Disability Caucus Open Thread 11/11/2016: We Don't Matter

You know, I'm tempted to punch the next person I see right in the mouth with the response to Trump's victory, but that wouldn't do any good. So I'll just explain why it is I personally don't give a damn about this.

After reading the bit about Paul Ryan wanting to pull the plug on grandma at the Orange Shitcan, I have this to say:

Everything (...almost) that Hillary's most ardent and idiotic supporters feared in the Walking Hairpiece and the Republican idiots in congress has already happened over the last 40 years with regard to Social Security and Medicare short of privatizing them. In some ways, Medicare was already privatized via Medicare Advantage. You know, part of the oh so great 'Affordable Care' Act.

Being that I have lived my entire life neurologically, physically and developmentally impaired due to dry birth and birth injury, it's pretty safe to say that the system has failed me and many others like me in more than a few ways. I can also be certain that a Clinton presidency would have made things worse because Hillary had already promised cuts to both SS and Medicare.

Those aren't the only things that get shit on, though. Services like Voc Rehab also feel the pain of the constant slashing by both parties and yet we're told it's because Republicans. Well, from where I'm standing, neither party has done anything meaningful when it comes to people with disabilities and employment, housing, education, etc., so as far as I'm concerned, the Clintonites at the Orange Shitcan and all other sites can go to Hell.

I'm not an activist. I'm not a leader. I'm just a guy who'd like to be included for once. Apparently, that doesn't matter. We never mattered. And it seems we never will no matter who's in charge.

See ya around,


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Lily O Lady's picture

us are disposable.

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"The object of persecution is persecution. The object of torture is torture. The object of power is power. Now do you begin to understand me?" ~Orwell, "1984"

elenacarlena's picture

Jill Stein was right, we voted against Repug policies and got them anyway, if a little slower.

But now we're going to get them faster, most likely. Coming up may be the worst two years of American life in my lifetime. But Clinton wouldn't have stopped the misery either.

I hope those of you who think this will wake the politicians up and give us decent progressive alternatives in 2018 and 2020 are correct. If not, we're effed.

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Please check out Pet Vet Help, consider joining us to help pets, and follow me @ElenaCarlena on Twitter! Thank you.

riverlover's picture

Here is a telling story. My 96 y/o mother was ambulanced to hospital, unable to walk. After 4 hours there, they discharged her to my sister. No social worker, no nursing home, no nothing. She is/was psychotic. In a nice way, mostly. As my sister says now, old people get flushed down the toilet. They (hospitals and services for elders) don't give a damn.

You write like a Leader, so go with it. A virtual hug or handshake.

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Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.

snoopydawg's picture

They have been itching to derail the new deal because their masters the banks want control over the money.
Hillary had a plan that would have seen people on SS, SSDI and SSI get their monthly payments decreased each year because of some type of plan Paulson had in the works.
Once the democrats stood between the banks and the republicans but the Clintons destroyed the DP when Bill created the DLC.
An article I read was how both parties give ungodly amounts of money to their benefactors but hate giving money to us.
They give billions in tax breaks, subsidies and foreign aid while denying us a decent standard of living.
It doesn't matter to them that we have had to pay into SS our whole lives, they still consider it 'entitlements'
These assholes probably spend more money on a meal than most of us on food stamps receive all year yet they continue to tell people that we are the ones living high off the hog. And we are the ones paying for them to spend that money. But people are upset because their (Christian tax dollars go to helping poor people) yet they think it's okay to give corporations tax breaks because they created the jobs.
The republicans wanted to decrease the food stamps money $40 billion during the last farm bill and the democrats were able to decrease the amount but money was still taken out of the program and the democrats looked good, but Obama signed off on it anyway.
No signing statements when it would help us, the POS!
If Ryan, the republicans and Trump go after our social programs then the democrats better step up! But I'm not going to hold my breath because both parties are beholden to big business.
I don't know if getting money out of politics would matter because their souls are so corrupted but I like to think it would.

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Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.

Lily O Lady's picture

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"The object of persecution is persecution. The object of torture is torture. The object of power is power. Now do you begin to understand me?" ~Orwell, "1984"

hester's picture

feel guilty that I didn't vote for $hillary.
Hear me out.
I have a son with a chronic illness. I prefer not to disclose it... Anyway, there's a subreddit about it which I read. Our son has a good job and health insurance from his gf (could have it from his employer but her ins. is better). But all these young kids with the same disease as he has fear for their lives, that they are going to be SOL soon. The medications for this illness can cause upward of $30k/ year just for one of the drugs (a biologic).

I feel like I let those kids down voting as I did. I told my brother that if I lived in a swing state I would have voted for her, and vomited later. but now I feel badly b/c of these kids w the same illness our son has.

Am i nuts?

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Don't believe everything you think.

Cachola's picture

Your vote would not have made a difference (CT went for Her, didn't it?) AND you voted your concience. Why feel guilty. I did not vote in NYC, it made no difference.

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Mundus vult decipi, ergo decipiatur.

hester's picture

I remember somewhere reading that if you'd have voted for $hills in a swing state then vote for her. But thank you. And yes I voted my conscience and felt fine about it, until I read that Reddit sub. Then I felt somehow that my 'conscience' was more important than their meds. But tbh, yes, CT went for her and my vote wouldn't have changed a thing.

Thanks again

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Don't believe everything you think.

Cachola's picture

and was thinking OMG what have I done?!! Then remembered I live in NYC.

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Mundus vult decipi, ergo decipiatur.

on grammy:

Bill Clinton to Paul Ryan on Medicare Election: ‘Give me a Call’
May 25, 2011

ABC News’ Jonathan Karl ( @jonkarl ) reports:

The day after the stunning upset in the special congressional election in upstate New York, Rep. Paul Ryan is a man under fire.

But ABC News was behind the scenes with the Wisconsin Congressman and GOP Budget Committee Chairman when he got some words of encouragement none other than former President Bill Clinton.


So anyway, I told them before you got here, I said I’m glad we won this race in New York," Clinton told Ryan, when the two met backstage at a forum on the national debt held by the Pete Peterson Foundation. But he added, “I hope Democrats don't use this as an excuse to do nothing.”

Ryan told Clinton he fears that now nothing will get done in Washington.

“My guess is it’s going to sink into paralysis is what’s going to happen. And you know the math. It’s just, I mean, we knew we were putting ourselves out there. You gotta start this. You gotta get out there. You gotta get this thing moving,” Ryan said.

Clinton told Ryan that if he ever wanted to talk about it, he should “give me a call.” Ryan said he would. Watch it here .

more at

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