seen Yves Smith cast doubt on exit poll data being used to prove fraud, so this is not the clear proof I am looking for.
Plus the fact that if fraud really happened and it's so difficult to prove is yet another piece of evidence showing how broken our elections are.
I agree with you that we need to start somewhere. If this is it, so be it.
Hard evidence.
We have none, yet. We all "know" the voting machines are crooked, but we have no physical proof...this would be a worthwhile effort, for that reason alone.
"I’m a human being, first and foremost, and as such I’m for whoever and whatever benefits humanity as a whole.” —Malcolm X
Except that some machines leave no trail so how would you even verify their integrity and results? This seems to be by design. How could such a design ever pass muster except for the purpose of committing fraud?
Also, apologies for hijacking this subthread but WTF is this fractional voting nonsense? Votes should be counted using natural integers, using any proper (open source) big number library - count/add accurately with incredibly large numbers (trillions are no big deal, let alone the number of people in the US). The fact that fractional votes are even a thing (using a money type, really?) smells like either incompetence or malfeasance.
Let's be fair here. A high
Let's be fair here. A high percentage of this blogs regulars are ex-Democrat Trump voters and admit they aren't progressive.
Let's see some proof...
In fairness,
did you take a poll? I didn't vote in it.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
I am one of the founding members here and a moderator too. In case you are unaware, JtC is one of our two site administrators. The other is joe shikspack. Perhaps if you are making an extraordinary claim, you should provide some evidence of said claim. In the meantime, you may want to refresh yourself as to what this site stands for. Joe's Dreaded Meta #2 is a good place to start.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
I'm fairly regular here, betterdemsonly, aaaaand -
I'm so far to the Left of most people, that I might as well be a space alien. If the anti-progressive, anti-socialist crowd were a majority here, I'd know it. I've personally been my usual rude self to people that I perceived as being Trump supporters, reminding them at some length that BOTH major candidates were fucking demons. And it's not something I had to keep doing a lot. Did you perhaps mean a high single-digit percentage?
I voted for Jill and support her efforts, BTW. There will ALWAYS be an excuse for why "this is not the time to question election results". I call BS on that particular meme. It's overdue. Without honest elections, we have no democracy.
"Capitalism is the extraordinary belief that the nastiest of men for the nastiest of motives will somehow work for the benefit of all."
- John Maynard Keynes
Let's do that
Tell you what, you start by admitting what a completely obvious stink bomb this comment is....
Debbie's right
If we really want to confront the election fraud that has been going on, we are going to have to strap on some big boots to wade through the pile of shit this election has left behind. And if this is the start of it all unravelling and finally implode on itself, then something "good" will have finally come out of this treasonable election. Who knows at what level this went? Senate races? Congressional seats? Nauseating.
There is always Music amongst the trees in the Garden, but our hearts must be very quiet to hear it. ~ Minnie Aumonier
Message deleted n/t
inactive account
I voted for Stein and going forward I will only vote for
"Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." - JFK | "The more I see of the moneyed peoples, the more I understand the guillotine." - G. B. Shaw Bernie/Tulsi 2020
WI hacking was pro-Bernie and anti-Trump
See pages 21-23 of the voting machine paper.
So I doubt this would change the results to benefit Herself.
Speaking - as someone did - of Standing Rock, does anyone know if Stein and Baraka got their day in court?
EDIT: Sorry, its late and I've been drinking a bit more than usual. This is backwards - if machine tampering was going on, fixing it would favor Clinton. MI and PA were not mentioned in the paper (although I have not had the time reread it to be sure) so I don't know which way that would go.
We can’t save the world by playing by the rules, because the rules have to be changed.
- Greta Thunberg
I read the entire report
It is a very compelling analysis of the statistical irregularities during the primary vote. Nearly all of the irregularities favored Hillary Clinton. There was one major irregularity on the Republican side that favored Cruz over Trump. But the irregularities on the Democratic side deny statistical laws. Thanks for linking it.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
I am on the side of the recounts.
Find out once and for all whether the vote is rigged. If so, fix it going forward. Get rid of the hackable machines. This benefits all of us. If the votes go to whoever has the better hackers, we might as well do something else with our time other than discuss politics. We can't worry about who might benefit this time. We all do in the long run.
Who knows? Maybe the reason Hill is not leading this charge is because such an investigation will expose how she cheated to win the primaries. Maybe if TheDonald and Her Heinous cheated, the election goes to Bern. But if nothing changes this time, maybe at least we'll have an honest election next time. Seems to me the third parties have no chance if it's a battle between the hackers.
That said, I'm not giving any money to the effort. YMMV.
Please check out Pet Vet Help, consider joining us to help pets, and follow me @ElenaCarlena on Twitter! Thank you.
A Recount, Sure Why Not. Why Should Jill Give A Shit?
The more I think about, if Jill was paid off by Hellery (a couple mill) to initiate this Recount, then Hell Yeah. Take the freakin money and run. Why should Jill care. The election system is total fubar, rigged heavily against all third parties, cock blocked at every turn. Why should Jill give a shit? I'd take the money too.
The donation page has blown through the first target goal of $2.5 Million. A new goal of $4.5 million has been set. Cha-ching. Cha-ching.
I'm sure Hellery has an army of 'Fixers' on their merry way to the WI, MI, & PA. Hanging Chads Part II, here we come.
BTW, an MSN article says "There is no evidence that the results were hacked or that electronic voting machines were compromised."
So why have a recount unless the reason is to steal Donnie Tiny Hands crown?
Also note the title. Hellery is being pushed by Jill. It's not crooked Hellery's fault. Hahahha.
"Clinton being pushed to seek vote recount in 3 states"
A reminder there are more guns in the US than people. I'm sure whacko Trump supporters own most of them. Don't plan on going out of the house with your Liberal grin on your face if this recount happens.
Donnie The #ShitHole Douchebag. Fake Friend to the Working Class. Real Asshole.
Perhaps because
it would look good for Dr. Stein to be the one who initiated a recall and then perhaps will be responsible for exposing the rot. I think that would be great press for her.
"I can't understand why people are frightened of new ideas. I'm frightened of the old ones."
John Cage
Depends on what, if anything, is exposed
If nothing (or nothing provable) is found, she looks like a clown with egg on her face.
The only way she comes up smelling like roses is if it is discovered that Green votes were stolen for Her Heinous. (Maybe that's why this thing is getting so much negative press - Team Heinous know what they did and are afraid it will come to light?)
There is no justice. There can be no peace.
I have no opinion really (yet)
and I guess the bottom line question would be... then what? (IF fraud was to come to light.)
so now (Friday evening) its at
your comment, CoE, above, yesterday:
A Recount for Hillary Will Do Nothing to Ensure Integrity
All politicians are aware the voting system is rigged. Plenty of people are aware of this as well. Trump the candidate knew this. The politicians put the current voting system in place. Politicians have exploited the current voting system's vulnerabilities. Politicians had the opportunity to ensure the integrity of election results or expose the voting system as a means for fraud . They intentionally chose not to. Why is it the same "mistakes" are being made over and over?
A recount, in any number of elections, will not solve the issue. A plague isn't solved by curing one individual.
No politician is legitimate when a flawed voting system is in place. By voting system, I mean the entire process including how the votes are accumulated and counted.
This still prompts the question of who is calling the shots on our elections.
I notice Florida is not on the list.
I marked Green Party at the very last second on my ballot. I planned on skipping POTUS completely. The Clintons need to blow away and not come back. Rec'd!
Inner and Outer Space: the Final Frontiers.
What makes you assume stolen
What makes you assume stolen votes could have only come from Trump or Hillary? How do you know they didn't come from Stein's base. I contributed both to her and this effort.. Many here including the original poster and the mods admit they voted for Trumpster, and that this isn't a blog for progressives or liberals. Many of you maintain, your Kossack hatred of greens even as you reject Democrats. Strange view. Look election integrity has always been a green issue. She says if she can't get a recount going she will use it to finance efforts to create better election oversite including the primary level. Also she can't officially contest the primary like the general because she wasn't a candidate in the primary, nor a voter in the DEMOCRATic primary. She's not a democrat. Greens have always been against the electoral college, and in favor of "ranked choice voting, and opensource unhackable voting machines that leave an auditable paper trail." It is something we have committed ourselves to, since Nader. It isn't new thing and nobody should be shocked. She is doing this in cooperation with Greg Palast and Bev Harris.
Also Trump supporters have even less right to bitch than Clinton given all the noise they made about election fraud. Jill is just calling both of them to the mat and she is getting hit from both parties as usual. We aren't all willing to accept the 2 party sham. You're with us or against us is for people with low expectations. Not our problem..
Will you stop spreading lies...
I happen to know all of the mods and none voted for Trump. You have a history of coming here and tarnishing this site, why is that?
Both Trumpistas and
Are you saying dkmitch isn't, wasn't a mod here? Also if you read through that thread you clearly state Trump's voters are welcome, so where does the sensitivity come from? I am just defending Stein. Are green voters not welcome here?
Niether dkmich, edg, freesociety, or pluto have been in the closet about supporting Trump.
I don't care...
what dkmich said in September. I'll repeat it again: none of the mods voted for Trump as you stated they did.
Now will you quit spreading lies?
So we shouldn't take dkmich
So we shouldn't take dkmich at their word, or we're liars? Maybe dkmich had a change of heart, but it is hardly a lie that dkmich supported Trump until fairly recently. Accusing me of lying suggest malicious content that was never there.
Because she said so...
in September doesn't mean she voted for Trump in November and if you had been reading more here you would know that. She has openly stated several times that she changed her mind and voted for Stein.
And yes, you now saying dk voted for Trump is a lie when you made this statement:
This has become a blog about
This has become a blog about nothing, why would i peruse frequently?
And yet here you are
Needing to be heard
There is always Music amongst the trees in the Garden, but our hearts must be very quiet to hear it. ~ Minnie Aumonier
Or at all?
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
You make decent points about Jill Stein,
But your accusations against this site are obnoxious and counterproductive to your argument.
"I’m a human being, first and foremost, and as such I’m for whoever and whatever benefits humanity as a whole.” —Malcolm X
I will believe in the
purity of Jill's intentions when she asks for recounts in states that Hillary won. How about that?
Mundus vult decipi, ergo decipiatur.
Jill raised $3.2+ million for her 2016
campaign over several MONTHS, most of which came flooding in after Bernie bowed out to Clinton. Does anybody here believe that she's raised over $2.5 million within a mere few DAYS to fund a recount in the very three states Hillary needs to wrangle the presidency from Tiny Hands Trump?
What is the magic sauce that Hillary throws at seemingly incorruptible opponents that makes them throw all scruples to the winds and fall in line for Hill? Is it really just about the money? Was Diogenes correct about the nature of people?
We are becoming conspiracy theorists on this issue.
Not that there haven't been and still are conspiracies. With the Clinton Crime Family that is not a subject worth discussing. They are so corrupt I'm amazed that seagulls and ravens don't follow them around.
But it is also quite possible that Jill Stein has shrewdly tapped into a large donation source from all the Hillbots. They can't believe that SHE got beaten by Donniebabe. So before we decide Jill Stein has gone over to the dark side, I think it wise to consider who might be contributing. Aside from sincere people who want to fix our elections, I think quite a bit of money is flowing to Jill from the Hillbots and some laundered Clinton money. It may just turn out to give us the wherewithal and impetus to clean up our foul election system. More or less like growing flowers on manure piles. Wait and see. Don't rush to judgement.
-Greed is not a virtue.
-Socialism: the radical idea of sharing.
-Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable.
John F. Kennedy, In a speech at the White House, 1962
What fresh fucking hell am I in now?
That my loathing of every monstrous thing the Clintons have done and will continue to do with impunity is now competing with preserving the very cornerstone of our Republic?
Please, anyone, wake me up. This can't be real.
There is always Music amongst the trees in the Garden, but our hearts must be very quiet to hear it. ~ Minnie Aumonier
You're already awake, zoebear.
I wish I had something soothing to say, but the best I can do is quote the character of Morpheus from "The Matrix":
"Welcome to the real world."
Computerized voting fraud has been going on pretty much as long as we have voted on computers. TPTB and the MSM have been very good about hiding the truth from us. They have maintained the illusion of democratic elections, while developing finer and finer control over the election system, and always with some sort of misdirection to keep us from noticing what the computerized vote-counting was doing. "Hanging chads" was only the beginning; a manufactured problem meant to distract, and simultaneously discredit paper ballots. They ordered the ballots that year in Florida printed on the wrong paper, and ignored the paper workers who told them the ballots wouldn't work as well. A House subcommittee heard testimony by a programmer that the then-AG of Florida, later US Senator, had approached him about writing vote-flipping software. Not covered by the MSM, never pursued by either party.
A few early whistle-blowers ended up mysteriously dead, also not covered by the MSM. It has taken this long to even start overcoming the inertia of the nation, the wishful thinking, and the non-stop but subtle propaganda. ALL of the major networks started using the phrase "election fraud conspiracy theory" pretty much on the SAME DAY. I am glad that this issue is FINALLY getting some of the attention it warrants, however -
We have to be very wary of who is framing this current issue. They want to frame it as a choice. "Either you prove election fraud and get Clintons, or you fail, and get Trump." No. In fact, NO NO NO NO NO! If the election was hacked in the General, it was certainly hacked in the Primary, and so we need a do-over. Seriously.
And the other part of the framing that is WRONG, WRONG, WRONG is that WE somehow need to prove that the election system doesn't work, even while being denied access to the machines and software in question. This is bullshit. The affirmative case of this argument is: "These machines are safe and secure to vote on.", and that statement has to be proven. The burden of proof is on the people that want us to vote on computers, and they have never had to make that case. Never. Appeal to Authority and Ad-hominem attacks are all they have. The case AGAINST them has already been proven by various well-respected researchers, over and over.
We all need to start being from Missouri on this. If TPTB want us to vote on their computerized systems, claiming that they are totally tamper-proof, they need to show us. But they don't. Because they CAN'T.
Paper ballots and hand counts are what we need to go back to. Works for Canada. They get national elections counted and done in 4 days. How long has it been with us? -And still waiting on some results? Some things do not require and should not have computers in them. Like a hammer. Or a spoon. Or an election.
Sorry about the rude awakening. I remember what it was like, figuring this out back in '04. It was like losing another chunk of religion for me. But we have to get this done. Sooner rather than later. Then we can sleep better than we have been.
"Capitalism is the extraordinary belief that the nastiest of men for the nastiest of motives will somehow work for the benefit of all."
- John Maynard Keynes
If you don't care whether
If you don't care whether elections are honest watch more tv and quit complaining the system isn't fair. Unlike you Jill Stein actually went to Standing Rock and protested.
The more exposure our rigged system gets the better
If people like Jill Stein and Ajamu Baraka are part of the same big con on us, I'm going to go find a nice cave in Greenland to hide in until the end comes. But they're on our side. This isn't about Hillary. This is about pulling the curtain back on the whole rotting, vermin infested system. I don't think the Clintons want a recount. I've been seeing a lot of dismissive articles on the Washington Post and other Clinton PR firms.
Beware the bullshit factories.
Did you go to Standing Rock?
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
If my rent payments weren't higher
Than my monthly income I would be there. Maybe I should do like Jill and have someone else pay.
Mundus vult decipi, ergo decipiatur.
I posted a piece here which seems to be missing somewhere.
But the neoliberals are also offended that Stein is trying to get a recount. It seems to me, no matter which horse you put your money on, no harm no foul to determine who actually won the states. Without a recount you can expect four years of Clintonistas whining about how the election was stolen.
On the other hand, there is the right-wing meme that Hillary bused three million (at some sites ten million) illegal aliens to polls across the country, which, in a country where half of the eligible voters don't, seems like a pretty complicated way to steal an election when flipping switches at the back of a few voting machines are a lot easier. I suggest that this meme emerged when the vote count showed that Clinton would be winning the popular vote.
Everyone's in denial, everyone is looking to magical thinking. Eat and drink well, my friends.
Hi Bob in Portland...
I sent you an email reply about your lost essay.
No longer Green
I was never a fan of Jill Stein, but my values are close to that of the Green Party.
But after this outrage, the GP is dead to me.
Progressive, Independent, Gnostic, Vermonter.
"Outrage" ? Seriously ??
When trying to ensure the integrity of the vote is considered an "outrage" we are in real trouble. Sad and terrifying attitude.
what if they find no proof of fraud or rigging?
To take a different angle; what happens if there isn't enough hard-ish evidence there to prove anything substantial happened, and the PTB use this 'failure' to prove fraud as proof that everything is just hunky-dory, and that those claiming otherwise are to be scorned by the MSM puppets along with Occupy, BLM and Berners?
Not advocating against investigating/recounting, just wondering if a failure to find 'real' proof (as the MSM will tell it), could do more harm than good.
This could also have the unwanted effect of strengthening Trump's imagined 'mandate'.
Green Party has been down this road before
From their website:
inactive account
Translation: Shills was supposed to *WIN* MI and WI,
and it couldn't possibly be her own blind arrogant incompetence that lost those states for her!
Suuuure it couldn't. (Somebody above said Wisconsin uses optically scanned ballots, which means there should be actual hard-copy ballots to verify. I'm tentatively leaning toward their finding nothing more than the usual occasional spoilage.)
There is no justice. There can be no peace.
Is this challenge actually a Green Party action?
According to a statement I read on FB, it is not. This is Stein's camp on their own. Being used as a tool of the $$Hillary campaign, imo.
Jill and Ajamu Explain the Recount
Wisconsin Green Party on the Recount
$Five Million and counting
First of all, Jill raising $5 million in a couple of days defies credulity. Soros and Hillary Victory Fund money come to mind. Why would they want to ensure voting machine integrity, let alone want to help Jill, who they've smeared and blamed for their loss?
Secondly, I thought that the only candidate who had standing to request a state recount was the loser in a CLOSE RACE, certainly not less-than-one-percent Jill. Correct me if I'm wrong.
I would so love to believe this is really
about integrity, any kind of integrity. Why only these states? Why only states that carry enough electoral votes to swing an election? I get there are filing deadlines, but really, what better week to initiate such a thing than a holiday when people are far more concerned with their own issues? Just how far is this recount effort going to go? Is it really something for which hard evidence can be found, evidence not easily (or even un-easily) manipulated?
And just when the country has started to see what a Trump administration might look like? Are even the neo-liberals perhaps a bit worried they won't really be able to control Trump? Will he go too far and really expose the entire rot just by damaging the country to the point where there is real anger in the streets? What of his armed supporters? Could he perhaps get enough control of them to be able to give the neo-liberal security forces a run for their money?
And if fraud is exposed, again, how far will it be investigated? Will the Primaries be dealt with at all, or neatly swept up under the rug in this latest "outrage" and "reform" effort? What effect will that have on the electorate going forward? Will real election reform happen, or will it be piecemeal measures that remove any last shred of citizen confidence in the act of voting? The PTB don't want a true majority to participate anyway, what better way than outright suppression, which comes with all that nasty negative publicity, than to merely instill a total lack of confidence in even bothering at citizen input?
I do think that there aren't enough "Hillary haters" as some lately here love to speculate, that a Hillary victory and POTUS wouldn't be a relief instead of facing down a completely right wing government. While those of us on this site are smarter than that, there is probably more of a popular will to see such a thing right now. Buyers remorse perhaps? I know I've had a few brief moments of fear and loathing where I questioned what "I" had done (voted Stein). I just do not see this as a legitimate move to really clean up our elections. And I resent like hell the people out here who suddenly condemn those of us who are deeply cynical, and rightly so.
Edited to add: And if Hillary should come out the "winner" in all of this? I don't see that increasing the credibility of the entire process. As for the violent Trump supporters who may riot, what better way to show all of us there's no point in resisting? Those supporters will be armed in the worst case scenario, so all the might of the security apparatus can be justifiably used against them. Then we'll all know we have NO say anymore.
Only a fool lets someone else tell him who his enemy is. Assata Shakur