The Age of Aquarius
It's over, finally. Now we have a new president of the Empire, Donald Trump. Very few saw that coming, but then again, it all fits. We are what we eat and we eat a lot of bullshit. What better way to illustrate what this country has become than the election of a person like Donald Trump as President. "Make American great again, elect Donald Trump!" Some people didn't understand the joke.
I ask now, are we going to do this again? In approximately two years and a half years, are we going to allow our rulers to stage another eighteen month three ring circus to elect ONE person? Do you really want to have a President? Do you think, that's the way it is and always will be? Why can't we think our way out of this?
My money is on this happening again. Quite the shame that will be. Anyone mention in all this we don't live in a fucking democracy? Naw, it's all about why this happened. "Why did this happen!!!"
Because we don't live in a democracy.
It's because we had two shitty choices and one of the shitty choices won. That's the system.
So what will change? I can't discount the feelings of millions of Muslims, women, Hispanics and other minorities who feel uneasy, even afraid, about this outcome. That's not just a change for them , it's a change for all of us. What kind of change remains to be seen, like a lot of things. But racism in this country is at a tipping point, again, and which way it goes could very well depend on who some of the American people elected as president.
What won't change is that democracy thing. This election wasn't democracy in action, it was a farce. This political system has become a farce. Now we have Donald Trump and a republican majority in the House and Senate. We still have this duopoly no one knows what to do with and no evidence third parties can break their hold. A corrupt Congress with approval ratings in the single digits.
Here's what Donald Trump is about:
"◾Let business operate as regulation-free as possible, facilitating greater corporate predation.
◾Direct the Treasury security to declare China a currency manipulator – on the one hand wanting better relations with Russia, he says; on the other, contesting China’s economic policy unfairly.
◾Allow unrestricted fossil fuel production, instead of prioritizing development and use of alternative green energy sources.
◾Authorize construction of the environmentally destructive Keystone Pipeline and similar projects.
◾Cancel US participation in UN climate change programs.
◾Replace Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia with someone matching his right-wing extremism.
◾Cancel federal funding for Sanctuary Cities.
◾Mass deport millions of undocumented (largely Latino) immigrants.
◾Cancel visas to foreign countries unwilling to take them back.
◾Suspend immigration from so-called “terror-prone regions,” largely the Middle East, ignoring America’s responsibility for creating ISIS and likeminded groups.
◾Simplify the tax code from seven to three brackets.
◾Cut taxes, largely benefitting high-income Americans.
◾Cut the corporate tax rate (few firms pay) from 35 – 15%.
◾Replace Obamacare with health savings accounts – swapping one failed system for a worse one.
◾Cut approval red tape to let inadequately tested drugs be offered for sale.
◾Build a wall along America’s border with Mexico, its government funding the cost.
◾Increase America’s gulag prison system population by imposing mandatory minimum sentences for undocumented immigrants reentering the country after being deported.
◾Get tougher on crime and so-called illicit drugs than already.
◾Increase funding and other resources for already militarized state and local police."
He is also against the Iran nuclear agreement which indicates he either buys into the false narrative that an agreement is necessary or he's purposely spreading the false narrative. Either way is dangerous. The neverending War OF Terror will continue, in fact Trump wants to expand it. He wants to increase the military budget and exempt it from the upcoming austerity measures against social programs.
His campaign rhetoric rapprochement with Russia may be the biggest positive compared to Hillary Clinton who many feared would start a hot war, possibly nuclear, against Russia. We may have averted WWIII with Trump but who knows once he gets into office. The deep state apparatus could very well live up to its reputation. That would be my bet.
The show will go on and it won't be for the Serfs. It will continue to be for the rich and powerful, that won't change. We still need that Revolution to overturn the power, to give the power to the people.
But maybe the people can't handle the power. Here I thought we were on the verge of a Revolution, a serious one where We the Serfs would finally join together and demand real democracy, truth and justice. But the American people just elected Donald Trump to be their Leader.
You know what's the worst thing? We let them give us those choices.
Land of the free and home of the brave my ass. Fucking wimps.

And the idiots have been given the orders to march...
in the streets! Not to protest a war, or the stripping of land from native peoples...
Nope, it's something MORE important...
Yeah, they want the other crappy choice to be installed instead of the one that will do the wars and land grabbing and pissing on the left with the Right LETTER BEHIND THEIR NAME!!!!
Too many fools who think that protesting is a fun little hobby they can use to show how righteous they are.
It cheapens it, and turns it into a punchline if the only thing that gets people out in the streets is a coordinated media campaign to get them out there.
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.
Not sure what protesting Trumps election will get them,
and if they're Clinton supporters, well, that says it all. We need to try to change this system while we can, before the circus starts up again. Because when it does, nothing can stop it.
Looks at this. "Democrats look to 2020"
It's already started again.
And all the usual suspects...
Except Warren of course, who long ago sold her soul for a pat on the head.
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.
Let's wait and see...
He's also talking about a big jobs program centered around massive infrastructure investment, a Progressive staple issue that will finally start pumping much needed cash to main street instead of wall street.
Between that and putting WWIII on the backburner, I'm willing to cut Trump a modicum of slack for now.
The current working assumption appears to be that our Shroedinger's Cat system is still alive. But what if we all suspect it's not, and the real problem is we just can't bring ourselves to open the box?
Fortunately, when it comes to politicians of all stripes
The first thing they do once elected is go back on the "promises" they made during the election. I expect the same will be true of Trump. He simply can't or won't be allowed to deport millions, eliminate all regulations and all the other things listed by the poster here. I'm sure he will try on some of it, but cooler heads will block the worst of the worst.
I agree with you. We really don't know what he's actually going to do yet. He hasn't yet taken office. All this forecasting of doom, gloom and despair is just a little premature. People might actually want to wait and see what he does when he takes office. He's also said many things of a populist nature that makes me think there may be a possibility he's not the end of the world.
I find it amusing all the people now talking about leaving the country. I left, so it's possible a few may actually follow through. But there won't be some huge exodus from the US as some seem to think. And to take it to level of complete insanity, I saw a diary over at TOP for those that are contemplating suicide. No, I'm not joking! People are actually claiming they're thinking of killing themselves because Trump was elected. We survived 8 years of GW Bush we'll surely survive 4 years of Trump.
Now, it's time to sit back, have a cold drink, and in your case a cigar, and wait to see what he does!
“Our enemies are innovative and resourceful, and so are we. They never stop thinking about new ways to harm our country and our people, and neither do we.”
George W. Bush
We left during Bush.
It ain't easy.
If I understand your situation, you're living in a sailboat? That would have been my preference, but we did it as landlubbers in Europe. You end up having to deal with more bureaucracy than ever because of the myriad of immigration requirements.
Our son still lives abroad in Thailand and is married to a Thai girl and expecting a baby. He can't own land in him name and still has to go out of the country every three months on a visa run. Given the awful political situation in that country, we're obviously very concerned for him, his spouse and what may become our first grandchild.
Emigrating is limited to five types/options:
1) people with provable ethnic ties to a country like Germany or Ireland adequate to establish dual citizenship;
2) wealthy people;
3) young people with special skills like an M. D. that can be accepted in a place like Canada or Australia;
4) people with a pension that can go to countries like Costa Rica; and
5) people with a seaworthy sailboat and a way to make enough income to eat.
How long have you been out of the U. S.?
We left pre Bush
We'd had enough of Newt Gingrich and Bill Clinton's peter problem. Left from California in 1999 and have been living on the boat ever since. Have traveled nearly 45k miles in that time but took a break in Hawaii for 7 years to replenish the cruising budget and take care of some major boat projects. We've been in 40+ countries and are currently on the east coast of Malaysia in Langkawi just south of the Thai border. We'll be heading back up to Thailand for 3 months at the end of the month.
Your son will be fine in Thailand. They have their political problems but that's rarely an issue for tourists with the exception of the some of the southern portions of the country where tourist don't tend to go. If you don't mind, PM and send me your son's boat name. I might know them! We've been in this area for about 3 years now.
“Our enemies are innovative and resourceful, and so are we. They never stop thinking about new ways to harm our country and our people, and neither do we.”
George W. Bush
No, he's not living on a boat.
He and his wife are up near Chiang Mai.
I admire and, must admit, envy you. I love sailing, though I've never done it on anything bigger than a lake. On my bucket list is to do the Great Circle starting here in Cleveland and including Cuba. First, I have to get another sailboat. LOL.
I misread "living abroad" as "living aboard". Fair mistake considering my situation!
We land traveled through Thailand last year from Bangkok up to Chiang Rai and spent about a week in Chiang Mai. He has little to worry about there. It's a big tourist area with lots of expats and the Thai government makes protecting tourists a priority no matter who is in power at the time.
When we originally left California in 1999, we told our friends we weren't sure if we were going to be gone 6 day, 6 weeks or 6 months. We never imagined at the time that we might spend the rest of our lives like this. But, we fell in love with the lifestyle, the adventure and the people and places we've visited. It's hard being away from children and grandchildren but Skype makes it a little easier. It's not all beautiful sunsets, dancing dolphins and icy Margaritas, but the benefits certainly outweigh the negatives. We've never regretted our decision to leave. We don't really even know the US anymore. We view it as a very dangerous place to live. We would certainly never want to move back.
“Our enemies are innovative and resourceful, and so are we. They never stop thinking about new ways to harm our country and our people, and neither do we.”
George W. Bush
Moving to Europe was much easier when I did it back in 1976. n/t
Either Clinton or Trump - or
Either Clinton or Trump - or the TPP-supporting Libertarian, come to that - would be doing much the same, under off-shored corporate 'law' maximizing the future self-anticipated profits of the thousands of corporations and billionaires involved in the Trojan Horse 'trade deal' corporate coup at all costs to the involved publics and ecologies.
A simple rephrasing of the listing given in the OP for Trump's priorities in accordance of what can be expected under global corporate rule, while life lasts on the planet under unlimited industrial/military pollution, destruction and pillage:
Here's what the TPP (and Fast-Tracked other sections of the 'legalized' corporate coup) is about:
"◾Let business operate regulation-free by corporate law 'agreed to' - in each case for entire free countries and people - by a traitor's signature within the 'trade deals', facilitating totalitarian corporate predation to the absolute destruction of everything from societies and economies to ecologies, planetary life and oxygen production.
◾Sucker, intimidate or nuke China, Russia and other countries capable of fighting off invasion or conventional attack and refusing to be 'voluntarily' captured via Trojan Horse 'trade deals'.
◾Allow unrestricted fossil fuel production, instead of prioritizing development and use of alternative green energy sources.
◾Authorize construction of the environmentally destructive Keystone Pipeline and similar projects.
◾Cancel US participation in UN climate change programs.
◾Replace Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia with someone matching corporate/billionaire requirements in continuing the quelling of Constitutional challenges to clearly unconstitutional 'law'.
◾Cancel federal funding for anything benefiting the public.
◾Simplify the tax code to eliminate the wealthiest and drain anything remaining to the 99%, to be used for corporate/billionaire enrichment or lagniappe for those forming corporate management in what may or may not still be termed 'government'.
◾ eliminate corporate tax for The Right People
◾maximize returns for those of the health-care industry and all others involved in these 'trade deals'.
◾Cut approval to let inadequately tested drugs and any/all unsafe and unlabelled products be offered for sale.
No need to import cheap outside labour to drive wages down anymore, with no minimum wage laws - there will be no protections at all for the public, animals or the environment in any involved country, only for the profiteering of The right People - or the publics will be 'legally' sued into bankruptcy by any/all of thousands of self-interests in their own off-shored court with no recourse for the public until this occurs, so that maximized profits will be gained, no matter what, for each involved self-interest.
◾Increase America’s gulag prison system population for slave factory and other labour, to maximize profits in this area.
◾Get tougher on crime and so-called illicit drugs than already. The public cannot realize that they do not merit necessities until they understand and accept that they can have no comforts.
◾Increase funding and other resources for already militarized state and local police."
Edit for a missed letter.
Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.
A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.
What is sad
is that we just went through 18 months of hearing no debate about policy (from the duopoly candidates, anyway) and all about how bad the other candidate would be.
I agree that we at least need to wait and see who is up for Cabinet positions, and what sort of people get to cozy up and become the mouthpiece of a new administration.
My hope is that the Federal system of checks and balances will actually work to prevent any one branch from over reaching, or over extending their scope of responsibility and authority.
I will still make sure my pitchfork is handy though... but that would have been the case if HRC had succeeded in attaining the Presidency as well
Massive Protest At L.A. City Hall
A very young crowd. The kids are fired up. Let's see what they do with all that energy next year. Who knows?
"They'll say we're disturbing the peace, but there is no peace. What really bothers them is that we are disturbing the war." Howard Zinn
Now I have a background edginess about the unhappy Clinton voter
They are doing freakouts now. I hope they can take a break, we still have a Lame Duck President trying to shove TTP through, thank cat that other signers are having second thoughts. I drove Interstates yesterday and had to slightly worry more about people on overpasses, ones with rocks, not Light Brigades. Let's go back to Light Brigades! Among other things.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
This is a sane essay. Nothing is going to change.
Until we come together and build from the wreckage. It will center on small groups who can build trust through common projects, from food to microlending to energy production.
The political system was never for the oppressed and working classes.
The United States and all its culture is a colossal joke, its "democratic values" a complete failure in addressing the changes that the world is experiencing.
It is time to put the history of gray-wigged men of the 18th century to bed.
Peace and love be with you, reader.
Organize and Resist
Here in local Dominica and West Indies social media there is a lot of talk about Trump deporting all the "criminal" and "gang members" back to the islands where we don't have the resources to control what is already have some of the highest homicide rapes in the world. There are loads of good-natured "Haitian" jokes and and old boat people photos with a reverse migration...
I haven't been able to write anything sensible but have managed to put up some posters with my only thought, "ORGANIZE AND RESIST"... nothing new as it would need to be resistance against the nefarious plans of either of the corporitist police state parties.
Don't ask me how you going to resist hundreds of thousands of police and national guard units armed to the teeth backed up with cradle to grave spy-bots and an already Soviet sized Gulag. And the kind of unorganized Clinto mobbies do nothing but distract and discredit.
The goal is 3.5% of the adult population in constant civil disobedience/alternative information with specific goals and a non-centrist organization. We need to unite immigrants, BlackLivesMatter, Climate Change activists, pro-Peace, anti-Imperialist, workers and welfare recipients (the poor). . . EVERYONE!
Looking at the Water Protectors I get the feeling that the civil disobedience has to be moving instead of fixed but constant. Social media needs to be constantly exposing corruption in the corporatist police state. Using VPN services, encryption, anonymous chat makes it more difficult and expensive to surveillance. One goal is to turn the police and national guard into allies.
Completely non-violent goes (for me anyway) without saying as IMO no successful revolution can be accomplished violently. Just think of which part of the civilian population is armed to the teeth!! Definitely not the assholes we need in armed control of a peaceful revolution.
In Bolivia we had the experience of taking control in free and fair elections after years of such protest (and street battles with USA sponsored mobs) . After naionalizing many of our resources and some of the public utilities (communications, although we still have big private communications companies), we called a constitutional convention and wrote a modern constitution based in fairness, equality, peace and human rights. Wrote it and passed it in spite of massive CIA, USAID, NED subversion.
The constitutional process was well organized with the delegates elected locally and pretty much from the grass roots, even the opposition was more or less grass roots. Admittedly there were some things that couldn't be changed (the ideology of having a "Senate", for example). Once again, there should be specific goals for what a constitution is going to look like. Getting stuck on guns and reproduction rights is a nightmare. Probably end up in a free for all civil war which is not anyone's goal.
A bit easier are to pass a few amendments such as the one being proposed to declare corporations non-people and money as non-speech. Universal health care and basic public service can be added to the Bill of Rights. Bolivia has an article that declares war to be illegal except to defend within our borders and not allowing any foreign military bases. The equal rights amendments need to be strengthened.
You all stuck in the USA should be discussing the goals and how they can be accomplished in a power vacuum.
From the Light House.
Organize and resist. Absolutely.
I was waiting until after the election to see what will emerge. Looks like some possibilities out there. I was hoping that could happen on this blog but it appears most want to talk about Democrats and the Democratic party. I think I'll take a break from blogging and give it a go. See ya down the road to Resistance.
We must remove from power, once and for all, the cultural DNA that gives rise to this system.
Peace and love be with you, reader.
TOOTR Trump?
Waiting to see if Trump actually tries to change anything, or if Trump turns out to be TOOTR = “the Obama of the Right.”
That's what I've been thinking.
If everything we've believed is true about the power behind the throne and that the Prez is just a figurehead, etc., then he'll be a TOOTR. Checking out who's on his team, Gingrich, Guliani, Hayden, I'm not sure who else, it certainly doesn't look like Mother Teresa's administration.
I'm not about to believe a thing until I see it.