Open Door 12/19/15
Every year around this time the wingers get into some sort of panty-twist about Christmas carols.
This annum the Outrage concerns a holiday concert in Blaine, Minnesota, where Good Christian Children shall be subjected to a Ramadan song that includes the words "Allahu Akbar."
"No child should be forced to sing a song about the Muslims and the religion of hatred," wept one winger on the Facebook.
Another parent, who didn’t want to be identified, told WCCO by phone that considering the recent events in Paris and San Bernardino, singing a song about Allah would be "insensitive."
Studies persistently Show that levels of moronism are at an all-time high there in Minnesota. "We can't even measure it anymore," one researcher complained. "It broke the charts."
Minnesota is well known as the state where it is so cold that most of the year residents must employ for many hours blowtorches and icepicks to thaw out sufficiently to engage in sexual congress.
While the Ramadan song mentions brotherhood and peace, the district says that any student who doesn’t feel comfortable singing it doesn’t have to. Their grade will not be affected.
"Allahu Akbar" just means "god is great," and Muslims say it all the time, kinda like Christians say "Amen," or "One Way" . . . or "I'm a warrior for the babies!" But the Americans, they watch the television, and look into the intertubes, and so they think no one ever says "Allahu Akbar!" except when they are about to blow up a Burger King.
The same no-minds had no problem at all with the serial killers vomiting "For God And Country!" as they blew big holes in Osama bin Laden. The serial killers later presented the Kenyan with a little flag emblazoned with the words "For God And Country" that commemorated their bin Laden bulleting. The Kenyan said he would store the relic "somewhere private and meaningful to me." Informed sources claim that place is his bunghole.
A couple years ago a teacher in a town up the road here had a breakdown that required her to propose a ballot initiative that would require all the state's schoolchildren to emit Christmas carols.
"This is to make sure that we are allowed to have Christmas carols, and no school board member or principal is going to tell us, 'no, you may not play "Hark the Herald Angels Sing" in your classroom,'" said the woman, whose name—no joke—was Merry Susan Hyatt.
Hyatt was convinced the failure of state schools to command children to intone "Silent Night" was responsible for schoolyard violence and other upbubblings from Hell.
"The kids don't have a moral compass," she said. "It's not much, but I think it [Christmas carols] would help."
Hyatt said she's been surprised at the level of violence in many elementary school classrooms where she has taught, and she believes it's because Jesus isn't present in Christmas celebrations.
"You have to invite Jesus to have him work in your life," she said, adding that if you have a Christmas party without Jesus, he won't help. "He's the prince of peace; he's the only one who can get these kids to stop being so violent."
Hyatt asserted that once students were required to repeatedly recite "Good King Wenceslas," then Good would reign.
I sent this woman a note suggesting a number of multidenominational carols she might include in her program. Like "O Hopi Night," "Hark, Hear Shakti's Bells They Ring," "Good King Vlad The Impaler," "Oh Come Allah's Faithful," "Carol of the Baal," "What Cthulhu Is This," and "Thor Rest Ye Merry Mayhem Men." But I never heard back.
Joe Ratzinger, ex-pope, once wrote a crabby book called Jesus of Nazareth: The Infancy Narratives, in which the former Hitler-hewer crossly contends that the angels that attended Jesus' birth did not sing, but rather spoke, and therefore Christians should just bugger right off with all the Christmas carols.
According to the Rat-writ, "when the gospels refer to the 'heavenly host' of angels 'praising God and saying, "Glory to God in the highest,"' they in fact spoke the words rather than sang them."
Also in this book, Rats snarls that those who claim Jesus was born in Nazareth, which he was, rather than in Bethlehem, as the song would have it, are heretics, who should just be burnt.
Elsewhere in the tome, the vagina-fearing Ratzinger, once worldwide head of Occupy Womb Street, foams at the mouth and rolls on the floor at the notion that Jesus was the product of a pee-pee pumping waves and particles into Mary’s holy of holies.
[He] insists that the doctrine of the virgin birth be taken at face value and that it is an "unequivocal" pillar of Christian belief.
In a section of the book entitled "Virgin Birth—Myth or Historical Truth?", he reaffirms that Christ was not conceived through sexual intercourse but by the power of the Holy Spirit.
The Ratzinger book finally lies that there were no animals present at Jesus' birth.
[C]ontrary to popular belief, Jesus's birth was not presided over by oxen, asses, camels or indeed any other beasts.
"There is no mention of animals in the Gospels," he wrote[.]
Despite what this dope says, it is in truth a well-known Fact that not only were animals all over the dern place, there in the manger, but, furthermore, and because they were so nice that night to the new god-man, said god-man fixed it so that every year, on the night of the anniversary of his birth, all the animals all over the world get to talk in human language, if they feel like it. One time at a Paper I ran we printed a transcript of the Christmas Eve ruminations of rats caged up in the university Rat Lab. If Rat-boy really wants to know what's happening, he should go spend Christmas Eve in a rat lab.
But no. This is the guy who quit in a snit because they wouldn't let him wear his swastika armband for midnight mass. They were all pretty relieved, there in the Vatican, when Rats threw his tantrum, and abandoned the pope chair. Because he was starting to go dotty. Increasingly retreating into his early years, when he served as one of Hitler's finest. While riding around in the popemobile he would occasionally spasm out the "Sieg Heil!" salute, and he had begun darkly mumbling about "the Hebrews." So they shuffled him off to some hut where he could play "The Horst Wessel Song" at top volume while mournfully diddling an altar boy or two.
Now they have in the pope chair this Jesuit, who is too depressed to have Christmas.
I tried to read a story about whatever this is with the "data" and Clinton II and the cranky Brooklyn deli man, but it was so stupid and boring my eyes started to bleed, so I went across the street and looked at fish.
This week's opinion polls: 69% of the Hairball voters believe 44% of the Uncle Ben Carson voters eat 16% of the popcorn in 92% of the movie theaters. Some 44% of the Kasich voters believe 13% of the Cranky Brooklyn Deli Man voters should own 47% of the firearms, but only if 19% of them use 33% of said firearms on 89% of the Clinton II voters. More than 92% of the Cruz voters believe 61% of the Bush III voters are 73% lizard-people. And 38% of the Ayn Rand Paul voters believe 88% of the Kenyan was fathered by 14% of the Frank Marshall Davis penis.
If you walk through a doorway, you Forget. No, I am not making this up. It's real, goddamit.
The researchers say that when you pass through a doorway, your mind compartmentalizes your actions into separate episodes. Having moved into a new episode, the brain archives the previous one, making it less available for access. It’s as if you slam a mental door between what you knew and…what was I saying?
This is why by the time I get into the kitchen, I can never remember what I'm doing in there. If there weren't a toilet sitting there in the bathroom, I would have no clue why I went into that room, either. Generally I get so disoriented, passing through all these doorways and arches in this house, I just lay down on the couch and go to sleep. The other day I did that and in a dream I ate LSD. That was a new one. Usually I'm not real happy when I wake up, but this time was particularly a drag.
Below is the full text of the email that caused the potentates of the Los Angeles Unified School District to stream urine down their legs, closing all the schools and shrieking for the children to stay home cowering under their beds.
I am emailing you to inform you of the happenings on Tuesday, 12/15/15. Something big is going down. Something very big. It will make national headlines. Perhaps, even international ones. You see, my last 4 years here at one of the district high schools has been absolute hell. Pure, unmitigated, agony. The bullying, the loneliness, the rejection... it is never-ending. And for what? Just because I’m ‘different’?
No. No more. I am a devout Muslim, and was once against violence, but I have teamed up with a local jihadist cell as it is the only way I’ll be able to accomplish my massacre the correct way. I would not be able to do it alone. Me, and my 32 comrades, will die tomorrow in the name of Allah. Every school in the L.A. Unified district is being targeted. We have bombs hidden in lockers already at several schools. They are strategically placed and are meant to crumble the foundations of the very buildings that monger so much hate and discrimination. They are pressure cooker bombs, hidden in backpacks around the schools. They are loaded with 20 lbs. of gunpowder, for maximum damage. They will be detonated via Cell Phone. Not only are there bombs, but there are nerve gas agents set to go off at a specific time: during lunch hour. To top it off, my brothers in Allah and I have Kalashnikov rifles, Glock 18 Machine pistols, and multiple handheld grenades. The students at every school in the L.A. Unified district will be massacred, mercilessly. And there is nothing you can do to stop it.
If you do end up trying to, by perhaps, beefing up security, or canceling classes for the day, it won’t matter. Your security will not be able to stop us. We are an army of Allah. If you cancel classes, the bombings will take place regardless, and we will bring our guns to the streets and offices of Los Angeles, San Bernardino, Bakersfield, and San Diego.
I wish you the best luck. It is time to pray to allah, as this may be your last day.
What were the thinking? The urinators? The thing is so obvious and over-the-top it couldn't possibly be serious. But they have now, the urinators, set the bar so low, that they're pretty much every day going to have to close the schools and send the children home to hang out with the dust bunnies under the bed. And who knows. Maybe that's for the best.
Speaking of terrorists, the latest installment in the most popular film franchise ever is now out there, wantonly converting the children to the terrorist cause.
Obi Wan—a religious fanatic with a history of looking for young boys to recruit and teach an extreme interpretation of the Force—is practically salivating when he stumbles upon Luke, knowing he’s found a prime candidate for radicalization. Within moments of meeting Luke, Obi-Wan tells Luke he must abandon his family and join him, going so far as telling a shocking lie that the Empire killed Luke’s father, hoping to inspire Luke to a life of jihad.
Shocked and confused by this onslaught of terrorist brainwashing, Luke hurries home only to find the charred corpses of his aunt and uncle. The Empire’s accidental harming of Luke’s Aunt Beru and Uncle Owen can be directly compared to the casualties of President Obama's drone campaign, whose body count terrorists capitalize upon for recruitment. This is precisely what Obi-Wan does, preying upon Luke's emotional state to take him under his spell and towards a life of extremism.
Obi-Wan whisks Luke off to Mos Eisley using a Jedi mind trick to bypass security, knowing full well he likely appears on numerous terror no fly lists. After contracting a local drug smuggler for transportation, Obi-Wan and his newest Skywalker recruit are off. They are soon captured, however, and attempt an escape which culminates in a battle between Obi-Wan and Vader. During the fight, Obi-Wan notices Luke watching, and seeing an opportunity to fully inspire Luke to radicalize, says a Jedi prayer while committing suicide.
Once Luke escapes and regroups with a terror sleeper cell, he joins them on an attack mission. As he nears his target, hearing Obi-Wan's words in his mind, Luke closes his eyes, says a prayer and bombs a space station, killing everyone aboard.
Obi-Wan appears to Luke as an apparition and gives him clear instructions on continuing his radicalization. Luke is ordered to travel overseas to receive training and religious instruction from Yoda, an extremist cleric who runs a Jedi madrasa on Dagobah.
Yoda accepts Luke into his religious "school," teaching Luke Jedi fundamentalism and guerilla warfare. Like many extremist mullahs, Yoda demands total adherence to his strict interpretation of the Force and seeks to strip Luke of independent thinking. Yoda's push to radicalize Luke, rob him of an identity, and instill obedience are apparent when at various points he instructs Luke to "Clear your mind of questions," "Unlearn what you have learned" and, most grimly, "Do, or do not, there is no try." The Jedi know it is imperative to force mindless devotion in warriors they recruit for their holy war. Armed with new combat training and cloaked in a hardline religious fervor, Luke leaves Dagobah, impatient to put his terror training to use.
And so on.
The horror. The horror.
That's all for now, folks. The rain, it keeps a-rainin', and so I got to see a man about an ark, for all these animals.

Wonderful, as usual. Sufficiently so that I feel compelled
to remporarily pause my reading to post the following commentary on the topic of Virgin Birth
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
Good Morning, hecate, are you ok?
with regards to the ark you are looking for, I once registered the name "noah's ark" for my pipe-dream piece of a lot, where my son would build his house like an ark, earth-quake resistant, capable of floating when the big deluge comes down and wants to drown us all, with solar panels as walls and a windmill on the top, canvas for sailing and a water catchment system below ground floor.
So, the world goes down under, because of wars caused by epidemics of "religious" mental health instabilities?
Heh, merry anything for you. We'll survive it. Your OT is beautifully written, I just couldn't stand reading it, so I didn't finish it. I think the second part has something in it I could digest. Makes me so sicko all of it.
Here a NYTimes article, that makes me want to use the newspaper to start my barbeque fire with. It's so warm here I am thinking of having an outside barbeque. Democratic Debate Poses Challenge for Hillary Clinton Rivals. Of course, the challenge and risk is always to have on the Sanders side, never on HRC's.
I loathe political strategists by now ... never liked Trippi much. I almost stumbled over him laying on the floor half asleep a the first YearlyKos meeting in Las Vegas, staring up with ice-cold eyes.
Oh well, Voter Data Access Issue ‘Resolved,’ Says Bernie Sanders' Campaign Of course ...
After Blocking Sanders Campaign from Voter Data, Democratic Party Relents and Restores Access
Really, do you like your own elections and campaigns? I don't. WTF and now I am going flyering for Comrade Bermie. And I am going to watch this darn debates that solve absolutely nothing other than causing me to go berserk. Last time I brought some cookies to the debate party. This time I am going to bring sanitary bags to hold all the stuff people will vomit out.
Sorry, not my kind of starting the weekend.
is fine. It is just raining all day and all of the night, and apparently will continue to do so for all time. Also, soon there will be snow. I realize that Yahweh person claimed after the Noah business there would not be another drowning, but he is a well-known liar, and besides, he never said anything about snow. What if the world is to be covered in a big snow ocean? It will be like the true-life documentary film Snowpiercer, with everyone on the planet left alive forced to ceaselessly ride a bullet train owned and operated by Ed Harris, who is crazy. I do not want to be on the train. I would rather have an ark.
I don't know that I can watch the debate. What if they start talking about the "data"? I would need Medicine.
Hey y'all 99ers
popping in to say hi and bye, gotta get back to work.
Also to let ya know I've got a diary on the rec list at that other place right now, thx goodness team bernie is doing a good job of tending to it while I'm at work:
National Nurse United: "Their target is Bernie Sanders and the growing army who are fed up.."
Never be deceived that the rich will allow you to vote away their wealth.-Lucy Parsons
you did a good job at the right time, thanks, can't rec there
anymore. So, just a thumbs up for you here.
thx mimi!
Never be deceived that the rich will allow you to vote away their wealth.-Lucy Parsons
dkmich could needs some support over at the gos
Debbie Wasserman Schultz must go, and the case Bernie Sanders must make tonight.
Heh, should I go to a debate party with no laptop or smartphone, or stay cozy at home and watch and comment somewhere eventually?
Would you believe one could have such difficult problems?
I mean it would have been nice to have an OT for the debate here
what happens during this debate is not covered properly. I think it's a shame.
Whatever, if they ask me who has won the debate (still ongoing) tonight, I say the ISIS recruiters are the winners. So, live with that.
I couldn't agree with you more.
I kept checking all day for *something*
about the debate here, but, beyond
your comments . . . not much going on.
This debate has been so well "hidden"
by the DNC that I completely missed
that it started at 7pm in my time zone.
Since I began checking around 8pm,
I have been unable to get abcnews'
livestreaming to work, so I've been
looking around for a good live-blogger
or -tweeter, with no luck.
Back to searching all this "free
information" for any information about
the debate.
I really do hope, Mimi, that you feel up
to writing up another of your very
helpful "debate night" reports.
Only connect. - E.M. Forster
debate night report
... well it's the first time I really can understand why a bunch of people say here they can't watch it. I can watch the debate, but I can't listen to or read what people say about the debate. I left the debate "party" half way through the debate to get home. Didn't watch much of the rest. Was appalled about the war and "we have to get Assad out of there" business. Even Sanders used similar words than Clinton, just tried to be a little softer and putting up another "timeline and other preferences". I just wonder which country in the world would not silently be completely "pissed" about that kind of regime change rhetoric, basically from all three candidates.
It was clear that the hosts from ABC, didn't give Sanders all the time or opportunities to respond to Hillary's or O'Malley's "punches". Though I found some questions from ABC anchor woman Raddatz good and her effort to reign in O'Malley, whose presence really wasn't helpful at all but to take time away from Sanders, it was clear that both Raddatz and Muir were up into the game to give Hillary all the stoming talking time she wanted, whereas Sanders had to play the "well behaved" elderly gentleman.
For me Sanders was clearest here, but for me still not strong enough:
I just wonder why all of the three had to say that they must get rid of Assad, Sanders slowly, Clinton fast, one weaseling around the fact that US special forces and air bombardment is as bad as having "boots on the ground", but no "we will not send US ground forces to Syria". Clinton always pointing out to the UN agreement. I mean, what the heck, people are dropping bombs and infiltrating the country with undercover tactics, like "diplomatic intelligence gathering" and "special forces" and "trainers.
I can't listen to this anymore. It's so darn arrogant. That's why I feel that this rhetoric will be good for ISIL recruiters. It will radicalize people.
Big coalition building is the solution apparently. Dare you not be a friendly ally and not being part of the coalition under the leadership of the US, which means ... more bombs and air attacks. No thanks.
Thanks, mimi, for
your debate night report.
I'm intrigued
that O'Malley's response to the regime
change issue (in hecate's comment
below) - which sounds completely sane,
informed, and even smart - seems to
have gotten completely lost by people
freaking out about Clinton's and
Sander's full-throated support for US
I begin to understand why Clinton's DNC
did all they could to limit the number of
debates and then schedule them for
the lowest possible audiences. The
Self-Appointed Heiress-in-Waiting
simply will not tolerate the airing of any
ideas not her own.
Only connect. - E.M. Forster
you are right that I didn't take that O'Malley quote
hecate posted in his comment below for real. I am so opposed now that no matter what kind of smooth words someone says in a debate (and for O'Malley it was the only way he could distinguish himself in playing the guy, who isn't going to be for nilly-willy regime changes) I don't take them for real any more and don't believe in them face value. Simply spoken, I do not believe a minute that O'Malley would heroically fight against a government's intention to "get engaged in a diplomatically induced and military enforced" sort of regime change, once he would be inside the White House or as legislator. The US has done it too often and nobody trust their words anymore. Easily said in a debate, never been followed up on once people start to govern or legislate.
I didn't mean to imply that YOU were "freaking out," mimi.
I was thinking as I wrote of the Twitter
folks I was sort of able to follow, whose
condemnation of the Dems' support for
war was just as profound as yours -
and far more vulgarly expressed.
As for American politicians' trust-
worthiness, I have heard since I was
knee-high to a grasshopper (i.e., very,
very young) that, "Politicians will say
anything to get elected."
Dummy that I am, it has taken me too
many decades to finally grok the
wisdom of my elders - and just give up
on the Election Spectacle. And, yet, for
all that I haven't voted in recent years
. . . I still have some hope somewhere
that the American Kabuki Democracy
can be turned around in a political,
non-violent way . . . .
Only connect. - E.M. Forster
I don't know what puts me off so much, but what I can't stand
is the tremendous unquestioned arrogance to tell other people what they should do. Who the heck are the Americans to lead on telling their allies (I refer more to the European and Eastern European ones than to whatever they seem to think their ME allies are) that they should do more for the efforts to destroy ISIS in the ME and North Africa. Basically the US engages in psychological manipulation. "Better be my ally and prove it too by following our lead", they say or think. What if a European country (not that it would ever happen, but just imagine it) actually doesn't want to follow the US leadership? Isn't it possible they had other ideas and their own thoughts?
So, for now, I am not in the mood to follow anymore. I retire to my "thoughts are free" status and shut up. As said before, Sanders needs to be even stronger, despite his efforts to pitch up the rhetoric in the debate to distinguish himself from HRC. The only hope I might still fancy myself into believing is that he might actually be more anti-air-bombing campaigns in reality than he is expressing right now. I can't stand what people come up with talking, when they think they have to say something that is BS just because they think their audience needs it. When they talk of building a coalition of allies among the Muslim population in the ME, I just wonder how they could believe in being able to do that and be sure those friendly allies are agreeing with them for real?
Ok, forget about my comments, I can't vote anyhow, who cares.
I listened to this today. It helped at least a little bit and I thought Ginsberg did a good job
Strategy to Combat ISIS
Marc Ginsberg talked about U.S.-led efforts to combat ISIS* in Iraq and Syria, as well as President Obama’s call for Mideast allies to “do more” to help in the fight.
Check out the Guardian US edition.
They seem to be doing the best job of
live-blogging the debate that I've
found. (Leave it to the Brits . . . )
Only connect. - E.M. Forster
you could
post one. ; )
Short version:
Clinton: I will bomb.
Sanders: I will bomb less.
O'Malley: The US should get out of the bombing business.
Thanks for the link to the debate transcript, hecate.
Bezos' Poo is honestly the last place I
would have expected to find it. Perhaps
I'm simply not yet reality-based enough.
Only connect. - E.M. Forster
I found this quote from Her Royal Nibs early on to be chilling
Yes, TIA is the way forward. No wonder Snowden thought Sanders had the better of the debate.
"Our society is run by insane people for insane objectives. I think we're being run by maniacs for maniacal ends and I think I'm liable to be put away as insane for expressing that. That's what's insane about it."
-- John Lennon
yep, me too - more amazing is that she doesn't seem
to see herself.
Are we really being set up for FSC v. Trump?
I ask because, while FSC apparently
called Trump "ISIS best recruiter" during
the debate, Trump tweeted the following
about FSC today (not sure when -
before or during the debate):
If it comes to that, well, how does President Trump sound to you?
And/or does US really care who is
Only connect. - E.M. Forster
she lied about the ISIS thing too.
But this leaves me in a bit of a quandary: Isn't okay to say anything about Trump, even if it's a lie, because he's just that awful?
On the other hand, you really don't have to lie about him.
"Our society is run by insane people for insane objectives. I think we're being run by maniacs for maniacal ends and I think I'm liable to be put away as insane for expressing that. That's what's insane about it."
-- John Lennon
yack, that sentence of her was pure rhetorical BS
not even worth considering for its "truthiness" value. If you start taking anything Trump says worth checking out, you are on the wrong track, me thinks. Ignoring him and boycotting the media, who give him broadcasting time on their networks, is the only thing he deserves.
Another excellent post....
I laughed, I cried, it became a part of me
Seriously though this was a gutbuster. I bow to your mastery.
Hail hecate!
"Our society is run by insane people for insane objectives. I think we're being run by maniacs for maniacal ends and I think I'm liable to be put away as insane for expressing that. That's what's insane about it."
-- John Lennon
you are
going to make my head swell. It will be like elephantiasis. ; )
Once in a school book I saw a picture of a man with elephantiasis of the testicles. He had to carry them around in a wheelbarrow.