Open Thread - 11-10-16: Election Chat/The Library/More Tunes
Well, here we are again. Time for an open thread! Yippee! What’s on your mind? The election? Your roof?
The election and Democrats
I was talking to my Cubs friend at the supermarket today. He was dazed and ecstatic a week ago, now is dazed and confused about the election. I asked him if it came down to it, would he make a deal with God/the FSM/Zeus/the Daghda where the Cubs win the World Series but Trump becomes President? And he reasonably said he would.
Dkmich has been solidly for Trump all along, in the hope that it will blow up the Democrats. It might! I mentioned to shaz that I didn’t want Trump to win…but I didn’t want Hillary to win either. I didn’t do what I could to help Trump but I don’t think I’m going to cry about it. If it cleans out the Dems, if the Clintons and their ilk are gone then that’s a very good thing.
However, reading that essay about DOV makes me skeptical. As long as there are pawns like her the party will continue being a cesspool. She’s a nobody in their scheme but a representative, useful nobody. You have to believe that Debbie wants back in, that the Clintons will try to maintain their power within the party, that Podesta et al will do their evil.
But the Cubs did win the World Series so nothing is impossible.
The election - local
Locally we had a nice upset when a local book store owner beat her opponent, a weasel pseudo-liberal who has been in the pocket of developers, encouraging the destruction of beautiful houses, the cutting down of old trees (including redwoods) and the building of shoddy 60-unit apartments and (get this!) calling it “environmental”. It so happens that he’s a small person, missing a hand, and is known for pushing people out of the way in the supermarket. And he lost! So good!
The library
On a different topic, get a library card if you don’t already have one. We have a great book store in town, Powell’s, and if we absolutely have to have a permanent copy of a book or if we can’t wait, then we’ll go there and buy it. But our library system is terrific. We can go online and order anything (book, DVD, CD) that’s available at any branch and it’ll be sent to our local branch where we can pick it up. Sometimes we have to wait awhile. Newer movies usually have a long waiting list but we can track our standing on those. For example, I ordered up that Coen Brothers movie, “Hail Caesar!”. I think we were 436th in line on 80 copies. I checked back a couple of weeks later and we were 330th. We eventually got it. I liked it! And it was free….and we could keep it for three weeks. We brought it back the day after we watched it since we knew there were probably another 436 people waiting for it.
That’s a cool thing about the library, that it’s free and you have time to enjoy something. If we went to our local DVD rental place we’d have 3 days and if things came up and we didn’t watch it in those 3 days we’d be out the money (if we returned it unseen) or we’d rack up late fees. The library has late fees too. If you bring something back in 22 days instead of 21 you have to pay a quarter.
We’re regulars now. They know us at our branch. It’s a pleasant walk from our house too. Speaking of our house and our roof, thanks to Big Al we’ve got a guy who’s going to do the work! This fellow did Al’s roof and is a very good guy. Thanks, Al! All the stuff is now at our house, waiting for three days in a row of dry weather. Until then we’ll leave the buckets in place because it tends to rain in Oregon at this time of year. But three days…surely we’ll get a stretch of good weather soon.
Before I wrap it up, I just want to mention (if I haven’t already somewhere around here) that I noticed a general consensus calling last night “The End of the World” and this was before results started coming in. That’s pretty funny and shows a good side of people who, if left alone, can manage very well with creativity and good will.
Now it’s time for music. I thought I’d load up a bunch of songs that I loved as a child. There is no “Desolation Row” among these.
These are tunes from various years of my youth that I find comforting.
Sue Thompson
The Four Lads
The Essex
The Impalas
The Elegants
The Cadets
Good morning, everyone!
Thank you for the OT, Shahryar.
The library here is similar. Nice to get an email when your book is in, go to the library and there it is, ready to be picked up, organized in alphabetical order by your last name. I do love it and should use it more often. I plan to this winter over snowy days.
Have a great day, everybody!
My local library
Celebrated its centennial this year. The librarian, Linda got to be Grand Marshall in the Upper Lake Wild West Day parade, which is two blocks long. The building was built by a Women's Protection Society from redwood, including paneling for all the walls. The inside is so awesome!
Good morning
When push came to shove, I voted for Jill Stein. Hillary lost Michigan by roughly 12,000 votes. Jill Stein got 50k votes, Gary Johnson got 170k and the Consrituon Party candidate got 16k.. It was the Independent/Bernie voters who took the Clintons down. I suspect that Johnson got a lot of the fed up Republican Bernie voters. This slim margin between Hillary and Trump was true in many other states.
Hillary losing makes me happy. Trump winning makes me nervous. One party GOP rule scares the hell out of me. If we Bernie voters do not claim our power and capture the Party now, it will all be for nothing. The sexist, racist meme will win, and Hillary will have lost because she is a woman and not because she was a crappy candidate who stole the primary from our candidate.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
You are likely correct that simplistic reasoning says that women
as POTUS are not ready for prime time, when it was actually That Woman, the one with the biggest D*ck swinging with her warmongering and money-grubbing ways. My 96 y/o demented mother thinks that the US is not ready for a woman figurehead, but then again, she never quite figured out that Obama was Black.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
Hillary is claiming it as she chokes back tears,
and it is all over dailykos. If dailykos is pushing it, you know it is the party's taking point. Once it gets cemented, Bernie supporters taking the great Clintons down will be nothing more than CT.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
We have a great library system in Cleveland.
It compares favorably to any university library I've ever used. I use the beautiful main library since we're so close to downtown, but there are branches throughout the metropolitan area and you can search and check out books online and have them sent to any branch in a day or two.
Books available for free! What a radical concept!
This has been double posted.... Can you delete the one with no comments????
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
I'll take some of your extra rain...
Hasn't rained here (NE AL) in about 3 months. I've never seen it so dry. We're over 20 inches behind. Our normal yearly rainfall is 52 inches. Feels like the dust bowl. Seems much more important than an election.
Feels like the intro to the grapes of wrath
Jimmy Dore had a clip the other day showing footage from Standing Rock of peaceful protectors being shot in the face with bean bags and mace. "The fascists are here already we don't have to wait for T-rump", was his comment. (10 min)
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
From droughty Central NY I feel your concern.
We have had rain! But in August we were classified in Severe Drought by USDA, meaning nothing to home gardeners on private wells. I have a low-volume private well; it got dicey, one or more pump sucks of nothing but "glacier dust" as my deceased well-driller called it. Sputtered well, only 65' deep, but I am high on the hill in Marcellus shale. You would be shocked at the radon concentration in my good-tasting water.
I found the red dirt of AL interesting. And scary. First cotton fields I ever saw.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
A couple years ago
when we were in dry conditions, I related a story ( originally cobbed from Woody Guthrie) of how I dropped my keys and they fell into a crack in the dirt because it was so dry. I said I went into the shop to get a magnet on a string to get them but when I got back i could hear them still falling.
Several people actually asked if I got my keys back.
There is no such thing as TMI. It can always be held in reserve for extortion.
If you can't beat 'em, join 'em
Peace & Love to my brothers and sisters in California. And Oregon and Washington. Coastal Peace.
"hard work good and hard work fine but first take care of head"
Edit: Forgot Nevada! Mountain Peace Link to the brand.
Alright, from NY with limited medical use (I don't qualify)
What is in those containers? Buds before seeds? ground leaves? I know the plant, had a perennial wild one in WI in my front yard verge. I didn't do bud then. Before.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
Yep, seedless buds. "Sensimia" in triangle-speak
I mean the Emerald Triangle, I live on the southern cusp.
As for the Marley Brand, well I'd quote the whole page except then some corporate lawyer would send JtC a nasty letter or something, that is what's coming, the jack boot of corporate hyper-regulation. Imagine Bob Marley rolling in his grave, no pun.
Already California politicians are mouthing off about protecting the "intellectual" property of a few. Appealing to "values" voters? Yay money. Anyway, it ends with this retched statement:
My bold because where were they during the current Democratic Obama, Bloody Obama administration? Talk about shredding, omg they live in a bubble.
Florida legalized med pot. The first/second/third (pick one) most corrupted state in the union finally got around to doing something honest. It had to clear 60% of total votes cast; final tally was 79-80%. You should hear all the cheers going down even with tRump winning the POTUS vote. Dirty energy was also defeated in their attempt to block rooftop solar.
Inner and Outer Space: the Final Frontiers.
Began watching a new series on Amazon.
Free with Prime. Billy Bob Thornton is a disgraced lawyer taking on his old multinational law firm in a wrongful death suit.
I've only watched two episodes so far. At the very beginning of the first episode was a WTF!!!! moment. And at the very end of the second was a Holy Shit WTF?!!!
The title is Goliath. Perry Mason this ain't!
(Copied from the other OT)
There is no such thing as TMI. It can always be held in reserve for extortion.
Morning everyone, a small request if possible
I've been trying to look through C99 threads to find a picture someone posted, it was Mike Moore bashing hillary in twiiter on top and then oh so proud to vote for her below. Hypocrisy at it's worst, and I was wanting to show it to a few other friends. Does anyone remember where it was hiding, or could it be reposted?
See, their morals, their code... it's a bad joke. Dropped at the first sign of trouble. They're only as good as the world allows them to be.
-The Joker-
For Dragonkat
From "War and regime change" to "Kindess and compassion"
and scene! Happens all the time in the movies, so why not their real lives?
That's all I got for that brand of thinking, must assume everyone has attention deficit disorders. The Internet does not exist on the Internet, at that blithering moment there is no archive I guess.
Thanks for digging up that image. Cheers.
Thank you much,
Should have saved it the first time.
See, their morals, their code... it's a bad joke. Dropped at the first sign of trouble. They're only as good as the world allows them to be.
-The Joker-
So, Canadian Citizens like the idea of Annexing Cascadia...
At least all the ones I've broached the idea to.
All the benefits of moving to Canada, and we don't even have to move.
Think about it. Talk amongst yourselves...
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.
I support Cascadia
people are better off divided by their natural surroundings. We do more trade with WA state than the rest of Canada. Well, we did until our dollar went down by 25 cents against the US dollar. Gore Vidal had the idea of dividing up the USA according to natural barriers. It seems like a good idea. Better than lines on a map.
To thine own self be true.
Bio regions
this country and it's empire is too damn big and divided in every way. I'm not a fan of centralized power be it national or global. I get grief for this as people think it means I'm a racist, classist, cultural elitist, or some such malarkey. Cascadia sounds great to me.
Shah, I'm with you
We need to break it down into regional zones. Pacific Northwest Territories, Southeast Region, Northeast Group, Central Atlantic Zone, Midwestern Consolidation, Great Plains Cooperative, Southwestern Reservation, Deep South League. California Colony, Mountain Majesties. Build local power chains. The borders will establish themselves.
Edited to include others.
question everything
During the election Canadian immigration sites went down
We think it was from overload of requests for information.
If you plan to immigrate, you will need some French to go to Quebec, Alberta is the home of the tar sands, a beautiful province being destroyed by industry and jobs are down there. The Maritimes are very small town/provincial. Saskatchewan is flat. BC is beautiful and threatened by industry and right wing politicians. Vancouver and Toronto are overcrowded, rental accommodation is sparse and expensive.
Justin Trudeau is another Obama, he was all image. Now he is promoting fossil fuels, like LNG and supports pipelines. He does what industry tells him to do. He signed away Canada's fishing rights on the East Coast with the CETA agreement. But he is good on immigration, welcoming more Syrians this year.
The air is good, we have lots of clean water, so Welcome to Canada!
To thine own self be true.
We can get any library book in the country
Sent to us by asking librarian for it. You have to wait 2 or 3 weeks, but if it is in a library, but not in your local system, the librarian can get it for you. How long you have it depend on lending time at the library which owns the book. And I think no renewals. But it is great when you want something special or specific. And it is free.
NYPL is really good that way too.
And they are also pretty good about buying the books I request (I guess other people are requesting the same books, I doubt they would buy a book only I rec.) I love my library.
Mundus vult decipi, ergo decipiatur.
Back over a decade ago, my mother's ophtho declared her legally
blind. Then she got immediate free services through the Library of Congress, books on tape, plus a free player. In her case, a pack of whatever the medium used would arrive weekly in the mail, from the State Library in Frankfort KY. Initially, she could see enough to choose a bit. After that, they would just send her stuff she ad not heard (read) before. Somewhat difficult for me to conversationally understand that she still considered it "reading" (and loved it) when it was listening.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
I used to have the same problem
Considering it reading until I started buying a lot of audiobooks and "reading" them during my bus/subway commute. Now I include them in my list of books read. I cannot listen to novels, though, as my mind wanders but more complex subjects engage my mind and I don't feel guilty about sitting for hours and knitting. Not that I feel too guilty about anything. Well, maybe that time I set the hens on fire.
Mundus vult decipi, ergo decipiatur.
Tell about setting the hens on fire, please.
The Hill writes about the Polls and Pollsters:
'What we are left with is an agency mandated to ensure transparency and disclosure that is actually working to keep the public in the dark' - Ann M. Ravel, former FEC member
What blew me away
about this farce of an election was seeing the true colors of the so called progressive left, elected pols included . I don't mean my neighbors, community and friends who are pretty liberal and not conservatives I'm talking about the 'professional' so called left. Bloggers, online newspapers like The Guardain, The Canary, The Nation, Michael Moore, Spencer Ackerman, Digby, Atrios, Cenk, Merkley, even Bernie. you name a 'progressive' and when push came to shove they all kissed the Demorat's bloody ring.
I also do not understand all this talk of she was a bad candidate. That she was but more importantly what she and the Democratic party advocate and implement is not anything any human should acquiesce or consent to. All this garbage about the most progressive Democratic platform ever while the Obama administration is busy killing people and destroying the earth for profit and power.
Why can't people see the disconnect between the political circus and the reality of what they are consenting to with their vote? She was a bad candidate because the ruling class in the empire is just pure dark and evil. Open your eyes people and take a good look at the reality your giving consent to. Axelrod call this mad world of darkness and death 'the world as we find it'. It's not, it's the world these global stone killers and greed heads have created. It's also not inevitable, these want to rule the world assholes with power always say they are inevitable and yet people can and do take them down.
I'm glad she/they lost. All this bs. identity politics is insulting to the victims of racism, classism, sexism, and any ism that they use to divide and conquer. One good thing was that fear alone did not win the day. Breaking corporate glass ceiling's is not liberation for women. Killing and destroying villages and cities in the ME and everywhere that is in our 'interests' for power and profit is not socially progressive.
What a joke progressives are. Blaming those that refuse to have their consent extorted by these psycho killers because Trump 'oh my god' he's a pig need to take a good look at what the other side is about. This 'election' was the most disgusting naked display of the 1%'s corruption, power and immorality I have ever seen in my long life. USA,USA,USA. Yikes! Scary that.
So anyway just my thoughts this morning. At least we got rid of Novick our fake progressive who says demolishing and gentrifying Portland is green and progress. The sad thing is is that even when you vote out these crooks and killers there are plenty more waiting in the wings ready to run as progressives or change you can believe in. They will say whatever it takes and people are so damn stupid and cowardly they will believe that this is the most progressive platform in the universe. compared to what I ask.
Hillary the Hun is gone but believe me the powers that be have a warehouse full of them. Maybe people should stop voting for any of these monsters and join in solidarity with people globally to stop their 'inevitable' nightmare of a world. A pox on both of their houses and any house's they build to rein down the bombs and misery on other humans and the planet.
My election rant.
Here's a great article about the election by Naomi Kline. I can't believe The Guardian published it.
It was the Democrats' embrace of neoliberalism that won it for Trump -Naomi Klein
People who have seen the Pixar movie “Inside Out”
will recognize this as the 11-year old Riley’s bag of fantasy boyfriends.
Get rid of one, here’s the next one spamming your awareness before you can say Jack Robinson. They “pop up one at a time,” like Kleenex.
Greenwald accuses Amy Goodman of torturing him.
GLENN GREENWALD: Amy, that question was some kind of form of torture that ought to be outlawed. I could barely withstand listening to that.
Greenwald's analysis of Trump's win is right on, as is his analysis of anything he addresses.
I agree with Glenn Greenwald
hard to wrap ones brain around these lunatics being in the trump administration. I got nauseous listening to Obomber going on about a peaceful transition of power today. Thanks for the link to Glenn Greenwald, his analysis of Trumps win is right on. Scary but then again so was the Democratic candidate's kissing of Kissenger. Bejeezuz this recycling of the same damn psychotic people with power who we keep trying to get rid of is just mind boggling.
Yeah, that was a poignant moment.
I've never, ever seen Greenwald, who I don't there exists today a better journalist than, at a loss for words.
Having watched many of his book appearances and listened to many interviews I can say that I've never seen a person with such a staggeringly high level of intellect and cogency from which he has this incredible ability to convey perfectly formed paragraphs with stunning rapidity, often without pause, about any topic he's asked. To see him almost overwhelmed by having to consider the reports of Trump talking to some of the most odious and discredited RW lunatics for consideration in his administration was telling. It is fucking scary and completely surreal prospect.
Btw, Amy's changing roundtable panel on Election Night was such a huge breath of fresh air. Democracy Now stands such head and shoulders above our craven and complicit MSM lapdogs. Would be worth re-watching too.
One of the biggest takeaways of this disgraceful, tawdry election season has to be the sheer discrediting of all MSM punditry and polls. Has to be impressed upon the masses. Turn off the goddamn commercial tv and radio stations and throw out the newspapers!
"If I should ever die, God forbid, let this be my epitaph:
- Kurt Vonnegut
I couldn't agree more
About Amy and Glenn. Democracy Now and The Intercept two of the best sources! We will need them in the coming days...
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
I'm gettimg fed up with all the Bernie bashing.
I voted for Stein at the last minute on Tuesday. Pure impulse as I was going to skip the POTUS line and not mark it. What's with the constant Bernie bashing??? Everything he ran on and what he predicted has come true. Yeah, if the DNC hadn't cheated, he would have been the rightful nominee. Down here in Florida, he would have swept tRump with a huge turnout. Rubio would NOT be re-elected as our vomit/joke of a senator. We picked up a US House seat here in the east central part of the state. With Bernie on the ticket, turnout would have increased and we would have picked up more!! This bitching on a progressive blog is getting really old!!
I have a tablet. I love checking out ebooks, and we have an excellent library here.
Inner and Outer Space: the Final Frontiers.
yup, me 2
There is nothing which I dread so much as a division of the republic into two great parties.. to be dreaded as the greatest political evil under our Constitution.--John Adams
When the Corpro Dems have rushed to embrace him...
(And no, that's NOT a typo. I like corpro. Makes me remember that corporations are full of shit.)
I tend to maintain a healthy skepticism.
Dems would rather lose 10 elections than a dime.
Bernie would cost them big, and they KNOW it.
Hence, they'll prop him up and pull the rug out as many times as they can get away with.
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.
This is not a partisan blog
and the lock step idea of what's 'progressive' isn't required. Same with fandom of pols including Bernie. People are not bashing Bernie and if they are so what maybe he deserves it for kissing the bloody neoliberal Democratic machine candidates ring. I'm not a Democrat haven't been since 2011. This bitching on a non partisan blog that dares to 'bash' pols and party is allowed. Bernie was sheep dogging imo. Furthermore I did not like his 'foreign policy' and I did care what was in her damn e-mails. Of course he could have kicked Trumps butt but he chose to endorse and campaign for The Mad Bomber and the corrupt neoliberal/neocon Third Way traitorous lying Demorat's. Did you read the leaked Posesta e-mails or the speeches? If so why are you giving people here grief for not feeling the Bern? Most progressive platform ever my ass.
Thanks for pointing out that this is a 'nonpartisan' blog. EOM
Everyone thinks they have the best dog, and none of them are wrong.
Well, I started a comment a great many minutes ago,
but it was too much and I converted it into an essay. Sorry about that, Shah. Thanks for the OT and the Tunes.
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
Things are getting bad out there
Expect lots more of the same.
I want a Pony!
There have always been shitheads out there
And right now the shitheads think they can say and do as they please - or more to the point, they know they'll get publicity for saying and doing as they please.
The rest of us will have to hold the line, or even push back, on simple human decency.
There is no justice. There can be no peace.
Oregon turning Republican?
We had a Republican win for Secretary of State, the first R win in a statewide election since 1992. I had assumed that Hillary had done worse than the other Dems here, highlighting how bad a candidate she was, but that's not really the case.
Hills over Trump, 49.9 to 39.5. Get this...3.5% "write-in". Was that for Bernie? I don't think we'll ever know. They don't announce the breakout. Jill Stein got 2.4%.
For Governor, Kate Brown (D) won 50.5 to 43.7. I didn't vote in that race since there wasn't a good alternative.
Sec. of State, the Repub won 47.7 to 43.1. I voted Green (2.5%).
Senate went to Wyden, who I hate, 56.7 to 33.6.
State Treasurer was won by the Dem but only by 43.9 to 41.7. That's almost another Repub win. The "Independent" candidate got 9.4%, the Progressive 4.8%.
Atty General was a big win for the Dem, 54.9 to 41.8.
But one Repub won, another almost won. I do NOT want to see Oregon start turning Republican. I blame the Californians who are moving in, looking for a condo and salted ice cream.
Anyway, Hills looks to be middle of the pack among the Dems this year. The Dems could have thrown out any candidate and done about as well. And for that! I blame Obama and his do-nothingness. Except when he was doing something for the moneyed people.
I used to live in Eugene, Oregon and we had great hopes
For Wyden, maybe because he was replacing that old goat Bob Packwood. I also liked DeFazio, haven't kept close watch but neither has really met expectations.
Mundus vult decipi, ergo decipiatur.
DeFasio is still doing a great job
at staying a real liberal. I just wish that we had more like him on the ballot.
Good to hear that. Lane County, represent.
Mundus vult decipi, ergo decipiatur.